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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1996Linguliformea Williams et al.
1998Linguliformea Zrzavy et al.
2001Linguliformea Carlson p. 1110
2006Linguliformea Emig and Herrera p. 231
2008Linguliformea Peng and Shi p. 155
2011Linguliformea Hansen and Holmer
2013Linguliformea Emig et al. p. 76
2017Linguliformea Skovsted et al.
2023Linguliformea Pérez et al. p. 206

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumLinguliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
subphylumLinguliformeaWilliams et al. 1996

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subph. Linguliformea Williams et al. 1996
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Cl. Lingulata Gorjansky and Popov 1985
Or. †Acrotretida Kuhn 1949
Superfm. †Acrotretoidea Schuchert 1893
G. †Acrothyra Mathew 1901
Acrothyra bonnia Skovsted et al. 2017
Acrothyra minor Walcott 1905
Acrothyra proavia Matthew 1899
Acrothyra sera Mathew 1902
Fm. †Acrotretidae Schuchert 1893
G. †Acrotreta Kutorga 1848
Subfm. †Acrotretinae Schuchert 1893
G. †Amictocracens Henderson and MacKinnon 1981
G. †Anabolotreta Rowell and Henderson 1978
G. †Anelotreta Pelman 1986
G. †Angulotreta Palmer 1954
G. †Aphelotreta Rowell 1980
G. †Apsotreta Palmer 1954
G. †Araktina Koneva 1992
G. †Brachaktassia Li et al. 2012
Invalid names: Aktassia Popov 1976 [replaced]
G. †Canthylotreta Rowell 1966
G. †Conotreta Walcott 1889
G. †Cyrtonotreta Holmer 1989
G. †Dactylotreta Rowell and Henderson 1978
G. †Dicondylotreta Me 1993
G. †Ditreta Biernat 1973
G. †Eohadrotreta Li and Holmer 2004
G. †Eurytreta Rowell 1966
G. †Fascicoma Popov 1980
G. †Genetreta Wotte and Mergl 2007
G. †Hisingerella Henningsmoen 1948
G. †Homotreta Bell 1941
G. †Iberotreta Wotte and Mergl 2007
G. †Kostjubella Popov et al. 1996
G. †Kotylotreta Koneva 1990
G. †Kuangshanotreta Zhang et al. 2012
G. †Lensotreta Streng and Holmer 2006
G. †Linnarssonella Walcott 1902
G. †Linnarssonia Walcott 1885
Invalid names: Pegmatreta [synonym]
G. †Longipegma Popov and Holmer 1994
Invalid names: Kotujotreta Ushatinskaya 1994 [synonym]
G. †Neotreta Sobolev 1976
G. †Olentotreta Koneva et al. 1990
G. †Opisthotreta Palmer 1954
G. †Ottenbyella Popov and Holmer 1994
G. †Physotreta Rowell 1966
G. †Picnotreta Henderson and MacKinnon 1981
G. †Prototreta Bell 1941
G. †Quadrisonia Rowell and Henderson 1978
G. †Rhondellina Rowell 1986
G. †Satpakella Koneva et al. 1990
G. †Semitreta Biernat 1973
Invalid names: Hansotreta Krause and Rowell 1975 [synonym]
G. †Spondylotreta Cooper 1956
G. †Stilpnotreta Henderson and MacKinnon 1981
G. †Tapuritreta Popov et al. 2009
G. †Treptotreta Henderson and MacKinnon 1981
G. †Vandalotreta Mergl 1988
Invalid names: Luhotreta Mergl and Slehoferova 1990 [synonym]
