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Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Phymatopleuridae

Worthenia was named by de Koninck (1883) [Sepkoski's age data: D Fras J Plie-u Sepkoski's reference number: 362,797]. It is not extant. Its type is Turbo tabulatus.

It was reranked as Pleurotomaria (Worthenia) by Perner (1907).

It was assigned to Pleurotomariidae by Ulrich and Scofield (1897); to Pleurotomaria by Perner (1907); to Ruedemanninae by Knight et al. (1960); to Archaeogastropoda by Sepkoski (2002); to Lophospiridae by Szabo (1980), Kues and Batten (2001), Kaim et al. (2014), Nützel et al. (2018) and Ketwetsuriya et al. (2020); and to Phymatopleuridae by Karapunar and Nützel (2022).

Species lacking formal opinion data

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1883Worthenia de Koninck p. 267
1897Worthenia Ulrich and Scofield
1907Pleurotomaria (Worthenia) Perner p. 63
1960Worthenia Knight et al. p. 209
1980Worthenia Szabo p. 56
2001Worthenia Kues and Batten
2002Worthenia Sepkoski
2014Worthenia Kaim et al. p. 168
2018Worthenia Nützel et al. p. 486
2020Worthenia Ketwetsuriya et al. p. 59
2022Worthenia Karapunar and Nützel p. 53

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EubilateriaAx 1987

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Worthenia de Koninck 1883
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Subg. †Worthenia (Humiliworthenia) Yin and Yochelson 1983
Worthenia (Humiliworthenia) anisica Nützel et al. 2018
Subg. †Worthenia (Worthenia) de Koninck 1883
Worthenia (Worthenia) dobrogeana Nützel et al. 2018
Worthenia (Worthenia) extensus Yin and Yochelson 1983
Worthenia (Worthenia) xui Yin and Yochelson 1983
Worthenia alticarinata Batten 1989
Worthenia angulata Münster 1841
Worthenia basifalcata Korner 1937
Worthenia bialveozona Batten 1989
Worthenia bicarinata Batten 1989
Worthenia bieberi Kittl 1891
Worthenia bilineata Klipstein 1843
Worthenia cainallensis Kittl 1899
Worthenia cirriformis Laube 1868
Worthenia constantini Mansuy 1912
Worthenia contabulata Costa 1964
Worthenia corrugata Chronic 1952
Worthenia crenulata Batten 1989
Worthenia curvistriata Koken and Perner 1925
Worthenia dharmaensis Blaschke 1907
Worthenia dieneri Blaschke 1907
Worthenia distincta Kittl 1894
Worthenia dregeri Kittl 1891
Worthenia duplicata Kittl 1891
Worthenia dyadica Kittl 1903
Worthenia eremita Koken 1897
Worthenia escheri Stoppani 1865
Worthenia extendia Tong and Erwin 2001
Worthenia furcata Kittl 1891
Worthenia gepidorum Kittl 1900
Worthenia gubleri Delpey 1941
Worthenia humiligrada Ketwetsuriya et al. 2020
Worthenia humilis Böhm 1895
Worthenia indifferens Kittl 1894
Worthenia kingi Batten 1989
Worthenia klamathensis Smith 1927
Worthenia latialveozona Batten 1989
Worthenia legrandi Kues and Batten 2001
Worthenia liebeneri Laube 1868
Worthenia loczyi Kittl 1900
Worthenia margaritacea Laube 1868
Worthenia morovi Mazaev 2020
Worthenia multicarinata Mansuy 1912
Worthenia nana Grabau 1931
Worthenia pagoda Mansuy 1914
Worthenia parvula Hoare et al. 1997
Worthenia pilula Batten 1989
Worthenia planalveozona Batten 1989
Worthenia plutonis Kittl 1894
Worthenia praerupta Böhm 1895
Worthenia punctata Wanner 1922
Worthenia rhombifera Korner 1937
Worthenia schirjaevensis Stuckenberg 1905
Worthenia sculpta Phillips 1836
Worthenia sigaretoides Kittl 1894
Worthenia speciosa Meek and Worthen 1860
Invalid names: Worthenia perizomata White 1881 [synonym]
Worthenia strigata Böhm 1895
Worthenia strigillata Herrick 1888
Worthenia subplicata Klipstein 1843
Worthenia substriata Klipstein 1843
Worthenia subtilis Kittl 1891
Worthenia superstes Szabo 1980
Worthenia tabulata Conrad 1835
Worthenia triton d'Orbigny 1849
Worthenia vamosensis Kittl 1900
Worthenia whitehorsensis Saunders and Yochelson 1964
Invalid names: Worthenia beedei Knight 1940 [replaced]
Worthenia windowblindensis Batten and Stokes 1986
No diagnoses are available
shell height998.891.7081.09.0010.8
shell diameter999.553.1070.18.1015.1

Composition: aragoniteo
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: detritivoreo
Vision: limitedo
Created: 2009-09-21 10:40:01
Modified: 2024-02-04 19:53:32
Source: o = order
Reference: Bambach et al. 2007

Age range: base of the Hastarian to the top of the Ibex or 358.90000 to 183.00000 Ma

Collections (361 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Hastarian358.9 - 353.8Australia (New South Wales) W. crenilunula (43901)
Kinderhookian358.9 - 352.0Australia (New South Wales) W. sp. (75614)
Tournaisian358.9 - 346.7Australia (New South Wales) W. sp. (43950 44080 44088) W. sp., W. crenilunula (43904 44079)
Tournaisian358.9 - 346.7USA (Iowa) W. sp. (3309)
Carboniferous358.9 - 298.9USA (Oklahoma) W. sp. (163)
Osagean352.0 - 343.0USA (Ohio) W. strigillata (93067 155894)
Meramecian343.0 - 335.5USA (Nevada) W. sp. (62674)
Brigantian336.0 - 330.9United Kingdom (England) Ptychomphalus sculptus (67670)
Brigantian - Pendleian336.0 - 327.0USA (Pennsylvania) W. sp. (2774)
Chesterian335.5 - 323.2USA (Oklahoma) W. sp. (584)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Sevatian212.0 - 205.6USA (Idaho) W. sp., W. rhombifera (38377)
Rhaetian208.5 - 201.3Peru W. basifalcata (68116) W. n. sp. 1, W. rhombifera, W. basifalcata (68096)
Rhaetian208.5 - 201.3Hungary (Veszprem) W. escheri (203351)
Raricostatum - Davoei196.5 - 183.0Hungary W. superstes (78690)
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7Hungary W. superstes (91406)
Davoei189.6 - 183.0Hungary W. superstes (108954 119137)
Ibex189.6 - 183.0Hungary W. superstes (108945 108949)
Margaritatus189.6 - 183.0Spain (Alicante ) W. superstes (130881)
Margaritatus189.6 - 183.0Hungary W. superstes (108960)
Early/Lower Pliensbachian - Middle Toarcian189.6 - 175.6Hungary W. superstes (108969)