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Conodonta - Ozarkodinida

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1976Ozarkodinida Dzik
1988Ozarkodinida Sweet p. 187
2003Ozarkodinida Viira and Einasto
2008Ozarkodinida Donoghue et al. pp. f. 13
2018Ozarkodinida Golding and Orchard

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
classConodontaPander 1856
orderOzarkodinidaDzik 1976
orderOzarkodinidaDzik 1976

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. †Ozarkodinida Dzik 1976
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Fm. †Anchignathodontidae Clark 1972
G. †Hindeodus Rexroad and Furnish 1964
Hindeodus eurypyge Nicoll et al. 2002
Hindeodus gulloides Kozur and Mostler 1995
Hindeodus minutus Ellison 1941
Invalid names: Ellisonia teicherti Sweet 1970 [synonym]
Hindeodus parvus Kozur 1975
Hindeodus praeparvus Kozur 1996
Hindeodus typicalis Sweet 1970
Invalid names: Anchignathodus Sweet 1970 [synonym]
Isarcicella isarcica Huckriede 1964
G. †Pseudohindeodus Gullo and Kozur 1992
Fm. †Elictognathidae Austin and Rhodes 1981
G. †Elictognathus Cooper 1939
Invalid names: Solenodella Branson and Mehl 1944 [synonym]
Fm. †Ellisoniidae Clark 1972
G. †Ellisonia
Ellisonia peculiaris Sweet 1970
Ellisonia triassica Müller 1956
Invalid names: Lonchodina triassica Müller 1956 [synonym]
G. †Foliella Budurov and Pantic 1973
Foliella gardenae Staesche 1964
Pachycladina inclinata Staesche 1964
Pachycladina obliqua Staesche 1964
G. †Parafurnishius Yang et al. 2014
Parafurnishius xuanhanensis Yang et al. 2014
G. †Parapachycladina Zhang et al. 1997
G. †Stepanovites Kozur 1975
Stepanovites festivus Bender and Stoppel 1965
Stepanovites khalimbadzhae Chernykh et al. 2001
Invalid names: Kamagnathus Chernykh et al. 2001 [synonym], Sweetina Wardlaw and Collinson 1986 [synonym]
Fm. †Gondolellidae Lindstrom 1970
G. †Acuminatella Orchard 2013
Acuminatella acuminata Orchard 2013
G. †Carnepigondolella Kozur 2003
Carnepigondolella zoae Orchard 1991
G. †Clarkina Kozur 1990
Clarkina meishanensis Zhang et al. 1995
Subfm. †Cornudininae Orchard 2005
G. †Aduncodina Ding 1983
Aduncodina unicosta Ding 1983
G. †Cornudina Hirschmann 1959
G. †Neostrachanognathus Koike 1998
G. †Spathicuspus Orchard 2005
Spathicuspus spathi Sweet 1970
G. †Cratognathodus Mosher 1968
Cratognathodus multihamatus Huckriede 1958
Invalid names: Hindeodella petraeviridis Huckriede 1958 [synonym], Hindeodella stoppeli Bender 1967 [synonym], Ozarkodina saginata Huckriede 1958 [synonym], Prioniodina sapanlii Gedik 1975 [synonym]
G. †Epigondolella Mosher 1968
Epigondolella abneptis Huckriede 1958
Epigondolella bidentata Mosher 1968
Epigondolella hungarica Kozur and Vegh 1972
Epigondolella japonica Hayashi 1968
Epigondolella mirautae Kovács and Kozur 1980
Epigondolella mosheri Kozur and Mostler 1971
Epigondolella slovakensis Kozur and Mock 2000
Invalid names: Carinella Budurov 1973 [synonym]
Subfm. †Epigondolellinae Orchard 2005
Cypridodella spengleri Huckriede 1958
G. †Gondolella Stauffer and Plummer 1932
Gondolella acuta Kozur and Mock 1972
Gondolella constricta Mosher and Clark 1965
Gondolella jangpangii Misra et al. 1973
Gondolella jubata Sweet 1970
Gondolella lingulata Gunnell 1933
Gondolella media Kozur 1968
Gondolella merrilli Gunnell 1933
Gondolella navicula Huckriede 1958
Gondolella nitiensis Misra et al. 1973
Gondolella pridaensis Nicora et al. 1980
Gondolella sinuata Gunnell 1933
Gondolella sublanceolata Gunnell 1933
Gondolella szaboi Kovács 1983
Gondolella tadpole Hayashi 1968
Gondolella timorensis Nogami 1968
Gondolella transita Kozur and Mostler 1971
Gondolella watznaueri Kozur 1968