Invalid names: Biernatinae Holmer 1989 [empty], Linnarssoniinae Rowell 1965 [empty], Scaphelasmatinae Rowell 1965 [empty], Torynelasmatinae Rowell 1965 [empty]
Fm. †Ceratretidae Rowell 1965
G. †Almohadella Streng 1999
G. †Bozshakolia Ushatinskaya et al. 1986
G. †Ceratreta Bell 1941
Subfm. †Ephippelasmatinae Rowell 1965
G. †Keyserlingia Pander 1861
Invalid names: Clistotrema Rowell 1963 [synonym]
G. †Kleithriatreta Roberts and Jell 1990
G. †Craniotreta Termier and Monod 1978
Fm. †Curticiidae Walcott and Schuchert 1908
G. †Curticia Walcott 1905
Fm. †Eoconulidae Rowell 1965
G. †Eoconulus Cooper 1956
G. †Otariconulus Holmer and Popov 2000
G. †Undiferina Cooper 1956
Fm. †Ephippelasmatidae Rowell 1965
G. †Aipyotreta Sutton et al. 2000
G. †Akmolina Popov and Holmer 1994
G. †Ephippelasma Cooper 1956
G. †Ghavidelia Ghobadi Pour et al. 2007
G. †Lurgiticoma Popov 1980
G. †Mamatia Popov and Holmer 1994
G. †Myotreta Goryansky 1969
G. †Numericoma Popov 1980
G. †Pomeraniotreta Bednarczyk 1986
Invalid names: Anatreta [synonym]
G. †Rhinotreta Holmer 1986
G. †Veliseptum Popov 1976
G. †Hadrotreta Rowell 1966
Hadrotreta primaea Walcott 1902
Hadrotreta taconica Walcott 1887
Vandalotreta djagoran Walcott 1902
Fm. †Scaphelasmatidae Rowell 1965
G. †Artiotreta Ireland 1961
G. †Eoscaphelasma Koneva et al. 1990
G. †Rhysotreta Cooper 1956
G. †Scaphelasma Cooper 1956
G. †Tobejalotreta Popov et al. 1990
G. †Schizotretoides Termier and Monod 1978
Fm. †Torynelasmatidae Rowell 1965
G. †Acrotretella Ireland 1961
G. †Cristicoma Popov 1980
G. †Issedonia Popov 1980
G. †Mylloconotreta Williams and Curry 1985
G. †Naimania Popov 2000
G. †Paratreta Biernat 1973
G. †Polylasma Popov 1980
G. †Torynelasma Cooper 1956
Invalid names: Acrotretacea Schuchert 1893 [replaced]
Fm. †Biernatidae Holmer 1989
G. †Biernatia Holmer 1989
Biernatia acuta Troedsson 1918
Biernatia curvata Holmer 1986
Biernatia forte Popov 1975
Biernatia holmi Holmer 1989
Biernatia magnum Goryansky 1969
Biernatia minor Cooper 1956
Biernatia plana Holmer 1986
Biernatia rarum Biernat 1973
Biernatia rhapsody Lavié et al. 2019
G. †Opsiconidion Ludvigsen 1974
Opsiconidion decessus Mergl 2001
Opsiconidion nanus Mergl 2019
Opsiconidion praecursor Popov et al. 1994
Invalid names: Caenotreta [synonym]
G. †Eleutherocrania von Huene 1899
G. †Ferralstreta Gonzalez-Gomez 2005
G. †Maruia Percival et al. 2014
Maruia castellum Percival et al. 2014
G. †Orbiculopora Batrukova 1969
G. †Pseudometoptoma Huene 1899
Invalid names: Acrotretidina Kuhn 1949 [empty], Neotremata Beecher 1891 [replaced]
Or. †Discinida Kuhn 1949
Superfm. †Discinacea Gray 1840
Fm. †Disciniidae Gray 1840
G. †Discina Lamarck
G. Discinisca Gray 1840
G. †Discinolepis Waagen 1885
G. †Kosoidea Havlicek and Mergl 1988
G. †Lindstroemella Hall and Clarke 1892
G. †Lingulodiscina Whitfield 1890
G. †Lochkothele Havlicek and Mergl 1988
G. †Oehlertella Hall and Clarke 1892
G. Pelagodiscus Dall 1908
