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Insecta - Diptera

Bibionoidea was named by Fleming (1821). It is extant. Its type is Bibio.

It was assigned to Eudiptera by Hong and Wang (1985); and to Bibionomorpha by Yeates et al. (2007) and Poinar (2010).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1821Bibionoidea Fleming
1985Bibionoidea Hong and Wang p. 17
2007Bibionoidea Yeates et al.
2010Bibionoidea Poinar

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
superclassHexapodaLatreille 1825
NeodipteraMichelsen 1994

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Superfm. Bibionoidea Fleming 1821
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Fm. Bibionidae Fleming 1821 [march fly]
Subfm. Bibioninae Fleming 1821
Tr. Bibionini Fleming 1821
Subtr. Bibiodina Frey 1927
G. Bibiodes Coquillett 1904
Invalid names: Bibiodites Cockerell 1915 [synonym]
Subtr. Bibionina Fleming 1821
G. Bibio Geoffroy 1762
Invalid names: Curtisimyia Giebel 1856 [synonym], Lithobibio Beier 1952 [synonym], Lithosomyia Carpenter 1986 [synonym], Mesomyia Pongrácz 1928 [synonym], Protoberis Cockerell 1915 [synonym]
Tr. Dilophini Pinto and Amorim 2000
G. Dilophus Meigen 1803
Dilophus andrewrossi Nel et al. 2019
Dilophus campbelli Harris 1983
Dilophus cerestensis Nel et al. 2022
Dilophus crassicornis Skartveit 2009
Dilophus idanos Fitzgerald and Greenwalt 2022
Dilophus krantzii von Heyden 1870
Dilophus luteipennis Theobald 1937
Dilophus matilei Waller et al. 2000
Dilophus palaeofebrilis Skartveit 2009
Dilophus pinguis Heer 1849
Invalid names: Bibio pinguis radobojanus Heer 1849 [objective synonym]
Dilophus priscus Loew 1850
Dilophus pumilio Skartveit and Pika 2014
Dilophus succineus Skartveit 2009
Invalid names: Bibio pinguis oeningensis Heer 1849 [synonym]
G. †Protodilophus Skartveit 2023
Protodilophus semispinosus Skartveit 2023
Invalid names: Dilophus deletus Von Heyden 1859 [nomen dubium]
Subfm. †Burmahesperininae Ševčík et al. 2021
G. †Burmahesperinus Ševčík et al. 2021
Burmahesperinus antennatus Ševčík et al. 2021
Burmahesperinus conicus Ševčík et al. 2021
Burmahesperinus pedicellatus Ševčík et al. 2021
Subfm. †Cretobibioninae Skartveit and Ansorge 2020
G. †Cretobibio Skartveit and Ansorge 2020
Cretobibio burmiticus Skartveit 2023
Cretobibio montsecensis Skartveit and Ansorge 2020
Cretobibio rasnitsyni Lukashevich et al. 2021
Subfm. Hesperininae Walker 1848
G. Hesperinus Walker 1848
Hesperinus electrus Skartveit 2009
Hesperinus heeri von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Invalid names: Penthetria rottensis Statz 1943 [synonym], Penthetria scita Statz 1943 [synonym], Plecia elegantula Meunier 1915 [synonym]
Hesperinus hyalopterus Skartveit 2009
Hesperinus macroculatus Skartveit 2009
G. Penthetria Meigen 1803
Penthetria abacula Lewis 1971
Penthetria aestimata Statz 1943
Penthetria alderensis Lewis 1971
Penthetria amoena Heer 1849
Invalid names: Protomyia speciosa Heer 1864 [synonym]
Penthetria anthracina Heer 1849
Penthetria beskonakensis Skartveit and Nel 2012
Penthetria blanchardi Oustalet 1870
Penthetria bohemica Novák 1878
Penthetria carbonum von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Penthetria cimicoides Heer 1849
Penthetria claripennis Theobald 1937
Invalid names: Plecia difficilis Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia graciosa Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia varia Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia variegata Theobald 1937 [synonym]
Penthetria creedensis James 1938
Penthetria egerana Novák 1878
Penthetria elongatipennis Theobald 1937
Invalid names: Bibio maceratus Theobald 1937 [synonym]
Penthetria fryi Rice 1959
Penthetria fuchsi Handlirsch 1907
Invalid names: Penthetria marinosi Bachmayer et al. 1971 [objective synonym]
Penthetria gigantea Theobald 1937
Invalid names: Plecia crassiventris Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia luteipennis Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia miegi Theobald 1937 [synonym]
Penthetria globularis Oustalet 1870
Penthetria gracilis Unger 1841
Penthetria graciliventris Theobald 1937
Penthetria immutabilis Melander 1949
Penthetria imperialis Novák 1878
Penthetria incerta Oustalet 1870
Penthetria integroneura Skartveit 2009
Penthetria intermedia Scudder 1892
Penthetria longa Heer 1849
Penthetria longifurca Melander 1949
Penthetria longiventris Theobald 1937
Invalid names: Plecia superba Theobald 1937 [synonym]
Penthetria luberonica Skartveit and Nel 2017
Penthetria lugens Oustalet 1870
