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Trilobita - Corynexochida - Zacanthoididae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1915Zacanthoididae Swinnerton
1979Zacanthoididae Palmer and Halley pp. 85 - 86
1994Zacanthoididae Sundberg p. 43
1997Zacanthoididae Whittington et al. p. 298
1998Zacanthoididae Eddy and McCollum p. 869
2003Zacanthoididae Sundberg and McCollum p. 341
2011Zacanthoididae Adrain p. 105

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EubilateriaAx 1987
EcdysozoaAguinaldo et al. 1997
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
suborderCorynexochinaKobayashi 1935
familyZacanthoididaeSwinnerton 1915
familyZacanthoididaeSwinnerton 1915

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Zacanthoididae Swinnerton 1915
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G. †Albertella Walcott 1908
Albertella eiloitys Fritz 1968
Albertella fritzi Eddy and McCollum 1998
Albertella helena Walcott 1908
Albertella highlandensis Eddy and McCollum 1998
Albertella judithi Fritz 1968
Albertella lata Fritz 1968
Albertella longwelli Palmer and Halley 1979
Albertella nitida Resser 1936
Albertella proveedora Lochman 1952
Albertella robsonensis Resser 1936
Albertella rossensis Resser 1936
Albertella sampsoni Resser 1938
Albertella schenki Resser 1945
Albertella spectrensis Palmer and Halley 1979
G. †Albertellina Palmer and Halley 1979
Albertellina aspinosa Palmer and Halley 1979
G. †Albertelloides Fritz 1968
Albertelloides kitai Eddy and McCollum 1998
Albertelloides mischi Fritz 1968
Albertelloides rectimarginatus Palmer and Halley 1979
G. †Chuchiaspis Chang 1974
G. †Danjiangella Yang et al. 1993
Danjiangella tenuispinosa Yang et al. 1993
G. †Delamarella Eddy and McCollum 1998
Delamarella brevispinaspis Eddy and McCollum 1998
G. †Fieldaspis Rasetti 1951
Fieldaspis bilobata Rasetti 1951
Fieldaspis celer Walcott 1917
Fieldaspis superba Rasetti 1951
G. †Mexicaspis Lochman 1948
Mexicaspis difuntosensis Lochman 1952
Mexicaspis radiatus Palmer and Halley 1979
Mexicaspis stenopyge Lochman 1948
G. †Micmaccopsis Lermontova 1940
G. †Panxinella Lin 1974
G. †Paralbertella Palmer and Halley 1979
Paralbertella bosworthi Walcott 1908
Invalid names: Albertella similaris Resser 1936 [synonym], Albertella stenorhachis Rasetti 1951 [synonym]
G. †Parkaspis Rasetti 1951
Parkaspis drumensis Sundberg 1994
G. †Prozacanthoides Resser 1937
Prozacanthoides lahiri Peng et al. 2009
G. †Pseudozacanthopsis Repina 1960
Pseudozacanthopsis yichunensis Duan and An 2001
G. †Ptarmiganoides Rasetti 1951
Ptarmiganoides alia Resser 1939
Ptarmiganoides crassaxis Palmer and Halley 1979
Ptarmiganoides hexacantha Palmer and Halley 1979
Ptarmiganoides propinqua Resser 1939
G. †Qingzhenaspis Yin 1978
Qingzhenaspis intermedia Zhao and Huang 1981
G. †Stephenaspis Rasetti 1951
Stephenaspis avitus Palmer 1964
Stephenaspis highlandensis Sundberg and McCollum 2003
G. †Ursinella Eddy and McCollum 1998
Ursinella major Eddy and McCollum 1998
G. †Vanuxemella Walcott 1916
Vanuxemella idahoensis Resser 1938
Invalid names: Vistoia Walcott 1925 [synonym]
G. †Zacanthoides Walcott 1888
Zacanthoides abbreviatus Resser 1939
Zacanthoides adjunctus Resser 1939
Zacanthoides demissus Fritz 1968
Zacanthoides divergens Rasetti 1951
Zacanthoides eatoni Walcott 1890
Zacanthoides fronslicinus Sundberg 1994
Zacanthoides gradatus Resser 1939
Zacanthoides holopygous Resser 1939
Zacanthoides holopygus Resser 1939
Zacanthoides idahoensis Walcott 1908
Zacanthoides kelsayae Shaw 1957
Zacanthoides liddelli Robison and Babcock 2011
Zacanthoides marshalli Robison and Babcock 2011
Zacanthoides sampsoni Resser 1938
Zacanthoides serratus Resser 1939
Zacanthoides spinosus Walcott 1884
Zacanthoides typicalis Walcott 1886
Zacanthoides variacantha Palmer and Halley 1979
