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Trilobita - Lichida - Lichidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1847Lichidae Hawle and Corda
1916Lichadidae Raymond p. 23
1977Lichidae Chatterton and Perry p. 785
1997Lichidae Whittington et al. p. 299
2005Lichidae Pollitt et al. p. 241
2009Lichidae Owens and Fortey
2011Lichidae Adrain p. 105

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
orderLichidaMoore 1959
familyLichidaeHawle and Corda 1847
familyLichidaeHawle and Corda 1847

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Lichidae Hawle and Corda 1847
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G. †Asawikwanabe Basse and Müller 2004
Asawikwanabe pauli Basse and Müller 2004
G. †Basseiarges Corbacho and López-Soriano 2013
Basseiarges mellishae Corbacho and López-Soriano 2013
Subfm. †Echinolichinae Phleger 1936
G. †Ceratolichas Hall and Clarke 1888
Ceratolichas dracon Hall and Clarke 1888
Ceratolichas gryps Hall and Clarke 1888
G. †Gaspelichas Clarke 1907
Gaspelichas forillonia Clarke 1907
G. †Eifliarges Richter and Richter 1917
Eifliarges caudimirus Richter and Richter 1917
Eifliarges hylas Basse 1998
Subfm. †Homolichinae Phleger 1936
G. †Homolichas Schmidt 1885
Homolichas depressus Angelin 1854
Homolichas oelandicus Angelin 1854
G. †Leiolichas Schmidt 1885
Leiolichas gageli Pompecki 1890
Leiolichas illaenoides Nieszkowski 1857
G. †Hopolichoides Phleger 1936
G. †Huginarges Basse in Basse and Müller 2004
Huginarges beryllifer Richter 1909
Huginarges frankei Basse and Müller 2004
Huginarges mathesiorum Basse and Müller 2004
G. †Jasperia Thomas and Holloway 1988
Subfm. †Lichinae Hawle and Corda 1847
G. †Anadesma Holloway 2021
Anadesma shallopensis Twenhofel 1928
Invalid names: Anadesma anticostiensis Northrop 1939 [synonym]
Tr. †Dicranopeltini Pollitt et al. 2005
G. †Dicranopeltis Hawle and Corda 1847
Dicranopeltis arkansana Van Ingen 1901
Dicranopeltis decipiens Weller 1907
Dicranopeltis eopolytoma Kolobova 1978
Dicranopeltis eretes Holloway 2021
Dicranopeltis imperfecta Snajdr 1975
Dicranopeltis polytoma Angelin 1854
Dicranopeltis polytomus Angelin 1854
Invalid names: Lichas elegans Törnquist 1884 [synonym]
Dicranopeltis scabra Beyrich 1845
Dicranopeltis tricornis Kobayashi and Hamada 1986
Invalid names: Dicranopeltoides Phleger 1936 [synonym], Nonix Lane 1984 [synonym], Raymondarges Phleger 1937 [synonym], Trachylichas Gurich 1901 [objective synonym], Tsunyilichas Zhang 1974 [synonym]
G. †Metopolichas Gürich 1901
Metopolichas celorrhin Angelin 1854
Metopolichas contractus MacGregor 1963
Metopolichas erici Warburg 1939
Metopolichas kuckersianus Schmidt 1885
Metopolichas pachyrhinus Dalman 1828
Metopolichas verrucosus Eichwald 1842
Invalid names: Macroterolichas Phleger 1937 [synonym], Metopias Eichwald 1842 [replaced]
G. †Oinochoe Thomas and Holloway 1988
Oinochoe bigsbyi Hall 1861
Oinochoe coccymelum Campbell 1977
Oinochoe pustulosa Hall 1859
G. †Uralichas Delgado 1892
Uralichas avus Barrande 1872