G. †Hayashiella Kiliç et al. 2015
Hayashiella nodosa Hayashi 1968
Icriospathodus crassatus Orchard 1995
Icriospathodus zaksi Buryi 1979
G. †Kraussodontus Orchard 2013
G. †Mesogondolella Kozur 1989
G. †Metapolygnathus Hayashi 1968
Metapolygnathus primitia Mosher 1970
Subfm. †Mullerinae Orchard 2005
G. †Conservatella Orchard 2005
G. †Discretella Orchard 2005
Discretella discreta Müller 1956
Discretella robustus Wang and Wang 1976
G. †Guangxidella Zhang and Yang 1991
Guangxidella bransoni Muller 1956
Invalid names: Neoprioniodus bicuspidatus Muller 1956 [synonym], Neoprioniodus unicornis Müller 1956 [synonym], Ozarkodina gigantea Bui 1989 [synonym]
Subfm. †Neogondolellinae Hirsch 1994
G. †Borinella Budurov and Sudar 1994
Borinella buurensis Dagis 1984
Borinella nepalensis Kozur and Mostler 1976
G. †Columbitella Orchard 2005
G. †Eurygnathodus Staesche 1964
Eurygnathodus costatus Staesche 1964
G. †Magnigondolella Golding and Orchard 2018
Magnigondolella alexanderi Golding and Orchard 2018
Magnigondolella cyri Golding and Orchard 2018
Magnigondolella dilacerata Golding and Orchard 2016
Magnigondolella julii Golding and Orchard 2018
Magnigondolella nebuchadnezzari Golding and Orchard 2018
Magnigondolella regalis Mosher 1970
Magnigondolella salomae Golding and Orchard 2018
G. †Neogondolella Bender and Stoppel 1965
Neogondolella bakalovi Budurov and Stefanov 1972
Neogondolella balkanica Budurov and Stefanov 1975
Neogondolella basisymmetrica Budurov and Stefanov 1972
Neogondolella carinata Clark 1959
Neogondolella cornuta Budurov and Stefanov 1972
Neogondolella elongata Sweet 1970
Neogondolella excentrica Budurov and Stefanov 1972
Neogondolella gradinarui Golding 2021
Neogondolella huckriedei Budurov and Stefanov 1973
Neogondolella lindstroemi Budurov and Stefanov 1973
Neogondolella longa Budurov and Stefanov 1973
Neogondolella planata Clark 1959
Neogondolella spitzbergensis Dagis and Korchinskaya 1989
Neogondolella suhodolica Budurov and Stefanov 1973
Neohindeodella suevica Tatge 1956
Neohindeodella triassica Müller 1956
G. †Neospathodus Mosher 1968
Neospathodus concavus Zhao and Orchard 2007
Neospathodus cristagalli Huckriede 1958
Neospathodus dieneri Sweet 1970
Neospathodus planus Chen and Kolar-Jurkovsek 2014
Neospathodus posterolongatus Zhao and Orchard 2007
Neospathodus robustus Koike 1982
Invalid names: Misikella Kozur and Mock 1974 [synonym], Ozarkodina tortilis Tatge 1956 [nomen nudum]
G. †Paragondolella Mosher 1968
Paragondolella bifurcata Budurov and Stefanov 1972
Paragondolella bulgarica Budurov and Stefanov 1975
Paragondolella excelsa Mosher 1968
Paragondolella foliata Budurov 1975
Paragondolella hanbulogi Sudar and Budurov 1979
Paragondolella polygnathiformis Budurov and Stefanov 1965
G. †Smithodus Budurov et al. 1988
Smithodus clarki Buryi 1989
Smithodus longiusculus Buryi 1979
Nicoraella kockeli Tatge 1956
Invalid names: Nicoraella bogschi Kozur and Mostler 1970 [synonym]
Subfm. †Novispathodinae Orchard 2005
G. †Chiosella Kozur 1990
Chiosella gondolelloides Bender 1967
G. †Kashmirella Budurov et al. 1988
Kashmirella albertii Budurov et al. 1988
Kashmirella svalbardensis Birkenmajer and Trammer 1975
G. †Novispathodus Orchard 2005
Novispathodus pingdingshanensis Zhao and Orchard 2007
Invalid names: Neospathodus biangularis Wang and Cao 1981 [synonym], Neospathodus curtatus Orchard 1995 [synonym]
Novispathodus waageni Sweet 1970
G. †Triassospathodus Kozur 1998
Triassospathodus abruptus Orchard 1995
Triassospathodus brochus Orchard 1995
Triassospathodus clinatus Orchard and Sweet 1995
Triassospathodus homeri Bender 1970
Triassospathodus hungaricus Kozur and Mostler 1970
