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Bivalvia - Pectinida

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1954Heteropectinoidea Beurlen
2010Heteropectinoidea Bouchet et al.
2011Heteropectinoidea Carter et al. p. 10

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassAutobranchia(Groblen 1894)
infraclassPteriomorphia(Beurlen 1944)
OstreomorphiFerussac 1822
OstreioniFerussac 1822
OstreataFerussac 1822
superorderOstreiformiiFerussac 1822
orderPectinida(Gray 1854)
suborderAnomiidinaGray 1854
AviculopectinoideiStarobogatov 1992
superfamilyHeteropectinoideaBeurlen 1954
superfamilyHeteropectinoideaBeurlen 1954

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Superfm. †Heteropectinoidea Beurlen 1954
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Fm. †Annuliconchidae Newell and Boyd 1995
G. †Annuliconcha Newell 1938
Annuliconcha acanthica Gemmellaro 1896
Annuliconcha dentata Newell and Boyd 1995
Annuliconcha interlineata Meek and Worthen 1860
Invalid names: Posidonomya lasallensis Miller and Gurley 1896 [synonym]
Annuliconcha janus Gemmellaro 1896
Annuliconcha placunensis Nelsina and Koschman 1958
Annuliconcha volgensis Stuckenberg 1905
Fm. †Heteropectinidae Beurlen 1954
Subfm. †Cassianoidinae Newell and Boyd 1995
G. †Cassianoides Newell and Boyd 1995
Cassianoides kingorum Newell and Boyd 1995
Cassianoides rara Waterhouse 1987
Cassianoides sexcostatus Stuckenberg 1898
Invalid names: Cassianella sexradiata Branson 1930 [synonym]
Subfm. †Etheripectininae Waterhouse 1982
G. †Etheripecten Waterhouse 1963
Etheripecten alatus Lutkevich and Lobanova 1960
Etheripecten chandleri Waterhouse 1982
Etheripecten dawsonensis Runnegar and Ferguson 1969
Etheripecten escalatus Waterhouse 1982
Etheripecten haydeni Nakazawa 1981
Etheripecten hiemalis Salter 1865
Etheripecten latus Fletcher 1929
Invalid names: Pecten mitis Dana 1849 [synonym]
Etheripecten petulantus Waterhouse 1987
Etheripecten plicatus Waterhouse 1983
Etheripecten sichuanensis Chen et al. 1974
Invalid names: Etheripecten hunanensis Zhang 1981 [synonym]
Etheripecten striatura Waterhouse 1963
Etheripecten stuflesseri Prinoth and Posenato 2023
Invalid names: Aviculopecten hobartensis Johnston 1887 [synonym], Aviculopecten sprenti Johnston 1887 [synonym], Aviculopecten sprentii Johnston 1887 [synonym]
Etheripecten trichotomus Kegel and Costa 1951
Etheripecten wilczeki Toula 1875
Tr. †Etheripectinini Waterhouse 1982
G. †Glabripecten Waterhouse 1982
Glabripecten glaber Waterhouse 1982
G. †Vnigripecten Muromtseva 1984
G. †Fletcheripecten Waterhouse 1982
Fletcheripecten heterosus Waterhouse 1982
Fletcheripecten laticostatus Waterhouse 1982
Invalid names: Pecten comptus Dana 1847 [replaced]
Fletcheripecten lyonsi Waterhouse 1986
G. †Girtypecten Newell 1938
Girtypecten fimbriata Gemmellaro 1896
Girtypecten fimbriatus Gemmellaro 1896
Girtypecten jiaheensis Zhang 1981
Girtypecten ovalis Dickins 1963
Invalid names: Aviculopecten laqueatus Girty 1909 [synonym]
G. †Neptunopecten Astafieva 2001
Neptunopecten bellula Astafieva 1997
Neptunopecten subclathratus Keyserling 1846
Invalid names: Neptunella Astafieva 1997 [replaced]
Subfm. †Heteropectininae Beurlen 1954
G. †Heteropecten Kegel and Costa 1951
Heteropecten deplanata Waagen 1881
Heteropecten exemplarius Newell 1938
Heteropecten girtyi Newell 1938
Heteropecten gryphus Newell 1938