Zacanthoides walapai Resser 1945
Invalid names: Embolimus Rominger 1887 [replaced]
G. †Zacanthopsina Palmer 1964
Zacanthopsina eperephes Palmer 1964
G. †Zacanthopsis Resser 1938
Zacanthopsis contractus Palmer 1964
Zacanthopsis expansa Fritz 1991
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitec
Composition 2: chitinc
Entire body: yesf
Adult width: 10 to < 100f
Ontogeny: molting, addition of partsc
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: nektobenthico
Diet: carnivoreo
Vision: well-developedf
Comments: BODY SIZE: Based on component genera; 3 of 3 genera share 10 to < 100 width; width inconsistent.f
Created: 2009-06-11 19:40:14
Modified: 2009-12-15 01:40:01
Source: f = family, o = order, c = class
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Hendy et al. 2009, Hendy 2009

Age range: base of the Dyeran to the top of the Merioneth or 515.30000 to 485.40000 Ma

Collections (264 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0Canada (Northwest Territories) Zacanthopsis stribuccus (156194 156201 156202)
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4Argentina (San Juan ) Zacanthoides sp. (200108)
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4Argentina (Mendoza) Zacanthoides sp. (200109)
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4Canada (British Columbia) Zacanthopsis sp. (186)
Nangaoian521.0 - 514.0China (Guizhou) Qingzhenaspis fuquanensis, Qingzhenaspis intermedia (127336) Qingzhenaspis transversus, Qingzhenaspis intermedia (127444)
Atdabanian - Duyunian521.0 - 509.0China (Gansu) Ptarmiganoides sp. 1 (181358)
Botomian516.0 - 512.9Russian Federation Micmaccopsis lata (233054)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (California) Zacanthopsis n. sp.1 (10630)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Virginia) Mexicaspis sp., Prozacanthoides clearbranchensis (195) Prozacanthoides virginicus (188)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Vermont) Prozacanthoides sp. (191 194)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Greenland (Freuchen Land) Zacanthopsis sp. (50036)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Pennsylvania) Prozacanthoides sp. (11115 11116)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (Yukon Territory) Fieldaspis bilobata (156238) Zacanthopsis expansa (156223 156224)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (New York) Zacanthoides eatoni (225133)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (British Columbia) Prozacanthoides sp., Zacanthopsis sp. (196)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Nevada) Stephenaspis avitus, Zacanthopsis contractus, Zacanthopsina eperephes (96417) Zacanthopsis levis (155973 155975 155976) Zacanthopsis sp. (10568 156372)
Duyunian514.0 - 509.0China (Heilongjiang) Pseudozacanthopsis yichunensis (128446)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5USA (Nevada) Albertella eiloitys (77188) Albertella highlandensis (9411 9435) Albertella judithi (155991) Albertella schenki (9431) Albertella sp. (9621) Albertella spectrensis, Albertellina aspinosa (149606) Albertellina aspinosa, Delamarella brevispinaspis (9412) Albertelloides kitai, Albertella fritzi (9475) Albertelloides mischi (149572) Albertelloides mischi, Paralbertella bosworthi, Ptarmiganoides crassaxis, Zacanthoides variacantha (149565) Albertelloides pandispinata, Albertelloides sp., Ptarmiganoides lepida, Ptarmiganoides araneicauda, Albertella judithi, Albertella eiloitys (155979) Albertelloides rectimarginatus (149569 149571) Parkaspis drumensis (134249 134251 134252 134253 134254 134255) Parkaspis drumensis, Zacanthoides divergensis (134248) Ptarmiganoides hexacantha, Albertella highlandensis (9410) Ptarmiganoides lepida, Albertelloides mischi, Albertella judithi (155993 155998) Ptarmiganoides