Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Pachyrukhini was named by Seoane et al. (2023).
It was assigned to Pachyrukhinae by Seoane et al. (2023).
It was assigned to Pachyrukhinae by Seoane et al. (2023).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2023 | Pachyrukhini Seoane et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. †Pachyrukhini Seoane et al. 2023
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G. †Pachyrukhos Ameghino 1885
†Pachyrucos elongatus Moreno 1888
†Pachyrucos moyani Ameghino 1885
†Pachyrucos politus Ameghino 1902
†Pachyrucos teres Ameghino 1889
†Pachyrukhos moyani Ameghino 1885
Invalid names: Pachyrucos absis Ameghino 1889 [synonym], Pachyrucos naevius Ameghino 1889 [synonym], Pachyrucos trivius Ameghino 1889 [synonym], Pachyrukhos teres Ameghino 1889 [synonym]
†Pachyrukhos ngenwinkul Solórzano et al. 2023
†Pachyrukhos politus Ameghino 1901
†Pachyrukhos tribius Ameghino 1889
Invalid names: Pedotherium Burmeister 1888 [synonym], Propachyrucos depressus Roth 1898 [nomen dubium], Propachyrucos medianus Roth 1898 [nomen dubium]
G. †Paedotherium Burmeister 1888
†Paedotherium bonaerense Ameghino 1887
Invalid names: Pachyrucos maximus Ameghino 1908 [synonym], Pachyrucos miramarensis Ameghino 1908 [synonym], Paedotherium imperforatum Kraglievich 1926 [synonym], Paedotherium insigne Burmeister 1888 [synonym], Paedotherium isolinense Castellanos 1936 [objective synonym]
†Paedotherium borrelloi Zetti 1972
†Paedotherium dolichognathus Zetti 1972
†Paedotherium ictus Ameghino 1889
†Paedotherium kakai Reguero et al. 2015
†Paedotherium typicum Ameghino 1887
Invalid names: Paedotherium brusquitaense Ameghino 1908 [synonym], Paedotherium chapadmalense Ameghino 1908 [synonym], Paedotherium marplatense Ameghino 1908 [synonym]
Invalid names: Raulringueletia Zett 1972 [synonym]
G. †Tremacyllus Ameghino 1891
†Tremacyllus impressus Ameghino 1888
Invalid names: Tremacyllus chapalmalensis Ameghino 1908 [synonym], Tremacyllus diminutus Ameghino 1888 [synonym], Tremacyllus intermedius Rovereto 1914 [synonym], Tremacyllus novus Ameghino 1908 [synonym]
†Tremacyllus subdiminutus Rovereto 1914
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: s = species, o = order, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Ji et al. 2002, Hendy et al. 2009, Carroll 1988, Lillegraven 1979, Solórzano et al. 2023, MacFadden et al. 1996 |
Age range: base of the Burdigalian to the top of the Lujanian or 20.44000 to 0.01200 Ma
Collections (114 total)
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Colhuehuapian | Argentina (Chubut) | Pachyrucos indet. (176441) Pachyrukhos politus (141368) Pachyrukhos sp. (232404) | |
Colhuehuapian - Burdigalian | Argentina (Chubut) | Pachyrukhos sp. (204204) | |
Burdigalian | Argentina (Chubut) | Pachyrukhos sp. (176205) | |
Burdigalian - Langhian | Argentina (Santa Cruz) | Pachyrukhos moyani (197691) | |
Santacrucian | Argentina (Santa Cruz) | Pachyrukhos moyani (87314 176589 176590 210637 210638) Pachyrukhos moyanoi (210153) Pachyrukhos sp. (176569 176570 176587 176588) | |
Santacrucian - Laventan | Chile (Bío Bío) | Paedotherium minor (140105) | |
Friasian | Chile | Pachyrukhos sp. (176666) | |
Friasian | Chile (Aisén) | Pachyrukhos sp. (139845) | |
Langhian - Serravallian | Argentina (Chubut) | Pachyrukhos moyani (215594 215595) | |
Colloncuran | Argentina (Río Negro) | Pachyrukhos sp. (140691) | |
Serravallian - Tortonian | Argentina (La Pampa) | Paedotherium sp. (231228) | |
Tortonian | Argentina (Chubut) | Tremacyllus sp. (201906) | |
Late/Upper Miocene | Argentina (Salta) | Paedotherium kakai (192105) Paedotherium minor, Paedotherium kakai (197784) | |
Late/Upper Miocene - Early/Lower Pliocene | Argentina (Catamarca) | Tremacyllus incipiens (232594) | |
Chasicoan | Argentina (La Pampa) | Paedotherium minor (206264) | |
Chasicoan | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Paedotherium minor (79180) | |
