Classification of Billings 1865

G. †Salterella Billings 1861
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Salterella pulchella Billings 1861
G. Chiton Linnaeus 1758
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Chiton canadensis Billings 1865
G. †Ribeiria Sharpe 1853
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Ribeiria calcifera Billings 1865
G. †Ribeirina Billings 1865
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Ribeirina longiscula Billings 1865
G. †Conocardium Bronn 1835
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Conocardium antiquum Owen 1852
Conocardium immatura Billings 1865
G. †Eopteria Billings 1865
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Eopteria ornata Billings 1865
Eopteria richardsoni Billings 1865
Eopteria typica Billings 1865
G. †Euchasma Billings 1865
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Euchasma blumenbachi Billings 1859
G. †Clisospira Billings 1865
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Clisospira curiosa Billings 1865
G. †Bellerophon de Montfort 1808
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Bellerophon macer Billings 1865
Bellerophon miser Billings 1865
Bellerophon palinurus Billings 1865
G. †Metoptoma Phillips 1836
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Metoptoma alceste Billings 1865
Metoptoma anomala Billings 1865
Metoptoma augusta Billings 1865
Metoptoma erato Billings 1865
Metoptoma estella Billings 1865
Metoptoma eubule Billings 1865
Metoptoma hyrie Billings 1865
Metoptoma instabilis Billings 1865
Metoptoma melissa Billings 1865
Metoptoma montrealensis Billings 1865
Metoptoma niobe Billings 1865
Metoptoma nycteis Billings 1865
Metoptoma orithyia Billings 1865
Metoptoma orphyne Billings 1865
Metoptoma quebecensis Billings 1865
Metoptoma robusta Billings 1865
Metoptoma simplex Billings 1865
Metoptoma superba Billings 1865
Metoptoma trentonensis Billings 1865
Metoptoma venillia Billings 1865
G. †Cyclonema Hall 1852
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Cyclonema hageri Billings 1865
Cyclonema montrealense Billings 1865
Cyclonema phaedra Billings 1865
G. †Ecculiomphalus Portlock 1843
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Ecculiomphalus atlanticus Billings 1865
Ecculiomphalus distans Billings 1865
G. †Holopea Hall 1847
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Holopea gracia Billings 1865
Holopea guelphensis Billings 1865
Holopea harmonia Billings 1865
Holopea lavinia Billings 1865
Holopea lavinia conica Billings 1865
Holopea nereis Billings 1865
Holopea ophelia Billings 1865
Holopea pyrene Billings 1865
G. †Ophileta Vanuxem 1842
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Ophileta bella Billings 1865
Ophileta compacta Salter 1859
Ophileta disjuncta Billings 1865
Ophileta nerine Billings 1865
Ophileta uniangulata Hall 1847
G. †Straparollus de Montfort 1810
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Straparollus circe Billings 1860
Straparollus daphne Billings 1865
Straparollus hippolyta Billings 1865
Straparollus quebecensis Billings 1865
G. †Eunema Salter 1859
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Eunema cerithioides Salter 1859
Eunema erigone Billings 1865
G. †Helicotoma Salter 1859
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Helicotoma eucharis Billings 1865
Helicotoma gorgonea Billings 1865
Helicotoma miser Billings 1865
Helicotoma proserpina Billings 1865
Helicotoma tritonia Billings 1865
G. †Murchisonia d'Archiac and de Verneuil 1841
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Murchisonia acrea Billings 1865
Murchisonia ada Billings 1865
Murchisonia adelina Billings 1865
Murchisonia agilis Billings 1865
Murchisonia alexandra Billings 1865
Murchisonia artemesia Billings 1865
Murchisonia augustina Billings 1865
Murchisonia cassandra Billings 1865
Murchisonia catharina Billings 1865
Murchisonia cicela Billings 1865
Murchisonia cicelia Billings 1865
Murchisonia estella Billings 1865
Murchisonia hercynia Billings 1865
Murchisonia hermione Billings 1865
Murchisonia hyale Billings 1865
Murchisonia missisquoi Billings 1865
Murchisonia mylitta Billings 1865
Murchisonia placida Billings 1865
Murchisonia procris Billings 1865
Murchisonia simulatrix Billings 1865
Murchisonia sororcula Billings 1865
Murchisonia vesta Billings 1865
Murchisonia vitellia Billings 1865
Murchisonia xanthippe Billings 1865
G. †Pleurotomaria Defrance 1826
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Pleurotomaria agarista Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria agave Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria amphitrite Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria arabella Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria arachne Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria calphurnia Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria canadensis Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria deiopei Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria dryope Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria elora Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria etna Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria eugenia Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria galtensis Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria harpya Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria hortensia Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria hyale Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria normani Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria numeria Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria postumia Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria selecta Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria sponsa Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria vagrans Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria valeria Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria viola Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria virgo Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria virguncula Billings 1865
Pleurotomaria vitruvia Billings 1865
G. †Straparollina Billings 1865
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Straparollina eurydice Billings 1860
Straparollina pelagica Billings 1865
G. †Subulites Emmons 1842
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Subulites daphne Billings 1865
Subulites parvulus Billings 1865
Subulites psyche Billings 1865
G. †Lituites Bertrand 1763
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Lituites pluto Billings 1865
G. †Orthoceras Breynius 1832
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Orthoceras missisquoi Billings 1865
G. Nautilus Linnaeus 1758
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Nautilus calciferus Billings 1865
G. †Ctenodonta Salter 1852
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Ctenodonta abrupta Billings 1865
G. †Olenellus Hall 1861
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Olenellus vermontana Hall 1859
G. †Ampyx Dalman 1827
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Ampyx semicostatus Billings 1865
G. †Remopleurides Portlock 1843
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Remopleurides canadensis Billings 1865
G. †Endymionia Billings 1865
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Endymionia meeki Billings 1862
Invalid names: Endymion Billings 1862 [replaced]
G. †Harpes Goldfuss 1839
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Harpes ottawaensis Billings 1865
G. †Bathyurellus Billings 1865
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Bathyurellus marginiatus Billings 1865
Bathyurellus nitidus Billings 1865
G. †Ceraurus Green 1832
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Ceraurus polydorus Billings 1865
G. †Cheirurus Beyrich 1845
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Cheirurus mercurius Billings 1865
Cheirurus perforator Billings 1865
Cheirurus pompilius Billings 1865
Cheirurus prolificus Billings 1865
Cheirurus satyrus Billings 1865
Cheirurus sol Billings 1865
G. Lingula Bruguiére 1797
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Lingula briseis Billings 1865
Lingula cobourgensis Billings 1865
Lingula nympha Billings 1865
G. †Trematis Sharpe 1848
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Trematis huronensis Billings 1865
G. †Obolella Billings 1861
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Obolella desiderata Billings 1865
G. †Orthis Dalman 1828
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Orthis gemmicula Billings 1865
Orthis iphigenia Billings 1865
G. †Petraster Billings 1858
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Petraster bellulus Billings 1865
G. †Stenaster Billings 1858
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Stenaster huxleyi Billings 1865
G. †Calathium Billings 1865
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Calathium paradoxicum Billings 1865
G. †Maclurea Le Sueur 1818
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Maclurea acuminata Billings 1865
Maclurea affinis Billings 1865
Maclurea crenulata Billings 1865
Maclurea emmonsi Billings 1865
Maclurea oceana Billings 1865
Maclurea ponderosa Billings 1865
Maclurea rotundata Billings 1865
Maclurea speciosa Billings 1865
Maclurea sylpha Billings 1865
Maclurea transitionis Billings 1865
G. Avicula Bruguière 1791
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Avicula hermione Billings 1865