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Bivalvia - Pholadida

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1809Pholadacea Lamarck
1809Pholadoidea Lamarck
1965Pholadacea Newell p. 21
1980Pholadacea Vokes p. 187
1984Pholadacea Squires p. 53
1987Pholadacea Squires p. 71
1987Pholadacea Ward and Blackwelder p. 131
1992Pholadoidea Ward p. 115
1993Pholadacea Kennedy p. 397
2000Pholadoidea Coan et al. p. 466
2006Pholadoidea Bieler and Mikkelsen p. 235
2006Pholadoidea Rosenberg et al.
2009Pholadoidea Nevesskaja
2010Pholadoidea Bouchet et al.
2011Pholadoidea Carter et al. p. 17

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassAutobranchia(Groblen 1894)
infraclassHeteroconchia(Gray 1854)
CardiomorphiFerussac 1822
CardioniFerussac 1822
CardiidiaFerussac 1822
CardiataFerussac 1822
superorderPholadiformiiGray 1854
orderPholadidaGray 1854
superfamilyPholadoideaLamarck 1809
superfamilyPholadoideaLamarck 1809

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Superfm. Pholadoidea Lamarck 1809
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Fm. Pholadidae Lamarck 1809
G. Cyrtopleura Tryon 1862
Subg. Cyrtopleura (Scobinopholas) Grant and Gale 1931
Cyrtopleura costata Linnaeus 1758
Cyrtopleura crucigera Sowerby 1834
Cyrtopleura levesquei Watelet 1851
G. Dactylina Gray
G. Diplothyra Tryon 1862
Diplothyra smithii Tryon 1862
Subfm. Jouannetiinae Tryon 1862
G. Jouannetia Des Moulins 1828
Subg. Jouannetia (Jouannetia) Des Moulins 1828
Jouannetia cuneata Tate 1887
Netastoma rostratum Valenciennes 1846
Netastoma squiresi Kennedy 1993
Invalid names: Nettastomella Carpenter 1865 [synonym]
G. Lignopholas Turner 1955
G. Martesia Sowerby 1824
Subg. Martesia (Martesia) Sowerby 1834
Martesia cazadoriana Wilckens 1907
Martesia clausa Gabb 1864
Martesia cylindrica Riedel 1933
Martesia mcevoyi McLearn 1929
Martesia meganosensis Clark and Woodford 1927
Martesia oligocenica Maury 1912
Martesia ovalis Say 1820
Martesia sanctipauli Maury 1917
Martesia striata Linnaeus 1758
Subfm. Martesiinae Grant 1931
G. †Aspidopholas Fischer 1887
Chaceia fulcherae Kennedy 1993
Chaceia ovoidea Gould 1851
G. †Goniochasma Meek 1864
G. Parapholas Conrad 1848
Parapholas satoi Nagao 1928
G. Penitella Valenciennes 1846
Penitella conradi Valenciennes 1846
Invalid names: Pholadidea parva Tryon 1865 [synonym]
Penitella fitchi Turner 1955
Penitella gabbii Tryon 1863
Penitella penita Conrad 1837
Invalid names: Penitella speloeum Conrad 1855 [synonym]
Penitella richardsoni Kennedy 1989
G. Pholadidea Turton 1819
Pholadidea increnata Marwick 1929
Pholadidea patagonica Philippi 1887
G. †Ramsetia Stephenson 1941
G. †Opertochasma Stephenson 1953
Subfm. Pholadinae Lamarck 1809
G. Barnea Leach 1826
Subg. Barnea (Anchomasa) Leach 1852
Barnea (Anchomasa) saulae Kennedy 1993
Subg. Barnea (Barnea) Leach 1826
Subg. Barnea (Umitakea) Habe 1952
Barnea pacifica Stearns 1871
Barnea shihchoensis Wang 1983
Barnea subtruncata Sowerby I 1834
Barnea tiara Tate 1887
Barnea truncata Say 1822
G. †Clavipholas Conrad 1868
G. Cyrtopleuropsis Pacaud 1998
Tr. †Euxinibarneini Zhgenti 1991
G. †Euxinibarnea Zhgenti 1966
G. Monothyra Tryon 1862
G. Nipponopholas Okamato and Habe 1987
G. Pholas Linnaeus 1758
Subg. Pholas (Pholas) Linnaeus 1758
Pholas (Pholas) memmingeri Tuomey and Holmes 1858
Pholas arcuata Conrad 1841
Pholas baudoni Deshayes 1857
Pholas dactylus Linnaeus 1758
Pholas intermedia Wood 1879
Pholas mackiana Maury 1912
Pholas pectorosa Conrad 1852
Pholas triquetra Conrad 1848
Invalid names: Hypogaea Poli 1791 [synonym]
G. †Zirlona
Invalid names: Pholadini Lamarck 1809 [empty], Zirfaeinae Gray 1851 [synonym]
G. †Teredina
Teredina personata Lamarck 1806
Subfm. Xylophaginae Purchon 1941
G. †Xylophagella Meek 1864
Xylophagella crassula Stoliczka 1870
Xylophagella littlei Hryniewicz 2019
G. Xylopholas Turner 1972
G. Xyloredo Turner 1972
G. †Zirphaea Gray 1840
Zirphaea dentata Gabb 1866
Zirphaea plana White 1889
Invalid names: Hypogaeidae Rafinesque 1815 [synonym], Martesinae Grant and Gale 1931 [empty]
Fm. Teredinidae Rafinesque 1815
Subfm. Kuphinae Tryon 1862
G. Kuphus Guettard 1770
Kuphus fistula Lea 1843
Kuphus incrassatus Gabb 1873
Invalid names: Teredo circula Aldrich 1886 [synonym]
Kuphus polythalamia Linnaeus 1767
Invalid names: Clossonnaria Ferussac 1821 [synonym], Furcella Lamarck 1801 [synonym], Succinodon Huene 1941 [synonym]
G. †Terebrimya Stephenson 1953
Subfm. Teredininae Rafinesque 1815
G. †Bactronophorus Tapparone-Canefri 1877
Subfm. Bankiini Turner 1966
G. Bankia Gray 1842
Bankia lincolnensis Durham and Zullo 1961
Bankia setacea Tryon 1863
G. Nausitora Wright 1864
Nausitora wrigleyi Gale 1995
G. Nototeredo Bartsch 1923
Nototeredo globosa Meek and Hayden 1858
Invalid names: Teredo selliformis Meek and Hayden 1860 [synonym]
G. †Dicyathifer Iredale 1932
G. †Lyrodus Gould 1870
G. Teredora Bartsch 1921
G. †Uperotus Guettard 1770
Invalid names: Teredinini Rafinesque 1815 [empty]
G. Teredo Linnaeus 1758
Subg. †Teredo (Psiloteredo) Bartsch 1922
Subg. Teredo (Teredo) Linnaeus 1758
Teredo alpina Traub 1938
Teredo dendrolestes Brown and Pilsbry 1911
Teredo mississippiensis Conrad 1854
Teredo pugetensis White 1889
Teredo simplex Lea 1833
Teredo simplexopsis de Gregorio 1890
Teredo virginiana Clark 1895
G. Teredothyra Bartsch 1921
G. †Turnus Gabb 1864
Turnus gregarius Anderson 1938
Turnus lacombi McLearn 1933
Turnus plenus Gabb 1864
G. Xylotrya Blainville 1828
Invalid names: Teredolithus Bartsch 1930 [invalid subgroup]
Fm. Xylophagaidae Purchon 1941
G. Xylophaga Turton 1822
Invalid names: Pholadacea Lamarck 1809 [replaced]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: stationarysuperf
Life habit: boringsuperf
Diet: suspension feedersuperf
Vision: blindc
Comments: LIFE HISTORY: WB, SE/IM, UN, SU according to Todd (2001).superf
Created: 2009-09-09 13:51:52
Modified: 2009-09-09 15:51:52
Source: superf = superfamily, c = class
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Sanchez Roig 1926

