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Actinopteri - Beryciformes

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1863Beryx dalmaticus Steindachner
1880Beryx lesinensis Bassani
1882Beryx subovatus Bassani p. 226 figs. Pl 8, fig 4
1964Beryciformes Patterson p. 217
1990Beryciformes Nolf and Dockery III p. 8
2002Beryciformes Sepkoski
2003Beryciformes Forey et al. p. 229
2006Beryciformes Nelson
2011Beryciformes Long p. 244
2013Beryciformes Betancur et al.
2014Beryciformes Bannikov p. 26
2016Beryciformes Nelson et al. p. 308

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassNeopterygii(Regan 1923)
Teleostei(Müller 1846)
Teleocephalade Pinna 1996
ClupeocephalaPatterson and Rosen 1977
NeoteleosteiRosen 1973
Eurypterygia(Rosen 1973)
Acanthomorphata(Rosen 1973)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Beryciformes Patterson 1964
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G. †Africentrum White and Moy-Thomas 1941
Fm. Berycidae Lowe 1843
G. †Argilloberyx Casier 1966
G. Beryx Cuvier 1829
Beryx altus Ciobanu 1977
Beryx eogenus David 1946
Beryx kcli David 1946
Beryx longus Ciobanu 1977
Beryx sanjoaquinensis David 1946
G. Centroberyx Gill 1862
Centroberyx anguinicauda Schwarzhans and Bratischko 2011
Centroberyx fragilis Schwarzhans 2003
Centroberyx ingens Koken 1884
Centroberyx integer Koken 1885
Centroberyx worthyi Schwarzhans et al. 2017
G. †Nishiberyx Schwarzhans et al. 2017
Nishiberyx nishimotoi Schwarzhans et al. 2017
Subor. Berycoidei Patterson 1964
G. †Austrocentris Schwarzhans 1980
Austrocentris cavernosus Stinton 1957
G. †Lobopterus Gorjanović-Kramberger 1895
Lobopterus pectinatus Gorjanović-Kramberger 1895
G. †Sagaberyx Schwarzhans et al. 2017
Sagaberyx kishimaensis Schwarzhans et al. 2017
G. †Trachichthodes Gilchrist 1903
Trachichthodes circularis Shepherd 1916
Trachichthodes integer Koken 1885
Trachichthodes pulcher Schwarzhans 1980
Trachichthodes salebrosus Stinton 1957
Fm. Trachichthyidae Bleeker 1859
G. †Egregioberyx Schwarzhans 1980
Egregioberyx erectus Schwarzhans 1980
Egregioberyx sphaeroides Stinton 1957
G. †Eregioberyx Schwarzhans 1980
Eregioberyx erectus Schwarzhans 1980
G. Gephyroberyx Boulenger 1902
Gephyroberyx darwini Johnson 1866
G. Hoplostethus Cuvier and Valenciennes 1829
Hoplostethus bambergi Priem 1913
Hoplostethus hexagonalis Leriche 1905
Hoplostethus lacinatus Koken 1885
Hoplostethus pisanus Koken 1891
Hoplostethus sinaustralis Schwarzhans 1985
G. †Notoberyx Schwarzhans et al. 2017
Notoberyx cionei Schwarzhans et al. 2017
G. Optivus Whitley 1947
Optivus moko Schwarzhans et al. 2017
G. Paratrachichthys Waite 1899
G. †Trachichthyidarum Unknonw 1900
Trachichthyidarum coffeesandensis Nolf and Dockery III 1990
Invalid names: Lissoberycinae Alvarado-Ortega and Than-Marchese 2013 [empty]
Invalid names: Hoplopterygidae [empty], Trachichthodidae Boulenger 1902 [empty]
G. †Berycomorus Arambourg 1967
G. †Berycopsis Agassiz 1850
Berycopsis elegans Dixon 1850
Berycopsis germanus Agassiz 1837
Invalid names: Platycormus oblongus von der Marck 1863 [synonym]
Berycopsis paucoradius Dietze 2009
Berycopsis pulcher Bannikov and Bacchia 2005
Invalid names: Platycormus von der Marck 1858 [synonym]
G. †Brazosiella Frizzell and Dante 1965
Brazosiella kokeni Frizzell and Dante 1965
Brazosiella moseleyi Frizzell and Dante 1965
G. †Cryptoberyx Gaudant 1978
Subor. †Dinopterygoidei Patterson 1964
G. †Dinopteryx Woodward 1901
Dinopteryx spinosus Davis 1887
Fm. †Pharmacichthyidae Patterson 1964
