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Hominidae (ape)

Mammalia - Primates - Hominidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1758Homo troglodytes Linnaeus p. 20
1825Hominidae Gray
1850Hominidae Bonaparte p. 1
1883Hominidae Flower p. 186
1889Hominidae Cope p. 876
1891Hominidae Flower and Lydekker p. 92
1903Hominidae Wortman p. 414
1910Hominidae Gregory p. 465
1913Pongidae Elliot
1915Oreopithecidae Schwalbe
1965Pongidae Simons p. 135
1968Hominidae Kurten p. 59
1969Pongidae Simons and Chopra p. 2
1977Dryopithecidae Pilbeam et al. p. 695
1977Hominidae Pilbeam et al. p. 695
1977Pongidae Pilbeam et al. p. 695
1980Hominidae Kurten and Anderson p. 355
1982Hominidae Andrews and Cronin p. 545
1982Pongidae Andrews and Cronin p. 545
1988Hominidae Carroll
1988Oreopithecidae Carroll
1988Pongidae Carroll
1991Hominidae Nowak
1992Hominidae Andrews p. 641
1997Oreopithecidae Kunimatsu
2002Hominidae Begun
2002Hominidae Brunet et al. p. 145
2002Hominidae Kelley
2003Hominidae Chaimanee et al. p. 62
2004Hominidae Brown et al. p. 1055
2004Hominidae Chaimanee et al. p. 439
2004Hominidae Moyà-Solà et al. p. 1339
2010Hominidae Berger et al. p. 195
2010Hominidae Harrison
2011Hominidae Jaeger et al. p. 2
2012Hominidae Alba et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
EuarchontogliresMurphy et al. 2001
infraorderHaplorhini(Pocock 1918)
Anthropoidea(Mivart 1864)
infraorderCatarrhiniGeoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1812
superfamilyHominoideaGray 1825
familyHominidaeGray 1825
familyHominidaeGray 1825

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. Hominidae Gray 1825 [ape]
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G. †Danuvius Bohme et al. 2019
Danuvius guggenmosi Bohme et al. 2019
Subfm. †Dryopithecinae
Tr. †Afropithecini Andrews 1992
G. †Otavipithecus Conroy 1992
Otavipithecus namibiensis Conroy et al. 1992
G. †Griphopithecus Abel 1902
Griphopithecus alpani Tekkaya 1974
G. †Kenyapithecus Leakey 1961
Kenyapithecus wickeri Leakey 1961
G. †Limnopithecus Hopwood 1933
Limnopithecus evansi MacInnes 1943
Limnopithecus legetet Hopwood 1933
G. †Udabnopithecus Burchak-Abramovich and Gabashvili 1945
Udabnopithecus garedziensis Burtshak and Gabashvili 1945
G. Gorilla Geoffroy 1852 [gorilla]
Gorilla beringei Matschie 1903 [mountain gorilla]
Gorilla gorilla Savage and Wyman 1847 [gorilla]
Gorilla gorilla gorilla Savage and Wyman 1847 [western lowland gorilla]
Invalid names: Gorilla (Pseudogorilla) ellioti Frechkop 1943 [synonym], Pseudogorilla mayema Elliot 1912 [synonym]
Gorilla gorilla graueri Matschie 1914 [eastern lowland gorilla]
Invalid names: Gorilla gigas Haeckel 1903 [synonym]
Invalid names: Gorilla beringei mikenensis Lönnberg 1917 [synonym], Gorilla gorilla rexpygmaeorum Schwarz 1927 [synonym], Pseudogorilla Elliot 1912 [synonym]
Tr. Hominina Gray 1825
G. †Paranthropus Broom 1938 [australopithecine]
Paranthropus aethiopicus Arambourg and Coppens 1968
Paranthropus boisei Leakey 1959
Paranthropus robustus Broom 1938
Subfm. Homininae Gray 1825