Invalid names: Autoloxolichas reedi Phleger 1937 [synonym]
Uralichas frangipana Šnajdr 1984
Uralichas giganteus Holub 1911
Uralichas gutierrezi Rabano 1989
Uralichas heberti Rouault 1849
Uralichas hispanicus Verneuil and Barrande 1856
Invalid names: Lichas (Uralichas) ribeiroi Delgado 1892 [synonym]
Invalid names: Bohemolichas Pribyl and Vanek 1972 [synonym], Platopolichas Gürich 1901 [synonym]
Tr. †Echinolichini Pollitt et al. 2005
G. †Conolichas Dames 1877
Conolichas aequiloba Steinhardt 1874
Conolichas deflexus Schmidt 1854
Invalid names: Lichas platyura Niezkowski 1857 [synonym], Lichas velata Steinhardt 1874 [synonym]
Conolichas sjoegreni Warburg 1939
Conolichas triconicus Dames 1877
Invalid names: Cypholichas Phleger 1936 [synonym]
G. †Echinolichas Gürich 1901
Echinolichas bellamicus Clarke 1907
Echinolichas eriopis Hall 1863
Echinolichas hispidus Hall and Clarke 1888
Echinolichas parallelobatus Fagerstrom 1961
G. †Otarozoum Thomas and Holloway 1988
Otarozoum eichwaldi Niezskowski 1857
Otarozoum pahleni Schmidt 1885
Otarozoum peri Warburg 1939
G. †Terataspis Hall 1863
Terataspis grandis Hall 1861
Tr. †Lichini Pollitt et al. 2005
G. †Lichas Dalman 1827
Subg. †Lichas (Ceratarges) Gürich 1901
Subg. †Lichas (Ceratolichas) Hall and Clarke 1888
Subg. †Lichas (Conolichas) Dames 1877
Subg. †Lichas (Craspedarges) Gürich 1901
Subg. †Lichas (Echinolichas) Gürich 1901
Subg. †Lichas (Eifliarges) Richter and Richter 1917
Subg. †Lichas (Gaspelichas) Clarke 1907
Subg. †Lichas (Hoplolichas) Dames 1877
Lichas (Hoplolichas) hylaeus Hall and Clarke 1888
Subg. †Lichas (Leiolichas) Schmidt 1885
Subg. †Lichas (Metopolichas) Gürich 1901
Subg. †Lichas (Uralichas) Delgado 1892
Lichas affinis Angelin 1854
Lichas curvifrons Warburg 1939
Lichas ferrisi Weller 1907
Lichas harrisi Miller 1878
Lichas laciniatus Wahlenberg 1818
Invalid names: Lichas conformis Angelin 1854 [synonym]
Lichas laticeps Angelin 1854
Lichas menieri Chatterton and Ludvigsen 2004
Lichas palifer Lindström 1885
Lichas platyrhinus Schmidt 1907
Lichas rotundifrons Angelin 1854
Invalid names: Apolichas Kobayashi and Hamada 1974 [synonym], Autolichas Reed 1923 [synonym]
Tr. †Platylichini Pollitt et al. 2005
G. †Allolichas Krueger 1992
Allolichas glenos Whittington 1962
Allolichas laxatus McCoy 1846
Allolichas nodulosus McCoy 1851
Lichas laxatus latus Tornquist 1884
G. †Arctinurus Castelnau 1843
Arctinurus aorter Holloway 2021
Arctinurus aranaceus Twenhofel 1928
Arctinurus boltoni Bigsby 1825
Arctinurus clairensis Thomas 1929
Arctinurus harrisi Miller 1878
Invalid names: Lichas (Pterolichas) Gürich 1901 [objective synonym], Oncholichas Schmidt 1885 [objective synonym], Platynotus Conrad 1839 [replaced], Pterolichas Gürich 1901 [objective synonym]
G. †Autoloxolichas Phleger 1936
Autoloxolichas halli Foerste 1888
Tr. †Tetralichini Pollitt et al. 2005
G. †Amphilichas Raymond 1905
Amphilichas antiquarius Bradley 1930
Amphilichas aspratilis Bradley 1930
Amphilichas atavus Warburg 1925
