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Anthozoa - Stauriida - Waagenophyllidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1958Wentzelellinae Hudson
1965Wentzelellinae Minato and Kato p. 171
1981Wentzelellinae Hill
2006Wentzellophyllinae Wang et al.

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phylumCnidariaHatschek 1888
classAnthozoaEhrenberg 1834
subclassRugosa(Milne-Edwards and Haime 1850)
orderStauriidaVerrill 1865
suborderLonsdaleiinaSpasskiy 1974
familyWaagenophyllidaeWang 1950

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

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G. †Iranophyllum Douglas 1936
Subg. †Iranophyllum (Iranophyllum) Douglas 1936
Invalid names: Amygdalophyllum nantanense Huang 1933 [synonym]
Subg. †Iranophyllum (Laophyllum) Fontaine 1961
Iranophyllum (Laophyllum) gansuense Lin and Rodriguez 1994
Iranophyllum (Laophyllum) nakamurai Minato and Kato 1965
Iranophyllum aequabilis Aye Ko Aung 2013
Iranophyllum elegantum Zhang 1977
Iranophyllum pahangense Aye Ko Aung 2013
Iranophyllum shirasakiense Yamagiwa and Suzuki 1976
G. †Multimurinus Fontaine 1967
Multimurinus biformis Fontaine 1961
Multimurinus lunatus Flügel 1972
Multimurinus regularis Fontaine 1961
G. †Polythecalis Yabe and Hayasaka 1916
Subg. †Polythecalis (Polythecalis) Yabe and Hayasaka 1916
Polythecalis abnormis Zhao and Chen 1963
Polythecalis asthenotheca Wu and Zhao 1982
Polythecalis bauryi Fontaine 1961
Polythecalis breviseptata Chen and Yan 1982
Polythecalis chandalasensis Kropatcheva 1989
Polythecalis chaoxianensis Zhao and Chen 1963
Polythecalis chinensis Girty 1907
Polythecalis compacta Wu and Zhao 1982
Polythecalis confluens Yabe and Hayasaka 1916
Polythecalis crassa Wu and Zhao 1982
Polythecalis flatus Huang 1932
Polythecalis frechi Volz 1904
Polythecalis grayi Douglas 1936
Polythecalis guankouensis Chen and Yan 1982
Polythecalis huangi Tseng 1950
Polythecalis irregularis Zhao and Chen 1963
Polythecalis irregularis Yu et al. 1981
Polythecalis khmerianus Fontaine 1961
Polythecalis leptoseptata Wu and Zhao 1982
Polythecalis longiseptata Yu et al. 1981
Invalid names: Polythecalis divergens Zhao 1981 [synonym], Polythecalis elongata Zhao 1981 [synonym], Polythecalis spinotheca Wang and Zhao 1998 [synonym], Polythecalis tubulus Wang and Zhao 1998 [synonym]
Polythecalis minor Zhao and Chen 1963
Polythecalis niuxingshanensis Chen and Yan 1982
Polythecalis regularis Zhao and Chen 1963
Polythecalis regularis Fontaine 1961
Polythecalis simplex Zhao and Chen 1963
Polythecalis sinense Yu et al. 1962
Polythecalis suzhouensis Chen and Yan 1982
Polythecalis tela Wu and Zhao 1982
Polythecalis tonglingensis Chen and Yan 1982
Polythecalis verbeekiellaina Wu and Zhao 1982
Polythecalis wangi Tseng 1950
Polythecalis wuweiensis Chen and Yan 1982
G. †Praewentzelella Minato and Kato 1965
Praewentzelella honjoi Minato and Kato 1965
Praewentzelella regulare Weidlich and Flügel 1995
Praewentzelella sinensis Wu and Zhang 1979
G. †Wentzelella Grabau 1932
Subg. †Wentzelella (Wentzelella) Grabau 1932
Wentzelella (Wentzelella) annae Blendinger and Flügel 1990
Invalid names: Wentzelella nabaensis Yamagiwa 1961 [synonym]
Wentzelella (Wentzelella) salinaria Waagen and Wentzel 1886
Wentzelella (Wentzelella) wynnei Waagen and Wentzel 1886
Wentzelella laosensis Patte 1926
Invalid names: Wentzelellinae Hudson 1958 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calciteo
Locomotion: stationaryo
Attached: yeso
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-27 16:55:09
Modified: 2004-02-28 16:53:57
Source: o = order, c = class
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Brigantian to the top of the Changhsingian or 336.00000 to 252.17000 Ma

Collections (213 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Brigantian336.0 - 330.9Russian Federation (Tatarstan) Lonsdaleia multiseptata (78866)
Serpukhovian330.9 - 323.2Russian Federation (Tatarstan) Lonsdaleia multiseptata (78867)
Asselian298.9 - 295.5China (Guangxi) Lonsdaleiastraea kwangsiensis (109886) Multimurinus guangxiensis (95831)
