Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Tapiroidea was named by Gill (1872) [also attributed to Burnett 1830]. It is extant. It was considered monophyletic by Colbert (2005).
It was assigned to Perissodactyla by Ameghino (1885); to Perissodactyla by Hay (1902); to Ceratomorpha by Cattoi (1957), Sahni and Khare (1971), Sahni and Khare (1973), Carroll (1988); to Tapiridea by Prothero and Schoch (1989); to Tapiromorpha by Eberle (2005); to Ceratomorpha by Hooker and Dashzeveg (2004), Holbrook et al. (2004), Colbert (2005), Colbert (2006); to Ceratomorpha by Schoch (1984), Holbrook (1999), Holanda et al. (2011); and to Perissodactyla by Ranga Rao (1972), Lofgren et al. (2020).
It was assigned to Perissodactyla by Ameghino (1885); to Perissodactyla by Hay (1902); to Ceratomorpha by Cattoi (1957), Sahni and Khare (1971), Sahni and Khare (1973), Carroll (1988); to Tapiridea by Prothero and Schoch (1989); to Tapiromorpha by Eberle (2005); to Ceratomorpha by Hooker and Dashzeveg (2004), Holbrook et al. (2004), Colbert (2005), Colbert (2006); to Ceratomorpha by Schoch (1984), Holbrook (1999), Holanda et al. (2011); and to Perissodactyla by Ranga Rao (1972), Lofgren et al. (2020).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1872 | Tapiroidea Gill |
1885 | Tapiroidea Ameghino p. 98 |
1902 | Tapiroidea Hay p. 624 |
1957 | Tapiroidea Cattoi p. 16 |
1971 | Tapiroidea Sahni and Khare p. 45 |
1972 | Tapiroidea Ranga Rao p. 7 |
1973 | Tapiroidea Sahni and Khare p. 37 |
1984 | Tapiroidea Schoch p. 3 |
1988 | Tapiroidea Carroll |
1989 | Tapiroidea Prothero and Schoch p. 533 |
1999 | Tapiroidea Holbrook p. 346 |
2004 | Tapiroidea Holbrook et al. p. 955 |
2004 | Tapiroidea Hooker and Dashzeveg p. 1379 |
2005 | Tapiroidea Colbert p. 5 |
2005 | Tapiroidea Eberle p. 313 |
2006 | Tapiroidea Colbert p. 698 |
2011 | Tapiroidea Holanda et al. p. 113 |
2020 | Tapiroidea Lofgren et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Superfm. Tapiroidea Gill 1872
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Fm. †Deperetellidae Radinsky 1965
G. †Bahinolophus Tsubamoto 2005
†Bahinolophus birmanicus Pilgrim 1925
Invalid names: Diplolophodon major Young 1937 [synonym], Diplolophodon qufuensis Shi 1989 [synonym], Diplolophodon similis Zdansky 1930 [synonym]
G. †Deperetella Matthew and Granger 1925
†Deperetella cristata Matthew and Granger 1925
†Deperetella depereti Zdansky 1930
†Deperetella dienensis Chow et al. 1974
†Deperetella khaitchinulensis Reshetov 1979
†Deperetella kungeica Tarasov 1968
†Deperetella sichuanensis Xu et al. 1979
Invalid names: Cristidentinus Zdansky 1930 [synonym], Diplolophodon Zdansky 1930 [synonym]
G. †Euryletes
G. †Haagella Heissig 1978
G. †Helaletes Marsh 1872
†Helaletes intermedius Osborn et al. 1878
Invalid names: Desmatotherium guyotii Scott 1883 [synonym]
†Helaletes medius Qi 1987
†Helaletes mongoliensis Osborn 1923
Fm. †Helaletidae Osborn 1892
G. †Desmatotherium Scott 1883
†Desmatotherium mongoliense Osborn 1923
Invalid names: Chasmotheroides Wood 1934 [synonym]
G. †Paracolodon Matthew and Granger 1925
†Paracolodon curtus Matthew and Granger 1925
†Paracolodon fissus Matthew and Granger 1925
†Paracolodon inceptus Matthew and Granger 1925
Invalid names: Chasmotheriinae Viret 1858 [empty], Helaletinae Osborn 1892 [empty]
G. †Heptodon Cope 1882
†Heptodon minimus Qi 1987
†Heptodon niushanensis Chow and Li 1965
†Heptodon tienshanensis Zhai 1978
G. †Hesperaletes Colbert 2006
†Hesperaletes borineyi Colbert 2006
†Hesperaletes walshi Colbert 2006
Fm. Tapiridae Gray 1821 [tapir]
G. †Colodon Marsh 1890
†Colodon cingulatus Douglass 1902
†Colodon copei Osborn and Wortman 1895
†Colodon inceptus Matthew and Granger 1925
†Colodon kayi Hough 1955
†Colodon occidentalis Leidy 1868
Invalid names: Colodon dakotensis Osborn and Wortman 1895 [synonym], Colodon luxatus Marsh 1890 [synonym], Colodon procuspidatus Osborn and Wortman 1895 [synonym], Mesohippus longipes Osborn and Wortman 1894 [synonym]
†Colodon orientalis Borissyak 1918
†Colodon stovalli Wilson and Schiebout 1984
†Colodon woodi Gazin 1956
Invalid names: Mesotapirus Scott and Osborn 1890 [synonym]
G. †Dilophodon Scott 1883
†Dilophodon destitutus Zonneveld and Gunnell 2003