Penthetria montanaregis Skartveit 2009
Penthetria murchisonii Unger 1841
Penthetria nervisinuata Theobald 1937
Penthetria nigra Statz 1943
Penthetria rubescens Oustalet 1870
Penthetria rubiensis Lewis 1971
Penthetria subterranea Theobald 1937
Penthetria togoensis Fujiyama and Iwao 1974
Penthetria tropica Statz 1943
Invalid names: Bibio alacris Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Bibio gigas Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Bibio macer Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Bibio minor Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Bibiopsis Heer 1849 [synonym], Mycetophaetus Scudder 1892 [synonym], Protomyia Heer 1849 [synonym]
Invalid names: Longicornia Hong 2002 [nomen nudum], Penthetriinae Rohdendorf 1946 [synonym]
Subfm. Pleciinae Duda 1930
G. †Cretpenthetria Li et al. 2021
Cretpenthetria burmensis Li et al. 2021
G. †Lichnoplecia Ren 1995
G. Plecia Wiedemann 1823 [love bug]
Plecia acourti Cockerell 1921
Plecia aculeolata Zhang 1989
Plecia akerionana Fitzgerald 1999
Plecia amagua Cockerell 1925
Plecia angustipennis Handlirsch 1910
Plecia angustiventris Theobald 1937
Plecia assonensis Gentilini 1993
Plecia avus Handlirsch 1910
Plecia axeliana Cockerell 1915
Plecia baglii Gentilini 1991
Plecia bivalvula Zhang 1993
Plecia borussica Meunier 1904
Plecia brunneipennis Piton 1939
Plecia brunniptera Skartveit 2009
Plecia bucklandi Heer 1849
Invalid names: Penthetria edwardsi Oustalet 1870 [synonym], Plecia dilatativentris Theobald 1937 [synonym], Protomyia elegans Heer 1856 [synonym], Protomyia gracilis Heer 1856 [synonym]
Plecia cairnesi Rice 1959
Plecia canadensis Handlirsch 1910
Plecia capitata Zhang et al. 1994
Plecia castellaroi Gentilini 1991
Plecia chapuisii Oustalet 1872
Plecia clavifemur Skartveit 2009
Plecia collossea von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Invalid names: Plecia imperialis Statz 1943 [synonym], Plecia philippi Statz 1943 [synonym], Plecia superba Meunier 1914 [synonym]
Plecia conica Theobald 1937
Invalid names: Plecia haennii Gentilini 1993 [synonym]
Plecia curtula Handlirsch 1910
Invalid names: Penthetria avunculus Handlirsch 1910 [synonym]
Plecia decapitata Cockerell 1917
Plecia dejecta Scudder 1890
Plecia diatoma Zhang 1989
Plecia dilatata Handlirsch 1910
Plecia dubia Germar 1837
Invalid names: Helophilus primarius Germar 1837 [synonym], Plecia satyrus Statz 1943 [synonym], Protomyia abava von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 [synonym]
Plecia dumasi Theobald 1937
Plecia elatior Handlirsch 1910
Plecia exigua Statz 1943
Plecia explanata Cockerell 1917
Plecia exposititia von Heyden 1865
Plecia foersteri Theobald 1937
Invalid names: Plecia oviformis Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia splendida Theobald 1937 [synonym]
Plecia fumosa Zhang et al. 1994
Plecia gracilenta von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Plecia gracilentula Evenhuis 1994
Invalid names: Plecia gracilenta Zhang 1993 [replaced]
Plecia gracillima Förster 1891
Plecia gradata Melander 1949
Plecia grossa von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Plecia hilaris Heer 1849
Plecia hoffeinsorum Skartveit 2009
Invalid names: Plecia tenuicornis Skartveit 2009 [synonym]
Plecia hypogaea von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Invalid names: Plecia pulchella Meunier 1915 [synonym], Protomyia antenata von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 [synonym], Protomyia elongata von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 [synonym], Protomyia expositia von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 [synonym], Protomyia grandaeva von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 [synonym]
Plecia inflata Oustalet 1870
Plecia inflata Hull 1960
Plecia intima Fujiyama and Iwao 1974
Plecia jucunda Heer 1849
Invalid names: Protomyia affinis Heer 1849 [synonym]
Plecia kanetakii Fujiyama 1970
Plecia kelownaensis Rice 1959
Plecia kudiella Cockerell 1925
Plecia kuznetzovi Cockerell 1925
Plecia larguensis Gentilini 1993
Plecia livida Heer 1849
Invalid names: Plecia brevithoracis Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia cerestensis Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia constricta Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia flichei Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia fusciventris Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia goreti Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia maculitarsis Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia maculiventris Theobald 1937 [synonym], Protomyia brevipennis Heer 1856 [synonym]
