Where: Guangdong, China (22.8° N, 111.6° E)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: Middle Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene (0.8 - 0.0 Ma)
• "The sediments of the site belong to cave accumulations..."
•late middle Pleistocene
Environment/lithology: terrestrial; unlithified, brown, yellow, sandy claystone
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Collection methods: bulk,
• "...this fauna represents a new vertebrate assemblage of late middle Pleistocene in Xijiang River Valley."
•Museum: Guangdong Luoding bowuguan (Museum of Luoding in Guangdong)
Primary reference: W. Huang, F. Song, X. Guo and D. Chen. 1988. First discovery of Megalovis guangxiensis and Alligator cf. sinensis in Guangdong. Vertebrata PalAsiatica = Gujizhui Dongwu Xuebao 26(3):227-231 [J. Alroy/R. Whatley/J. Alroy]more details
PaleoDB collection 13293: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Robin Whatley on 15.02.2002, edited by Susanna Kümmell and John Alroy
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
Reptilia | |
Amyda sinensis softshell turtle | |
Chinemys reevesii Gray 1931 Chinese pond turtle | |
Alligator cf. sinensis Fauvel 1879 Chinese alligator | |
Mammalia | |
Eothenomys sp. Miller 1896 vole | |
Hystrix subcristata porcupine | |
Rattus rattus Linnaeus 1758 black rat
Mus musculus Linnaeus 1758 house mouse | |
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Macaca sp., cf. Macaca assamensis3, Macaca mulatta3, Macaca thibetana3, Trachypithecus francois3, Trachypithecus sp.3, cf. Trachypithecus phayrei3, Rhinopithecus sp.3, cf. Pygathrix nemaeus3
Macaca sp. Lacépède 1799 macaque
cf. Trachypithecus phayrei3 Blyth 1847 Phayre's leaf monkey originally entered as "cf. Trachypithecus phyrei"
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Rhinoceros sinensis Owen 1870 one-horned rhinoceros | |
Megatapirus augustus Matthew and Granger 1923 tapir | |
Bubalus bubalus water buffalo
Megalovis guangxiensis antelope | |
Muntiacus cf. reevesi Ogliby 1839 muntjak
Hydropotes sp. Swinhoe 1870 Chinese water deer | |
Sus scrofa Linnaeus 1758 wild boar | |
Lutra cf. lutra Linnaeus 1758 European otter
Arctonyx collaris Cuvier 1825 hog badger | |
Ursus thibetanus Cuvier 1823 Asian black bear | |
Cuon sp. Hodgson 1838 dhole | |
Herpestes cf. urva Hodgson 1836 crab-eating mongoose | |
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Paguma larvata Smith 1827 masked palm civet
Viverra cf. zibetha Linnaeus 1758 large Indian civet | |
Crocidura russula Herrmann 1780 Greater white-toothed shrew | |
Hipposideros sp. Gray 1831 roundleaf bat | |
Elephas cf. kiangnanensis, "Stegodon orientalis" = Stegodon insignis
Elephas cf. kiangnanensis elephant
"Stegodon orientalis" = Stegodon insignis Falconer 1857 elephant |