Triassospathodus pusillus Orchard 1995
Triassospathodus sosioensis Kozur et al. 1997
G. †Paullella Orchard 2008
Paullella omanensis Chen et al. 2021
G. †Primatella Orchard 2013
Primatella asymmetrica Orchard 2013
Primatella conservativa Orchard 2013
Subfm. †Scythogondolellinae Orchard 2007
G. †Scythogondolella Kozur 1990
Scythogondolella milleri Müller 1956
Scythogondolella mosheri Kozur and Mostler 1976
Subfm. †Sephardiellinae Plasencia et al. 2007
G. †Sephardiella March et al. 1988
Sephardiella truempyi Hirsch 1971
Invalid names: Budurovignathus [synonym]
G. †Sweetospathodus Kozur et al. 1998
Invalid names: Neospathodus praekummeli Bhatt et al. 1981 [synonym]
Invalid names: Xaniognathidae Sweet 1981 [synonym]
Superfm. †Gondolelloidea Lindstrom 1970
Fm. †Gladigondolellidae Ishida and Hirsch 2011
Gladigondolella laii Chen et al. 2021
Gladigondolella permicus Hayashi 1968
Gladigondolella tethydis Huckriede 1958
Invalid names: Roundya lautissima Huckriede 1958 [synonym]
Fm. †Sweetognathidae Ritter 1986
Sweetognathus subsymmetricus Wang et al. 1987
Fm. †Idiognathodontidae Harris and Hollingsworth 1933
G. †Gnathodus
Gnathodus texanus Roundy 1926
G. †Idiognathodus Gunnell 1931
Idiognathodus biconvexus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus binodosus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus cancellosus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus cariniferus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus chiriformis Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus clavatus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus confragus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus corrugatus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus cuneiformis Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus erodus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus farrelli Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus folium Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus fusiformis Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus gemmiformis Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus harkeyi Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus jugosus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus kansensis Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus lanceolatus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus liratus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus lobatus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus megistus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus modulatus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus porcatus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus rotundus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus rugulatus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus ruidus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus siculus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus simplex Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus spathodus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus sulciferus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus symmetricus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus vadosus Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus walteri Gunnell 1933
Idiognathodus warei Gunnell 1933
Idiognathoides sulcatus Higgins and Bouckaert 1968
G. †Protognathodus Ziegler 1969
Protognathodus collinsoni Ziegler 1969
Protognathodus kockeli Bischoff 1957
Protognathodus kuehni Ziegler and Leuteritz 1970
Protognathodus meischneri Ziegler 1969
Fm. †Kockelellidae Klapper 1981
G. †Ancoradella Walliser 1964