Invalid names: Aviculopecten bravoi Thomas 1928 [synonym], Aviculopecten sullanaensis Thomas 1928 [synonym]
Heteropecten paranaensis Neves et al. 2014
Heteropecten vanvleeti Beede 1902
Invalid names: Aviculopecten oklahomaensis Beede 1907 [synonym]
Invalid names: Corrugopecten Waterhouse 1982 [synonym]
G. †Kolymopecten Biakov 2024
Kolymopecten kolymaensis Maslennikow 1959
Invalid names: Aviculopecten kolymaensis ampla Lobanova and Lutkevich 1970 [synonym]
Kolymopecten mutabilis Licharew 1927
Invalid names: Aviculopecten kolymaensis erecta Lobanova and Lutkevich 1970 [synonym]
Invalid names: Girtypectininae Waterhouse 2008 [empty]
Fm. †Hunanopectinidae Yin 1985
Subfm. †Asoellinae Begg and Campbell 1985
G. †Asoella Tokuyama 1959
Asoella asapha Leanza 1942
Asoella campbellorum Damborenea 2012
Asoella ireneana McRoberts 2011
G. †Gardenapecten Prinoth and Posenato 2023
Gardenapecten trinkeri Stache 1878
Invalid names: Eumorphotis josephi Leonardi 1930 [synonym], Pecten (Aviculopecten) guembeli Stache 1878 [synonym], Pecten pardulus Stache 1878 [synonym], Pseudomonotis forojuliensis Gortani 1906 [synonym], Pseudomonotis irregularis Gortani 1906 [synonym]
G. †Leptochondria Bittner 1891
Leptochondria aeolicus Bittner 1891
Leptochondria albertii Goldfuss 1838
Invalid names: Pecten inaequistriatus Goldfuss 1838 [synonym]
Leptochondria asiatica Kurushin 1998
Leptochondria bittneri Kiparisova 1938
Leptochondria curtocardinalis Hall and Whitfield 1877
Invalid names: Aviculopecten landerensis Branson 1930 [synonym], Leptochondria thaynesiana Girty 1927 [synonym], Monotis bregeri Girty 1927 [synonym]
Leptochondria dagestanica Gavrilova 1995
Leptochondria hataii Murata 1973
Leptochondria illyrica Bittner 1901
Leptochondria minima Kiparisova 1938
Leptochondria nuetzeli Hautmann et al. 2013
Invalid names: Aviculopecten parvulus Hall and Whitfield 1877 [synonym], Aviculopecten superstrictus White 1879 [synonym], Aviculopecten weberensis Hall and Whitfield 1877 [synonym], Monotis parksi Girty 1927 [synonym]
Leptochondria pervulgata Bittner 1902
Leptochondria simensis Licharew 1927
Leptochondria viezzenensis Wilckens 1909
Leptochondria virgalensis Wittenburg 1908
Leptochondria zhenjiangensis Li et al. 1982
Invalid names: Orientopecten Li 1995 [synonym], Orientopecten gujoensis Li 1995 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Leptochondriidae Newell and Boyd 1995 [synonym]
Subfm. †Hunanopectininae Yin 1985
Tr. †Furcatiini Waterhouse 2001
G. †Furcatia Waterhouse 2001
Tr. †Hunanopectinini Yin 1985
G. †Fransonia Newell and Boyd 1995
Fransonia wyomingensis Newell and Boyd 1995
G. †Hunanopecten Zhang 1977
Hunanopecten declivis Zhang 1981
Hunanopecten exilis Zhang 1977
Hunanopecten ovalis Wang 1993
Fm. †Limipectinidae Newell and Boyd 1990
Subfm. †Acanthopectininae Newell and Boyd 1995
G. †Acanthopecten Girty 1903
Acanthopecten bellosum Hoare et al. 1978
Invalid names: Pecten hawni Geinitz 1866 [synonym]
Acanthopecten coloradoensis Newberry 1861
Acanthopecten gaoanensis Li and Ding 1982
Acanthopecten giganteus Chen et al. 1974
Acanthopecten jaguelensis Gonzalez 1997
Acanthopecten josephinae Gemmellaro 1896
Acanthopecten licharewi Fredericks 1915
Acanthopecten meeki Newell 1938
Acanthopecten onukii Murata 1964
Acanthopecten spinosus Hayasaka 1925
