Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Ankylosauridae (ankylosaurid)
Ankylosauridae was named by Brown (1908). Its type is Ankylosaurus. It was considered monophyletic by Tumanova (2000) and Vickaryous et al. (2004).
It was synonymized subjectively with Nodosauridae by Hennig (1915), Lull (1924), Huene (1934), Huene (1934), Russell (1940), Kuhn (1946), Tatarinov (1964), Kuhn (1964), Romer (1966) and Maryanska (1971).
It was assigned to Orthopoda by Arldt (1909) and Huene (1909); to Phytophagi by Jaekel (1914); to Thyreophora by Nopcsa (1928); to Stegosauroidae by Hay (1930); to Stegosauria by Brown (1908), Matthew (1915), Lambe (1918) and Lapparent (1947); to Ankylosauroidea by Norman (1984); to Ankylosauria by Maleev (1953), Maleev (1956), Swinton (1970), Rozhdestvensky (1977), Coombs (1978), Ostrom (1980), Galton (1983), Kielan-Jaworowska (1984), Russell (1984), Sereno (1986), Bakker (1986), Tumanova (1987), Carroll (1988), Dong (1993), Buffetaut (1995), Coombs and Deméré (1996), Carpenter et al. (1996), Sereno (1997), Sereno (1998), Barrett et al. (1998), Carpenter et al. (1998), Sereno (1999), Tumanova (2000), Ford (2000), Vickaryous et al. (2001), Carpenter (2001), Peng et al. (2001), Garcia and Pereda-Suberbiola (2003), Vickaryous et al. (2004), Ryan and Evans (2005), Lü et al. (2007), Lü et al. (2007), Carpenter et al. (2008) and Blows (2014); and to Ankylosauria by Osi and Makádi (2009), Parsons and Parsons (2009), Han et al. (2014), Arbour et al. (2014), Arbour and Currie (2016), Yang et al. (2017), Penkalski and Tumanova (2017), Arbour and Evans (2017), Zheng et al. (2018) and Zhu et al. (2024).
It was synonymized subjectively with Nodosauridae by Hennig (1915), Lull (1924), Huene (1934), Huene (1934), Russell (1940), Kuhn (1946), Tatarinov (1964), Kuhn (1964), Romer (1966) and Maryanska (1971).
It was assigned to Orthopoda by Arldt (1909) and Huene (1909); to Phytophagi by Jaekel (1914); to Thyreophora by Nopcsa (1928); to Stegosauroidae by Hay (1930); to Stegosauria by Brown (1908), Matthew (1915), Lambe (1918) and Lapparent (1947); to Ankylosauroidea by Norman (1984); to Ankylosauria by Maleev (1953), Maleev (1956), Swinton (1970), Rozhdestvensky (1977), Coombs (1978), Ostrom (1980), Galton (1983), Kielan-Jaworowska (1984), Russell (1984), Sereno (1986), Bakker (1986), Tumanova (1987), Carroll (1988), Dong (1993), Buffetaut (1995), Coombs and Deméré (1996), Carpenter et al. (1996), Sereno (1997), Sereno (1998), Barrett et al. (1998), Carpenter et al. (1998), Sereno (1999), Tumanova (2000), Ford (2000), Vickaryous et al. (2001), Carpenter (2001), Peng et al. (2001), Garcia and Pereda-Suberbiola (2003), Vickaryous et al. (2004), Ryan and Evans (2005), Lü et al. (2007), Lü et al. (2007), Carpenter et al. (2008) and Blows (2014); and to Ankylosauria by Osi and Makádi (2009), Parsons and Parsons (2009), Han et al. (2014), Arbour et al. (2014), Arbour and Currie (2016), Yang et al. (2017), Penkalski and Tumanova (2017), Arbour and Evans (2017), Zheng et al. (2018) and Zhu et al. (2024).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1902 | Palaeoscincus asper Lambe p. 54 |
