Casablanca 1 (Pliocene of Spain)

Also known as Almenara 1

Where: Castellon, Spain (39.9° N, 0.2° W: paleocoordinates 39.9° N, 0.4° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

When: Villanyian (3.2 - 2.6 Ma)

• Upper Villanyian, MN17, late Pliocene.

Environment/lithology: fissure fill

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: E. Soto and J. Morales. 1985. Grandes mamiferos del yacimiento Villafranquiense de Casablanca 1, Almenara (Castellon). Estudios Geologicos 41:243-249 [A. Turner/H. O'Regan/H. O'Regan]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 34929: authorized by Alan Turner, entered by Hannah O'Regan on 20.10.2003, edited by Torsten Liebrecht

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Squamata - Amphisbaenidae
Blanus cinereus2 Vandelli 1797 Mediterranean worm lizard
8 trunk vertebrae (v8354); 1 trunk vertebra (v8369); 3 trunk vertebrae (v8398); 1 left dentary (v8404); 338 trunk vertebrae (v8406)
 Squamata - Lacertidae
Lacertidae indet.2 Bonaparte 1831 squamates
4 maxillae (v8354); 13 trunk vertebrae (v8398); 3 premaxillae, 8 maxillae, 26 left dentaries, 22 right dentaries, and 98 dentary fragments (v8404); 11 trunk vertebrae (v8406)
Lacerta sp.2 Linnaeus 1758 squamates
Lacerta cf. lepida2 Daudin 1802 Jewelled lizard
2 maxillae and 2 dentaries (v8354)
Lacerta lepida2 Daudin 1802 Jewelled lizard
1 premaxilla and 1 trunk vertebra (v8370)
 Squamata - Agamidae
Agamidae indet.2 Gray 1827 squamates
4 trunk and 1 caudal vertebrae (v8398)
 Squamata - Gekkonidae
Gekkonidae indet.2 Gray 1825 gecko
spelled "Geckonidae" in the reference; 1 trunk vertebra (v8369)
cf. Tarentola mauritanica2 wall gecko
2 left dentaries (v8354); 3 left and 5 right dentaries (v8404)
 Squamata -
Serpentes indet.2 Linnaeus 1758 snake
1 dentary and 1 caudal vertebra (v8354); 2 cervical vertebrae (v8370); 4 cervicals, 6 trunk vertebra fragments, and 5 caudals (v8398)
 Squamata - Crotalidae
Vipera latasti2 pit viper
 Squamata - Colubridae
Rhinechis scalaris2 Schinz 1822 ladder snake
1 trunk vertebra (v8369); 2 trunk vertebrae (v8370); 1 trunk vertebra (v8398)
"Colubrinae" indet.2 Oppel 1811 colubrid snake
5 trunk vertebrae (v8398); 6 trunk vertebrae (v8406)
Coronella girondica2 Daudin 1803 southern smooth snake
5 trunk vertebrae (v8398)
Malpolon monspessulanus2 Hermann 1804 Montpellier snake
1 trunk vertebra (v8369); 7 trunk vertebrae (v8370); 5 trunk vertebrae (v8398)
Aves indet.1 Linnaeus 1758 bird
 Carnivora - Canidae
Canis etruscus1 Forsyth Major 1877 canine
Vulpes alopecoides1 Forsyth Major 1877 fox
 Carnivora - Ursidae
Ursus cf. etruscus Cuvier 1823 bear
upper left M1 and M2.
 Carnivora - Felidae
Felis sp. Linnaeus 1758 cat
1 4th metacarpal, 1 mandibular fragment with P3, P4 and M1 fragments.
Lynx sp.1 Kerr 1792 lynx
 Carnivora - Hyaenidae
Pachycrocuta cf. brevirostris Gervais 1850 brown hyaena
1 upper left I3.
 Artiodactyla - Bovidae
Ovibovini indet.1 antelope
2 lower M3, 1 eroded astragalus, 1 1st and 1 2nd phalange.
Leptobos sp.1 Rutimeyer 1878 antelope
Gazellospira torticornis antelope
1 upper left M1, 1 upper D3, 1 upper D4, 1 mandible, 1 navicular cuboid, 1 second phalange.
 Artiodactyla - Cervidae
"Cervus cf. philisi" = Metacervocerus philisi Mennecart et al. 2017 deer
1 astagalus, 1 second phalange.
Dama nesti1 fallow deer
Eucladoceros sp.1 Falconer 1868 deer
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
"Equus stenonis" = Allohippus stenonis
"Equus stenonis" = Allohippus stenonis Cocchi 1867 horse
Upper teeth 4 P2, 4 P3/4, 4 M1/2, 3 M3, 2 series of deciduous teeth from D2-4. Lower teeth 3 P2, 6 P3/4, 10 M1/2, 4 M3.
 Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
Rhinocerotidae indet. Gray 1821 rhinoceros
1 molar enamel fragment.
 Soricomorpha - Talpidae
Desmana sp.1 Guldenstaedt 1777 Russian desman
Talpa sp.1 Linnaeus 1758 mole
 Rodentia - Muridae
Apodemus aff. mystacinus1 Danford and Alston 1877 Eastern broad-toothed field mouse
Castillomys crusafonti1 Michaux 1969 mouse
 Rodentia - Gliridae
Eliomys quercinus1 Linnaeus 1766 garden doormouse
 Rodentia - Cricetidae
Kislangia sp.1 Kretzoi 1954 rodent
 Rodentia - Sciuridae
Sciurinae indet.1 Gray 1821 squirrel
 Salientia - Bufonidae
Bufo sp.2 Laurenti 1768 toad
1 radio-ulna (v8370)
 Salientia - Ranidae
cf. Rana sp.2 Linnaeus 1758 frog
1 maxilla fragment (v8404)