†Dilophodon minusculus Scott 1883
G. †Eotapirus Cerdeno and Ginsburg 1988
†Eotapirus broennimanni Schaub and Hurzeler 1948
†Eotapirus ruber Cerdeno and Ginsburg 1988
G. †Nexuotapirus Albright 1998
†Nexuotapirus marslandensis Schoch 1984
†Nexuotapirus robustus Sinclair 1901
G. †Paratapirus Depéret and Douxami 1902
†Paratapirus helvetius Meyer 1867
†Paratapirus intermedius Filhol 1885
G. †Plesiocolopirus Schoch 1989
†Plesiocolopirus grangeri Tokunaga 1933
†Plesiocolopirus hancocki Radinsky 1963
†Plesiocolopirus kushiroensis Tomida 1983
G. †Protapirus Filhol 1877
†Protapirus aginensis Richard 1938
†Protapirus bavaricus Oettingen-Spielberg 1952
†Protapirus cetinensis Cerdeno and Ginsburg 1988
†Protapirus douvillei Filhol 1885
†Protapirus gromovae Biryukov 1972
†Protapirus obliquidens Wortman and Earle 1893
†Protapirus priscus Filhol 1874
†Protapirus simplex Wortman and Earle 1893
Invalid names: Protapirus validus Hatcher 1896 [synonym], Tanyops undans Marsh 1894 [synonym]
Invalid names: Tanyops Marsh 1894 [synonym]
G. †Tapiravus Marsh 1877
†Tapiravus validus Marsh 1871
Invalid names: Tapiravus rarus Marsh 1877 [nomen dubium]
Subfm. Tapirinae Burnett 1830
Invalid names: Miotapirini Schoch 1984 [empty], Tapiravini Schoch 1984 [empty]
G. Tapirus Brisson 1762 [tapir]
Subg. †Tapirus (Helicotapirus) Hulbert 2010
†Tapirus (Helicotapirus) lundeliusi Hulbert 2010
†Tapirus (Helicotapirus) veroensis Sellards 1918
Invalid names: Tapirus excelsus Simpson 1945 [synonym], Tapirus tennesseae Hay 1920 [synonym]
Invalid names: Tapirus veroensis sellardsi Simpson 1929 [invalid subgroup]
Subg. †Tapirus (Megatapirus) Matthew and Granger 1923
†Tapirus (Megatapirus) augustus Matthew and Granger 1923
†Tapirus antiquus Kaup 1833
†Tapirus arvernensis Croizet and Jobert 1828
Tapirus bairdii Gill 1865 [Baird's tapir]
†Tapirus balkanicus Spassov and Ginsburg 1999
†Tapirus californicus Merriam 1912
†Tapirus cristatellus Winge 1906
†Tapirus greslebini Rusconi 1934
Tapirus indicus Desmarest 1819 [Malayan tapir]
†Tapirus johnsoni Schultz et al. 1975
Tapirus kabomani Cozzuol et al. 2013 [kabomani tapir]
†Tapirus merriami Frick 1921
†Tapirus mesopotamicus Ferrero and Noriega 2007
†Tapirus oliverasi Ubilla 1983 [tapir]
Tapirus pinchaque Roulin 1829 [mountain tapir]
†Tapirus polkensis Olsen 1960
†Tapirus priscus Kaup 1833
†Tapirus rioplatensis Cattoi 1957
†Tapirus rondoniensis Holanda et al. 2011
†Tapirus sanyuanensis Huang and Fang 1991
†Tapirus simpsoni Schultz et al. 1975
†Tapirus sinensis Owen 1870
†Tapirus tarijensis Ameghino 1902
Tapirus terrestris Linnaeus 1758 [Brazilian tapir]
Tapirus terrestris spegazzinii Ameghino 1909
Invalid names: Tapirus anulipes Hermann 1924 [synonym]
Tapirus terrestris terrestris Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Hydrochaerus tapir Erxleben 1777 [synonym], Tapir americanus Gmelin 1788 [synonym], Tapir anta Zimmermann 1780 [synonym], Tapir maypuri Roulin 1829 [synonym], Tapir suillus Blumenbach 1799 [synonym], Tapirus americanus fossilis Leidy 1848 [nomen oblitum], Tapirus laurillardi Gray 1867 [synonym], Tapirus rufus Fischer 1814 [synonym], Tapirus sabatyra Liais 1872 [synonym], Tapirus tapirus Merriam 1895 [synonym]
Tapirus terrestris colombianus Hershkovitz 1954
†Tapirus webbi Hulbert 2005 [tapir]
Invalid names: Acrocodia Goldman 1913 [synonym], Cinchacus Gray 1873 [synonym], Pinchacus Hershkovitz 1954 [synonym], Rhinochoerus Wagler 1830 [synonym], Syspotamus Billberg 1827 [synonym], Tapir Blumenbach 1799 [synonym], Tapyra Liais 1872 [synonym]
G. †Teleolophus Matthew and Granger 1925
†Teleolophus danjiangensis Tong and Lei 1984
†Teleolophus daviesi Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg 1958
†Teleolophus magnus Radinsky 1965
†Teleolophus medius Matthew and Granger 1925
Invalid names: Deperetella ferganica Belyaeva 1962 [synonym], Teleolophus beliajevi Biryukov 1974 [synonym]
†Teleolophus primarius Qi 1987
†Teleolophus rectus Qi 1987
†Teleolophus shandongensis Chow and Qi 1982
†Teleolophus sichuanensis Xu et al. 1979
†Teleolophus xui Tong and Lei 1984
†Teleolophus zaisanicus Gabunia 1984
Invalid names: Pachylophus Tong and Lei 1984 [synonym]
Invalid names: Heptodontidae Holbrook 1999 [empty]
No diagnoses are available