1905 | Palaeoscincus asper Lambe p. 23 |
1908 | Ankylosauridae Brown |
1909 | Ankylosauridae Arldt p. 263 |
1909 | Ankylosauridae Huene p. 17 |
1914 | Ancylosauridae Jaekel p. 197 |
1915 | Palaeoscincus asper Hennig p. 14 |
1915 | Ankylosauridae Matthew p. 32 |
1918 | Ankylosauridae Lambe p. 35 |
1923 | Palaeoscincus asper Gilmore p. 48 |
1928 | Ankylosauridae Nopcsa p. 73 |
1930 | Palaeoscincus asper Hay p. 236 |
1930 | Ankylosauridae Hay p. 237 |
1930 | Palaeoscincus asper Russell p. 149 |
1940 | Palaeoscincus asper Russell p. 27 |
1947 | Ankylosauridae Lapparent p. 18 |
1952 | Syrmosauridae Maleev |
1952 | Syrmosaurus disparoserratus Maleev p. 134 |
1953 | Ankylosauridae Maleev p. 109 |
1953 | Syrmosauridae Maleev p. 109 |
1954 | Syrmosauridae Maleev p. 143 |
1954 | Syrmosaurus disparoserratus Maleev pp. 162-163 fig. 15 |
1956 | Ankylosauridae Maleev p. 53 |
1956 | Dyoplosaurus giganteus Maleev p. 79 |
1964 | Syrmosauridae Kuhn p. 39 |
1964 | Syrmosaurus disparoserrata Kuhn p. 39 |
1964 | Palaeoscincus asper Kuhn p. 49 |
1964 | Palaeoscincus asper Russell p. 13 |
1964 | Syrmosauridae Tatarinov p. 577 |
1965 | Dyoplosaurus giganteus Kielan-Jaworowska and Kowalski p. 177 |
1966 | Syrmosauridae Kuhn p. 106 |
1970 | Ankylosauridae Swinton p. 246 |
1974 | Dyoplosaurus giganteus Rozhdestvensky p. 147 |
1974 | Syrmosaurus disparoserratus Rozhdestvensky p. 147 |
1977 | Dyoplosaurus giganteus Gradzinski et al. p. 302 |
1977 | Tarchia gigantea Maryanska |
1977 | Talarurus disparoserratus Maryanska pp. 100-101 |
1977 | Dyoplosaurus giganteus Rozhdestvensky p. 106 |
1977 | Ankylosauridae Rozhdestvensky p. 113 |
1977 | Syrmosaurus disparoserratus Rozhdestvensky p. 113 |
1977 | Tarchia gigantea Tumanova p. 93 |
1978 | Ankylosauridae Coombs p. 143 |
1978 | Tarchia gigantea Tumanova p. 482 |
1980 | Minmi Molnar pp. 78-79 figs. 1-2, Pl. 1 |
1980 | Ankylosauridae Ostrom p. 23 |
1983 | Ankylosauridae Galton p. 4 |
1983 | Tarchia gigantea Tumanova |
1984 | Ankylosauridae Kielan-Jaworowska p. 104 |
1984 | Minmi Molnar p. 151 |
1984 | Ankylosauridae Norman pp. 159-160 fig. 2 |
1984 | Ankylosauridae Russell p. 29 |
1986 | Ankylosauridae Bakker p. 461 |
1986 | Minmi Bonaparte p. 88 |
1986 | Ankylosauridae Sereno |
1987 | Minmi Molnar and Frey p. 20 |
1987 | Ankylosauridae Tumanova p. 14 |
1987 | Maleevus Tumanova p. 18 |
1987 | Maleevus disparoserratus Tumanova p. 18–19 |
1987 | Tarchia gigantea Tumanova p. 22 |
1988 | Ankylosauridae Carroll |
1992 | Minmi Molnar p. 261 |
1993 | Ankylosauridae Dong p. 259 |
1995 | Ankylosauridae Buffetaut |
1996 | Ankylosauridae Carpenter et al. p. 25A |
1996 | Ankylosauridae Coombs, Jr. and Deméré p. 319 |
1996 | Minmi Molnar p. 654 |
1997 | Maleevus Barsbold p. 450 |
1997 | Maleevus disparoserratus Barsbold p. 450 |
1997 | Tarchia gigantea Barsbold p. 450 |
1997 | Talarurus disparoserratus Coy p. 692 |
1997 | Tarchia gigantea Osmólska p. 575 |
1997 | Ankylosauridae Sereno p. 443 |