Ancoradella ploeckensis Walliser 1964
G. †Ctenognathodus Fay 1959
Ctenognathodus confluens Jeppsson 1972
Ctenognathodus jeppssoni Viira and Einasto 2003
G. †Kockelella Walliser 1957
Kockelella amsdeni Barrick and Klapper 1976
Kockelella corpulenta Viira 1975
Kockelella manitoulinensis Pollock et al. 1970
Kockelella ortus Walliser 1964
Invalid names: Kockelella absidata Barrick and Klapper 1976 [synonym]
Kockelella patula Walliser 1964
Kockelella ranuliformis Walliser 1964
Kockelella stauros Barrick and Klapper 1976
Kockelella variabilis Walliser 1957
Kockelella walliseri Helfrich 1975
G. †Microzarkodina Lindström 1971
Microzarkodina hagetiana Stouge and Bagnoli 1990
Subor. †Ozarkodinina Dzik 1976
Fm. †Bactrognathidae Lindstrom 1970
G. †Apatella
G. †Dollymae
G. †Eotaphrus
G. †Ozarkodina Branson and Mehl 1933
Ozarkodina anika Viira and Einasto 2003
Ozarkodina baccata Miller and Aldridge 1997
Ozarkodina bicornuta Helfrich 1975
Ozarkodina bohemica Walliser 1964
Ozarkodina broenlundi Aldridge 1979
Ozarkodina confluens Rhodes 1953
Invalid names: Spathognathodus primus Branson and Mehl 1933 [invalid subgroup]
Ozarkodina crispa Walliser 1964
Ozarkodina eberleini Savage 1977
Ozarkodina eleanorae Lane and Ormiston 1979
Ozarkodina elegans Stauffer 1938
Ozarkodina elibata Pollock et al. 1970
Ozarkodina eurekaensis Klapper and Murphy 1974
Ozarkodina gaertneri Walliser 1964
Ozarkodina gulletensis Aldridge 1972
Ozarkodina hadra Nicoll and Rexroad 1968
Ozarkodina hassi Pollock et al. 1970
Ozarkodina macra Branson and Mehl 1934
Ozarkodina maroccanica Aboussalam 2003
Ozarkodina martinssoni Jeppsson 1997
Ozarkodina media Walliser 1957
Ozarkodina modesta Drygant 1984
Ozarkodina oldhamensis Rexroad 1967
Ozarkodina paraconfluens Jeppsson 1997
Ozarkodina paucidentata Murphy and Matti 1982
Ozarkodina pirata Uyeno and Barnes 1983
Ozarkodina retroversa Viira 1983
Ozarkodina retroversus Viira and Einasto 2003
Ozarkodina roopaensis Viira 1994
Ozarkodina sagitta Walliser 1964
Ozarkodina sagitta rhenana Walliser 1964
Ozarkodina scanica Jeppsson 1974
Ozarkodina sesquipedalis Nowlan et al. 1988
Ozarkodina simplex Branson and Mehl 1933
Ozarkodina snajdri Walliser 1964
Ozarkodina soegina Viira and Einasto 2003
Ozarkodina steinhornensis Ziegler 1956
Ozarkodina typica Branson and Mehl 1933
Ozarkodina wimani Jeppsson 1974
Ozarkodina ziegleri Walliser 1957
Invalid names: Hindeodella Bassler 1925 [objective synonym], Plectospathodus Branson and Mehl 1933 [objective synonym]
Fm. †Palmatolepidae Müller 1956
G. †Mesotaxis
Mesotaxis asymmetrica Bischoff and Ziegler 1957
G. †Palmatolepis Müller 1956
Palmatolepis gigas Miller and Youngquist 1947
Palmatolepis glabra Ulrich and Bassler 1926
Palmatolepis minuta Branson and Mehl 1933
Palmatolepis minuta subtilis Khalymbdzha and Chernysheva 1978
Palmatolepis playfordi Klapper 2007
Palmatolepis semichatovae Ovnatanova 1976
Palmatolepis subrecta Miller and Youngquist 1947
Superfm. †Polygnathacea Bassler 1925
Fm. †Cavusgnathidae Clark et al. 1981
G. †Taphrognathus Branson and Mehl 1941
Taphrognathus varians Branson and Mehl 1941
Fm. †Cryptotaxidae Klapper and Philip 1972
G. †Dinodus Cooper 1939
Eognathodus sulcatus Philip 1965
G. †Kockelellamecdup Walliser 1957
G. †Lochriea Scott 1942
Lochriea commutata Branson and Mehl 1941
Lochriea homopunctatus Ziegler 1960
Invalid names: Paragnathodus Ji 1986 [synonym]
G. †Nicollidina Dzik 2002
Nicollidina brevis Bischoff and Ziegler 1957
Fm. †Polygnathidae Bassler 1925
Ancyrodella curvata Branson and Mehl 1934
Invalid names: Ancyrognathus asteroideus Stauffer 1938 [synonym]
Ancyrodella nodosa Ulrich and Bassler 1926
