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Trilobita - Redlichiida - Olenellidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1890Olenellidae Walcott
1952Olenellidae Riccio p. 29
1979Olenellidae Palmer and Halley p. 63
1993Olenellidae Palmer and Repina p. 21
1997Olenellidae Whittington et al. p. 407
1998Olenellidae Lieberman p. 68
1999Olenellidae Lieberman p. 8
2005Olenellidae Hollingsworth p. 135
2006Olenellidae Skovsted p. 1093
2011Olenellidae Adrain p. 104

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EubilateriaAx 1987
EcdysozoaAguinaldo et al. 1997
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
orderRedlichiidaRichter 1932

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Olenellidae Walcott 1890
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G. †Arcuolenellus Palmer and Repina 1993
Arcuolenellus arcuatus Palmer and Halley 1979
G. †Biceratops Pack and Gayle 1971
Biceratops nevadensis Pack and Gayle 1971
G. †Fritzolenellus Lieberman 1998
Fritzolenellus lapworthi Peach and Horne 1892
Invalid names: Olenellus intermedius Peach 1894 [synonym]
Fritzolenellus truemani Walcott 1913
G. †Gabriellus Fritz 1992
Subfm. †Mesonacinae Walcott 1891
G. †Mesolenellus Palmer and Repina 1993
Mesolenellus hyperborea Poulsen 1974
G. †Mesonacis Walcott 1885
Mesonacis bonnensis Resser and Howell 1938
Invalid names: Olenellus brevoculus Resser and Howell 1938 [synonym], Olenellus terranovicus Resser and Howell 1938 [synonym]
Mesonacis cylindricus Palmer and Halley 1979
Mesonacis eagerensis Best 1952
Mesonacis fremonti Walcott 1910
Mesonacis hamoculus Cowie and McNamara 1978
Mesonacis vermontanus Hall 1859
Mesonacis wileyi Gapp and Lieberman 2014
Invalid names: Angustolenellus Palmer and Repina 1993 [synonym], Fremontia Raw 1936 [synonym], Schmidtia Moberg 1899 [synonym]
Subfm. †Olenellinae Walcott 1890
G. †Olenellus Hall 1861
Subg. †Olenellus (Angustolenellus) Palmer and Repina 1993
Subg. †Olenellus (Georgiellus) Moberg 1899
Subg. †Olenellus (Mesolenellus) Palmer and Repina 1993
Subg. †Olenellus (Olenelloides) Peach 1894
Subg. †Olenellus (Olenellus) Hall 1861
Subg. †Olenellus (Paedeumias) Walcott 1910
Paedeumias granulatus Palmer 1964
Paedeumias transitans Walcott 1910
Invalid names: Olenellus perkinsi Resser and Howell 1938 [synonym]
Olenellus agellus Resser and Howell 1938
Olenellus alius Resser and Howell 1938
Olenellus brachyomma Palmer and Halley 1979
Olenellus bufrontis Fritz 1991
Olenellus buttsi Resser 1938
Olenellus clarki Resser 1928
Olenellus claytoni Walcott 1910
Olenellus georgiensis Resser and Howell 1938
Olenellus getzi Dunbar 1925
Olenellus gigas Peach 1894
Olenellus gilberti White 1874
Olenellus howelli White 1874
Olenellus latilimbatus Resser and Howell 1938
Olenellus megafrontalis Vaccari 1988
Olenellus nevadensis Walcott 1910
Olenellus peculiaris Resser and Howell 1938
Olenellus robsonensis Burling 1916
Olenellus roddyi Resser and Howell 1938
Invalid names: Olenellus jonasae Resser and Howell 1938 [synonym], Olenellus nitidus Resser and Howell 1938 [synonym], Olenellus nodosus Resser and Howell 1938 [synonym], Olenellus similaris Resser and Howell 1938 [synonym], Paedeumias eboracense Resser and Howell 1938 [synonym], Paedeumias glabrum Resser and Howell 1938 [synonym], Paedeumias yorkense Resser and Howell 1938 [synonym]
Olenellus romensis Resser and Howell 1938
Olenellus santuccii Webster and Caron 2024
Olenellus schucherti Resser and Howell 1938
Olenellus thompsoni Hall 1859
Olenellus walcotti Shaler and Foerste 1888
Olenellus wanneri Resser and Howell 1938
G. †Peachella Walcott 1910
Peachella brevispina Palmer and Halley 1979
Peachella iddingsi Walcott 1884
G. †Teresellus Hollingsworth 2005
Teresellus goldfieldensis Hollingsworth 2005
Invalid names: Gabriellinae Palmer and Repina 1993 [empty]
A. R. Palmer and L. N. Repina 1993Olenelloidea with width of interocular area generally half or less that of extraocular area. Third thoracic segment slightly to strongly macropleural.