Amphilichas conradi Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976
Amphilichas cucullus Meek and Worthen 1865
Amphilichas dalecarlicus Angelin 1854
Invalid names: Lichas dalecarlica Schmidt 1885 [synonym]
Amphilichas declivis Tripp 1954
Amphilichas effnensis Carlucci et al. 2010
Amphilichas halli Foerste 1888
Amphilichas holmi Schmidt 1885
Amphilichas laevis Eichwald 1857
Amphilichas latifrons Warburg 1925
Amphilichas lineatus Angelin 1854
Invalid names: Lichas brevilobatus Törnquist 1884 [synonym]
Amphilichas minganensis Billings 1865
Amphilichas nasutus Webby 1974
Amphilichas panoplos Tripp 1980
Amphilichas parvulus Warburg 1925
Amphilichas periformis Warburg 1925
Amphilichas planus Tripp 1954
Amphilichas shergoldi Edgecombe and Webby 2007
Amphilichas subdisjunctus Bradley 1930
Amphilichas subpunctatus Esker, III 1964
Amphilichas wahlenbergi Warburg 1925
Invalid names: Acrolichas Foerste 1919 [synonym], Kerakephalichas Phleger 1936 [synonym], Paralichas Reed 1902 [replaced], Platymetopus Angelin 1854 [replaced], Tetralichas Phleger 1936 [synonym]
G. †Apatolichas Whittington 1963
Apatolichas jukesi Billings 1865
G. †Lyralichas Weber 1948
Lyralichas qiaoi Zhou et al. 2014
G. †Pseudotupolichas Phleger 1936
Pseudotupolichas anamosa Walter 1925
Pseudotupolichas araneus Lindström 1885
Pseudotupolichas ornatus Angelin 1854
Pseudotupolichas plicatus Lindström 1885
Pseudotupolichas visbyensis Lindström 1885
Invalid names: Arctinuroides Phleger 1936 [synonym]
G. †Trimerolichas Phleger 1936
Trimerolichas marginatus Lindström 1885
G. †Metaleiolichas Kobayashi and Hamada 1987
Metaleiolichas tuberculatus Kobayashi and Hamada 1987
G. †Neolichas Curtis and Lane 1998
Neolichas constrictus Whittard 1938
Neolichas norvegicus Angelin 1854
Neolichas obvius Hall 1870
Neolichas silvestris Reed 1925
G. †Nipponarges Kaneko 1984
G. †Ohleum Basse 1998
Ohleum eurydice Basse 1998
Ohleum magreani Taghon et al. 2012
G. †Paraleiolichas Kobayashi and Hamada 1987
Paraleiolichas globulus Kobayashi and Hamada 1987
G. †Perunaspis Přibyl 1949
Acanthopyge (Perunaspis) helga Přibyl et al. 1986
Invalid names: Lobopyge (Nitidulopyge) devonica Přibyl and Erben 1952 [synonym]
Invalid names: Lobopyge (Nitidulopyge) nitidulus Barrande 1872 [synonym]
Invalid names: Lobopyge (Nitidulopyge) Přibyl and Erben 1952 [synonym]
Subfm. †Platylichinae Phleger 1936
G. †Platylichas Gürich 1901
Platylichas cicatricosus Lovén 1845
Platylichas docens Schmidt 1885
Platylichas fossulatus Öpik 1937
Platylichas hamatus Schmidt 1885
Platylichas inconsuetus Raymond 1925
Platylichas infimus Campbell and Chatterton 2006
Platylichas latus Tornquist 1884
Platylichas laxatus McCoy 1846
Invalid names: Lichas aculeatus Angelin 1854 [synonym], Lichas sexspinus Angelin 1854 [synonym]
Platylichas lingua Warburg 1939
Platylichas margaritifer Nieszkowski 1857
Platylichas nasutus Wigand 1888
Invalid names: Lichas nasuta Wigand 1888 [synonym]
Platylichas planifrons Angelin 1854
Invalid names: Lichas planifrons Törnquist 1884 [synonym], Platymetopus planifrons Angelin 1854 [synonym]