G. †Dryopithecus Lartet 1856
Subg. †Dryopithecus (Rangwapithecus) Andrews 1974
Dryopithecus chinjiensis Pilgrim 1915
Dryopithecus fontani Lartet 1856
Dryopithecus mogharensis Fourtau 1918
Invalid names: Indopithecus von Koenigswald 1949 [synonym], Rangwapithecus (Ataxopithecus) Kretzoi 1984 [invalid subgroup], Rudapithecus Kretzoi 1969 [synonym]
Tr. †Graecopithecini Cameron 1997
G. †Graecopithecus von Koenigswald 1972
Graecopithecus freybergi von Koenigswald 1972
Invalid names: Ouranopithecus de Bonis and Melentis 1977 [synonym]
Tr. Hominini Gray 1825
G. †Ardipithecus White et al. 1995
Ardipithecus kadabba Haile-Selassie et al. 2004
Ardipithecus ramidus White et al. 1994
G. †Australopithecus Dart 1925 [australopithecine]
Australopithecus afarensis Johanson et al. 1978
Invalid names: Homo antiquus Ferguson 1984 [synonym], Homo antiquus praegens Ferguson 1989 [invalid subgroup], Praeanthropus afarensis Strait and Grine 2004 [synonym], Praeanthropus africanus Weinert 1950 [synonym]
Australopithecus anamensis Ward et al. 1999
Australopithecus deyiremeda Haile-Selassie et al. 2015
Australopithecus garhi Asfaw et al. 1999
Australopithecus sediba Berger et al. 2010
Invalid names: Paraustralopithecus Arambourg and Coppens 1967 [synonym], Plesianthropus Broom 1938 [synonym], Zinjanthropus Leakey 1959 [synonym]
G. Homo Linnaeus 1758 [human]
Homo antecessor Bermudez de Castro 1997
Homo erectus Dubois 1892
Invalid names: Homo ergaster Groves and Mazak 1975 [synonym]
Homo floresiensis Brown et al. 2004 [hobbit]
Homo georgicus Gabounia et al. 2002
Homo habilis Leakey et al. 1964
Homo heidelbergensis Schoetensack 1908
Homo helmei Dreyer 1935
Homo naledi Berger et al. 2015
Homo neanderthalensis King 1864 [Neanderthal]
Homo njarasensis Reck and Kohl-Larsen 1936
Homo rhodesiensis Woodward 1921
Homo rudolfensis Alexeev 1986
Homo sapiens Linnaeus 1758 [human]
Homo sapiens asiaticus Linnaeus 1758
Homo sapiens europaeus Linnaeus 1758
Homo sapiens ferus Linnaeus 1758
Homo sapiens idaltu White et al. 2003
Homo sapiens afer Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Africanthropus Dreyer 1935 [synonym], Atlanthropus Arambourg 1954 [synonym], Bimanes Gray 1821 [invalid subgroup], Cyphanthropus Pycraft 1928 [synonym], Kenyanthropus Leakey 2001 [synonym], Pithecanthropus Dubois 1894 [synonym], Protanthropus Haeckel 1895 [synonym], Sinanthropus Black 1927 [synonym], Tchadanthropus Coppens 1965 [synonym], Telanthropus Broom and Anderson 1949 [synonym]
Subtr. Panina Delson 1977
G. Pan Oken 1816 [chimpanzee]
Pan paniscus Schwartz 1929 [bonobo]
Pan troglodytes Blumenbach 1775 [chimpanzee]
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii Giglioli 1872 [eastern chimpanzee]
Invalid names: Simia (Anthropopithecus) cottoni Matschie 1912 [synonym]
Pan troglodytes troglodytes Blumenbach 1775 [central chimpanzee]
Invalid names: Anthropopithecus ellioti Matschie 1914 [synonym], Troglodytes niger Geoffroy 1812 [synonym], Troglodytes vellerosus Gray 1862 [synonym]
Pan troglodytes verus Schwarz 1934 [western chimpanzee]
