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Metophiurida was named by Matsumoto (1913). It is extant.
It was assigned to Myophiuroidea by O'Hara et al. (2018); and to Myophiurida by Thuy et al. (2021).
It was assigned to Myophiuroidea by O'Hara et al. (2018); and to Myophiurida by Thuy et al. (2021).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1913 | Metophiurida Matsumoto |
2018 | Metophiurida O'Hara et al. p. 6 |
2021 | Metophiurida Thuy et al. p. 372 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Infracl. Metophiurida Matsumoto 1913
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Superor. Euryophiurida O'Hara et al. 2017
Or. Euryalida Lamarck 1816 [basket star]
Fm. Asteronychidae Müller and Troschel 1840
G. Asteronyx Müller and Troschel 1842
†Asteronyx simplex Müller 1950
†Asteronyx spinulosa Kutscher and Jagt 2000
†Asteronyx valkenburgensis Berry 1938
Or. Ophiurida Müller and Troschel 1840
Subor. Chilophiurina Matsumoto 1915
Fm. †Ophiurinidae Gregory 1897
G. †Argentinaster Ruedemann 1916
G. †Ophiaulax Ubaghs 1941
G. †Ophiurina Stürtz 1890
G. †Silesiaster Schwarzbach and Zimmermann 1936
G. †Stephanoura Ubaghs 1941
G. †Stephanouropsis Calzada and Gutiérrez 1988
G. †Syntomospina Morris et al. 1973
Infraor. Chilophiurina Matsumoto 1915
Fm. †Aplocomidae Hess 1965
Subfm. †Aplocominae Hess and Meyer 2008
G. †Arenorbis Hess 1970
Subfm. †Ophiopetrinae Hess and Meyer 2008
Subor. Ophiurina Müller and Troschel 1840
Fm. Ophiopyrgidae Perrier 1893
G. Amphiophiura Matsumoto 1915
G. †Aspidophiura Matsumoto 1915
G. Stegophiura Matsumoto 1915
Fm. Ophiuridae Lyman 1865
G. †Felderophiura Jagt 1991
G. †Huangzhishania Chen et al. 2004
G. Ophiocrossota Clark 1928
G. Ophiocten Lütken 1855
Subfm. Ophioleucinae Matsumoto 1915
Subfm. Ophiurinae Lyman 1865
G. †Ophiurites Schlotheim 1820
Invalid names: Astrophiuridae Sladen 1879 [empty]
G. †Plathyarthra Berry 1938
Invalid names: Acroura Agassiz 1836 [nomen dubium], Laemophiurina Matsumoto 1915 [empty], Ophioderma asteriformis Picard 1887 [nomen dubium], Ophioderma bonnardi Oppel 1864 [nomen dubium], Ophiolepidina Ljungman 1867 [empty], Ophiolepis damesi Wright 1874 [nomen dubium], Ophiolepis estarensis Barbier et al. 1957 [nomen dubium], Ophiomyxina Fell 1962 [empty], Ophiurites rhaeticus Laugier 1961 [nomen dubium]
Superor. Ophintegrida O'Hara et al. 2017
Or. Amphilepidida O'Hara et al. 2017
Subor. Gnathophiurina Matsumoto 1915
Superfm. Amphiuroidea Ljungman 1867
Fm. Amphiuridae Ljungman 1867
Invalid names: Amphilepididae Matsumoto 1915 [empty]
Superfm. Ophiactoidea Matsumoto 1915
Fm. Ophiactidae Matsumoto 1915
Fm. Ophiopholidae O'Hara et al. 2018
Fm. Ophiotrichidae Ljungman 1867
Invalid names: Ophiothamnidae O'Hara et al. 2018 [empty]
Subor. Ophionereidina O'Hara et al. 2017
Superfm. Ophiolepidoidea Ljungman 1867
Fm. Hemieuryalidae Verrill 1899
Fm. Ophiolepididae Matsumoto 1915
Subor. Ophiopsilina Matsumoto 1915
Or. Ophiacanthida O'Hara et al. 2017
Subor. Ophiacanthina O'Hara et al. 2017
Fm. Ophiacanthidae Perrier 1893
G. †Leadagmara Thuy et al. 2013
G. Ophiacantha Müller and Troschel 1842
G. †Ophioglyphoida Chapman 1934
G. †Ophiolancea Shone 1986
G. †Ophiopinna Hess 1960
G. Ophioplinthaca Verrill 1899
Invalid names: Ophiacanthinae Paterson 1985 [empty], Ophiocanopidae Mortensen 1933 [synonym], Ophioplinthacinae Paterson 1985 [invalid subgroup]
Infraor. Ophiodermatina Smith et al. 1995
Superfm. Ophiocomoidea Ljungman 1867
Superfm. Ophiodermatoidea Ljungman 1867
G. †Shoshonura Thuy 2019
Invalid names: Clarkcomidae O'Hara et al. 2018 [empty], Ophiopteridae O'Hara et al. 2018 [empty]
Or. Ophioleucida O'Hara et al. 2017
Invalid names: Ophiernidae O'Hara et al. 2018 [empty], Ophioleucidae Matsumoto 1915 [empty]
Or. Ophioscolecida O'Hara et al. 2017
Fm. Ophioscolecidae Lütken 1869
G. Ophioscolex Müller and Troschel 1842
†Ophioscolex clivulus Kutscher and Jagt 2000
†Ophioscolex cretaceus Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Invalid names: Ophiohelidae Perrier 1893 [empty]
No diagnoses are available