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Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Volutidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1815Volutinae Rafinesque
1960Volutinae MacNeil p. 95
1964Volutinae Woodring p. 287
1977Volutinae Adegoke p. 194
1984Volutinae Squires p. 35
1987Volutinae Squires p. 45
1988Volutinae Ponder and Warén p. 306
1989Volutinae Darragh pp. 204, 205
1994Volutinae Wilson p. 118
1995Volutinae Chiesa et al. p. 57
1995Volutinae Pacaud and Le Renard p. 166
1997Volutinae Petuch p. 131
2003Volutinae Maxwell p. 385
2004Volutinae Harzhauser p. 139
2005Volutinae Bouchet et al. p. 256
2007Volutinae Harzhauser p. 106
2009Volutinae Harzhauser et al. p. 352
2010Volutinae Landau and Marques da Silva p. 80
2014Volutinae Merle and Pacaud p. 107

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassCaenogastropoda(Cox 1959)
Sorbeoconcha(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
Hypsogastropoda(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
superorderLatrogastropodaRiedel 2000
orderNeogastropodaThiele 1929
superfamilyMuricoideade Costa 1776
familyVolutidaeRafinesque 1815
subfamilyVolutinaeRafinesque 1815
subfamilyVolutinaeRafinesque 1815

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subfm. Volutinae Rafinesque 1815
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G. Calliotectum Dall 1890
Invalid names: Prodallia Bartsch 1942 [synonym]
G. Callipara Gray 1847
G. †Chiraluta Olsson 1931
Chiraluta inca Olsson 1931
G. †Cordilyria Bayer 1971
G. †Cryptochorda Mörch 1858
Subg. †Cryptochorda (Lyrianella) Nelson 1925
Subg. †Cryptochorda (Neocryptochorda) Clark and Durham 1946
Cryptochorda stromboides Hermannsen 1781
G. †Ctenilyria Woodring 1964
Ctenilyria ctenista Woodring 1964
G. Cymbiola Swainson 1831
Subg. Cymbiola (Aulicina) Roverato 1929
Aulicina macdonaldi Tate 1889
Invalid names: Aulica Gray 1847 [synonym], Cymbiolacca Iredale 1929 [synonym], Cymbiolena Iredale 1929 [synonym], Pseudocymbiola McMichael 1961 [synonym]
G. †Falsilyria Pilsbry and Olsson 1954
Falsilyria kendrewi Petuch 1997
G. †Festilyria Pilsbry and Olsson 1954
G. Harpula Swainson 1840
G. †Harpulina Dall 1906
G. †Leptoscapha Fischer 1883
Leptoscapha variculosa Lamarck 1802
G. Lyreneta Iredale 1937
Tr. Lyriini Pilsbry and Olsson 1954
G. Lyria Gray 1847
Subg. Lyria (Harpella) Adams and Adams 1858
Harpella harpularia Tate 1889
Subg. †Lyria (Harpeola) Dall 1907
Invalid names: Voluta costata Swainson 1824 [replaced]
Lyria (Harpeola) edwardsi d'Archaic 1853
Lyria (Harpeola) jugosa Sowerby 1839
Subg. Lyria (Indolyria) Bail and Poppe 2001
Lyria (Indolyria) doutei Bail and Poppe 2004
Lyria (Indolyria) maniyaraensis Harzhauser et al. 2009
Subg. Lyria (Lyria) Gray 1847
Lyria (Lyria) gabbi Vokes 1998
Lyria (Lyria) humerosa Edwards 1854
Lyria (Lyria) incomperta Hoerle and Vokes 1978
Lyria (Lyria) picturata Grateloup 1834
Invalid names: Voluta soror Sowerby 1850 [synonym]
Subg. †Lyria (Pseudolyria) Martin 1931
Lyria acuticostulata Darragh 1989
Lyria anceps Michelotti 1861
Lyria andersoni Waring 1917
Lyria antarctica Stilwell and Zinsmeister 1992
Lyria branderi Defrance 1829
Lyria busera Olsson 1930
Lyria carolinensis Kellum 1926
Lyria coquillensis Turner 1938
Lyria craticulata Darragh 2017
Lyria dalli Ihering 1907
Lyria decora Beyrich 1853
Lyria gabrielensis Clark and Durham 1946
Lyria gemmata Tate 1889
Lyria goldfussi Deshayes 1865
Lyria hannibali Waring 1917
Lyria harpula Lamarck 1802
Lyria lamellatoplicata Darragh and Kendrick 2008
Lyria madrakahensis Harzhauser 2007
Lyria mansfieldi Dall 1916
Lyria mississippiensis Conrad 1843
Lyria mitraeformis Lamarck 1811
Lyria musicinoides Maury 1934
Lyria nucleus Lamarck 1811
Lyria pattersonia Perry 1811
Lyria peruviana Olsson 1931
Lyria punjabensis Eames 1952
Lyria sabulosa Olsson 1928
Lyria samanaensis Cox 1930
Lyria sihesurensis d'Archiac and Haime 1853
Lyria silicata Dall 1915
Lyria vaughani Cooke 1919
Lyria wilcoxiana Aldrich 1894
Lyria zelandica Finlay 1924
Invalid names: Dallivoluta Okutani 1982 [synonym], Otocheilus Conrad 1865 [synonym], Paralyria Shuto 1962 [synonym], Sannilyria Pilsbry and Olsson 1954 [synonym]
G. †Lyriopsis Merle and Pacaud 2014
Lyriopsis cossmanni Cossmann and Pissarro 1909
Invalid names: Lyria feddeni Vredenburg 1923 [synonym]
G. †Mitreola Swainson 1833
Mitreola brohii Merle and Pacaud 2014
Mitreola labratula Lamarck 1803
Mitreola monodonta Lamarck 1803
Mitreola salaputium Darragh 1989
G. †Neptuneopsis Sowerby 1898
G. †Pseudaulica Furon 1948
G. †Teramachia Kuroda 1931
G. Voluta Linnaeaus 1758
Voluta africana Adegoke 1977
Voluta alfaroi Dall 1912
Voluta alfaroi eurytera Woodring 1964
Voluta anticingulata McCoy 1874
Voluta bicorona Lamarck 1802
Voluta breviplicata Forbes 1846
Voluta bulbula Lamarck 1802
Voluta calligona Maury 1934
Voluta camdeo Forbes 1846
Voluta cantaurana Gibson-Smith 1973
Voluta cincta Forbes 1846
Voluta citharina Forbes 1846
Voluta crenulata Lamarck 1802
Voluta cubaguaensis Gibson-Smith 1973
Voluta depressa Lamarck 1802
Voluta eomagna Vokes 1939
Voluta fimbriata Zekeli 1852
Voluta heptagonalis Tate 1889
Voluta induta Goldfuss 1844
Voluta junghuhni Martin 1879
Voluta kirbyi Merriam and Turner 1937
Voluta lawsoni Dickerson 1913
Voluta limbata Tate 1889
Voluta lyra Lamarck 1802
Voluta macroptera McCoy 1874
Voluta martini Dickerson 1915
Voluta mitreola Lamarck 1802
Voluta muricata Forbes 1846
Voluta musica Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Voluta carneolata Lamarck 1811 [synonym]
Voluta paytanica Olsson 1930
Voluta purpuriformis Forbes 1846
Voluta pyriformis Forbes 1846
Voluta radula Forbes 1846
Voluta rupestris Gmelin 1791
Voluta semilineata Muenster 1841
Voluta septemcostata Forbes 1846
Voluta sinuosa Gabb 1861
Voluta sulcata Gmelin 1791
Voluta uncifera Tate 1889
Voluta vautrini Jung 1965
Voluta vredenburgi Cox 1930
G. †Woodsivoluta Pilsbry and Olsson 1954
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: actively mobilef
Life habit: epifaunalf
Diet: carnivoref
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2009-09-10 08:23:59
Modified: 2009-09-10 10:23:59
Source: f = family, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 100.50000 to 0.01170 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 100.5 Ma