Ancyrodella rotundiloba Bryant 1921
G. †Ancyrodelloides Bischoff and Sannemann 1958
Ancyrodelloides kutscheri Bischoff and Sannemann 1958
Ancyrodelloides limbacarinatus Murphy and Matti 1982
Ancyrodelloides omus Murphy and Matti 1982
Ancyrodelloides trigonicus Bischoff and Sannemann 1958
Ancyrognathus asymmetrica Ulrich and Bassler 1926
Invalid names: Ancyrognathus iowaensis Youngquist 1947 [synonym]
Ancyrognathus triangularis Youngquist 1945
G. †Avignathus Lys and Serre 1957
Avignathus orthoptera Ziegler 1959
G. †Cavusgnathus Harris and Hollingsworth 1933
Cavusgnathus gigantus Gunnell 1933
Cavusgnathus lautus Gunnell 1933
Klapperina disparilis Ziegler and Klapper 1976
G. †Linguipolygnathus Bardashev 2002
G. †Masaraella Murphy 2005
Masaraella pandora Murphy et al. 1981
G. †Mehlina Youngquist 1945
G. †Neopolygnathus Vorontzova 1991
Neopolygnathus communis Branson and Mehl 1934
G. †Pandorinellina Müller and Müller 1957
G. †Polygnathus Hinde 1879
Polygnathus acrinodosus Aboussalam 2003
Polygnathus amphora Walliser and Bultynck 2011
Polygnathus angusticostatus Wittekindt 1966
Polygnathus angustipennatus Bischoff and Ziegler 1957
Polygnathus costatus Klapper 1971
Polygnathus damelei Vodrazkova et al. 2011
Polygnathus decorosa Stauffer 1938
Polygnathus denisbriceae Bultynck 1979
Polygnathus dubia Hinde 1879
Polygnathus efimovae Kononova et al. 1996
Polygnathus hemipennatus Aboussalam 2003
Polygnathus holynensis Vodrazkova et al. 2011
Polygnathus housei Aboussalam 2003
Polygnathus ilmenensis Zhuravlev 2003
Invalid names: Polygnathus drucei Zhuravlev 1999 [replaced]
Polygnathus normalis Miller and Youngquist 1947
Polygnathus parawebbi Chatterton 1974
Polygnathus pollocki Druce 1976
Polygnathus pseudoeiflius Walliser and Bultynck 2011
Polygnathus pseudofoliatus Wittekindt 1966
Polygnathus robertensis Vodrazkova et al. 2011
Polygnathus rossicus Zhuravlev 2000
Polygnathus salixensis Vodrazkova et al. 2011
Polygnathus varcus Stauffer 1940
Polygnathus wapanuckensis Harlton 1933
Polygnathus webbi Stauffer 1938
Polygnathus xylus Stauffer 1940
G. †Siphonodella Branson and Mehl 1944
Siphonodella uralica Zhuravlev 1994
G. †Synclydagnathus Rexroad and Varker 1992
G. †Zieglerina Bardashev and Bardasheva 2012
Zieglerina ovalis Ziegler and Klapper 1964
Invalid names: Palmatolepinae Sweet 1988 [empty]
G. †Vogelgnathus Norby and Rexroad 1985
Vogelgnathus campbelli Rexroad 1957
Vogelgnathus postcampbelli Austin and Husri 1974
Fm. †Palmatolepididae Sweet 1988
G. †Tripodellus Sannemann 1955
G. †Periodon Hadding 1913
Periodon aculeatus Hadding 1913
Invalid names: Periodon flabellata Graves and Ellison 1941 [synonym]
Periodon grandis Ethington 1959
Periodon hankensis Stouge 2012
Periodon macrodentatus Graves and Ellison 1941
Invalid names: Loxognathus Graves and Ellison 1941 [synonym]
Plectodina alpina Serpagli 1967
Fm. †Pterospathodontidae Cooper 1977
G. †Apsidognathus Walliser 1964
Apsidognathus walmsleyi Aldridge 1974
G. †Aulacognathus Mostler 1967
Aulacognathus bullatus Nicoll and Rexroad 1968
Aulacognathus latus Nicoll and Rexroad 1968
Invalid names: Neospathognathodus Nicoll and Rexroad 1968 [synonym]
G. †Carniodus Walliser 1964
Carniodus carnulus Walliser 1964
Invalid names: Carniodus carinthiacus WalIiser 1964 [synonym], Carniodus carnicus Walliser 1964 [synonym], Carniodus carnus Walliser 1964 [synonym], Carniodus latialatus Walliser 1964 [synonym]
G. †Galerodus Tsyganko and Chermnyh 1987
Galerodus magalius Tsyganko and Chermnyh 1987
G. †Icriognathus Männik 1992
Icriognathus cornutus Männik 1992
G. †Johnognathus Mashkova 1977
G. †Polygnathoides Branson and Mehl 1933