Chasicoan - Huayquerian | Argentina (La Pampa) | Paedotherium minor, Tremacyllus impressus (204494) | |
Huayquerian | Argentina (La Pampa) | Paedotherium minor (192135 192166 204361 204363 206260 206262 211563 230751) Paedotherium minor, Tremacyllus impressus (87198 151500 152061 152063 206031) Paedotherium sp. (151499) Paedotherium sp., Paedotherium minor, Tremacyllus impressus (140925 151498) Tremacyllus sp., Paedotherium sp., Paedotherium minor, Tremacyllus impressus (204598) | |
Huayquerian | Argentina (La Rioja) | Paedotherium minor (151506) Paedotherium minor, Tremacyllus sp. (55596) | |
Huayquerian | Argentina (Mendoza) | Paedotherium sp., Tremacyllus impressus (231327) Paedotherium typicum, Tremacyllus impressus (200444) | |
Huayquerian | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Paedotherium bonaerense (61300 61304 61306 198868) Paedotherium minor (198270 198689 206032) Paedotherium minor, Tremacyllus impressus (61292 61299) Paedotherium sp. (198862) | |
Huayquerian | Argentina (Catamarca) | Paedotherium sp. (157794) Tremacyllus incipiens (198547 206028) | |
Messinian | Argentina (La Pampa) | Paedotherium minor (140932) Paedotherium sp., Paedotherium minor, Tremacyllus impressus (152067) Tremacyllus sp., Paedotherium minor, Tremacyllus impressus (141939) | |
Messinian | Argentina (Catamarca) | Tremacyllus incipiens (198820) | |
Messinian - Zanclean | Argentina (Catamarca) | Tremacyllus incipiens (204710) | |
Messinian - Zanclean | Argentina (Mendoza) | Tremacyllus impressus (200118) | |
Early/Lower Pliocene | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Paedotherium sp. (191764 191767 191768 191769 191770 191773) | |
Zanclean | Argentina (Catamarca) | Tremacyllus latifrons, Tremacyllus incipiens (198549) | |
Zanclean | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Paedotherium bonaerense (191775) Paedotherium bonaerense, Tremacyllus impressus (191776) Paedotherium sp. (191774) | |
Montehermosan | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Paedotherium bonaerense (198684 198685 198686 198687) Paedotherium insigne (145757) Paedotherium sp. (152064 152086) Paedotherium sp., Paedotherium bonaerense (152062) Paedotherium sp., Paedotherium bonaerense, Tremacyllus impressus (152087) Paedotherium sp., Paedotherium typicum, Paedotherium bonaerense, Tremacyllus impressus (152081 152084 152085 152088) Paedotherium typicum, Paedotherium bonaerense, Tremacyllus impressus (198863) | |
Montehermosan | Argentina (Mendoza) | Tremacyllus sp. (189520) | |
Montehermosan - Chapadmalalan | Argentina (Córdoba) | Paedotherium bonaerense (197904) | |
Montehermosan - Chapadmalalan | Argentina (Catamarca) | Tremacyllus latifrons (157795) | |
Chapadmalalan | Argentina (Córdoba) | Tremacyllus impressus (202212) | |
Chapadmalalan | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Paedotherium chapadmalense (198844) Paedotherium insigne (198699) Paedotherium typicum (202340) | |
Chapadmalalan | Argentina (San Luis) | Paedotherium sp., Paedotherium typicum, Paedotherium insigne, Tremacyllus impressus (152073) | |
Late/Upper Pliocene | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Paedotherium sp. (191760 191763 191771 199160) | |
Late/Upper Pliocene | Argentina (Entre Rios) | Paedotherium typicum (79631 207682) | |
Late/Upper Pliocene | Argentina (Córdoba) | Paedotherium sp., Paedotherium isolinense (211573) | |
Late/Upper Pliocene | Argentina (Cordoba) | Tremacyllus impressus (191133) | |
Piacenzian | Argentina (Córdoba) | Tremacyllus impressus (225604) | |
Early/Lower Pleistocene | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Tremacyllus sp., Paedotherium sp. (71304) | |
Lujanian | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Paedotherium sp., Paedotherium typicum, Paedotherium insigne, Tremacyllus impressus (202096) | |
Lujanian | Argentina (Entre Ríos) | Paedotherium typicum (212840) |