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Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Actinastreidae


A very obvious feature of the genus is the granulated coenosteum that is made by the thick external parts of septa (costae) and the isolated trabeculae that can be considered as sptes abortifs, as septa that do not enter into the calicular space. Comparable and much better preserved material from the Austrian Gosau facies (Turonian-Campanian) shows an ornamentation of the septal faces as described below for Stelidioseris. Newly examined material from the Gosau area (Turonian-Campanian) shows that intercalicinal chambers (lacunes) occur only occasionally and not regularly as illustrated by Beauvais (1982).

As mentioned above, the revision of the genus carried out by Alloiteau (1954) was mainly based on the invalid neotype of Astrea decaphylla Michelin 1847, which is in reality a Stelidioseris (see Alloiteau 1954: fig. 2). Alloiteau does not talk about the formation of the coenosteum, or about the granulated surface. The ornamentation of the septal faces in Alloiteau (1954: fig. 1) corresponds to the observations made in Actinastrea species from the Gosau area (Austria) with the difference that the inclination angle of the rows is lower than shown by Alloiteau.

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1849Actinastrea d'Orbigny
1849Enallocoenia d'Orbigny
1956Actinastrea Wells
1997Enallocoenia Turnsek
2002Actinastrea Baron-Szabo
2002Actinastraea Sepkoski
2002Enallocoenia Sepkoski
2003Actinastrea Kiessling
2010Actinastrea Löser p. 582

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phylumCnidariaHatschek 1888
classAnthozoaEhrenberg 1834
orderScleractiniaBourne 1900
suborderAstrocoeniinaVaughan and Wells 1943
familyActinastreidae(Alloiteau 1952)
genusActinastread'Orbigny 1849

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Actinastrea d'Orbigny 1849
show all | hide all
Actinastraea minima Beauvais 1986
Actinastraea pyrenaica Chevalier 1962
Actinastrea aequibernensis Hackemesser 1936
Actinastrea asteriscus Weissermel 1900
Actinastrea bastidensis Alloiteau 1954
Actinastrea benaixensis Alloiteau 1954
Actinastrea besairiei Alloiteau 1958
Actinastrea cavernata Eliasova 1974
Actinastrea crassoramosa Michelin 1843
Actinastrea cribellum Pocta 1887
Actinastrea elongata Alloiteau 1954
Actinastrea engolismensis Alloiteau 1954
Actinastrea exigua Alloiteau 1954
Actinastrea fromenteli Alloiteau 1954
Actinastrea furcata Etallon 1859
Actinastrea geminata Goldfuss 1826
Invalid names: Actinastrea hexaphylloides Felix 1906 [synonym]
Actinastrea gibbosa Duncan 1867
Actinastrea goldfussi Orbigny 1850
Actinastrea guadalupae Roemer 1849
Actinastrea hexacnema Quenstedt 1881
Actinastrea hexamera Fritzsche 1924
Actinastrea hexaphylla Quenstedt 1881
Actinastrea hourcqi Alloiteau 1958
Actinastrea inrasa Eliasova 1974
Actinastrea lacvivieri Alloiteau 1954
Invalid names: Actinastrea chumbitaroensis Filkorn and Pantoja-Alor 2009 [synonym]
Actinastrea matheyi Koby 1885
Actinastrea octolamellosa Michelin 1846
Actinastrea parasitica Duncan 1867
Actinastrea paucipaliformis Baron-Szabo and González-León 1999
Actinastrea pedunculata Duncan 1867
Actinastrea pentagonalis Goldfuss 1829
Actinastrea piveteaui Alloiteau 1954
Actinastrea plana Duncan 1867
Actinastrea ramosa Sowerby 1832
Actinastrea regularis Fromentel 1887
Actinastrea sakalavensis Alloiteau 1958
Actinastrea subdecaphylla Oppenheim 1930
Invalid names: Actinastrea menabensis Alloiteau 1958 [synonym]
Actinastrea subornata d'Orbigny 1850
Actinastrea trochiformis Michelin 1843
Invalid names: Enallocoenia d'Orbigny 1849 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitef
Grouping: colonialf
Clonal: yesf
Environment: marinef
Locomotion: stationaryf
Attached: yeso
Life habit: intermediate-level epifaunalo
Diet: photosymbioticf
Diet 2: suspension feederf
Vision: blindc
Reproduction: alternatingo
Asexual: yesf
Dispersal: watero
Dispersal 2: planktonico
Created: 2008-01-26 09:44:35
Modified: 2008-01-26 11:44:35
Source: f = family, o = order, c = class
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Carnian to the top of the Burdigalian or 237.00000 to 15.97000 Ma

Collections (229 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Carnian237.0 - 228.0Italy A. sp. (170920)
Early/Lower Jurassic201.4 - 174.7Canada (British Columbia) Actinastraea minima (53791)
Hettangian201.3 - 199.3Chile A. gibbosa (58536) A. plana, A. gibbosa (58539)
Hettangian201.3 - 199.3United Kingdom (Wales) Allocoeniopsis gibbosa (33356)
Angulata201.3 - 196.5United Kingdom (Wales) A. plana, A. gibbosa, A. parasitica, A. pedunculata (41816)
Hettangian - Sinemurian201.3 - 190.8Morocco Actinastraea plana (33568)
Sinemurian199.3 - 190.8Chile A. gibbosa (58545 95096)
Sinemurian199.3 - 190.8Peru (Arequipa region) Astrocoenia lissoni (38079)
Late/Upper Sinemurian196.5 - 189.6Canada (British Columbia) A. plana (21251)
Late/Upper Sinemurian196.5 - 189.6Chile A. sp. (210182)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Jamaica A. exigua (27649) A. exigua, A. hexaphylla (27657)
Danian66.0 - 61.6France Actinastraea hexaphylloides (76889)
Danian66.0 - 61.6Netherlands (Limburg) A. goldfussi (85275)
Paleocene66.0 - 56.0India (Gujarat) A. sp. (171803)
Selandian - Thanetian61.6 - 56.0Pakistan (Sind) Astrocoenia ramosa (11289)
Late/Upper Paleocene58.7 - 55.8Egypt A. sp. (69637)
Eocene56.0 - 33.9Somalia Astrocoenia ramosa (71063)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71Czech Republic A. cavernata, A. inrasa (69514)
Aquitanian23.03 - 20.44France Actinastraea pyrenaica (161396)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Cyprus A. tarbellensis (223596)