lepida, Ptarmiganoides araneicauda, Albertella judithi, Albertella lata (155984) Ptarmiganoides sp., Ptarmiganoides araneicauda, Albertella eiloitys, Albertella lata (155985) Ptarmiganoides sp., Ptarmiganoides lepida, Ptarmiganoides araneicauda (155978) Zacanthoides alatus, Ptarmiganoides hexacantha (149564) Zacanthoides demissus (77205) Zacanthoides sp. (77204) Zacanthoides walapai (134118 134119)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5USA (Idaho) Albertella sp., Zacanthoides sp., Vistoia sp. (207) Zacanthoides idahoensis, Zacanthoides adjunctus, Zacanthoides gradatus, Zacanthoides abbreviatus, Zacanthoides serratus, Zacanthoides holopygus, Vistoia minuta (76096)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5USA (California) Albertella longwelli (149653) Albertella spectrensis (149643) Albertella stenorhachis (139743) Fieldaspis sp. (149617) Mexicaspis radiatus (149652) Mexicaspis radiatus, Ptarmiganoides hexacantha (149619) Mexicaspis stenopyge (226840) Paralbertella sp., Ptarmiganoides propinqua (69517) Ptarmiganoides sp., Albertella longwelli (149642) Zacanthoides sp. (149618) Zacanthoides typicalis (191414)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5Canada (British Columbia) Albertella hellena, Albertella bosworthi (68908) Crepicephalus celer, Kochaspis celer (50544) Fieldaspis furcata (225264) Fieldaspis furcata, Fieldaspis bilobata (225263) Stephenaspis bispinosa (225262) Stephenaspis sp. (197) Zacanthoides romingeri (121959) Zacanthoides sp. (225256)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5USA (Montana) Albertella hellena (68907) Vanuxemella contracta (225273)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5USA (Nevada and California) Albertella sp., Albertellina sp., Albertelloides sp., Mexicaspis sp. (201) Albertelloides sp., Paralbertella sp., Ptarmiganoides sp., Zacanthoides sp. (202)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5Canada (Northwest Territories) Fieldaspis nahanniensis, Fieldaspis superba (225268)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5USA (Utah) Parkaspis drumensis (134068 134111 134112 134114 134115 134116 134117) Parkaspis drumensis, Zacanthoides divergens (10565) Parkaspis drumensis, Zacanthoides divergensis (134069 134070 134113) Zacanthoides fronslicinus (134059 134060 134061 134062 134063 134064 134065 134067) Zacanthoides grabaui (75635) Zacanthoides idahoensis (75639) Zacanthoides prolixis (75636)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5Canada (Alberta) Albertella declivis, Albertella microps, Vanuxemella nortia, Albertella nitida (225277) Albertella limbata, Ptarmiganoides bowensis, Albertella stenorhachis (225275) Albertella microps, Vanuxemella nortia, Albertella bosworthi, Albertella nitida (225276)
Delamaran - Menevian511.2 - 499.5Mexico Zacanthoides holopygus, Albertella proveedora, Mexicaspis difuntosensis, Mexicaspis stenopyge (10687)
Delamaran - Marjumian511.2 - 497.0USA (Nevada) Zacanthoides fronslicinus (225257)
Amgan510.2 - 504.5USA (Utah) Zacanthoides sp. (225070)
Solvan510.2 - 504.5USA (Nevada) Albertella highlandensis (9415 9416 9424 9425 9426 9429 9430 9432 9433 9434 9446 9447 9448 9450 9451 9460 9472) Albertellina aspinosa (9417 9418 9427 9445 9455 9465 9466 9473) Albertellina aspinosa, Albertella fritzi (9420 9444) Albertellina aspinosa, Albertella fritzi, Ursinella major (9428) Albertellina aspinosa, Delamarella brevispinaspis (9413 9440 9453 9468) Albertellina aspinosa, Delamarella brevispinaspis, Ursinella major (9467 9474) Albertellina aspinosa, Ptarmiganoides hexacantha (9419) Albertellina aspinosa, Ptarmiganoides hexacantha, Delamarella brevispinaspis (9459) Albertellina aspinosa, Ursinella major (9414 9452) Albertelloides kitai (9464) Albertelloides kitai, Albertella fritzi (9458) Albertelloides