Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Chapattimyidae was named by Hussain et al. (1978).
It was assigned to Ctenodactyloidea by Flynn et al. (1986), Averianov (1996) and Kumar et al. (1997).
It was assigned to Ctenodactyloidea by Flynn et al. (1986), Averianov (1996) and Kumar et al. (1997).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1978 | Chapattimyidae Hussain et al. p. 80 |
1986 | Chapattimyidae Flynn et al. p. 8 |
1996 | Chapattimyidae Averianov |
1997 | Chapattimyidae Kumar et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Fm. †Chapattimyidae Hussain et al. 1978
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Subfm. †Baluchimyinae Flynn et al. 1986
G. †Baluchimys Flynn et al. 1986
†Baluchimys barryi Flynn et al. 1986
†Baluchimys chaudryi Flynn and Cheema 1994
†Baluchimys ganeshapher Flynn et al. 1986
†Baluchimys krabiense Marivaux et al. 2000
G. †Basalomys Hartenberger 1982
†Basalomys ijlsti Hussain et al. 1978
†Basalomys lavocati Hussain et al. 1978
†Basalomys vandermeuleni Hussain et al. 1978
G. †Birbalomys Sahni and Khare 1973
†Birbalomys ibrahimshahi Hussain et al. 1978
†Birbalomys sondaari Hussain et al. 1978
†Birbalomys woodi Sahni and Khare 1973
Invalid names: Metkamys blacki Sahni and Srivastava 1976 [synonym]
Invalid names: Metkamys Sahni and Srivastava 1976 [synonym]
Subfm. †Chapattimyinae Averianov 1996
G. †Terrarboreus Shevyreva 1971
Invalid names: Advenimurinae Dashzeveg 1990 [synonym]
G. †Chapattimys Hussain et al. 1978
†Chapattimys debruijni Hartenberger 1982
†Chapattimys wilsoni Hussain et al. 1978
G. †Subathumys Gupta and Kumar 2015
†Subathumys globulus Gupta and Kumar 2015
†Subathumys solanorius Gupta and Kumar 2015
Reference | Diagnosis | |
L.J. Flynn et al. 1986 | Hystricomorphous and sciurognathous rodents primitively with dental formula 1023/1013; premolars large, submolariform to molariform, with P4 retaining four or five major cusps (paracone, metacone, protocone, metaconule, usually hypocone); hypocone lingually placed and apparently developed from posterolingual cingulum shelf on P4 MI-2 and small on M3; metaconule inflated as a major cusp or else modified (incorporated in a loph or lost); P4 oval in outline, length over 20 percent greater than width; lower molars with low anterior cingulum; hypoconulid always well developed on P4 M1 2; metalophulid II present; incisor enamel pauciserial in early forms, multiserial with thin lamellae (3 to 5 prisms wide) in later forms. |
No measurements are available
Source: o = order, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Lillegraven 1979, Carroll 1988, Ji et al. 2002, Hendy et al. 2009, Nowak 1999 |
Age range: base of the Ypresian to the top of the Aquitanian or 56.00000 to 20.44000 Ma
Collections (28 total)
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Late/Upper Paleocene | Kazakhstan (Chimkent) | Kazygurtia clivosa (48888) | |
Ypresian | India (Gujarat) | Chapattimyidae indet. (55494) | |
Ypresian | Kyrgyzstan (Osh) | Khodzhentia vinogradovi (28490) | |
Ypresian - Lutetian | India (Kashmir) | Metkamys blacki, Birbalomys woodi (43026) | |
Early/Lower Eocene | India (Himachal Pradesh) | Chapattimyidae indet. 1, Chapattimyidae indet. 2, Chapattimyidae indet. 3, Chapattimys sp., Birbalomys sp., Birbalomys sondaari, Subathumys solanorius, Subathumys globulus (180522) | |
Lutetian | Pakistan (Punjab) | Birbalomys sondaari, Birbalomys ijlsti, Chapattimys wilsoni, Gumbatomys asifi (45586) Saykanomys sondaari, Saykanomys lavocati (49002) Saykanomys sondaari, Saykanomys vandermeuleni, Chapattimys wilsoni, Chapattimys ibrahimshahi, Saykanomys ijlsti (49003) | |
Lutetian | Pakistan | Chapattimys debruijni (95142) | |
Lutetian | Pakistan (North-West Frontier) | Birbalomys woodi, Chapattimys debruijni, Birbalomys sondaari, Birbalomys ijlsti, Chapattimys wilsoni, Gumbatomys asifi, Saykanomys sp. (28978) Chapattimys debriujni (87963) | |
Lutetian | India (Jammu and Kasmir) | Birbalomys woodi (93699) | |
Lutetian | India (Jammu and Kashmir) | Basalomys vandermeulelli (77524) Birbalomys woodi (180524 180526) Birbalomys woodi, Basalomys vandermeulelli, Basalomys ijlsti (180525) Birbalomys woodi, Chapattimys debruijni, Birbalomys sondaari, Chapattimys wilsoni, Gumbatomys asifi, Birbalomys ibrahimshahi, Basalomys vandermeuleni, Basalomys ijlsti, Basalomys lavocati (31299) | |
Middle Eocene | India (Himachal Pradesh) | Birbalomys woodi, Birbalomys sondaari, Chapattimys wilsoni, Birbalomys ibrahimshahi, Basalomys vandermeuleni, Basalomys ijlsti (31036) | |
Middle Eocene | Spain (Salamanca) | Chapattimyidae indet. (41311) | |
Late/Upper Eocene | Thailand | Baluchimyinae indet. 1, Baluchimyinae indet. 2, Baluchimys krabiense (49078) Baluchimys krabiense (13127) | |
Early/Lower Oligocene | Pakistan (Baluchistan) | Baluchimys sp., Baluchimys barryi, Baluchimys ganeshapher, Lindsaya derabugtiensis, Lophibaluchia pilbeami, Baluchimyinae indet. (79009) | |
Early/Lower Oligocene | Pakistan (Balochistan) | Baluchimys chaudryi, Zindapiria quadricollis (78520) | |
Late/Upper Oligocene | Pakistan (Baluchistan) | Baluchimyinae indet., Lindsaya derabugtiensis, Lophibaluchia pilbeami, Baluchimys chaudryi, Asterattus sp., Asterattus longicristatus, Zindapiria quadricollis (179812) Baluchimys sp., Asterattus sp. (179936) | |
Late/Upper Oligocene | India (Jammu and Kashmir) | Wakkamys hartenbergeri (180534) Zindapiria n. sp., Wakkamys hartenbergeri (180533) | |
Aquitanian | Pakistan (Baluchistan) | Baluchimys sp., Zindapiria quadricollis (179933) |