Fm. †Spathognathodontidae Hass 1959
G. †Flajsella Valenzuela-Rios and Murphy 1997
Flajsella schulzei Bardashev 1989
Flajsella stygia Flajs 1967
G. †Lanea Murphy and Valenzuela-Rios 1999
Lanea eoeleanorae Murphy and Valenzuela-Rios 1999
Lanea omoalpha Murphy and Valenzuela-Rios 1999
Lanea telleri Schulze 1968
G. †Tortodus Weddige 1977
Tortodus beckeri Aboussalam 2003
Tortodus bultyncki Aboussalam 2003
Tortodus dodoensis Gouwy et al. 2020
Tortodus schultzei Aboussalam 2003
Tortodus trispinatus Aboussalam 2003
Tortodus weddigei Aboussalam 2003
G. †Zieglerodina Murphy et al. 2004
Fm. †Spathognathodontodae Hass 1959
G. †Wurmiella Murphy et al. 2004
Wurmiella excavata Branson and Mehl 1933
Invalid names: Ozarkodina inclinata Rhodes 1953 [synonym]
Wurmiella hamata Walliser 1964
Wurmiella inflata Walliser 1964
Wurmiella polinclinata Nicoll and Rexroad 1968
Fm. †Vjalovognathidae Yuan et al. 2016
G. †Vjalovognathus Kozur 1977
Vjalovognathus nicolli Yuan et al. 2016
Vjalovognathus shindyensis Kozur and Mostler 1976
Invalid names: Gondolellidea Lindstroem 1970 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: hydroxyapatitec
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: nektonicc
Diet: carnivorec
Vision: well-developedc
Created: 2005-02-03 07:48:42
Modified: 2010-02-12 04:00:46
Source: c = class
Reference: Aberhan 1992

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Billingen to the top of the Sevatian or 474.80000 to 205.60000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 473.1 Ma

Collections (6475 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Ibexian487.5 - 470.0USA (New York) Periodon primum (64618)
Early/Lower Ordovician485.4 - 470.0Canada (British Columbia) Microzarkodina flabellum, Periodon aculeatus (177771) Periodon aculeatus (177763 177765 177769 177772 177773)
Early/Lower Ordovician485.4 - 470.0Svalbard and Jan Mayen Periodon aculeatus (186595 186596) Plectodina sp. I (186654)
Cassinian482.3 - 470.0United Kingdom (Scotland) Periodon flabellum (75589)
Dawan478.6 - 468.1China (JiangSu) Periodon sp. (7923 7927 7934)
Arenig478.6 - 466.0Norway (Svalbard) Periodon sp. (141915 141917)
Arenig478.6 - 466.0China (Hubei) Microzarkodina sp. (4714) Microzarkodina sp., Periodon sp. (4717) Periodon sp. (4718 4719 4721)
Arenig478.6 - 466.0Argentina Periodon sp. (8751) Periodon sp., Plectodina sp. (8719)
Arenig478.6 - 466.0China (HeBei) Ozarkodina sp. (7956) Plectodina sp. (7974)
Floian477.7 - 470.0China (Hubei) Microzarkodina flabellum, Periodon sp. A (203695 203696) Microzarkodina flabellum, Periodon sp.A (203694)
Floian477.7 - 470.0Russian Federation Periodon flabellum (61782 61783 61784 61785 61786 61787 61788 61789 61790 61791)
Floian477.7 - 470.0China (Anhui) Periodon flabellum (203682 203683 203684 203685 203686 203687 203688 203690 203691 203692 203693)
Floian - Darriwilian477.7 - 458.4Russian Federation (Siberia) Periodon flabellum (205664)
Bendigonian474.9 - 473.1Australia (Western Australia) Periodon adentata (157159)
Blackhillsian474.9 - 470.0Argentina Periodon flabellum (204198)
Billingen474.8 - 471.1Estonia (Harju) Periodon flabellum (203640 203641 203642 203644 203645)
Volkhov471.1 - 469.2Sweden (Kalmar) Microzarkodina parva (99481)
Volkhov471.1 - 469.2Estonia (Harju) Microzarkodina flabellum (203637 203638 203639) Microzarkodina flabellum, Periodon flabellum (203636) Microzarkodina parva (203618 203619 203620 203621 203622 203634 203635)
Volkhov471.1 - 469.2Estonia Microzarkodina flabellum (157090)
Volkhov471.1 - 469.2Sweden Microzarkodina flabellum, Microzarkodina parva (203653) Microzarkodina flabellum, Microzarkodina parva, Periodon spp. (203654)