1998 | Ankylosauridae Barrett et al. p. 382 |
1998 | Ankylosauridae Carpenter et al. p. 782 |
1998 | Minmi Kirkland p. 273 fig. 3 |
1998 | Ankylosauridae Sereno p. 61 |
1998 | Minmi Sereno p. 67 fig. 5 |
1999 | Ankylosauridae Sereno p. 2138 fig. 2 |
1999 | Minmi Sereno p. 2138 fig. 2 |
2000 | Ankylosauridae Ford p. 175 |
2000 | Maleevus Ford p. 176 |
2000 | Maleevus disparoserratus Ford p. 176 |
2000 | Tarchia gigantea Ford p. 176 |
2000 | Ankylosauridae Tumanova p. 519 |
2000 | Maleevus Tumanova p. 521 |
2000 | Maleevus disparoserratus Tumanova pp. 521-523 |
2000 | Tarchia gigantea Tumanova p. 527 |
2001 | Ankylosauridae Carpenter p. 457 |
2001 | Minmi Carpenter p. 457 |
2001 | Tarchia gigantea Carpenter p. 457 |
2001 | Ankylosauridae Peng et al. p. 35 |
2001 | Ankylosauridae Vickaryous et al. p. 1774 |
2001 | Minmi Vickaryous et al. p. 1774 |
2003 | Minmi Garcia and Pereda-Suberbiola p. 162 |
2003 | Ankylosauridae Garcia and Pereda-Suberbiola p. 163 |
2004 | Ankylosauridae Vickaryous et al. p. 364 |
2004 | Minmi Vickaryous et al. p. 364 |
2004 | Tarchia gigantea Vickaryous et al. p. 364 |
2005 | Ankylosauridae Ryan and Evans p. 315 |
2007 | Ankylosauridae Lü et al. p. 889 fig. 1 |
2007 | Minmi Lü et al. p. 889 fig. 1 |
2007 | Ankylosauridae Lü et al. p. 344 |
2008 | Ankylosauridae Carpenter et al. p. 1097 |
2009 | Ankylosauridae Osi and Makádi p. 239 fig. 10 |
2009 | Minmi Osi and Makádi p. 239 fig. 10 |
2009 | Ankylosauridae Parsons and Parsons p. 736 fig. 18 |
2009 | Minmi Parsons and Parsons p. 736 fig. 18 |
2010 | Minmi Agnolin et al. p. 263 |
2010 | Tarchia gigantea Longrich et al. p. 955 |
2011 | Maleevus disparoserratus Carpenter et al. p. 2 |
2011 | Tarchia gigantea Carpenter et al. p. 6 |
2012 | Tarchia gigantea Arbour et al. p. 56 |
2013 | Tarchia gigantea Arbour and Currie p. 29 |
2013 | Tarchia gigantea Arbour et al. |
2013 | Tarchia gigantea Kirkland et al. p. 7 |
2013 | Tarchia gigantea Leahey and Salisbury p. 251 |
2014 | Ankylosauridae Arbour et al. |
2014 | Ankylosauridae Blows p. 58 |
2014 | Ankylosauridae Han et al. p. 14 fig. 11 |
2014 | Minmi Han et al. p. 14 fig. 11 |
2016 | Ankylosauridae Arbour and Currie p. 433 fig. 11 |
2016 | Tarchia gigantea Kineer et al. p. 44 |
2017 | Ankylosauridae Arbour and Evans p. 7 |
2017 | Ankylosauridae Penkalski and Tumanova |
2017 | Ankylosauridae Yang et al. p. 786 fig. 5 |
2018 | Ankylosauridae Zheng et al. |
2023 | Minmi Poropat et al. p. 166 |
2024 | Ankylosauridae Zhu et al. p. 2 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Fm. †Ankylosauridae Brown 1908 [ankylosaurid]
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Subfm. †Ankylosaurinae Nopcsa 1918
Tr. †Ankylosaurini Arbour and Currie 2016
Tr. †Euoplocephalini Penkalski 2018
G. †Anodontosaurus Sternberg 1929
†Anodontosaurus inceptus Penkalski 2018
†Anodontosaurus lambei Sternberg 1929
G. †Euoplocephalus Lambe 1910
†Euoplocephalus tutus Lambe 1902
Invalid names: Stereocephalus Lambe 1902 [replaced]
G. †Scolosaurus Nopcsa 1928 [thorn lizard]
†Scolosaurus cutleri Nopcsa 1928