G. †Pharmacichthys Woodward 1942
Pharmacichthys venenifer Woodward 1942
G. Diretmus Johnson 1864
G. †Holocentrites Conrad 1941
Superfm. †Holocentroidea Richardson 1846
G. †Paracentrus Forey et al. 2003
Paracentrus lebanonensis Forey et al. 2003
Subor. †Holocentroidei Johnson and Patterson 1993
G. †Adriacentrus Radovcic 1975
G. †Alloberyx Gaudant 1969
G. †Caproberyx Regan 1911
Caproberyx pharsus Patterson 1967
Caproberyx polydesmus Arambourg 1954
Caproberyx superbus Dixon 1850
Invalid names: Berycopsis major Woodward 1902 [synonym]
G. †Ctenocephalichthys Gaudant 1969
G. †Erugocentrus Radovcic 1975
G. †Kansius Hussakof 1929
Kansius sternbergi Hussakof 1929
G. †Parospinus Gayet 1982
G. †Stichoberyx Gaudant 1978
G. †Stichocentrus Patterson 1967
Stichocentrus liratus Patterson 1967
G. †Trachichthyoides Woodward 1902
G. Kryptophanaron Silvester and Fowler 1927
G. Melamphaes Guenther 1864
Subg. Melamphaes (Plectromus) Gill 1883
Melamphaes acanthifer Lin et al. 2017
Melamphaes leeae Schwarzhans 2019
Melamphaes ovalis Schwarzhans 1980
Melamphaes polylepis Ebeling 1962
G. Scopeloberyx Zugmayer 1911
Scopeloberyx siooides Schwarzhans 1980
G. Scopelogadus Vaillant 1888
G. Cleidopus De Vis 1882
G. Monocentris Schneider 1801
Monocentris coxi Casier 1958
Monocentris lemoinei Priem 1911
Monocentris lerichei Schubert 1916
Monocentris senni Casier 1958
G. †Omosoma Costa 1857
Omosoma garretti Bardack 1976
Omosoma intermedium Woodward 1901
Omosoma monasterii von der Marck 1885
Omosoma pulchellum Davis 1887
Omosoma sahelalmae Costa 1857
Omosoma simum Arambourg 1954
G. †Pattersonoberyx Gayet 1980
G. Plectrypops Gill 1863
G. †Plesioberyx Gayet 1980
G. Poromitra Goode and Bean 1883
G. †Pseudholocentrum Arambourg 1967
Fm. †Pseudomonocentrididae González-Rodríguez et al. 2013
G. †Handuichthys González-Rodríguez et al. 2013
Handuichthys interopercularis González-Rodríguez et al. 2013
G. †Pseudomonocentris González-Rodríguez et al. 2013
Pseudomonocentris microspinosus González-Rodríguez et al. 2013
Fm. †Quaesitoberycidae Bannikov and Sorbini 2005
G. †Microcapros Gayet 1980
G. †Quaesitoberyx Bannikov and Sorbini 2005
Quaesitoberyx minutus Bannikov and Sorbini 2005
G. Sargocentron Fowler 1904
Subor. †Trachichthyoidei Parr 1933
G. †Acrogaster Agassiz 1839
Acrogaster anceps Arambourg 1954
Acrogaster brevicostatus von der Marck 1863
Acrogaster daviesi Davis 1887
Acrogaster dayi Woodward 1942
Acrogaster heckeli Pictet 1850
Acrogaster minutus von der Marck 1863
Acrogaster parvus Agassiz 1839
G. †Antarctiberyx Grande and Chatterjee 1987
Antarctiberyx seymouri Grande and Chatterjee 1987
G. †Gigantokranion Riickert-Ulkiimen 1988
G. †Gnathoberyx Patterson 1967
Gnathoberyx stigmosus Patterson 1967
Fm. †Hoplopterygiidae Jordan 1923
G. †Hoplopteryx Agassiz 1839
Hoplopteryx antiquus Agassiz 1839
Hoplopteryx dakotaensis Grandstaff and Parris 2016
Hoplopteryx gephyrognathus Patterson 1964
Hoplopteryx gibbus von der Marck 1863
Invalid names: Beryx ornatus Agassiz 1835 [synonym], Beryx zippei Agassiz 1834 [synonym], Hoplopteryx brevis Bayer 1905 [synonym]
Hoplopteryx lewisi Davis 1887
Hoplopteryx macracanthus Patterson 1964
Hoplopteryx oblongus Davis 1887
Hoplopteryx simus Woodward 1902
Hoplopteryx spinulosus Woodward 1942
Hoplopteryx stachei Gorjanović-Kramberger 1895
Hoplopteryx syriacus Pictet and Humbert 1866
G. †Judeoberyx Gayet 1980
Judeoberyx princeps Gayet 1980
G. †Libanoberyx Gayet 1980
G. †Lissoberyx Patterson 1967
Lissoberyx dayi Patterson 1967
G. †Stichopteryx Gaudant 1969
