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Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Meandrinidae

Dichocoenia was named by Milne-Edwards and Haime (1848) [Sepkoski's age data: K Turo R Sepkoski's reference number: 796]. It is extant.

It was assigned to Scleractinia by Sepkoski (2002); to Dichocoeniinae by Baron-Szabo (1999), Baron-Szabo (2002) and Baron-Szabo (2006); and to Meandrinidae by López-Pérez (2005) and Kiessling (2021).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1848Dichocoenia Milne-Edwards and Haime
1934Favioseris Wells
1999Dichocoenia Baron-Szabo
2002Dichocoenia Baron-Szabo
2002Dichocoenia Sepkoski
2005Dichocoenia López-Pérez p. 83
2006Dichocoenia Baron-Szabo p. 80
2012Favioseris Löser
2021Dichocoenia Kiessling

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phylumCnidariaHatschek 1888
classAnthozoaEhrenberg 1834
orderScleractiniaBourne 1900
suborderFaviinaVaughan and Wells 1943
superfamilyFaviicaeGregory 1900
familyMeandrinidaeGray 1847
genusDichocoeniaMilne-Edwards and Haime 1848

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. Dichocoenia Milne-Edwards and Haime 1848
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Dichocoenia aenigma Budd et al. 1992
Dichocoenia alabamensis Vaughan 1900
Dichocoenia anomalos Wells 1934
Dichocoenia eminens Weisbord 1974
Dichocoenia stokesi Milne-Edwards and Haime 1848
Invalid names: Dichocoenia stellaris Milne-Edwards and Haime 1849 [synonym]
Dichocoenia tuberosa Duncan 1863
Invalid names: Favioseris Wells 1934 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitesubo
Grouping: colonialsubo
Clonal: yessubo
Environment: marineo
Locomotion: stationarysubo
Attached: yessubo
Life habit: intermediate-level epifaunalo
Diet: photosymbioticsubo
Diet 2: suspension feedersubo
Vision: blindc
Reproduction: alternatingo
Asexual: yeso
Dispersal: watero
Dispersal 2: planktonico
Created: 2008-02-21 04:32:59
Modified: 2008-02-21 06:32:59
Source: subo = suborder, o = order, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Kiessling 2008

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the to the top of the Holocene or 122.46000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 122.46 Ma

Collections (120 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Aptian121.4 - 122.46Germany D. sp. (50421 221477)
Campanian - Maastrichtian83.6 - 66.0Jamaica (St. James Parish) Favioseris anomalos (88337)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0Mexico Favioseris anomalos, Favioseris sp. (145214)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0Jamaica (Clarendon Parish) D. sp., Ovalastrea anomalos (163029)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Jamaica D. anomalos (27649)
Paleocene66.0 - 56.0USA (Alabama) D. alabamensis (87802)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333Colombia D. sp. (73800)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Iran D. sp. (25256 25257)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Dominican Republic D. tuberosa (124722)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246Dominican Republic D. sp. (34516 34517)
Late/Upper Miocene11.608 - 5.333Haiti D. stokesi (60102) D. tuberosa (60104)
Late/Upper Miocene11.608 - 5.333Dominican Republic D. stokesi (124779)
Messinian7.246 - 5.333Panama D. eminens (120356 120393) D. eminens, D. stokesi (120357 120360) D. stokesi (120358 120359 120390 120391) D. stokesi, D. stellaris (120395) D. tuberosa (120392)
Early/Lower Pliocene5.333 - 3.6USA (Florida) D. eminens (35026)
Early/Lower Pliocene - Late/Upper Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Costa Rica D. eminens, D. stokesi (124269 124271) D. eminens, D. stokesi, D. tuberosa (71374) D. sp., D. stokesi (124267) D. stokesi (71390 71392 71395 71398 71409 124266 124268 124270) D. stokesi, D. tuberosa (71396)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Jamaica D. tuberosa (34540)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Haiti D. tuberosa (66814)
Pliocene - Pleistocene5.333 - 0.0117Jamaica D. stokesi (34543)
Late/Upper Pliocene3.6 - 2.588USA (Florida) D. eminens, D. tuberosa (79958)
Late/Upper Pliocene - Early/Lower Pleistocene3.6 - 0.781Costa Rica D. caloosahatcheensis, D. stokesi (71418) D. stellaris (71417) D. stokesi (71411) D. stokesi, D. stellaris (71419)
Late/Upper Pliocene - Early/Lower Pleistocene3.6 - 0.781USA (Florida) D. caloosahatcheensis, D. eminens (79804 85449)
Gelasian2.588 - 1.806Jamaica D. stokesi, D. stellaris (34541)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781Jamaica D. stokesi, D. stellaris (34542)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781Bahamas D. stokesi (73655)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781Costa Rica D. stellaris (71725 71726 71730 71733 71743 71749 71752 71753 71761) D. stokesi (71731 73622) D. stokesi, D. stellaris (71722 71779) D. tuberosa (71764)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781Panama D. caloosahatcheensis (120287) D. sp. A (120220) D. sp. A, D. stokesi (120282 120284) D. stellaris (73632 120218) D. stokesi (120217 120219 120276 120281 120288 120290 120354) D. stokesi, D. stellaris (120286) D. stokesi, D. tuberosa (120202)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117Dominican Republic D. stokesi (75418 75419 75422 75424)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117Haiti Dichoccenia stokesi (60881)
Middle Pleistocene0.774 - 0.129Barbados D. stokesi (102449)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Jamaica D. stokesi (176403)
Late/Upper Pleistocene (interglacial)0.129 - 0.0117Bahamas D. stokesi (102635 102643 102651)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Jamaica (Saint Thomas) D. stokesi (82858)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Montserrat D. stokesi (209803)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117USA (Florida) D. stokesi (85457)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Mexico (Quintana Roo) D. stockesii (82821)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Belize D. stokesii (88824)
Late/Upper Pleistocene (interglacial)0.129 - 0.0117Dominican Republic D. stokesi (34518 34520)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Cayman Islands (Grand Cayman) D. stokesi (103527 103528 103532 103725 103729 103730 103731 103733)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Netherlands Antilles (Sint Eustatius) D. stokesi (209789 209790 209792 209794 209796)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0Panama D. stokesi (165798)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0Dominican Republic D. stokesi (97552 97553 97554 97555)
Holocene0.0117 - 0.0USA (Florida) D. sp. (165254) D. stokesi (97609 97610)