Asselian - Sakmarian298.9 - 290.1China (Guizhou) Wentzellophyllum shuitangense (95971)
Permian298.9 - 251.902Indonesia Lonsdaleia molengraaffi (39615) Lonsdaleiastraea vinassai (39617)
Permian298.9 - 251.902Slovenia Wentzelella osobudaniensis (60185)
Sakmarian293.52 - 290.1Svalbard and Jan Mayen Wentzelella kunthi (212501)
Sakmarian293.52 - 290.1Japan Iranophyllum nakamurai (212276)
Artinskian290.1 - 279.3China (Xizang) Pseudopolythecalis tibeticus (97292) Pseudopolythecalis xizangensis, Pseudopolythecalis attenuseptatum (109646)
Artinskian290.1 - 279.3Japan Wentzellophyllum kitakamiense (113133) Wentzellophyllum pacificum (109817)
Artinskian290.1 - 279.3China (Jilin) Polythecalis sp. (59077)
Artinskian290.1 - 279.3China (Guangxi) Polythecalis guiensis, Polythecalis variformis, Polythecalis yishanensis, Polythecalis mapingensis, Pseudopolythecalis raredentata (132985)
Artinskian290.1 - 279.3China (Guizhou) Lonsdaleiastraea sp. (185579) Pseudopolythecalis ziyunensis (95931) Wentzellophyllum simplex, Maoyingophyllum maoyingense (95938)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3China (Guangxi) Iranophyllum elegantum (105942) Iranophyllum zhongguoense (109920) Polythecalis guankouensis, Polythecalis spinotheca (119992) Polythecalis longliensis (75810) Polythecalis shiqianensis (119989) Polythecalis wengganensis, Polythecalis guankouensis (119986) Wentzellophyllum crassum (119979) Wentzellophyllum decorusum (119968) Wentzellophyllum decorusum, Wentzellophyllum crassum (119977) Wentzellophyllum decorusum, Wentzellophyllum reticolumellum (119976) Wentzellophyllum decorusum, Wentzellophyllum subsertiseptatum, Wentzellophyllum rarispinum (119975) Wentzellophyllum shaozuense, Wentzellophyllum megnicolumellum (119969)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3China (Guizhou) Polythecalis chinensis (98060) Polythecalis chinensis, Polythecalis huayunshanensis (95921) Polythecalis flatus (95970) Polythecalis longliensis (95965) Polythecalis shiqianensis (95967) Polythecalis wenganensis (95953) Polythecalis yangtzeensis (95922 95963) Pseudopolythecalis elegans (95944) Pseudopolythecalis yanheensis, Polythecalis chinmenensis (95961) Pseudopolythecalis zunyiensis (95951) Wentzellophyllum baijinense (95915) Wentzellophyllum decorusum (95937) Wentzellophyllum irregulare (95939) Wentzellophyllum jianheense (95954) Wentzellophyllum shaozuoense (95959) Wentzellophyllum shuichengense (95935) Wentzellophyllum weiningense (95958)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3China (Jiangsu) Polythecalis asthenotheca, Polythecalis crassa (100836) Polythecalis compacta (100816) Polythecalis leptoseptata, Polythecalis yangtzeensis (100795) Polythecalis suzhouensis (100839) Polythecalis tela, Polythecalis verbeekiellaina (100817) Wentzellophyllum irregulare (100794) Wentzellophyllum subvolzi (100835)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3China (Anhui) Polythecalis breviseptata (100806) Polythecalis chinensis (100204 100208 100791) Polythecalis chinensis, Polythecalis chinmenensis, Polythecalis multicystosis (100196) Polythecalis chinensis, Polythecalis irregularis, Polythecalis regularis, Polythecalis yangtzeensis, Polythecalis nankingensis (100206) Polythecalis chinensis, Polythecalis regularis, Polythecalis yangtzeensis (100194) Polythecalis chinensis, Polythecalis verbeekielloides, Polythecalis minor (100192) Polythecalis chinensis, Polythecalis yangtzeensis (100193) Polythecalis chinensis, Polythecalis yangtzeensis, Polythecalis abnormis (100191) Polythecalis dupliformis, Polythecalis chaoxianensis (100195) Polythecalis guankouensis (100842) Polythecalis huangi (100207) Polythecalis regularis, Polythecalis abnormis, Polythecalis minor (100777) Polythecalis regularis, Polythecalis yangtzeensis, Polythecalis wangi (100205) Polythecalis sp. (100203 100209 100210) Polythecalis tonglingensis, Polythecalis niuxingshanensis (100805) Polythecalis wuweiensis (100780) Wentzellophyllum hanshanense (100775) Wentzellophyllum sp. (100200) Wentzellophyllum vesicitabulatum (100814)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3China (Jilin) Wentzellophyllum