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitec
Composition 2: chitinc
Ontogeny: molting, addition of partsc
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: fast-movingo
Life habit: low-level epifaunalo
Diet: deposit feedero
Vision: well-developedf
Created: 2009-12-21 05:06:25
Modified: 2009-12-21 07:06:25
Source: f = family, o = order, c = class
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Whittington et al. 1997, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Meishucunian to the top of the Furongian or 530.70000 to 485.40000 Ma

Collections (250 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Caerfai538.8 - 509.0USA (Nevada) Olenellus sp. (190)
Caerfai538.8 - 509.0Canada (Northwest Territories) Olenellus sequornalus, Olenellus sp. (193)
Caerfai538.8 - 509.0USA (New York) Olenellus indet. (8236)
Caerfai538.8 - 509.0Canada (Nunavut) Paedumias sp. (184)
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0USA (California) Olenellidae indet. (226258 226260)
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0Canada (Northwest Territories) Olenellus paraculus (156187 156188 156191 156192) Olenellus puertoblancoensis (156195 156196 156197 156198 156199) Olenellus sp. (156172 156179 156180 156181 156182 156184 156185 156189 156193 156200 156202)
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0USA (Washington) Olenellidae indet. (191233)
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0USA (Nevada) Olenellidae indet. (204009 204020 204022 204023) Olenellus gilberti (204008) Olenellus sp. (204006 204012 204029 204030) Paedeumias nevadensis (204007) Paedeumias sp. (204011)
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0Greenland Olenellus hanseni (93093) Olenellus hyperboreus (106059)
Waucoban538.8 - 509.0Canada (British Columbia) Olenellus sp. (10860 10861)
Caerfai - St Davids538.8 - 497.0USA (Nevada) Fremontia sp., Paedeumias sp. (9623) Paedeumias nevadensis (9624)
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4USA (Maryland) Olenellus sp. (265)
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4Canada (Northern Territories) Mesonacis wileyi (228648) Olenellus baileyi, Olenellus clarki, Fritzolenellus hanseni (228650) Olenellus getzi, Olenellus fowleri (228647)
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4Canada (British Columbia) Olenellus sp., Paedumias sp. (186)
Meishucunian - Tommotian530.7 - 521.0Mexico (Sonora) Olenellidae indet. (210979)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0Canada (Northwest Territories) Olenellus puertoblancoensis (88792) Olenellus sp. (88791)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0Russian Federation (Siberia) Olenellidae indet. (232892)
Lenian516.0 - 510.2USA (New York) Olenellus sp. no. 2, Paedeumias sp. no. 1, Paedeumias sp. no. 2, Paedeumias sp. no. 3 (225082) Olenellus sp., Paedumias sp. (189)
Lenian516.0 - 510.2USA (Nevada) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus fowleri, Olenellus chiefensis (9821) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus terminatus (9822)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) Olenellidae indet. (78747) Olenellus thompsoni (9900)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Vermont) Olenellus brachycephalus (194) Olenellus sp. (191) Olenellus vermontanus, Paedeumias transitans, Paedeumias perkinsi, Olenellus agellus, Olenellus thompsoni, Olenellus crassimarginatus, Olenellus georgiensis, Olenellus brachycephalus (121235)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Mexico Olenellus fremonti, Olenellus puertoblancoensis (10684)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Greenland Mesolenellus hyperboreus (219446 219448) Olenellus truemani (225140 235445)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (Newfoundland) Fritzolenellus lapworthi (195911 195912) Mesonacis fremonti, Mesonacis bonnensis (195913) Olenellus brevoculus (195763) Olenellus crassimarginatus (195927) Olenellus sp., Olenellus lapworthi (196374) Olenellus thompsoni, Olenellus crassimarginatus (195929) Olenellus transitans (195761 195905 195906 195922 195930 195935 195936) Olenellus transitans, Olenellus crassimarginatus (195926) Olenellus transitans, Olenellus thompsoni (195923)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (California) Mesonacis fremonti, Paedeumias clarki (219693) Mesonacis fremonti, Paedeumias clarki, Paedeumias nevadensis (219694) Mesonacis sp. (219696) Mesonacis sp., Paedeumias clarki (219698) Olenellidae indet. (226263) Olenellus arcuatus, Olenellus cylindricus (149609 151379) Olenellus clarki, Olenellus n. sp. 1, Arcuolenellus megafrontalis (10605) Olenellus clarki, Olenellus n. sp. 1, Olenellus n. sp. 2, Olenellus cylindricus, Arcuolenellus megafrontalis (10603) Olenellus clarki, Olenellus n. sp. 2, Arcuolenellus megafrontalis (10604) Olenellus fowleri, Olenellus terminatus (10628) Olenellus frementi, Olenellus nevadensis (10609) Olenellus fremonti (226565 226569 226617 226618) Olenellus fremonti, Olenellus clarki (10607) Olenellus fremonti, Olenellus clarki, Olenellus gilberti (10606) Olenellus fremonti, Olenellus nevadensis (10610) Olenellus fremonti, Paedeumias clarki, Paedeumias nevadensis (192036) Olenellus gilberti (149628 149630) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus arcuatus, Paedeumias nevadensis (149627) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus clarki (149614 149631 149651) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus clarki, Peachella iddingsi (230439) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus clarki, Peachella iddingsi, Olenellus nevadensis, Olenellus puertoblancoensis (149610) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus fremonti, Olenellus clarki (10608 149638 149696) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus terminatus (10627) Olenellus howelli, Olenellus puertoblancoensis (149612) Olenellus n. sp. 1, Olenellus turmalis, Olenellus n. sp.1, Olenellus transitans, Olenellus n. sp. 2, Peachella iddingsi, Olenellus nevadensis (10613) Olenellus n. sp. 2, Olenellus transitans, Olenellus nevadensis, Peachella brevispina (10618) Olenellus n. sp.3, Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus terminatus (10632) Olenellus n.sp.3, Olenellus fowleri, Olenellus terminatus (10630) Olenellus sp. (226269) Olenellus sp. indet.1, Olenellus gilberti (149611 151380) Olenellus sp., Olenellidae indet. (226264) Olenellus sp., Olenellus gilberti, Mesonacis fremonti, Paedeumias clarki, Peachella iddingsi, Paedeumias nevadensis (219695) Olenellus sp.1, Olenellus fremonti (10611) Olenellus sp.1, Olenellus sp.2, Olenellus fremonti, Olenellus transitans, Olenellus nevadensis (10612) Olenellus sp.1, Olenellus sp.2, Olenellus terminatus (10622 10623) Olenellus sp.2, Olenellus transitans (10621) Olenellus sp.2, Olenellus transitans, Peachella iddingsi, Olenellus nevadensis (10615 10616) Olenellus sp.2, Olenellus transitans, Peachella iddingsi, Olenellus nevadensis, Peachella brevispina (10619) Olenellus sp.3, Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus fremonti, Olenellus terminatus (10631) Paedeumias clarki (219699) Paedeumias sp. (149697) Peachella brevispina (149649 226640 226641) Peachella iddingsi (149695 149699 151378) Peachella sp. (226265) Peachella sp., Olenellidae indet. (226266) Peachella sp., Paedeumias sp. (149629)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Virginia) Olenellus sp. (188)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Nevada) Olenellidae indet. (10568 204998 204999 205000 205007) Olenellus clarki, Peachella iddingsi (149555) Olenellus fowleri, Olenellus chiefensis, Olenellus terminatus (10569) Olenellus gilberti (149358 149359 149360 149361 149362 149559 149560 155973 155975) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus chiefensis, Olenellus terminatus (156375 234286) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus clarki, Peachella iddingsi (149556 149557) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus fowleri, Olenellus chiefensis, Olenellus terminatus (234284 