Classification of Warburg 1925

Fm. †Proetidae Salter 1864
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G. †Proetus Steininger 1831
Proetus ainae Warburg 1925
Proetus convexus Warburg 1925
Fm. †Phacopidae Hawle and Corda 1847
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G. †Chasmops M'Coy 1849
Subfm. †Pterygometopinae Reed 1905
G. †Pterygometopus Schmidt 1881
Pterygometopus schmidti Warburg 1925
Fm. †Styginidae Vogdes 1890
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G. †Stygina Salter 1853
Stygina angustifrons Warburg 1925
Fm. †Asaphidae Burmeister 1843
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G. †Brachyaspis Salter 1866
Brachyaspis leptaenarum Warburg 1925
Fm. †Cheiruridae Hawle and Corda 1847
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G. †Ceraurus Green 1832
Ceraurus latifrons Warburg 1925
G. †Cheirurus Beyrich 1845
Cheirurus tornquisti Warburg 1925
G. †Deiphon Barrande 1846
Deiphon angelini Warburg 1925
Invalid names: Deiphon forbesi Törnquist 1884 [synonym], Deiphon laevis Angelin 1854 [synonym]
G. †Hemisphaerocoryphe Reed 1896
Invalid names: Staurocephalus granulatus Linnarsson 1869 [synonym]
G. †Nieszkowskia Schmidt 1881
G. †Pompeckia Warburg 1925
Pompeckia minor Warburg 1925
G. †Pseudosphaerexochus Schmidt 1881
G. †Sphaerexochus Beyrich 1845
Sphaerexochus hisingeri Warburg 1925
Invalid names: Calymene clavifrons Hisinger 1840 [synonym]
G. †Sphaerocoryphe Angelin 1854
Fm. †Calymenidae Milne-Edwards 1840
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G. †Calymene Brongniart 1822
G. †Pharostoma Hawle and Corda 1847
Pharostoma foveolata Törnquist 1884
Pharostoma obtusum McCoy 1846
Fm. †Encrinuridae Angelin 1854
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G. †Cybele Lovén 1845
G. †Encrinurus Emmrich 1844
Fm. †Remopleuridae Hawle and Corda 1847
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G. †Remopleurides Portlock 1843
Remopleurides minimus Warburg 1925
Fm. †Illaenidae Hawle and Corda 1847
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G. †Bumastus Murchison 1839
G. †Illaenus Dalman 1827
Illaenus dalecarlicus Warburg 1925
Illaenus linnarssoni Holm 1882
Illaenus oviformis Warburg 1925
Illaenus roemeri Murchison 1839
Invalid names: Illaenus grandis Roemer 1861 [synonym], Illaenus vivax Holm 1882 [synonym]
Illaenus wimani Warburg 1925
Fm. †Raphiophoridae Angelin 1854
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G. †Ampyx Dalman 1827
Fm. †Ityophoridae Warburg 1925
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G. †Ityophorus Warburg 1925
Ityophorus undulatus Warburg 1925
Fm. †Isocolidae Angelin 1854
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G. †Isocolus Angelin 1854
Fm. †Holotrachelidae Warburg 1925
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G. †Holotrachelus Holm 1898
Fm. †Lichadidae Hawle and Corda 1847
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G. †Amphilichas Raymond 1905
Amphilichas atavus Warburg 1925
Amphilichas dalecarlicus Angelin 1854
Invalid names: Lichas dalecarlica Schmidt 1885 [synonym]
Amphilichas laevis Eichwald 1857
Amphilichas latifrons Warburg 1925
Amphilichas lineatus Angelin 1854
Amphilichas parvulus Warburg 1925
Amphilichas periformis Warburg 1925
Amphilichas wahlenbergi Warburg 1925
G. †Dicranogmus Hawle and Corda 1847
Dicranogmus simplex Barrande 1846
G. †Dicranopeltis Hawle and Corda 1847
Dicranopeltis elegans Törnquist 1884
G. †Lichas Dalman 1827
Lichas affinis Angelin 1854
Lichas laciniatus Wahlenberg 1818
G. †Platylichas Gürich 1901
Platylichas angulatus Warburg 1925
Platylichas cicatricosus Lovén 1845
Platylichas laxatus McCoy 1846
Platylichas robustus Warburg 1925
G. †Trochurus Beyrich 1845
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Invalid names: Cheirurus conformis Törnquist 1884 [synonym]
Fm. †Telephidae Angelin 1854
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G. †Telephus Barrande 1852
Illaenus fallax Holm 1882
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Invalid names: Illaenus limbatus Linnarsson 1866 [synonym]
Illaenus avus Holm 1882
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Invalid names: Illaenus rudolphi Eichwald 1857 [synonym]
Fm. †Bronteidae Angelin 1851
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G. †Bronteus Goldfuss 1843
Fm. †Cyphaspidae Salter 1864
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G. †Cyphaspis Burmeister 1843
Fm. †Acidaspidae Barrande 1846
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G. †Acidaspis Murchison 1839
Subg. †Acidaspis (Ceratocephala) Warder 1838
Acidaspis bispinosa McCoy 1846
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Invalid names: Lichas tornquisti Gürich 1901 [synonym]
Dicranogmus aequalis Törnquist 1884
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Invalid names: Lichas aequalis Törnquist 1884 [synonym]
Platylichas planifrons Angelin 1854
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Invalid names: Lichas planifrons Törnquist 1884 [synonym], Platymetopus planifrons Angelin 1854 [synonym]
Platylichas nasutus Wigand 1888
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Invalid names: Lichas nasuta Wigand 1888 [synonym]
Encrinurus striatus Angelin 1854
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Invalid names: Cryptonymus stratius Angelin 1854 [synonym], Encrinurus multisegmentatus Portlock 1843 [synonym]
Cheirurus clasoni Törnquist 1905
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Invalid names: Cheirurus speciosus Törnquist 1884 [synonym]
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Invalid names: Sphaerexochus granulatus Angelin 1854 [synonym]
Pompeckia wegelini Angelin 1854
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Invalid names: Sphaerexochus wegelini Angelin 1854 [synonym]
Sphaerexochus calvus Mc Coy 1846
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Invalid names: Sphaerexochus angustifrons Angelin 1854 [synonym], Sphaerexochus latirugatus Reed 1896 [synonym], Sphaerexochus mirus Beyrich 1845 [synonym]
Sphaerocoryphe punctata Angelin 1854
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Invalid names: Deiphon punctatus Wiman 1907 [synonym]
Chasmops macrourus Sjögren 1851
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Invalid names: Phacops macroura Sjögren and Angelin 1851 [synonym]
Remopleurides latus Olin 1906
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Trochurus speciosus Beyrich 1845
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Invalid names: Lichas palmata Barrande 1846 [synonym]