†Scolosaurus thronus Penkalski 2018
G. †Minotaurasaurus Miles and Miles 2009
G. †Pinacosaurus Gilmore 1933
†Pinacosaurus grangeri Gilmore 1933
Invalid names: Pinacosaurus ninghsiensis Young 1935 [synonym], Syrmosaurus viminocaudus Maleev 1952 [synonym]
†Pinacosaurus mephistocephalus Godefroit et al. 1999
Invalid names: Syrmosaurus Maleev 1952 [synonym]
G. †Saichania Maryanska 1977
†Saichania chulsanensis Maryanska 1977
Invalid names: Shanxia tianzhenensis Barrett et al. 1998 [synonym], Tianzhenosaurus youngi Pang and Cheng 1998 [synonym]
Invalid names: Shanxia Barrett et al. 1998 [synonym], Tianzhenosaurus Pang and Cheng 1998 [synonym]
G. †Tarchia Maryanska 1977
†Tarchia kielanae Maryanska 1977
Invalid names: Minotaurasaurus ramachandrani Miles and Miles 2009 [synonym]
†Tarchia teresae Penkalski and Tumanova 2017
†Tarchia tumanovae Park et al. 2021
G. †Gobisaurus Vickaryous et al. 2001
†Gobisaurus domoculus Vickaryous et al. 2001
Invalid names: Zhongyuangosaurus luoyangensis Xu et al. 2007 [synonym]
Invalid names: Zhongyuansaurus Xu et al. 2007 [synonym]
Invalid names: Dyoplosaurus giganteus Maleev 1956 [nomen dubium], Maleevus Tumanova 1987 [nomen dubium], Minmi Molnar 1980 [nomen dubium], Palaeoscincus asper Lambe 1902 [nomen dubium], Polacanthinae Lapparent and Lavocat 1955 [empty], Shamosaurinae Tumanova 1983 [empty], Stegopeltinae Ford 2000 [empty], Syrmosauridae Maleev 1952 [synonym], Syrmosaurinae Ford 2000 [empty]
Reference | Diagnosis | |
B. Brown 1908 | Skull massive, short, and broadly triangular with dermal plates solidly coossified to cartilage bones. Teeth Stegosauroid with ovate-lanceolate flattened crowns and crenulate edges. Vertebre amphiplatyan, solid throughout; neck short, backbone stiff. Body broad, covered with heavy armor plates arranged in rows. | |
E. A. Maleev 1954 (Syrmosauridae) | Large, four-legged dinosaurs with light defensive armor consisting of individual symmetrically distributed scales. The body is very flat and broad as in the Upper Cretaceous Ankylosauria. The teeth are stegosauroid, with a lamellar flat crown having channeled sculpture [=rugose]. Because of the flat body, the head has a distinctive adaptation for elevating, which is expressed as a unique structure of the cervical vertebrae - the articulation surfaces have been twisted so that the rear surface of the vertebra is depressed below the front surface and is almost parallel to it. The dorsal vertebrae are long, with low centra and are slightly flat at the ends. The torso ribs do not attach to the transverse processes of the vertebrae. The pelvis is stegosauroid. The iliac bones are quite wide and thick in the postacetabular region, as in the Ankylosauria. The sacrum consists of three true sacral vertebrae. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs. The digits end with hoof-like formations (the end phalanges). The tail is long (35-40 vertebrae). The rear tail vertebrae (15-20) are rigidly attached to one another, forming a long "club". The overall length of the skeleton and skull is 4-5 meters.