Platylichas robustus Warburg 1925
Platylichas validus Linnarsson 1869
Platylichas warburgae Thorslund 1930
Platylichas wegelini Holm 1882
G. †Rhenarges Basse and Müller 2004
Rhenarges erbeni Meischner 1965
G. †Rontrippia Thomas and Holloway 1988
G. †Tairongia Zhou et al. 2014
Tairongia bachuensis Zhou et al. 2014
Tairongia browni Sun 1931
Invalid names: Bronteus richteri Sun 1931 [synonym]
Subfm. †Tetralichinae Phleger 1936
G. †Probolichas Phleger 1936
Probolichas kristiae Carlucci et al. 2010
Probolichas pandus Evitt 1951
Probolichas robbinsi Ulrich 1892
Subfm. †Trochurinae Phleger 1936
G. †Acanthopyge Hawle and Corda 1847
Subg. †Acanthopyge (Acanthopyge) Hawle and Corda 1847
Invalid names: Lichas (Euarges) Gürich 1901 [synonym]
Subg. †Acanthopyge (Jasperia) Thomas and Holloway 1988
Subg. †Acanthopyge (Mephiarges) Richter and Richter 1930
Acanthopyge granulosa Roemer 1852
G. †Akantharges Phleger 1936
Akantharges gourdoni Barrois 1886
G. †Belenopyge Pek and Vanek 1991
Belenopyge balliviani Kozlowski 1923
Belenopyge contusa Hall and Clarke 1888
Invalid names: Lobopyge Přibyl and Erben 1952 [replaced]
G. †Borealarges Adrain 1994
Borealarges bucklandii Milne Edwards 1840
Borealarges calei Adrain 1994
Borealarges convexus Tomczykowa 1991
Borealarges fritillus Campbell and Chatterton 2007
Borealarges kielcensis Tomczykowa 1993
Borealarges mikulicorum Perry and Chatterton 1977
Borealarges morrisoni Adrain 1994
Borealarges nicoae Adrain 2003
Borealarges patulus Campbell and Chatterton 2007
Borealarges reedi Adrain 1994
Borealarges renodis Campbell and Chatterton 2007
Borealarges simplex Barrande 1846
Borealarges tuckerae Adrain 1994
Borealarges variabilis Campbell and Chatterton 2007
Borealarges warholi Adrain 2003
Borealarges yulei Adrain 2003
G. †Ceratarges Gürich 1901
Ceratarges aries Van Viersen and Presher 2011
Ceratarges armatus Goldfuss 1839
Ceratarges bergicus Basse and Müller 2004
Ceratarges cognatus Van Viersen 2006
Ceratarges koumalii Van Viersen and Presher 2011
Ceratarges ziregensis Van Viersen and Presher 2011
Invalid names: Arges Goldfuss 1839 [synonym]
G. †Craspedarges Gürich 1901
Craspedarges wilcanniae Gürich 1901
G. †Dicranogmus Hawle and Corda 1847
Dicranogmus aequalis Törnquist 1884
Invalid names: Lichas aequalis Törnquist 1884 [synonym]
Dicranogmus gregalis Chugaeva 1983
Dicranogmus lepidus Campbell and Chatterton 2006
Dicranogmus pustulatus Hawle and Corda 1847
Dicranogmus scabrosus Zhou and Zhou 1982
Dicranogmus skinneri Perry and Chatterton 1977
Dicranogmus wilsoni Campbell and Chatterton 2006
Dicranogmus wynni Adrain 2003
Invalid names: Liparges Güich 1901 [synonym]
G. †Hemiarges Gürich 1901
Hemiarges angustifrons Tripp 1954
Hemiarges antelucanus Tripp 1954
Hemiarges avalanchensis Campbell and Chatterton 2007
Hemiarges balanus Rudkin et al. 1994
Hemiarges diadayma Rudkin et al. 1994
Hemiarges extremus Owen 1986
Hemiarges inghami Tripp 1979
Hemiarges insolitus Tripp 1967
