Also known as FS 106 C (Level 23) and FS 92.129 A (Level 26B)
Where: Jefferson County, Florida (30.2° N, 84.0° W: paleocoordinates 30.2° N, 83.8° W)
When: Pleistocene (2.6 - 0.0 Ma)
Environment/lithology: pond; unlithified, fine-grained, calcareous sandstone and peat
Size class: macrofossils
Collected in 1991-1993; reposited in the FLMNH
Collection methods: bulk,
• From text:
•We first sorted the taxa from each field season and cataloged them in the computerized system of the Florida Museum of Natural History collection of fossil vertebrates.
•The two late Pleistocene localities that were most productive of fossil vertebrates were Levels 23 and 26 B in Test F. On October 30, 1992 toward the end of a very productive season, we took relatively large bulk samples from an area in which Levels 23 and 26 B both seemed unusually fossiliferous. The field number for the sample from Level 23 is FS 106 C. It weighed 3.04 kg after it was washed through 1/4 in. screen and dried. For Level 26 B the field number was FS 92.129 A and the bulk sample weighed 3.44 kg. In each case less than 10% of the bulk sample (fine sand and clay) washed through the screen. The material was then picked and sorted into four simple categories and weighed.
Primary reference: S.D. Webb and E. Simons. 2006. Vertebrate Paleontology. In S.D. Webb (ed.), First Floridians and Last Mastodons: The Page-Ladson Site in the Aucilla River 26:215-246 [K. Kusnerik/K. Kusnerik]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 227368: authorized by Kristopher Kusnerik, entered by Kristopher Kusnerik on 08.10.2022
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Reptilia | |
Terrapene carolina putnami common box turtle | |
Alligator mississippiensis Daudin 1801 American alligator | |
Aves | |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus Linnaeus 1766 bald eagle
Buteo linneatus hawk
Buteo jamaicensis Gmelin 1788 red-tailed hawk | |
Phalacrocorax sp. Brisson 1760 cormorant | |
Ciconia maltha Miller 1910 asphalt stork | |
Ardea herodias Linnaeus 1758 great blue heron | |
Branta canadensis Linnaeus 1758 Canada goose | |
Podilymbus sp. Lesson 1831 grebe | |
Zenaida macroura Linnaeus 1758 mourning dove | |
Gymnogyps sp. Lesson 1842 New World vulture | |
Reptilia | |
Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus 1758 wild turkey | |
| |
Chelydra serpentina Linnaeus 1758 Common snapping turtle | |
Gopherus polyphemus Daudin 1802 Florida gopher tortoise
Hesperotestudo crassiscutata Leidy 1889 turtle | |
Pseudemys nelsoni Carr 1938 Florida red-bellied turtle
Malaclemys terrapin Schoepff 1793 diamondback terrapin
Deirochelys reticularia Latreille 1801 Chicken turtle | |
Sternotherus sp. Gray 1825 musk turtle
Kinosternon sp. von Spix 1824 mud turtle | |
Agkistrodon sp. Huxley 1865 cottonmouth
Crotalus sp. Linnaeus 1758 rattlesnake | |
Nerodia sp. Baird and Girard 1853 water snake | |
Mammalia | |
"Megalonyx jeffersoni" = Megalonyx jeffersonii
"Megalonyx jeffersoni" = Megalonyx jeffersonii Desmarest 1822 Jefferson's ground sloth | |
Paramylodon harlani Owen 1840 Harlan's ground sloth | |
"Glyptotherium floridanum" = Glyptotherium cylindricum
"Glyptotherium floridanum" = Glyptotherium cylindricum Brown 1912 Florida glyptodont | |
Holmesina septentrionalis Leidy 1889 edentate | |
Dasypus bellus Simpson 1929 beautiful armadillo | |
Mammuthus columbi Falconer 1857 Columbian mammoth | |
Mammut americanum Kerr 1792 American mastodon | |
Castor canadensis Kuhl 1820 American beaver | |
Hydrochoerus sp. Brisson 1762 capybara | |
Erethizon dorsatum Linnaeus 1758 North American porcupine | |
Sciurus niger Linnaeus 1758 fox squirrel | |
Ondatra zibethicus Linnaeus 1766 muskrat
Neofiber alleni True 1884 round-tailed muskrat | |
Sylvilagus floridanus Allen 1890 eastern cottontail
Sylvilagus palustris Bachman 1837 marsh rabbit | |
"Tapirus veroensis" = Tapirus (Helicotapirus) veroensis
"Tapirus veroensis" = Tapirus (Helicotapirus) veroensis Sellards 1918 tapir | |
Equus sp. Linnaeus 1758 horse | |
Bison antiquus Leidy 1852 bison | |
Odocoileus virginianus Zimmermann 1780 white-tailed deer | |
Mylohyus fossilis, "Platygonus cumberlandensis" = Platygonus vetus
Mylohyus fossilis Leidy 1860 peccary
"Platygonus cumberlandensis" = Platygonus vetus Leidy 1882 peccary | |
Hemiauchenia macrocephala Cope 1893 camel
Palaeolama mirifica Simpson 1929 stout-legged llama | |
Canis familiaris, "Canis dirus" = Aenocyon dirus
Canis familiaris Linnaeus 1758 dog
"Canis dirus" = Aenocyon dirus Leidy 1858 dire wolf | |
"Lutra canadensis" = Lontra canadensis
"Lutra canadensis" = Lontra canadensis Schreber 1776 North American river otter | |
Procyon lotor Linnaeus 1758 raccoon | |
Ursus americanus Pallas 1780 black bear | |
"Leopardus amnicola" = Leopardus wiedii Schinz 1821 margay
Felis sp. Linnaeus 1758 cat
Lynx rufus Schreber 1777 bobcat | |
Didelphis virginiana Kerr 1792 Virginia opossum | |
Amphibia | |
Bufo sp. Laurenti 1768 toad | |
Rana sp. Linnaeus 1758 frog | |
Amphiuma sp. Garden 1821 amphiuma
Siren sp. Linnaeus 1766 siren | |
Actinopteri | |
Ameiurus natalis catfish
Ameiurus nebulosus catfish | |
Sciaenops ocellatus Linnaeus 1766 | |
Micropterus sp. Lacépède 1802 black bass
Pomoxis sp. sunfish
Lepomis sp. Rafinesque 1819 sunfish
Lepomis microlophus Lee 1980 sunfish | |
Archosargus probatocephalus Walbaum 1792 perch-like fish | |
Mugil sp. Linnaeus 1758 | |
Esox sp. Linnaeus 1758 pike | |
Lepisosteus sp. Agassiz 1843 gar | |
Amia calva Linnaeus 1766 bowfin |