rectimarginatus, Ptarmiganoides hexacantha (9437) Albertelloides rectimarginatus, Ptarmiganoides hexacantha, Mexicaspis difuntosensis (9457) Albertelloides sp., Paralbertella sp., Albertelloides rectimarginatus (9438) Mexicaspis difuntosensis, Albertella highlandensis (9462) Paralbertella sp., Zacanthoides sp. (9441) Ptarmiganoides hexacantha, Albertella highlandensis (9449 9456 9469) Ptarmiganoides hexacantha, Albertelloides kitai, Albertella fritzi, Ursinella major (9439) Ptarmiganoides hexacantha, Mexicaspis difuntosensis (9436) Ptarmiganoides propinqua (9422) Zacanthoides sp., Albertella highlandensis (9461) Zacanthoides sp., Albertellina aspinosa (9454)
Solvan510.2 - 504.5Canada (British Columbia) Fieldaspis celer (56721) Fieldaspis furcata (56702 56717 56718 56720) Fieldaspis furcata, Fieldaspis bilobata (56703) Fieldaspis superba (56704 56722)
Solvan510.2 - 504.5Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) Parkaspis caboti (10828 10840) Parkaspis caboti, Zacanthoides gilberti (10814 10815 10816 10817 10819 10824 10826 10827 10834 10846) Zacanthoides gilberti (10812 10818 10820 10821 10823 10825 10830 10836 10837 10841 10844 10849)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0Greenland Zacanthopsis blakeri (193552 193553 193554 193555)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0Canada (British Columbia) Fieldaspis furcata, Fieldaspis bilobata, Fieldaspis celer (188658)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0USA (Utah) Zacanthoides idahoensis (232928) Zacanthoides sp. (86740)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0India Prozacanthoides lahiri (116550)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0Canada (Brithish Columbia) Zacanthoides sp. (188664)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0Canada (Northwest Territories) Albertella levis (88786)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0USA (Idaho) Albertella sampsoni, Vanuxemella idahoensis (127484) Zacanthoides idahoensis, Zacanthoides adjunctus, Zacanthoides gradatus, Zacanthoides holopygous (68909) Zacanthoides sampsoni (127486)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0USA (Alaska) Zacanthoides sp. 2 (64765)
St Davids509.0 - 497.0Canada (Northwest Territories) Zacanthoides sp. (209)
St Davids509.0 - 497.0USA (Nevada) Fieldaspis bilobata (50093 50094 50095 50107 50108 50109 50113 50114 50292 50293 50294 50295 50296 50327 50328 50329 50330 50331 50338) Fieldaspis celer (50096 50337) Fieldaspis sp. (50324 50334) Fieldaspis sp., Stephenaspis highlandensis (50101) Fieldaspis superba (50099 50103 50298 50299) Fieldaspis superba, Stephenaspis highlandensis (50098 50333) Stephenaspis highlandensis (50100 50110 50115 50326)
St Davids509.0 - 497.0Canada (British Columbia) Parkaspis decamera (122094) Parkaspis decamera, Zacanthoides nomengei (215)
St Davids509.0 - 497.0Greenland Zacanthoides sp. (10478)
St Davids509.0 - 497.0USA (Vermont) Zacanthoides kelsayae (78913)
St Davids509.0 - 497.0USA (Utah) Zacanthoides sp. (216)
Taijangian - Wangcunian509.0 - 497.0China (Henan) Danjiangella tenuispinosa (127073)
Templetonian508.0 - 504.5USA (Nevada) Zacanthoides sp. indet. (225158)
Drumian504.5 - 500.5USA (Utah) Zacanthoides sp. (230679)
Menevian504.5 - 499.5USA (Idaho) Prozacanthoides aequus, Prozacanthoides alatus, Prozacanthoides decorosus, Prozacanthoides exilis, Prozacanthoides optatus, Dolichometopsis propinqua, Dolichometopsis alia (50208)
Marjumian504.5 - 497.0USA (Utah) Zacanthoides spinosus (230682)
Merioneth497.0 - 485.4USA (Utah) Zacanthoides sp. (206)
Merioneth497.0 - 485.4Canada (British Columbia) Albertella sp., Vanuxemella sp. (199)
Merioneth497.0 - 485.4USA (Idaho) Albertella sp., Prozacanthoides sp. (198)
Merioneth497.0 - 485.4Canada (Alberta-British Columbia) Zacanthoides sp. (213)