vesiculosum, Polythecalis longiseptata, Polythecalis irregularis (121530)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3Iran Wentzelella katoi (99775) Wentzelloides lunatus (99773)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3China (Hubei) Polythecalis chinensis (109867 109890 109894 109900) Polythecalis chinmenensis (109901 109902) Polythecalis raritabellata (109904) Polythecalis xuanenensis (105468)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3China (Nei Mongol) Polythecalis sp., Wentzellophyllum variabilis (112649) Wentzellophyllum sp., Polythecalis yangtzeensis (112650)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3China (Hunan) Polythecalis huayunshanensis (109903) Polythecalis sp. (100058) Polythecalis xuanenensis (105473)
Guadalupian273.01 - 259.51Iran (Isfahan) Iranophyllum sp. (211724)
Guadalupian273.01 - 259.51Iran Iranophyllum sp. (211731) Polythecalis grayi, Waagenophyllum magnificum (211734)
Guadalupian273.01 - 259.51China (Sichuan) Praewentzelella sinensis (150458) Wentzelloides irregularis (150457)
Guadalupian273.01 - 259.51Iran (Lorestan) Iranophyllum splendens (211717) Wentzelella harrisoni (211718)
Guadalupian273.01 - 259.51Vietnam Polythecalis sp. (125055)
Guadalupian - Lopingian273.01 - 252.17Pakistan Wentzelellites senni (212278)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8Oman Praewentzelella regulare (82236) Praewentzelella regulare, Wentzelella katoi (82242) Praewentzelella regulare, Wentzelella katoi, Lonsdaleiastraea typica (82239) Wentzelella wynnei, Wentzelella annae (82200) Wentzelloides sp., Wentzelella katoi, Lonsdaleiastraea typica, Multimurinus lunatus (24325)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8Tajikistan Iranophyllum igrimjusicum (74980)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8China (Guizhou) Wentzelellites liuzhiensis (95941) Wentzellophyllum multitabellarum (95955)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8China (Nei Mongol) Wentzelellites maolipenhongensis, Zhurihephyllum crassiseptatum, Zhurihephyllum dissimtum (34562)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8Vietnam Wentzelella laosensis (125045) Wentzelella laosensis, Iranophyllum splendens (125046)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8Japan Iranophyllum shirasakiense (120905) Lonsdaleiastraea yamanbaensis (52093)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8Iran Wentzellophyllum sp. (81137)
Roadian272.3 - 268.8Laos Wentzelella laosensis (125047 125048)
Roadian - Capitanian272.3 - 259.51China (Hunan) Pseudopolythecalis intermedis (109908)
Roadian - Capitanian272.3 - 259.51China (Guangxi) Lonsdaleiastraea rareseptata (105917) Wentzelloides zhongguoensis (109917)
Roadian - Capitanian272.3 - 259.51China (Guizhou) Iranophyllum guizhouense (95947) Polythecalis houchangensis (95929) Pseudopolythecalis minor, Wentzelellites dafangensis (95950)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28China (Xizang) Praewentzelella sp. (120879)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Indonesia Wentzelloides sp., Wentzelloides khmerianus, Wentzellophyllum sp., Wentzelloides frechi, Polythecalis rosiformis (75571)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Iraq Polythecalis japonica (75650)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Iran Lonsdaleiastraea typica, Polythecalis chinensis (108458) Parairanophylloides thielei (99764) Polythecalis chinmenensis (108457) Wentzelella densicolumnata, Lonsdaleiastraea iranica (75769) Wentzelella pauciseptata (81995) Wentzelella sp. (118134)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Laos Polythecalis rosiformis, Chonaxis pongouaensis, Lonsdaleia indica (125044)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Japan Praewentzelella honjoi (212277)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28China (Nei Mongol) Lonsdaleiastraea sp. (109617) Wentzellophyllum variabilis, Polythecalis yangtzeensis (112675)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Armenia Wentzelella armenica (113805) Wentzelella sp. 1 (97393) Wentzellophyllum densicolumnatum (97392) Wentzellophyllum