Reptilia - Testudines - Trionychidae
Synonyms: Trionyx turgaicus Kuznetsov and Chkhikvadze 1977, Trionyx zaisanensis Chkhikvadze 1973
Full reference: V. M. Chkhikvadze. 1971. [New turtles from the Oligocene of Kazakhstan and the systematic position of some species in Mongolia]. Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 62:489-492
Belongs to Trionyx according to G. L. Georgalis and W. G. Joyce 2017
See also Vitek and Danilov 2015
Sister taxa: Trionyx admirabilis, Trionyx aequa, Trionyx allani, Trionyx austerus, Trionyx baynshirensis, Trionyx beecheri, Trionyx boulengeri, Trionyx capellinii, Trionyx dissolutus, Trionyx ellipticus, Trionyx eloisae, Trionyx foveatus, Trionyx gangeticus, Trionyx gilbentuensis, Trionyx gobiensis, Trionyx gregarius, Trionyx henrici, Trionyx ikoviensis, Trionyx jixiensis, Trionyx johnsoni, Trionyx kansaiensis, Trionyx latus, Trionyx leucopotamicus, Trionyx linchuensis, Trionyx miensis, Trionyx minusculus, Trionyx miocaenus, Trionyx mira, Trionyx nopcsai, Trionyx onomatoplokos, Trionyx phayrei, Trionyx pliocenicus, Trionyx reesidei, Trionyx riabinini, Trionyx robustus, Trionyx shiluutulensis, Trionyx silvestris, Trionyx singularis, Trionyx triunguis, Trionyx uintaensis, Trionyx vindobonensis
Type specimens:
- Trionyx ninae: IPGAS KK-19, a partial shell (left hypoplastron). Its type locality is Kizyl-Kak, which is in an Oligocene terrestrial horizon in the Betpakdala Formation of Kazakhstan.
- Trionyx turgaicus: IPGAS C-5-3, a partial skeleton. Its type locality is Donguz-Tau, which is in an Oligocene terrestrial horizon in the Chilikty Formation of Kazakhstan.
- Trionyx zaisanensis: IPGAS Z-34-6, a partial shell. Its type locality is Kiin Kerish (Kusto svita), which is in an Oligocene terrestrial horizon in Kazakhstan.
Ecology: aquatic piscivore-carnivore
• Oligocene of Kazakhstan (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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