Classification of Gabb 1866

G. Calliostoma Swainson 1840
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G. Turcica Adams 1854
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Subg. Turcica (Ptychostylis) Gabb 1865
G. Bittium Gray 1847
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Bittium asperum Gabb 1861
G. Littorina Ferussac 1821
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Littorina remondii Gabb 1866
G. Neverita Risso 1826
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Neverita callosa Gabb 1866
G. Ranella Lamarck 1816
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Ranella mathewsonii Gabb 1866
G. Trochita Schumacher 1817
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Trochita filosa Gabb 1866
G. Turritella Lamarck 1799 [turret shell]
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Turritella hoffmannii Gabb 1866
G. Cancellaria Lamarck 1799
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Subg. Cancellaria (Euclia) Adams and Adams 1854
G. Clathurella Carpenter 1857
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G. Columbella Lamarck 1799
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Subg. Columbella (Alia) Adams and Adams 1853 [dovesnail]
G. Metula Adams and Adams 1853
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Metula remondii Gabb 1866
G. Neptunea Röding 1798
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Neptunea recurva Gabb 1866
G. Trophon Montfort 1810
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Trophon ponderosum Gabb 1866
Cl. Cephalopoda Cuvier 1797
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G. †Ptiloteuthis Gabb 1869
G. Yoldia Möller 1842
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Yoldia cooperii Gabb 1865
G. Arca Linnaeus 1758 [ark]
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Arca sulcicosta Gabb 1866
G. Mytilus Linnaeus 1758
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Mytilus mathewsonii Gabb 1866
G. Ostrea Linnaeus 1758
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Ostrea atwoodii Gabb 1866
Ostrea bourgeoisii Rémond 1863
Ostrea cerrosensis Gabb 1866
Ostrea tayloriana Gabb 1866
Ostrea veatchii Gabb 1866
G. Pecten Müller 1776
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Pecten cerrosensis Gabb 1866
Pecten veatchii Gabb 1866
G. Callista Poli 1791
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Callista voyi Gabb 1866
G. Cardium Linnaeus 1758
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Cardium meekianum Gabb 1866
G. Chione von Mühlfield 1811
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Chione mathewsonii Gabb 1866
Chione whitneyi Gabb 1866
G. Conchocele Gabb 1866
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Conchocele disjuncta Gabb 1866
G. †Crassatella Lamarck 1799
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Crassatella collina Conrad 1857
G. Dosinia Scopoli 1777
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Dosinia conradi Gabb 1866
Dosinia staleyi Gabb 1866
G. Gari Schumacher 1817
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Subg. Gari (Psammocola) Blainville 1824
G. Hemimactra Swainson 1840
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Subg. Lucina (Here) Gabb 1866
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G. Mercenaria Schumacher 1817 [quahog]
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Mercenaria perlaminosa Conrad 1855
G. Mulinia Gray 1837
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Mulinia densata Conrad 1856
G. Pseudocardium Gabb 1866
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Pseudocardium gabbii Rémond 1863
G. Tapes Mühlfeld 1811
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Tapes truncata Gabb 1866
G. Venus Linnaeus 1758
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Venus kennerlyi Gabb 1866
G. Pandora Bruguière 1797
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Pandora scapha Gabb 1866
G. Cancer Linnaeus 1758 [crab]
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Cancer brewerii Gabb 1866
G. Asterias Linnaeus 1758
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Asterias remondii Gabb 1866
G. †Astrodapsis Conrad 1856
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Astrodapsis tumidus Rémond 1863
Astrodapsis whitneyi Rémond 1863
G. Clypeaster Lamarck 1801
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Clypeaster gabbii Rémond 1863
G. †Scutella Lamarck 1816
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Scutella gibbsii Rémond 1863
G. †Cyrena Lamarck
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G. †Pleurotoma Lamarck 1800
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Subg. Pleurotoma (Surcula) Adams and Adams 1853
Pleurotoma voyi Gabb 1866
G. Melania Lamarck 1800
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Melania taylori Gabb 1866
G. Modiola Lamarck 1801
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G. Cuma Swainson 1840
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Cuma biplicata Gabb 1866
G. Ancillaria Lamarck 1819
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Ancillaria fishii Gabb 1866
G. Schizodesma Gray 1837
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Schizodesma abscissa Gabb 1866
G. †Clavella Swainson 1835
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Clavella gravida Gabb 1866
Clavella sinuata Gabb 1866
G. Pachypoma Gray 1850
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G. Echinarachinus Gray 1825
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G. †Triptera Quoy and Gaimard 1835
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Triptera clavata Gabb 1866
G. †Lithasia Haldeman 1840
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Lithasia antiqua Gabb 1866
G. †Zirphaea Gray 1840
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Zirphaea dentata Gabb 1866
G. Morrisia Davidson 1852
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Morrisia hornii Gabb 1861