| |
E. A. Maleev 1956 | Ankylosauridae are large quadruped dinosaurs. The cranium is massive, short, and wide, of triangular shape. The top of the cranium is covered with multiple bony plates and spines. The teeth are of stegosaurid type, with oval-lanceolate crown of striated sculpture. The vertebrae are entire on both sides. The neck is short. The sacrum is long, and encloses from five to nine vertebrae. The body is flattened, broad, covered with heavy bony armor, which consists of united bony plates. | |
T. A. Tumanova 1987 | Ankylosaurs with skull greatly expanding in orbital and postorbital regions, width is equal or greater than length (Figs. 2, 3); bones of skull roof covered by many small scutes, which may be posterior to the orbits, change from pyramidal osteoderms into spines; nostrils large and terminal; additional sinuses in nasal cavity present; respiratory tract is flexed; occipital condyle oval, without neck; lateral temporal fenestra and quadrate condyle (except Shamosaurus) closed laterally with osteodermal scutes; scutes also on the the maxilla and expanded from the squamosal into spines; paroccipital processes projects laterally, ends not reaching posterior of skull roof; pterygoid flanges, mandibular branch of pterygoid and ectopterygoid project laterally; teeth are small. |
No measurements are available
Source: g = genus, o = order | |||||
References: Peczkis 1995, Marsh 1875 |
Age range: base of the Late/Upper Sinemurian to the top of the Lancian or 196.50000 to 66.00000 Ma
Collections (275 total)
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Late/Upper Sinemurian - Early/Lower Pliensbachian | Italy (Trentino-Alto Adige) | Thyreophora indet. (88592) | |
Late/Upper Jurassic | Mongolia (Govi-Altay) | Ankylosauridae indet. (123400) | |
Early/Lower Cretaceous | Mongolia (Omngov) | Ceratopsidae indet. (48928) | |
Early/Lower Cretaceous | Mongolia (Ovorkhangai) | Ankylosauridae indet. (59359) Syrmosaurus sp. (79703) | |
Valanginian | USA (Utah) | Polacanthinae indet. (97953 97956) | |
Hauterivian - Early/Lower Aptian | Australia (Queensland) | Ankylosauria indet. (60758) | |
Late/Upper Barremian - Early/Lower Aptian | China (Liaoning) | Liaoningosaurus paradoxus (55683) | |
Barremian | United Kingdom (England) | Ankylosauridae indet. (223868) | |
Aptian | China (Liaoning) | Chuanqilong chaoyangensis (160135) | |
Aptian | Italy (Apulia) | Ankylosauridae indet. (62850) | |
Aptian - Albian | Mongolia (Dornogov) | Ankylosauria indet. (32362) | |
Aptian - Albian | China (Henan) | Zhongyuansaurus luoyangensis (79687) | |
Aptian - Albian | China (Liaoning) | Ankylosauridae indet. (97423) | |
Aptian - Albian | USA (Utah) | Ankylosauridae indet., Cedarpelta bilbeyhallorum (55334) Cedarpelta bilbeyhallorum (60814 97950) | |
Late/Upper Aptian | Australia (Victoria) | Minmi sp. (188573) | |
Late/Upper Aptian - Early/Lower Albian | Mongolia (Övörkhangai Aymag) | Shamosaurus scutatus (77191) | |
Albian | China (Zhejiang) | Jinyunpelta sinensis (180708) | |
Albian | USA (Nevada) | Ankylosauridae indet. (167383) | |
Late/Upper Albian | USA (Kansas) | Testudines indet. (49038) | |
