Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Euepiproctophora was named by Bechly (1998). It is extant.
It was assigned to Epiproctophora by Bechly (2005) and Bechly (2007).
It was assigned to Epiproctophora by Bechly (2005) and Bechly (2007).
Synonymy list
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. Euepiproctophora Bechly 1998
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Unr. Anisopteromorpha Bechly 1996
Fm. †Erichschmidtiidae Bechly 1996
Unr. †Heterophlebioptera Bechly 1996
Superfm. †Heterophlebioidea Handlirsch 1906
Fm. †Archithemistidae Tillyard 1917
Invalid names: Archithemitinae Martynov 1925 [empty], Diastatommidae Handlirsch 1906 [replaced], Diastatommitinae Martynov 1925 [empty]
Fm. †Heterophlebiidae Needham 1903
G. †Heterophlebia Westwood 1849
Invalid names: Acrophlebia Cowley 1942 [synonym], Clydonophlebia Cowley 1942 [synonym], Plagiophlebia Bode 1953 [synonym], Systellothemis Handlirsch 1939 [synonym]
G. †Trigonophlebia Ansorge 1996
Invalid names: Heterophlebiidae Handlirsch 1906 [objective synonym]
Fm. †Liassophlebiidae Tillyard 1925 [damsel-dragonflies]
G. †Bavarophlebia Nel and Petrulevičius 2005
G. †Ferganophlebia Pritykina 1970
G. †Grimmenopteron Ansorge 1996
G. †Liassophlebia Tillyard 1925
G. †Rossiphlebia Kelly and Nel 2018
Fm. †Myopophlebiidae Bode 1953
G. †Anisozygopteron Handlirsch 1906
G. †Myopophlebia Bode 1953
G. †Paraheterophlebia Nel and Henrotay 1993
G. †Paraplagiophlebia Nel and Henrotay 1993
G. †Strongylogomphus Bode 1953
Unr. Trigonoptera Bechly 1996
Unr. Pananisoptera Bechly 1996
Fm. †Liassogomphidae Tillyard 1935
G. †Chrysogomphus Ren 1994
G. †Elattogomphus Bode 1953
G. †Heterothemis Handlirsch 1906
Invalid names: Gomphites Handlirsch 1920 [synonym], Liassogomphus Cowley 1934 [synonym], Palaeogomphus Handlirsch 1939 [synonym]
Invalid names: Gomphitidae Tillyard 1925 [replaced]
Unr. †Stenophlebioptera Bechly 1996
Superfm. †Stenophlebioidea Needham 1903
Fm. †Prostenophlebiidae Fleck et al. 2003
Fm. †Stenophlebiidae Needham 1903
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: o = order | |||||
Reference: Ren and Guo 1996 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Rhaetian to the top of the Holocene or 208.50000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 201.3 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 201.3 Ma
Collections (434 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Rhaetian | United Kingdom (England) | Insecta indet. (115404) Liassophlebia batheri, Liassophlebia withersi (113961) Liassophlebia sp. (115461 232475) | |
Hettangian | Germany (Bavaria) | Bavarophlebia schmeissneri (118017) | |
Hettangian | Germany | Liassophlebia sp. (177157) | |
Angulata | Switzerland | Aeschna hageni (131766) | |
Early/Lower Hettangian | United Kingdom (England) | Heterophlebia buckmani (114682) Liassophlebia sp. (113956) | |
Planorbis | United Kingdom (England) | Liassophlebia magnifica (123982) Liassophlebia sp. (115460) | |
Obtusum | United Kingdom (England) | Heterophlebia sp., Liassophlebia sp., Liassophlebia jacksoni, Liassophlebia magnifica (114638) Liassophlebia gigantea (114640) | |
Obtusum | United Kingdom (Dorset) | Rossiphlebia jacksoni (189405) | |
Early/Lower Toarcian | Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) | Liassogomphidae indet. 1, Liassogomphidae indet. 2, Trigonophlebia zessini, Heterophlebia buckmani, Grimmenopteron elegantulum (114993) | |
Early/Lower Toarcian | Luxembourg | Phthitogomphus angulatus (106698) Proinogomphus kreuzerorum (195801) | |
Early/Lower Toarcian | Germany | Libellula brodiei, Heterophlebia megapolitana, Heterophlebia geinitziella, Heterophlebia gracilis, Systellothemis reticulata, Heterophlebia debilis, Heterophlebia geinitzi, Heterophlebia similis, Heterophlebia germana, Heterophlebia dobbertinensis, Heterophlebia buckmanni, Libellula sp. (123987) | |
Early/Lower Toarcian | United Kingdom (Gloucestershire) | Aeschna brodiei (154308) Agrion buckmani, Libellula dislocata, Heterophlebia angulata (153651) | |
Early/Lower Toarcian | Germany (Niedersachsen) | Gomphites aranea, Gomphites brodiei, Proinogomphus bodei, Proinogomphus bicellatus, Elattogomphus latus, Plagiophlebia praecostarea, Heterophlebia buckmani, Heterophlebia proxima, Liadothemis wunnenbergi, Strongylogomphus grasselianus, Myopophlebia libera, Myopophlebia ligata, Myopophlebia inexpleta (105002) Gomphites paeneparallelus, Plagiophlebia praecostarea (107556) Gomphites propinquus, Heterophlebia buckmani, Heterophlebia proxima, Myopophlebia libera (107343) Gomphites propinquus, Heterophlebia proxima (107344) Heterophlebia proxima (107323 107554 107555) Liadothemis wunnenbergi (107342) Necrogomphus brunswigae (107341) Paragomphus angulatus, Gomphites brodiei, Liadothemis wunnenbergi, Strongylogomphus grasselianus, Myopophlebia libera, Myopophlebia tecta (107321) Plagiophlebia praecostarea, Heterophlebia proxima (107552) Proinogomphus aequalicellatus, Plagiophlebia praecostarea (107553) | |
Early/Lower Toarcian | Germany (Baden-Würtemberg) | Liassogomphus brodiei (117796) | |
Falciferum | United Kingdom (England) | Gomphites brodiei, Libellula dislocata (154307) Heterophlebia buckmani (115219 234542) Heterothemis brodiei (234541 234546) Heterothemis sp. (234544) Heterothemis sp., Heterothemis brodiei, Heterophlebia sp. (234543) Liassogomphidae indet. (132646) | |
Falciferum | Germany | Heterophlebia buckmani (139759) Heterothemis brodiei (151353) Liassostenophlebia germanica, Heterophlebia buckmani (105428) | |
Falciferum | Luxembourg | Henrotayia marci, Heterophlebia buckmani, Paraheterophlebia marcusi, Paraplagiophlebia loneuxi, Myopophlebia libera, Phthitogomphus angulatus (105427) | |
Toarcian | Kyrgyzstan (Batken) | Ferganophlebia insignis (105088) | |
Toarcian | Germany | Heterophlebia megapolitana (104056) | |
Toarcian | Switzerland | Liassogomphus brodiei (97601) |