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Sinemurian to the top of the Holocene or 199.30000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 190.8 Ma

Collections (871 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Sinemurian199.3 - 190.8Peru Bankia sp. (36961)
Pliensbachian - Aalenian190.8 - 170.3Peru (Junín) Martesia sp. (202438)
Callovian166.1 - 163.5India Turnus callovensis (61467)
Middle Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7France Jouannetia gelyana (11084)
Middle Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7Germany (Niedersachsen) Jouannetia sp. (31435)
Tithonian152.1 - 145.0Greenland Xylophagainae indet. (1227)
Berriasian145.0 - 139.8Russian Federation Teredo sp. (2499)
Early/Lower Barremian130.0 - 125.45South Africa Teredo sp. (65839)
Late/Upper Barremian130.0 - 125.45Greenland Turnus sp. (55728 55730 55731)
Aptian125.0 - 113.0United Kingdom (England) Goniochasma dallasi (1859)
Aptian125.0 - 113.0Japan (Iwate) Teredo matsushimaensis (40315 40316 40553 40554)
Late/Upper Aptian122.46 - 113.0South Africa Teredo sp. (65837 65963)
Late/Upper Aptian122.46 - 113.0New Zealand Martesia sp. (65630 65634 65635)
Late/Upper Aptian - Early/Lower Albian122.46 - 109.0USA (California) Turnus gregarius (225527)
Early/Lower Aptian121.4 - 122.46Switzerland Pholas cornueliana (2175)
Albian113.0 - 100.5Canada (Alberta) Turnus lacombi (87418)
Albian113.0 - 100.5Switzerland Pholas sanctae-crucis (2167)
Early/Lower Albian112.03 - 109.0United Kingdom (England) Martesia sp., Terebrimya sp., Xylophagella sp. (1785) Terebrimya sp. (1834)
Motuan103.3 - 99.5New Zealand Teredo sp. (83507)
Cenomanian100.5 - 93.9USA (Texas) Opertochasma subconicum (4648) Opertochasma subconicum, Terebrimya lamarana (6578 6604 6635) Opertochasma venustum (6498 6513 6525) Pholas scaphoides (4641 6548) Terebrimya lamarana (6508 6646)