Late/Upper Albian | USA (Montana) | Ankylosauridae indet. (137590) | |
Late/Upper Albian | China (Liaoning) | Crichtonpelta benxiensis (64018) | |
Cenomanian - Turonian | China (Liaoning) | Crichtonsaurus benxiensis (91201) | |
Cenomanian - Santonian | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Ankylosauria indet. (127666) Ankylosauridae indet. (108340) Syrmosaurus disparoserratus (13411 53230) Talarurus plicatospineus (51975) Zaraapelta nomadis (130804) | |
Cenomanian - Santonian | Mongolia (Dornogov) | Ankylosauridae indet. (108342 108345 130794) Talarurus plicatospineus (79702) Tsagantegia longicranialis (55389) Tsagantegia sp. (127664) | |
Cenomanian - Campanian | China (Shanxi) | Ankylosauridae indet. (45408) Shanxia tianzhenensis (51907) | |
Late/Upper Cretaceous | China (Ningxia) | Pinacosaurus ninghsiensis (62323) | |
Late/Upper Cretaceous | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Ankylosauridae indet. (100269) | |
Senonian | Kazakhstan (Qostanay) | Ankylosauridae indet. (59382) | |
Early/Lower Cenomanian | Uzbekistan (Navoi) | Shamosaurinae indet. (58208) | |
Early/Lower Cenomanian | Uzbekistan (Karakalpakstan) | Ankylosauria indet. (64689) | |
Turonian | China (Nei Mongol) | Gobisaurus domoculus (66924) | |
Turonian | Uzbekistan (Navoi) | Ankylosauridae indet. (58603) | |
Turonian - Early/Lower Coniacian | China (Jiangxi ) | Datai yingliangis (233580) | |
Early/Lower Turonian | Uzbekistan | Ankylosauridae indet. (58596) | |
Late/Upper Turonian | Uzbekistan (Navoi) | Ankylosauridae indet. (58597) | |
Late/Upper Turonian | USA (Utah) | Ankylosauridae indet. (14415) | |
Middle Turonian - Late/Upper Turonian | Uzbekistan (Navoi) | Amtosaurus archibaldi (93204) Ankylosauridae indet. (58164 58598 58606 58611) Ankylosauridae indet., Ankylosaurinae indet. (58165) Ankylosaurinae indet. (58167 58174) | |
Late/Upper Turonian - Coniacian | Uzbekistan (Navoi) | Ankylosauridae indet. (58614) | |
Late/Upper Turonian - Santonian | Kazakhstan (Qaraghandy) | Ankylosauridae indet. (58616) | |
Coniacian - Santonian | China (Shandong) | Pinacosaurus grangeri (35966) | |
Coniacian - Santonian | Uzbekistan (Navoi) | Ankylosauridae indet. (58699 58700) | |
Santonian | Uzbekistan (Navoi) | Ankylosauridae indet. (58615) | |
Santonian - Early/Lower Campanian | Kazakhstan (Qyzylorda) | Ankylosauridae indet. (59701) | |
Santonian - Early/Lower Campanian | Kazakhstan (Qaraghandy) | Stegosauria indet. (58756) | |
Early/Lower Santonian | Tajikistan (Sogd) | Ankylosauridae indet. (58491 58701) | |
Late/Upper Santonian - Early/Lower Campanian | USA (Utah) | Ankylosauria indet. (230113) | |
Late/Upper Santonian - Late/Upper Campanian | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Pinacosaurus grangeri (167657) | |
Campanian | China (Jiangxi) | Huaxiazhoulong shouwen (237063) | |
Campanian | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Ankylosauridae indet. (37211 100277 168986) Pinacosaurus grangeri (45329) | |
Campanian | Uzbekistan (Navoi) | Ankylosauridae indet. (58710) | |
Campanian | Mongolia (Omnogov (=Southern Gobi)) | Ankylosauridae indet. (137600) | |
Campanian | Canada (Alberta) | Euoplocephalus sp. (52476) | |
