Classification of Klein and Lucas 2021

Fm. †Grallatoridae Lull 1904
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G. †Anchisauripus Lull 1904
Anchisauripus sillimani Hitchcock 1843
G. †Atreipus Olsen and Baird 1986
Atreipus acadianus Olsen and Baird 1986
Atreipus metzneri Heller 1952
Atreipus milfordensis Bock 1952
Atreipus sulcatus Baird 1957
Invalid names: Tridactylus Biron and Dutuit 1981 [synonym]
G. †Banisterobates Fraser and Olsen 1996
Banisterobates boisseaui Fraser and Olsen 1996
G. †Eubrontes Hitchcock 1845
Eubrontes giganteus Hitchcock 1836
Invalid names: Brontozoum Hitchcock 1847 [synonym], Qemetrisauropus Ellenberger 1970 [synonym]
G. †Grallator Hitchcock 1858
Grallator cursorius Hitchcock 1858
Invalid names: Agialopous wyomingensis Branson and Mehl 1932 [synonym]
Invalid names: Bosiutrisauropus Ellenberger 1970 [synonym], Mafatrisauropus Ellenberger 1970 [synonym], Paratrisauropus Ellenberger 1970 [synonym], Prototrisauropus Ellenberger 1965 [synonym], Pseudotrisauropus Ellenberger 1970 [synonym], Senqutrisauropus Ellenberger 1970 [synonym], Tritotrisauropus Ellenberger 1970 [synonym]
G. †Pengxianpus Yang and Yang 1987
Pengxianpus cifengensis Yang and Yang 1987
G. †Rhynchosauroides Maidwell 1911
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Rhynchosauroides pallini Conti et al. 1977
Rhynchosauroides rectipes Beasley 1911
Rhynchosauroides schochardti von Lilienstern 1939
Invalid names: Rhynchosauroides majus Demathieu 1967 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Chirotheriidae Abel 1935
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G. †Brachychirotherium Beurlen 1950
Brachychirotherium parvum Hitchcock 1889
Brachychirotherium thuringiacum Rühle von Lilienstern 1938
Invalid names: Paratetrasauropus Ellenberger 1972 [synonym], Pseudotetrasauropus Ellenberger 1965 [synonym], Sauropodopus Ellenberger 1970 [synonym]
G. †Chirotherium Kaup 1835
Chirotherium barthii Kaup 1835
Invalid names: Chirotherium angustum Huene 1941 [synonym], Chirotherium higuerensis Rusconi 1952 [synonym], Chirotherium ibericus Navás 1906 [synonym], Chirotherium majus Sickler 1836 [synonym], Chirotherium mediterraneum Demathieu and Durand 1991 [synonym], Chirotherium storetonense Morton 1863 [synonym], Chirotherium vorbachi Kirchner 1927 [synonym], Saurichnites auraensis Kirchner 1927 [synonym]
Chirotherium ferox Demathieu 1966
Chirotherium ladinicus Avanzini and Wachtler 2012
Invalid names: Coelurosaurichnus arntzeniusi Rehnelt 1983 [synonym], Coelurosaurichnus kronbergeri Rehnelt 1959 [synonym], Coelurosaurichnus schlehenbergensis Rehnelt 1950 [synonym]
Chirotherium rex Peabody 1948
Invalid names: Chirotherium moquinense Peabody 1948 [synonym]
Chirotherium sickleri Kaup 1835
Invalid names: Chirotherium beasleyi Nopcsa 1923 [synonym], Chirotherium bipes Berthold 1835 [synonym], Chirotherium bornemanni Willruth 1917 [synonym], Chirotherium minus Sickler 1836 [synonym], Chirotherium pfeifferi Soergel 1925 [synonym]
Invalid names: Quadridigitus Biron and Dutuit 1981 [synonym], Sphingopus Demathieu 1966 [synonym]
G. †Isochirotherium Haubold 1971
Isochirotherium coltoni Peabody 1948
Isochirotherium coureli Demathieu 1970
Isochirotherium felenci Courel and Demathieu 1976
Isochirotherium herculis Egerton 1839
Isochirotherium lomasi Baird 1954
Isochirotherium marshalli Peabody 1948
Isochirotherium soergeli Haubold 1969
G. †Protochirotherium Fichter and Kunz 2004
Protochirotherium hauboldi Ptaszynski 1990
Protochirotherium wolfhagense Fichter and Kunz 2004
Invalid names: Palaeochirotherium Fichter and Kunz 2011 [synonym]
G. †Synaptichnium Nopcsa 1923
Synaptichnium cameronense Peabody 1948
Synaptichnium diabloense Peabody 1948
Synaptichnium kotanskii Ptaszynski 2000
Invalid names: Brachychirotherium tintanti Demathieu 1971 [nomen dubium], Chelonichnium Schimper 1853 [nomen dubium], Chirotherium catalaunicum Casanovas-Cladellas et al. 1979 [nomen dubium], Chirotherium huberi Bock 1952 [nomen dubium], Chirotherium lulli Bock 1952 [nomen dubium], Chirotherium wondrai Heller 1952 [nomen dubium], Dahutherium Montenat 1968 [nomen nudum], Deuterotetrapous Nopcsa 1923 [nomen dubium], Pachysaurichnium Demathieu and Weidmann 1982 [nomen dubium], Pentichnus Biron and Dutuit 1981 [nomen dubium], Pseudochirotherium Biron and Dutuit 1981 [nomen dubium], Swinnertonichnus Sarjeant 1967 [nomen dubium]
G. †Apatopus Baird 1957
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Apatopus lineatus Bock 1952
G. †Batrachopus Hitchcock 1845
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Batrachopus deweyi Hitchcock 1843
G. †Tetrasauropus Ellenberger 1970
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Tetrasauropus unguiferus Ellenberger 1970
G. †Trisauropodiscus Ellenberger 1970
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Trisauropodiscus aviforma Ellenberger 1970