G. †Tubantia Patterson 1964
Tubantia cataphractus von der Marck 1863
Invalid names: Anoplogastridae [empty], Barbourisiidae [empty], Beryx dalmaticus Steindachner 1863 [nomen dubium], Beryx subovatus Bassani 1882 [nomen dubium], Cetomimidae [empty], Gibberichthyidae [empty], Hispidoberycidae [empty], Polymixioidei Patterson 1964 [empty], Rondeletiidae [empty], Stephanoberycidae [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: marinesubp
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: nektonico
Diet: carnivoreo
Created: 2009-07-20 20:59:28
Modified: 2009-07-20 22:59:28
Source: o = order, subp = subphylum
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Carroll 1988

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Early/Lower Cenomanian to the top of the Ionian or 99.60000 to 0.12900 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 93.9 Ma

Collections (194 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Albian - Cenomanian113.0 - 93.9Mexico (Hidalgo) Handuichthys interopercularis, Pseudomonocentris microspinosus (135815)
Cenomanian100.5 - 93.9United Kingdom (England) Hoplopteryx lewesiensis (221383)
Cenomanian - Coniacian100.5 - 86.3United Kingdom (England) Hoplopteryx superbus (222435)
Early/Lower Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Palestinian Territory Pharmacichthys judensis, Judeoberyx princeps (11804)
Early/Lower Cenomanian - Middle Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5United Kingdom (England) Berycopsis elegans (118407)
Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Slovenia Lobopterus pectinatus, Beryx stachei (221237)
Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Italy (Padova) Beryciformes indet., Hoplopteryx sp. (214718)
Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Italy Beryciformes indet., Hoplopteryx sp. (214600)
Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Croatia Beryx subovatus (123565)
Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Lebanon Acrogaster dayi (221233) Berycopsis pulcher (221172) Lissoberyx dayi, Caproberyx pharsus (220886) Lissoberyx dayi, Stichocentrus liratus (220887) Pharmacichthys venenifer (221080) Pycnosterinx lewisii (216596) Quaesitoberyx minutus (220882 221061) Quaesitoberyx minutus, Berycopsis pulcher (69119)
Middle Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Lebanon Paracentrus lebanonensis (124426) Pharmacichthys numismalis (221634)
Middle Cenomanian - Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5United Kingdom (England) Berycopsis elegans, Hoplopteryx simus (221373) Hoplopteryx lewesiensis (59055 63042) Hoplopteryx simus (222437 222438) Trachichthyoides ornatus (222451)
Turonian93.9 - 89.8USA (South Dakota) Hoplopteryx dakotaensis (226543)
Turonian93.9 - 89.8United Kingdom (England) Beryx superbus (222434) Hoplopteryx simus (222439)
Early/Lower Turonian93.5 - 89.3United Kingdom (England) Berycopsis elegans (221374) Hoplopteryx superbus (222436)
Middle Turonian93.5 - 89.3United Kingdom (England) Hoplopteryx lewesiensis (221378)
Middle Turonian - Late/Upper Turonian93.5 - 89.3United Kingdom (England) Berycopsis elegans (221375) Berycopsis elegans, Berycopsis major (221376)
Late/Upper Turonian - Coniacian93.5 - 86.3United Kingdom (England) Hoplopteryx lewesiensis (221382) Hoplopteryx simus (222440)
Coniacian89.8 - 86.3United Kingdom (England) Hoplopteryx lewesiensis (133319 221381)
Coniacian - Santonian89.8 - 83.6Italy (Gorizia) Beryciformes indet. (103811 116133)