Campanian | China (Nei Mongol) | Pinacosaurus grangeri (94372 220053 220054 220055 232428) Pinacosaurus mephistocephalus (37807) Pinacosaurus sp. (205652) | |
Campanian | Mongolia (Ömnögovi Aimag) | Ankylosauridae indet., Ankylosauria indet. (130798) | |
Campanian - Maastrichtian | China (Xinjiang) | Euoplocephalus sp. (159589) | |
Early/Lower Campanian | USA (New Mexico) | Ankylosauridae indet. (51982) | |
Early/Lower Campanian | USA (Utah) | Ankylosauridae indet. (14430) | |
Judithian | USA (Utah) | Ankylosauridae indet. (230886) | |
Judithian | USA (Texas) | Ankylosauria indet. (14489) | |
Judithian | USA (Wyoming) | Ankylosauridae indet. (14458) | |
Judithian | Canada (Alberta) | Ankylosauridae indet. (14451) | |
Late/Upper Campanian | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Ankylosauridae indet., Pinacosaurus grangeri (55256) Ankylosauridae indet., Pinacosaurus sp. (127678) Pinacosaurus grangeri (46152) Pinacosaurus sp. (37013 37016 59372) Syrmosaurus viminocaudus (53229) | |
Late/Upper Campanian | USA (California) | Nodosauridae indet. (60806) | |
Late/Upper Campanian | USA (Utah) | Akainacephalus johnsoni (196592) Ankylosauridae indet. (230164 230165) Ankylosauridae indet. A (192256 230166) Ankylosauridae indet. B (97806) | |
Late/Upper Campanian | Mexico (Coahuila) | Ankylosauridae indet. (24260 68039) | |
Late/Upper Campanian | Mongolia (Omnogov Aimak) | Ankylosauridae indet. (37184) | |
Late/Upper Campanian | USA (New Mexico) | Ahshislepelta minor (156486) Ankylosauridae indet. (36269 62535 154419) Nodocephalosaurus kirtlandensis (54104 76107 76761 76762 76763 194876) Ziapelta sanjuanensis (169229) | |
Late/Upper Campanian | USA (Montana) | Ankylosauridae indet. (22652 53048 59373) Ankylosauridae indet., Euoplocephalus sp. (22694) Dyoplosaurus acutosquameus (45681) Euoplocephalus sp. (62541 196407) Nodosauridae indet. (22692) Oohkotokia horneri (138980) Scolosaurus cutleri (232277) Zuul crurivastator (190394) | |
Late/Upper Campanian | Canada (Alberta) | Ankylosauria indet. (58957 59023 59037 59220) Ankylosauridae indet. (22657 22696 34309 36264 45671 45674 45892 45897 45898 46954 51863 55317 58759 76030 89604 89605 155220 155258 163048 175824 227125 232278) Anodontosaurus lambei (135807 155221 155222) Dyoplosaurus acutosquameus (46332) Euoplocephalus sp. (35379 45683 48618 61625 61627 155267 196405) Euoplocephalus tutus (59004 223397) Scelidosaurus sp. (155228) | |
Middle Campanian | USA (Utah) | Ankylosauridae indet. (61844) | |
Middle Campanian | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Pinacosaurus grangeri (222595) | |
Middle Campanian | Mongolia (Omngov) | Pinacosaurus sp. (100261) | |
Middle Campanian | Canada (Alberta) | Ankylosauridae indet. (45561 45564 45565 45670 181024) Euoplocephalus sp. (196406) Euoplocephalus tutus (196419 196420) Stegosauria indet. (144551) | |
Middle Campanian | USA (Montana) | Ankylosauridae indet. (14482 142497) Ankylosauridae indet., Euoplocephalus sp. (14437) | |
Middle Campanian | France (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) | Ankylosauridae indet. (59269) | |
Middle Campanian - Late/Upper Campanian | Mongolia (Dornogov) | Pinacosaurus grangeri (65338) | |