G. †Rotodactylus Peabody 1948
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Rotodactylus bradyi Peabody 1948
Rotodactylus cursorius Peabody 1948
Rotodactylus matthesi Haubold 1967
Unr. Theropoda Marsh 1881 [theropod]
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G. †Anatrisauropus Ellenberger 1965
Anatrisauropus ginsbergi Ellenberger 1970
Anatrisauropus hereroensis Ellenberger 1972
G. †Prototrisauropodiscus Ellenberger 1972
Prototrisauropodiscus minimus Ellenberger 1970
G. †Gwyneddichnium Bock 1952
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Gwyneddichnium majore Bock 1952
Invalid names: Gwyneddichnium elongatum Bock 1952 [synonym], Gwyneddichnium minore Bock 1952 [synonym]
G. †Chirotherium Bruno 1839
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Invalid names: Chirosaurus Kaup 1835 [synonym], Dinosaurichnium Rehnelt 1950 [synonym], Parachirotherium Kuhn 1958 [synonym], Rigalites Huene 1931 [synonym], Saurichnites Geinitz 1861 [synonym]
G. †Pentasauropus Ellenberger 1970
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Pentasauropus argentinae Lagnaoui et al. 2019
Pentasauropus incredibilis Ellenberger 1970
G. †Eosauropus Lockley et al. 2006
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Eosauropus cimarronensis Lockley et al. 2006
G. †Evazoum Nicosia and Loi 2003
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Evazoum gatewayensis Lockley and Lucas 2013
Evazoum sirigui Nicosia and Loi 2003
G. †Barrancapus Hunt et al. 1993
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Invalid names: Barrancapus cresapi Hunt et al. 1993 [nomen dubium]
G. †Brasilichnium Leonardi 1981
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Brasilichnium elusivum Leonardi 1981
G. †Tikoepentapodiscus Ellenberger 1970
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Tikoepentapodiscus fabri Ellenberger 1970
G. †Moltenotetrapodiscus Ellenberger 1970
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Moltenotetrapodiscus vetus Ellenberger 1970
G. †Dijaquesopus Ellenberger 1970
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Invalid names: Dijaquesopus obliquus Ellenberger 1970 [nomen dubium]
G. †Seakatrisauropus Ellenberger 1970
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Seakatrisauropus divergens Ellenberger 1970
G. †Batrachopodiscus Ellenberger 1970
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Invalid names: Batrachopodiscus curvus Ellenberger 1970 [nomen dubium], Batrachopodiscus likoerensis Ellenberger 1970 [nomen dubium], Batrachopodiscus qurthingensis Ellenberger 1970 [nomen dubium], Batrachopodiscus tsantalani Ellenberger 1970 [nomen dubium]
G. †Deuterotrisauropus Ellenberger 1965
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Deuterotrisauropus socialis Ellenberger 1970
G. †Comptichnus Hitchcock 1865
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Invalid names: Comptichnus moorosii Ellenberger 1970 [nomen dubium]
G. †Microtetrapodiscus Ellenberger 1970
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Microtetrapodiscus longiforma Ellenberger 1970
G. †Procolophonichnium Nopcsa 1923
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G. †Therapsipus Hunt et al. 1993
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Therapsipus cumminsi Hunt et al. 1993
G. †Chelonipus von Lilienstern 1939
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Chelonipus torquatus von Lilienstern 1939
Invalid names: Chelonipus plieningeri Haubold 1971 [synonym]
G. †Dicynodontipus Rühle von Lilienstern 1944
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Dicynodontipus geinitzi Hornstein 1876
Invalid names: Calibarichnus Casamiquela 1964 [synonym], Gallegosichnus Casamiquela 1964 [synonym], Palaciosichnus Casamiquela 1964 [synonym], Rogerbaletichnus Casamiquela 1964 [synonym], Stipanicichnus Casamiquela 1975 [synonym]
G. †Psilotrisauropus Ellenberger 1972
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Invalid names: Psilotrisauropus subengensis Ellenberger 1970 [nomen dubium]
G. †Prorotodactylus Ptaszynski 2000
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Prorotodactylus mirus Ptaszynski 2000
G. †Capitosauroides Haubold 1971
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G. †Minutipes Demathieu 1970
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Minutipes gracilis Demathieu 1970
G. †Batrachichnus Woodworth 1900
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G. †Characichnos Whyte and Romano 2001
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Characichnos tridactylus Whyte and Romano 2001
G. †Rotodactylopus Ellenberger 1970
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Rotodactylopus archaeus Ellenberger 1970
G. †Eoanomoepus Lockley et al. 2018
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Eoanomoepus latus Lockley et al. 2018