Plecia luctuosa von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Plecia ludongensis Hong and Wang 1985
Plecia lugubris Heer 1849
Plecia luteola von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Plecia lygaeoides Heer 1849
Invalid names: Bibio detractus Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia acutiventris Theobald 1937 [synonym], Plecia guinieri Theobald 1937 [synonym], Protomyia latipennis Heer 1849 [synonym]
Plecia macilenta Skartveit and Pika 2014
Plecia macrocephala von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Invalid names: Protomyia schineri von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 [synonym]
Plecia maimensis Gentilini 1993
Plecia melanderi Cockerell 1911
Plecia minutula Rice 1959
Plecia morio Heer 1849
Plecia myersi Peterson 1975
Plecia nana Handlirsch 1910
Plecia obsitula Cockerell 1925
Plecia orycta Melander 1949
Plecia oustaleti Brongniart 1876
Plecia parisiensis Gee et al. 2001
Plecia pealei Scudder 1890
Plecia pennata Statz 1943
Plecia pictipennis Handlirsch 1910
Invalid names: Penthetria lambei Handlirsch 1910 [synonym], Penthetria ovalis Handlirsch 1910 [synonym], Penthetria separanda Handlirsch 1910 [synonym]
Plecia pinguis von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Invalid names: Bibio brachypteroides Meunier 1915 [synonym], Plecia vulpina Statz 1943 [synonym], Protomyia lapidaria von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 [synonym]
Plecia pisaurensis Gentilini 1991
Plecia platoptera Zhang 1993
Plecia platyptera Handlirsch 1910
Plecia prisca Meunier 1899
Plecia pristina Hardy 1971
Plecia proserpina von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Plecia pulchra Handlirsch 1910
Plecia pulla Handlirsch 1910
Invalid names: Penthetria brevipes Handlirsch 1910 [synonym]
Plecia quaesita Novák 1878
Plecia rectivenia Zhang 1989
Plecia redempta Cockerell 1925
Plecia reducta Handlirsch 1910
Plecia refracta Cockerell 1925
Plecia rhenana von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Plecia rhodopterina Cockerell 1925
Plecia similkameena Scudder 1879
Plecia sluiteri Meunier 1917
Plecia solaris Zhang 1989
Plecia spinula Zhang 1989
Plecia sturmi Statz 1943
Plecia stygia von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Invalid names: Protomyia veterana von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 [synonym]
Plecia tessella Melander 1949
Plecia theobaldi Skartveit and Nel 2017
Invalid names: Bibio nigripennis Theobald 1937 [replaced]
Plecia transitoria Handlirsch 1910
Invalid names: Penthetria falcatula Handlirsch 1910 [synonym], Penthetria fragmentum Handlirsch 1910 [synonym]
Plecia tulameenensis Rice 1959
Plecia undans Zeuner 1941
Plecia vergnei Piton 1935
Plecia villosa Zhang 1989
Plecia volgeri Von Heyden 1859
Plecia vulcania Zhang 1989
Plecia winchesteri Cockerell 1917
Plecia winnertzi von Heyden and von Heyden 1865
Plecia woodruffi Cockerell 1916
Invalid names: Bibio cylindratus Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Clothonopsis Hong and Wang 1987 [nomen dubium], Clothonopsis miocenica Hong and Wang 1987 [nomen dubium], Epiplecia Giard 1879 [synonym], Plecia joannis Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Plecia larteti Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Plecia longipennis Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Plecia painvini Meunier 1915 [nomen dubium], Plecia pallida Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Plecia retracta Theobald 1937 [nomen dubium], Plecia rubescens Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Plecia sauvagei Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium]
G. †Protopenthetria Li et al. 2021
Protopenthetria skartveiti Li et al. 2021
Invalid names: Cascopleciinae Poinar 2010 [synonym], Fushunoplecia Hong 2002 [nomen nudum]
Invalid names: Bibio elongatus Heer 1849 [nomen dubium], Bibio incrassatus Heer 1849 [nomen dubium], Bibio linearis Heer 1849 [nomen dubium], Bibio robustus Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Dilophus magnus Dürrenfeldt 1968 [nomen dubium], Protomyia adusta Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Protomyia formicoides Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium], Protomyia fusca Oustalet 1870 [nomen dubium]
G. †Prohousea Jarzembowski 1996
Prohousea pachygaster Handlirsch 1939
Invalid names: Pleciomyia Handlirsch 1939 [replaced]
No diagnoses are available