geranossense, Wentzellophyllum vediense (110803 110911) Wentzellophyllum gnishikense (97399) Wentzellophyllum grandivesiculosum (97400) Wentzellophyllum parvus (110844) Wentzellophyllum sp. (97391)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Azerbaijan Wentzelella armenica, Wentzelella densicolumnata (82257) Wentzellophyllum densicolumnatum (94934 110893) Wentzellophyllum densicolumnatum, Polythecalis yangtzeensis, Polythecalis variabilis (94933) Wentzellophyllum densicolumnatum, Wentzellophyllum baissalense, Wentzellophyllum elegans (94935) Wentzellophyllum geranossense (110883) Wentzellophyllum gnomeinse, Wentzellophyllum vediense (94936)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Thailand Iranophyllum sp. (108507 108508) Multimurinus regularis, Multimurinus biformis, Wentzelloides fontainei (61752)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Italy Wentzelella sicula (113433)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Indonesia (Sumatra) Lonsdaleia frechi (119515)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Cambodia Polythecalis bauryi (125051) Polythecalis biformis (125054) Polythecalis khmerianus, Polythecalis regularis (125052) Polythecalis regularis (125009 125053)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28China (Gansu) Iranophyllum sp. (87394) Lonsdaleiastraea sp., Iranophyllum gansuense, Wentzelloides sp. (87395)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Iran (Tehran) Polythecalis chinensis, Polythecalis chinmenensis (43296) Polythecalis rosiformis (43295)
Wordian - Capitanian266.9 - 259.51China (Xizang) Iranophyllum xainzaense (131040) Lonsdaleiastraea xainzaensis (131037) Wentzelellites xainzaensis (131036) Wentzelloides xizangensis (131038) Xizangophyllum simplex, Xizangophyllum minor, Xizangophyllum densum (126928)
Wordian - Capitanian266.9 - 259.51Oman Lonsdaleiastraea sp., Wentzelella osubadiensis, Wentzelloides lunutus, Wentzelellites senni, Wentzelellites sicula, Wentzelella regularis (24328) Praewentzelella tunicatum, Praewentzelella sp. (24326)
Wordian - Capitanian266.9 - 259.51Cambodia Wentzelella regularis (125049)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51Cambodia Wentzelella regularis (125050) Wentzelella szechuanensis (107276)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51Malaysia Wentzelloides fontainei (110301)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51Pakistan (Punjab) Wentzelella wynneyi, Wentzelellites senni, Wentzelella salinaria, Iranophyllum indicum (75764)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51Russian Federation Lonsdaleiastraea pulchra (110915) Polythecalis chandalasensis (110914) Wentzelella ussurica, Wentzelloides kotlyarae, Wentzelloides orientalis, Wentzellophyllum originale (86168 110816) Wentzelloides grandicolumellatus (109824) Wentzelloides kotlyarae (110913) Wentzelloides orientalis, Wentzelloides grandicolumellatus, Wentzelloides primoricum (110842)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51Thailand Iranophyllum sp. (108509) Multimurinus makkaensis (117963) Polythecalis sp. (108510)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51China (Xizang) Iranophyllum cylindricum (97247) Iranophyllum rotiforme, Praewentzelella sp. (120874) Praewentzelella sp. (120873 120876 120877)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51Iran Lonsdaleiastraea asseretoi (108455) Polythecalis chinensis, Polythecalis chinmenensis, Polythecalis flatus (108451)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51Pakistan Lonsdaleia salinaria (119615 119626 119627 119628 119629 119630) Lonsdaleia wynnei (119631)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17China (Guangxi) Wentzelella densicolumnata (109915)
Lopingian259.9 - 252.17Japan (Kyoto) Wentzelella nabaensis (175019)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17Malaysia (Padang) Iranophyllum aequabilis (152588 152589 152591) Iranophyllum aequabilis, Iranophyllum pahangense (152590) Iranophyllum pahangense (152587)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17Myanmar Iranophyllum pahangense (152592)