Middle Campanian - Late/Upper Campanian | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Ankylosauridae indet. (13776 28243 37022 181420 181421 204919) Ankylosauridae indet., Saichania chulsanensis (11582) Pinacosaurus grangeri (65334) | |
Middle Campanian - Late/Upper Campanian | USA (Montana) | Ankylosauridae indet. (14490) Euoplocephalus sp. (14470 14492) | |
Middle Campanian - Late/Upper Campanian | Canada (Saskatchewan) | Ankylosauridae indet. (14494 229975) | |
Middle Campanian - Late/Upper Campanian | Canada (Alberta) | Ankylosauridae indet. (45819 45821 45894 155263 155264 155265 167986) Euoplocephalus sp. (155027) Palaeoscincus asper (52477) Scolosaurus cutleri (59015) Stegosauria indet. (155266) | |
Late/Upper Campanian - Early/Lower Maastrichtian | France (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) | Ankylosauridae indet. (48864) | |
Late/Upper Campanian - Early/Lower Maastrichtian | France (Languedoc-Roussillon) | Ankylosauridae indet. (138411) | |
Late/Upper Campanian - Early/Lower Maastrichtian | Canada (Alberta) | Ankylosauria indet. (155224) Ankylosaurus sp. (51966) | |
Late/Upper Campanian - Early/Lower Maastrichtian | Spain (Valencia) | Ankylosauridae indet. (53918) | |
Maastrichtian | USA (Montana) | Ankylosauridae indet. (85498 85499) | |
Maastrichtian | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Ankylosauria indet. (55258) Ankylosauridae indet. (37006 38698 38700 100266 100268 100273 100275 127670 180299 206054 206057) Dinosauria indet. (59087) Dyoplosaurus giganteus (53227 179625) Dyoplosaurus sp. (38699) Tarchia tumanovae (226994) | |
Maastrichtian | Mongolia | Ankylosauridae indet. (206055) | |
Maastrichtian | Canada (Alberta) | Ankylosauridae indet. (45678) | |
Early/Lower Maastrichtian | USA (Montana) | Euoplocephalus sp. (61631) | |
Early/Lower Maastrichtian | Canada (Alberta) | Ankylosauria indet. (11899 45733 155225 155227) Ankylosauridae indet. (55363 60563 135739) Anodontosaurus lambei (94370 144561 155226 229870) Euoplocephalus sp. (61628 64630 155223) | |
Lancian | USA (Wyoming) | Ankylosaurus magniventris (14514) Ankylosaurus sp. (14541 14544 75289 75430 75435) | |
Lancian | USA (Montana) | Ankylosauridae indet. (14616) Ankylosaurus magniventris (14534) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | China (Henan) | Ankylosauridae indet. (84996) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | USA (South Dakota) | Ankylosaurus magniventris (224484) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | Canada (Saskatchewan) | Ankylosaurus magniventris (206819) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | USA (Montana) | Ankylosaurus magniventris (11931 45879) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | Canada (Alberta) | Ankylosaurus magniventris, Euoplocephalus sp. (45876) Ankylosaurus sp. (45877) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | USA (New Mexico) | Ankylosauridae indet. (47819 171027) Pachycephalosauridae indet. (47008) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | USA (Wyoming) | Ankylosaurus magniventris (14585) Dynamosaurus imperiosus (45878) |