Pithecus satyrus wurmbii Tiedemann 1808
Invalid names: Pan africanus Oken 1816 [synonym], Pan satyrus Linnaeus 1758 [replaced]
Invalid names: Anthropopithecus de Blainville 1839 [synonym], Bonobo Tratz and Heck 1954 [synonym], Chimpansee Voigt 1831 [synonym], Engeco Haeckel 1866 [synonym], Fsihego De Pauw 1905 [synonym], Hylanthropus Gloger 1841 [synonym], Mimetes Leach 1820 [synonym], Pongo Haeckel 1866 [synonym], Pseudanthropos Reichenbach 1862 [synonym], Theranthropus Brookes 1828 [synonym], Troglodytes Geoffroy 1812 [replaced]
G. †Sahelanthropus Brunet et al. 2002
Sahelanthropus tchadensis Brunet et al. 2002
Invalid names: Gorillini Hürzeler 1968 [empty]
G. †Lufengpithecus Wu 1987
Lufengpithecus lufengensis Xu et al. 1978
G. †Oreopithecus Gervais 1872
Oreopithecus bambolii Gervais 1871
G. †Pierolapithecus Moyà-Solà et al. 2004
Pierolapithecus catalaunicus Moyà-Solà et al. 2004
Subfm. Ponginae Elliot 1913
Tr. †Hispanopithecini Cameron 1997
G. †Hispanopithecus Villalta and Crusafont-Pairó 1955
Subg. †Hispanopithecus (Hispanopithecus) Villalta and Crusafont-Pairó 1944
Invalid names: Dryopithecus brancoi Schlosser 1901 [synonym]
Hispanopithecus (Hispanopithecus) laietanus Comella and Crusafont-Pairó 1944
Invalid names: Dryopithecus laietanus Villalta and Crusafont-Pairó 1944 [synonym]
G. †Khoratpithecus Chaimanee et al. 2004
Khoratpithecus ayeyarwadyensis Jaeger et al. 2011
Khoratpithecus chiangmuanensis Chaimanee et al. 2003
Khoratpithecus piriyai Chaimanee et al. 2004
G. Pongo Lacépède 1799 [orangutan]
Pongo abelii Lesson 1827 [Sumatran orangutan]
Pongo hooijeri Schwartz et al. 1995
Pongo pygmaeus Linnaeus 1760 [Bornean orangutan]
Pongo pygmaeus ciochoni Schwartz et al. 1995
Pongo pygmaeus devosi Schwartz et al. 1995
Pongo pygmaeus kahlkei Schwartz et al. 1995
Pongo pygmaeus fromageti Schwartz et al. 1995
Pongo tapanuliensis Nater et al. 2017
G. †Sivapithecus Pilgrim 1910
Sivapithecus indicus Pilgrim 1910
Invalid names: Sivapithecus orientalis Pilgrim 1927 [synonym]
Sivapithecus parvada Kelley 1988
Sivapithecus punjabicus Pilgrim 1910
Invalid names: Ankarapithecus Ozansoy 1965 [synonym], Palaeopithecus Lydekker 1879 [nomen dubium], Ramapithecus Lewis 1934 [synonym], Sivapithecus sivalensis Lydekker 1879 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Ramapithecidae Simonetta 1957 [invalid subgroup], Ramapithecinae Simonetta 1957 [invalid subgroup], Sivapithecinae [invalid subgroup]
Invalid names: Lufengpithecini Kelley 2002 [empty]
Subfm. †Preanthropinae Cela-Conde and Altaba 2002
G. †Praeanthropus Senyurek 1955
Praeanthropus anamensis Leakey 1995
Praeanthropus garhi Asfaw 1999
Invalid names: Orrorin Senut 2001 [synonym]
Invalid names: Australopithecinae Gregory and Hellman 1939 [empty], Cercopithecina Gray 1825 [empty], Dryopithecidae [synonym], Homo troglodytes Linnaeus 1758 [nomen vanum], Oreopithecidae Schwalbe 1915 [synonym], Pongidae Elliot 1913 [synonym], Presbytina Gray 1825 [empty], Simiina Gray 1825 [empty]
No diagnoses are available