Invalid names: Acanthopecten anshunensis Xu 1980 [nomen nudum], Acanthopecten equicostatus Xu 1980 [nomen nudum], Acanthopecten subgiganteus Xu 1980 [nomen nudum]
Tr. †Costatoplicatinini Waterhouse 2008
G. †Costatoplicatina Waterhouse 2008
Subfm. †Lamnipectininae Waterhouse 2008
G. †Lamnipecten Waterhouse 2008
Invalid names: Acanthopectinini Newell and Boyd 1995 [empty]
Subfm. †Limipectininae Newell and Boyd 1990
G. †Limipecten Girty 1903
Limipecten araneosus Chronic 1949
Limipecten bandoi Murata 1969
Limipecten burnettensis Maxwell 1964
Limipecten flexiauricularis Campbell 1961
Limipecten globulus Liu 1976
Limipecten greerensis Busanus and Hoare 1991
Limipecten hubeiensis Zhang 1977
Limipecten koninckii Meek and Worthen 1860
Limipecten lamellus Hoare 2007
Limipecten latiformis Shimer 1926
Limipecten morsei Newell 1938
Limipecten multistriatus Maxwell 1964
Limipecten otterensis Easton 1962
Limipecten pincombei Mitchell 1924
Limipecten texanus Girty 1904
Limipecten wewokanus Newell 1938
Invalid names: Antijaniridae Hautmann 2011 [empty], Ornithopectinidae Hautmann 2011 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calciteo
Composition 2: aragoniteo
Environment: marineo
Locomotion: stationaryo
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2007-09-07 02:56:05
Modified: 2009-12-13 03:22:38
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Late/Upper Famennian to the top of the Early/Lower Albian or 364.70000 to 109.00000 Ma

Collections (1223 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Late/Upper Famennian364.7 - 360.7Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Acanthopecten sp. (38266 162207)
Hastarian358.9 - 353.8China (Guizhou) Girtypecten newelli (232289)
Tournaisian358.9 - 346.7United Kingdom (England) Acanthopecten nobilis (8761) Acanthopecten sp. (8712 8730 8731)
Tournaisian358.9 - 346.7Australia (New South Wales) Girtypecten sp. (58018)
Tournaisian - Visean358.9 - 330.9Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Girtypecten wasserfallensis, Limipecten sp. (229113)
Mississippian358.9 - 323.2USA (California) Aviculopecten interlineatus, Aviculopecten carboniferus (214521)
Carboniferous358.9 - 298.9USA (Texas) Acanthopecten sp. (1098)
Kinderhookian - Virgilian358.9 - 298.9USA (California) Acanthopecten sp., Etheripecten sp. (588)
Ivorian353.8 - 346.7Ireland Acanthopecten tessellatus (76497)
Ivorian - Chadian353.8 - 340.0Ireland Acanthopecten tessellatus (76515) Acanthopecten tessellatus, Limipecten dissimilis (76501)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Norian228.0 - 208.5Russian Federation (Primorskiy Kray) Leptochondria albertii (97858 97859)
Norian228.0 - 208.5Peru Leptochondria pascoensis (71786)
Lacian221.5 - 215.56Canada (British Columbia) Asoella ireneana (115116)
Rhaetian208.5 - 201.3Argentina (Mendoza) Asoella campbellorum (132709 132712 132723 132724 132725)
Late/Upper Hettangian - Early/Lower Pliensbachian201.3 - 183.0Argentina (Mendoza) Asoella asapha (36943)
Late/Upper Sinemurian196.5 - 189.6Argentina (Mendoza) Asoella asapha (201508 201509)
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7Argentina (Mendoza) Asoella asapha (33720)
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7Argentina (Neuquen) Asoella asapha (33869 33871)
Bajocian170.3 - 168.3China Leptochondria sp. (225728)
Early/Lower Albian112.03 - 109.0United Kingdom (England) Neptunella espaillaci (1864)