Hemiarges leviculus Bradley 1930
Hemiarges maccullochi Reed 1914
Hemiarges memorans Öpik 1937
Hemiarges paulianus Clarke 1894
Invalid names: Hemiarges aeolus Sinclair 1944 [synonym], Hemiarges bartoni Raymond 1925 [synonym]
Hemiarges rohri Perry and Chatterton 1977
Hemiarges troedssoni Rudkin et al. 1994
Hemiarges turneri Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976
Hemiarges turneri elassouothos Rudkin et al. 1994
Hemiarges turneri rasettii Tripp and Evitt 1981
Hemiarges turneri turneri Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976
Hemiarges turneri amiculus Rudkin et al. 1994
Hemiarges warburgae Troedsson 1929
Hemiarges wesenbergensis Schmidt 1885
Hemiarges zhaobishanensis Zhou et al. 1982
Invalid names: Choneilobarges Phleger 1936 [synonym]
G. †Hoplolichas Dames 1877
Hoplolichas dissidens Beyrich 1845
Hoplolichas longispinus Schmidt 1885
Hoplolichas medius Pompecki 1890
Hoplolichas schmidtii Dames 1877
Hoplolichas tricuspidata Beyrich 1846
Invalid names: Cyranolichas Phleger 1936 [synonym]
G. †Hoplolichoides Phleger 1936
Hoplolichoides conicotuberculatus Nieszkowskia 1859
Hoplolichoides curvifrons Warburg 1939
Hoplolichoides furcifer Schmidt 1885
G. †Mephiarges Richter and Richter 1930
Mephiarges mephisto Richter and Richter 1918
G. †Radiolichas Reed 1924
Radiolichas aranea Holzapfel 1895
Radiolichas davedaviesi Adrain and Ramskold 1996
Radiolichas guttatus Campbell and Chatterton 2006
Radiolichas raydaviesi Adrain and Ramskold 1996
Invalid names: Diplolichas Phleger 1936 [synonym]
G. †Richterarges Phleger 1936
Richterarges aquilonius Whittington 1961
Richterarges bigener Bolton 1965
Richterarges echinatus Thomas in Thomas and Narbonne 1979
Richterarges ethnikos Lane et al. 1980
Richterarges facetus Campbell and Chatterton 2007
Richterarges gibbus Angelin 1854
Richterarges ormistoni Whittington 1961
Richterarges ptyonurus Hall and Clarke 1888
Richterarges rolfei Lamont 1965
G. †Terranovia Maksimova 1977
Terranovia gratsianovae Yolkin and Ormiston 1985
Terranovia nalivkini Maximova 1977
Terranovia radugini Weber 1949
G. †Trochurus Beyrich 1845
Trochurus bartonensis Fletcher 1950
Trochurus buffoides Vokac 1999
Trochurus bulbosus Phleger 1937
Trochurus byrnesanus Miller and Gurley 1893
Trochurus halli Foerste 1917
Trochurus nasutus Weller 1907
Trochurus sarfi Snajdr 1980
Trochurus speciosus Beyrich 1845
Invalid names: Lichas palmata Barrande 1846 [synonym]
Trochurus toernquisti Gürich 1901
Invalid names: Lichas tornquisti Gürich 1901 [synonym]
Invalid names: Corydocephalus Hawle and Corda 1847 [synonym], Makromuktis Phleger 1936 [synonym], Plusiarges Gürich 1901 [synonym]
G. †Uripes Thomas and Holloway 1988
Uripes ambiguus Barrande 1846
Uripes heteroclytus Barrande 1846
Uripes obtusicaudatus Troedsson 1929
Uripes scutalis Salter 1873
Invalid names: Acanthopyginae Erben 1952 [synonym], Argetinae Gürich 1901 [synonym], Ceratarginae Tripp 1957 [synonym], Euarginae Phleger 1936 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available