Or. Lingulida Waagen 1885
Superfm. †Acrotheloidea Walcott 1908
Fm. †Acrothelidae Schuchert 1893
Subfm. †Acrothelinae Walcott and Schuchert 1908
Subfm. †Conodiscinae Rowell 1965
G. †Eothele Rowell 1980
Fm. †Botsfordiidae Schindewolf 1955
G. †Bomina Korovnik and Ushatinskaya 1994
G. †Botsfordia Matthew 1891
G. †Curdus Gravestock et al. 2001
G. †Diandongia Rong 1974
G. †Edreja Koneva 1979
G. †Glyptias Walcott 1901
G. †Karathele Koneva 1986
G. †Minlatonia Gravestock et al. 2001
G. †Neobolus Waagen 1885
Invalid names: Davidsonella Waagen 1885 [synonym]
Superfm. †Discinoidea Gray 1840
Fm. †Discinidae Gray 1840
G. †Acrosaccus Willard 1928
G. †Chynithele Havlicek 1996
G. Discradisca Stenzel 1965
G. †Gigadiscina Mergl and Massa 2005
G. †Opatrilkiella Mergl 2001
G. †Orbiculoidea d'Orbigny 1847
G. †Roemerella Hall and Clarke 1892
G. †Schizotreta Kutorga 1848
Invalid names: Orbiculoideinae Schuchert 1929 [empty]
Fm. †Trematidae Schuchert 1893
G. †Drabodiscina Havlicek 1972
G. †Schizobolus Ulrich 1886
Invalid names: Ljaschenkovia Batrukova 1969 [synonym]
G. †Schizocrania Hall and Whitfield 1875
Invalid names: Orbiculothyris Wolfart Bender and Stein 1968 [synonym], Ptychopeltis Perner 1903 [synonym]
G. †Trematis Sharpe 1848
Superfm. Linguloidea Menke 1828
Fm. †Aulonotretidae Williams et al. 2000
G. †Aulonotreta Kutorga 1848
G. †Bistramia Hoek 1912
Fm. †Dysoristidae Popov and Ushatinskaya 1992
G. †Dysoristus Bell in Lochman and Duncan 1941
G. †Ferrobolus Havlicek 1982
Fm. †Elkaniidae Walcott and Schuchert 1908
G. †Broeggeria Walcott 1902
G. †Elkania Ford 1886
G. †Elkanisca Havlicek 1982
G. †Lamanskya Moberg and Segerburg 1906
Invalid names: Dictyobolus Williams and Curry 1985 [synonym]
G. †Monobolina Salter 1866
G. †Plicarmus Claybourn et al. 2020
G. †Tilasia Holmer 1991
G. †Volborthia Möller 1874
Fm. †Eoobolidae Holmer et al. 1996
G. †Eoobolus Matthew 1902
G. †Pustulobolus Skovsted et al. 2017
Fm. †Kyrshabaktellidae Ushatinskaya and in Pelman 1992
G. †Kyrshabaktella Koneva 1986
G. †Laima Gravitis 1981
Fm. †Lingulasmatidae Winchell and Schuchert 1893
Fm. †Lingulellotretidae Koneva and Popov 1983
G. †Aboriginella Koneva 1983
G. †Lingulellotreta Koneva 1983
G. †Lingulosacculus Balthasar and Butterfield 2009
G. †Mirilingula Popov 1983
G. †Vaculina Koneva 1992
Fm. †Lingulidae Gray 1840
G. †Apsilingula Williams 1977
G. †Barroisella Cooper 1942
G. †Credolingula Smirnova in Smirnova and Ushatinskaya 2001
G. †Dignomia Hall 1871
G. †Eolingularia Bitner and Emig 2016
Subfm. Glottidiinae Archbold 1981
G. †Langella Oliveira 1930
G. Lingula Bruguiére 1797
G. †Lingularia Biernat and Emig 1993
G. †Lunoglossa Xu and Xie 1985
G. †Semilingula Yegorov and Popov 1990
G. †Sinolingularia Peng and Shi 2008
G. †Trentingula Posenato 2016
Invalid names: Lingulinae Menke 1828 [empty]
G. †Lingulipora Girty 1898
Lingulipora budili Mergl 2019
