Trionyx leucopotamicus Cope 1891 (softshell turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Trionychidae

Alternative combinations: Apalone leucopotamica, Platypeltis leucopotamica

Belongs to Trionyx according to N. S. Vitek and W. G. Joyce 2015

See also Cope 1891, Hay 1902, Hay 1908, Hay 1930, Hutchison 1996 and Lambe 1908

Sister taxa: Trionyx admirabilis, Trionyx aequa, Trionyx allani, Trionyx austerus, Trionyx baynshirensis, Trionyx beecheri, Trionyx boulengeri, Trionyx capellinii, Trionyx dissolutus, Trionyx ellipticus, Trionyx eloisae, Trionyx foveatus, Trionyx gangeticus, Trionyx gilbentuensis, Trionyx gobiensis, Trionyx gregarius, Trionyx henrici, Trionyx ikoviensis, Trionyx jixiensis, Trionyx johnsoni, Trionyx kansaiensis, Trionyx latus, Trionyx linchuensis, Trionyx miensis, Trionyx minusculus, Trionyx miocaenus, Trionyx mira, Trionyx ninae, Trionyx nopcsai, Trionyx onomatoplokos, Trionyx phayrei, Trionyx pliocenicus, Trionyx reesidei, Trionyx riabinini, Trionyx robustus, Trionyx shiluutulensis, Trionyx silvestris, Trionyx singularis, Trionyx triunguis, Trionyx uintaensis, Trionyx vindobonensis

Type specimen: NMC 6232, an osteoderm (fragment of costal plate). Its type locality is Conglomerate Creek, which is in a Chadronian terrestrial horizon in the Cypress HIlls Formation of Canada.

Ecology: aquatic piscivore-carnivore


• Oligocene of United States (1: North Dakota collection)

• Eocene of Canada (2: Saskatchewan), United States (1: South Dakota)

Total: 4 collections including 5 occurrences

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