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Carpolithus was named by Linnaeus (1768). It is not extant. It is considered to be a form taxon.

It was assigned to Plantae by Retallack (1981); and to Angiospermae by Ballent et al. (2011).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1768Carpolithus Linnaeus
1981Carpolithus Retallack
2011Carpolithus Ballent et al. p. 548

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genusCarpolithusLinnaeus 1768

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Carpolithus Linnaeus 1768
show all | hide all
Carpolithus agglomeratus Fontaine 1889
Carpolithus anthozoiformis Chandler 1964
Carpolithus apocyniformis Chandler 1961
Carpolithus arnensis Chandler 1962
Carpolithus barrensis Ward 1899
Carpolithus belensis Berry 1929
Carpolithus bellispermus Chandler 1978
Carpolithus brookensis Fontaine 1889
Carpolithus callosaeoides Collinson et al. 2012
Carpolithus conjugatus Fontaine 1889
Carpolithus curryi Chandler 1961
Carpolithus curvatus Fontaine 1889
Carpolithus douglasensis Fontaine 1905
Carpolithus drupaeformis Hollick 1897
Carpolithus elongatus Fontaine 1905
Carpolithus euonymoides Hollick 1906
Carpolithus fasciculatus Fontaine 1889
Carpolithus floribundus Newberry 1895
Carpolithus foenarius Ward 1899
Carpolithus gardneri Chandler 1961
Carpolithus geminatus Fontaine 1889
Carpolithus gracilis Bowerbank 1840
Carpolithus harveyi Fontaine 1893
Carpolithus henryensis Berry 1916
Carpolithus hirsutus Newberry 1895
Carpolithus inusitatus Berry 1929
Invalid names: Carpolithus dubius Berry 1903 [synonym]
Carpolithus latus Fontaine 1889
Carpolithus mackayi Arber 1917
Carpolithus mudense Chandler 1963
Carpolithus najasoides Berry 1918
Carpolithus nervosum Reid and Chandler 1933
Carpolithus obovatus Fontaine 1873
Carpolithus oregonensis Fontaine 1905
Carpolithus ornatus Chandler 1963
Carpolithus ovaeformis Newberry 1895
Carpolithus proteoides Berry 1916
Carpolithus provoensis Chandler 1966
Carpolithus pusillus Reid and Chandler 1933
Carpolithus pusillus latus Chandler 1961
Carpolithus radiatus Chandler 1966
Carpolithus scalariformis Reid and Chandler 1933
Carpolithus sessilis Fontaine 1889
Carpolithus sophorites Berry 1916
Carpolithus stonei Reid and Chandler 1933
Carpolithus storrsii Fontaine 1896
Carpolithus striatus Jain and Dayal 1966
Carpolithus ternatus Fontaine 1889
Carpolithus thunbergioides Reid and Chandler 1933
Carpolithus vaccinioides Hollick 1906
Carpolithus virginiensis Fontaine 1889
Carpolithus woodbridgensis Newberry 1895
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Diet: "photoautotroph"p
Created: 2011-07-22 00:04:15
Modified: 2011-07-21 09:04:15
Source: p = phylum
Reference: Kiessling 2009

Age range: base of the Tournaisian to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 358.90000 to 0.01170 Ma

Collections (360 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Tournaisian358.9 - 346.7Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) C. tenellus (28007)
Tournaisian358.9 - 346.7Canada (Nova Scotia) C. tenellus (28336)
Mississippian358.9 - 323.2Canada (Nova Scotia) C. tenellus (28370)
Carboniferous - Permian358.9 - 251.902USA (Arizona) C. sp. (11999)
Asselian - Sakmarian298.9 - 290.1China (Henan) C. sp. 1 (29896)
Asselian - Sakmarian298.9 - 290.1China (Nei Mongol) C. sp. 1 (30056)
Asselian - Kungurian298.9 - 272.3Russian Federation C. sp. 1 (30761)
Asselian - Kungurian298.9 - 272.3Mongolia C. sp. 1 (30295)
Sakmarian293.52 - 290.1Australia (Queensland) C. sp. 1 (29432)
Sakmarian293.52 - 290.1Russian Federation C. sp. 1 (30472 30523)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Russian Federation (Tomsk) C. rosenkjaeri (24081)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Russian Federation (Omsk) C. semiglobosus (24078)
Serravallian13.82 - 11.62Germany (Brandenburg) C. sp. (27512)
Serravallian - Tortonian13.82 - 7.246Germany (Brandenburg) C. sp. 1, C. sp. 2, C. sp. 3, C. sp. 4, C. sp. 5 (27064)
Late/Upper Miocene - Middle Miocene11.608 - 11.608Russian Federation (Omsk) C. rosenkjaeri, C. hypericoides (24093)
Late/Upper Miocene11.608 - 5.333Russian Federation (Omsk) C. phytocrenoides (24100) C. rosenkjaeri (24287 24627) C. rosenkjaeri, C. hypericoides (24094 24098 24320 24321) C. rosenkjaeri, C. hypericoides, C. phytocrenoides (24317) C. semiglobosus (24324)
Late/Upper Miocene - Early/Lower Pliocene11.608 - 3.6France (Elsass) C. alsaticus, C. sp. (21222)
Early/Lower Pliocene - Late/Upper Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Bolivia (Potosi) C. viornaformis, C. engelhardti, C. sp. 1, C. sp. 2, C. sp. 3, C. sp. 4, C. sp. 5 (32127)
Piacenzian3.6 - 2.588Germany (Thuringia) C. bergaensis, C. mercurialoides, C. minimus (22778) C. lloydiaeformis (22779) C. ornatus (22781)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117United Kingdom (England) C. sp. (164906 164917)