Lingulipora gradata Batrukova 1955
Lingulipora porifera Cooper and Dutro 1982
Fm. †Obolidae King 1846
G. †Atansoria Popov 2000
Subfm. †Elliptoglossinae Popov and Holmer 1994
G. †Eodicellomus Gravestock et al. 2001
G. †Fordinia Walcott 1908
G. †Foveola Gorjansky 1969
Subfm. †Glossellinae Cooper 1956
G. †Lingulella Salter 1866
Subfm. †Lingulellinae Schuchert 1893
G. †Luthieria Lavié et al. 2021
Subfm. †Obolinae King 1846
G. †Prastavia Mergl 2001
G. †Xianshanella Zhang and Han 2004
G. †Oxlosia Ulrich and Cooper 1936
Fm. †Paterulidae Cooper 1956
G. †Diencobolus Holmer et al. 2001
G. †Paterula Barrande 1879
Fm. †Pseudolingulidae Holmer 1991
G. †Bicarinatina Batrukova 1969
G. †Meristopacha Sutton et al. 1999
G. †Pseudolingula Mickwitz 1909
G. †Timalina Batrukova 1969
G. †Tomasina Hall and Clarke 1892
Fm. †Zhanatellidae Koneva 1986
G. †Fossuliella Popov and Ushatinskaya 1992
G. †Rosobolus Havlíček 1982
Invalid names: Thysanobolus [synonym]
G. †Tropidoglossa Rowell 1966
G. †Wahwahlingula Popov et al. 2002
G. †Zhanatella Koneva 1986
Invalid names: Lingulacea Menke 1828 [replaced]
G. †Shouxianella Liu 1983
Invalid names: Craniidina Waagen 1885 [empty], Trimerellacea Davidson and King 1872 [empty]
Or. †Siphonotretida Gorjansky 1960
Superfm. †Siphonotretoidea Kutorga 1848
Fm. †Siphonotretidae Kutorga 1848
G. †Acanthambonia Cooper 1956
G. †Alichovia
G. †Chilcatreta Lavié and Benedetto 2016
G. †Eosiphonotreta Havlíček 1982
Invalid names: Quasithambonia Bednarczyk and Biernat 1978 [synonym]
G. †Helmersenia Pander 1861
G. †Mesotreta
G. †Multispinula Rowell 1962
G. †Nushbiella Popov 1986
G. †Oaxaquiatreta Streng et al. 2011
G. †Orbaspina Valentine and Brock 2003
G. †Schizambon Walcott 1884
G. †Siphonotretella Popov and Holmer 1994
Invalid names: Acanthamboniinae Cooper 1956 [empty], Schizamboninae Havlíček 1982 [empty]
Invalid names: Siphonotretacea Kutorga 1948 [empty]
G. †Micrina Laurie 1986
Micrina etheridgei Tate 1892
Micrina pusilla Gravestock et al. 2001
Micrina ridicula Barskova 1988
Micrina xiaofanensis Li and Xiao 2004
Invalid names: Mirabella Barskova 1988 [synonym]
Cl. †Paterinata Williams et al 1996
Or. †Paterinida Rowell 1965
Superfm. †Paterinoidea Schuchert 1893
Fm. †Cryptotretidae Pelman 1979
G. †Aldanotreta Pel'man 1977
G. †Askepasma Laurie 1986
G. †Cryptotreta Pel'man 1977
Fm. †Paterinidae Schuchert 1893
G. †Cordatia Brock and Claybourn 2019
G. †Dictyonina Cooper 1942
G. †Dictyonites Cooper 1956
G. †Kolihium
G. †Lacunites Gorjansky 1969
G. †Micromitra Meek 1873
Invalid names: Iphidella Walcott 1905 [synonym], Walcottina Cobbold 1921 [synonym]
G. †Paterina Beecher 1891
Invalid names: Iphidea Billings 1872 [replaced]
G. †Wynnia
Invalid names: Paterinacea Schuchert 1893 [empty]
G. †Tegulella Holmer 1989
Tegulella minuta Holmer 1989
Tegulella minuta Holmer 1989
No diagnoses are available