Collections (397 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Cenomanian - Albian99.6 - 100.5USSR Pseudolyria ferganensis, Pseudolyria tachtamyschensis (3793)
Early/Lower Turonian - Middle Turonian93.5 - 89.3Brazil Voluta cretacea (140889)
Late/Upper Turonian93.5 - 89.3Egypt Voluta conspicua (114802)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6Germany Voluta semilineata (221859)
Late/Upper Campanian - Maastrichtian83.5 - 66.0United Arab Emirates Lyria sp. (67456)
Early/Lower Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Germany Voluta induta (213668)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (California) Cryptochorda n. sp. (218668)
Danian66.0 - 61.6USA (Texas) Cryptochorda paleocaenica, Lyria tehuacana, Lyria elongata (205466) Lyria sp. (98861) Lyria sp. C (91818) Lyria sp. D (91803)
Danian66.0 - 61.6Denmark Voluta sp. (89866)
Danian66.0 - 61.6USA (California) Lyria hannibali (193035)
Danian66.0 - 61.6France Harpella sp., Leptoscapha sp., Mitreola sp., Pseudolyria sp. (20816)
Danian66.0 - 61.6USA (Alabama) Lyria lyroidea (90604) Lyria lyroidea, Lyria wilcoxiana (91112) Lyria sp. A (98391) Lyria wilcoxiana (90613)
Paleocene66.0 - 56.0Egypt Lyria aegyptiaca (2952)
Selandian61.6 - 59.2Nigeria Voluta africana (7791)
Selandian - Thanetian61.6 - 56.0Pakistan (North-West Frontier) Voluta vredenburgi, Lyria samanaensis (52132)
Thanetian59.2 - 56.0Trinidad and Tobago Lyria wilcoxiana (80170)
Thanetian59.2 - 56.0Poland Mitreola chausseyensis (27020) Mitreola gosseleti, Lyria harpula (27019) Voluta crenistria (27018)
Thanetian59.2 - 56.0Niger Voluta sp. (83985)
Thanetian59.2 - 56.0China (Tibet) Lyria sp. (76994)
Thanetian59.2 - 56.0USA (Louisiana) Voluta newcombiana (101126 105201)