234285) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus fremonti (203344) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus howelli (9820) Olenellus n. sp. (10591) Olenellus puertoblancoensis (69203 69205) Olenellus sp. (7787 69204 69266 149576) Olenellus sp., Fremontia sp., Paedeumias sp., Biceratops nevadensis (8665) Olenellus sp., Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus chiefensis, Olenellus terminatus (156353 156376) Olenellus sp., Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus fowleri, Olenellus chiefensis, Olenellus terminatus (156372 156373 156374 156377) Olenellus sp., Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus howelli, Olenellus fowleri, Olenellus chiefensis, Olenellus terminatus (10560) Paedeumias granulatus (96417) Paedeumias sp., Olenellus gilberti (155976) Paedumias sp., Fremontia sp., Biceratops nevadensis (9622) Teresellus goldfieldensis (204959)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (Nunavut) Fremontia sp. (183)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (Labrador) Olenellus crassimarginatus (195910 195915 195916 195918 195919) Olenellus transitans (195934)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Argentina Arcuolenellus megafrontalis (176949)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (Alberta) Gabriellus lanceatus (10884) Gabriellus lanceatus, Olenellus truemani (10867) Olenellus truemani (10877 10878 10879 10880 10881)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Pennsylvania) Olenellus jonasae, Olenellus latilimbatus (226194) Olenellus roddyi, Olenellus getzi, Olenellus jonasae, Olenellus nodosus, Olenellus nitidus, Paedeumias glabrum, Olenellus peculiaris (226192) Olenellus roddyi, Olenellus getzi, Olenellus similaris, Olenellus jonasae, Olenellus nodosus, Olenellus nitidus, Paedeumias glabrum, Paedeumias yorkense, Paedeumias eboracense, Olenellus latilimbatus, Olenellus peculiaris, Olenellus alius, Olenellus wanneri (192) Olenellus similaris, Paedeumias glabrum, Paedeumias yorkense, Paedeumias eboracense, Olenellus alius, Olenellus wanneri (11110 226193) Olenellus sp. (11109 11113 11114) Olenellus sp., Olenellus roddyi, Paedeumias glabrum, Paedeumias yorkense, Paedeumias eboracense, Olenellus wanneri (225188)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (Yukon Territory) Olenellus bufrontis (156233) Olenellus parvofrontatus, Olenellus nevadensis (156230) Olenellus romensis (156237) Olenellus sp. (156203) Olenellus sp. 1 (156209) Olenellus sp. 2 (156207 156220) Olenellus sp. 3 (156235)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Greenland (Freuchen Land) Olenellus sp. (50036)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (British Columbia) Olenellus truemani (10859 10863)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Utah) Olenellus gilberti (96497)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Arizona) Olenellus sp. (185)
Dyeran - Delamaran515.3 - 506.5USA (California) Fremontia sp. (226267) Olenellidae indet. (226268 226270)
Dyeran - Delamaran515.3 - 506.5Canada (Newfoundland) Olenellus fremonti (195762)
Dyeran - Delamaran515.3 - 506.5USA (Pennsylvania) Olenellus roddyi (226183)
Duyunian514.0 - 509.0Greenland Olenellus sp. A (225100 225101 225103) Olenellus sp. A, Olenellus truemani (225102)
Stage 4514.0 - 509.0Canada (British Columbia) Olenellus santucci, Olenellus schofieldi, Mesonacis eagerensis (235639)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5USA (Virginia) Olenellus austinvillensis (219911)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5USA (California) Mesonacis fremonti (219692) Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus clarki (219700 219701)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5Canada (British Columbia) Olenellus sp. (187)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0Greenland Fritzolenellus truemani (193552 193553 193554 193555 193556)
St Davids509.0 - 497.0USA (Nevada) Olenellus gilberti (50115)
Furongian497.0 - 485.4Svalbard and Jan Mayen Olenellus sp. (212582 212583) Olenellus sp., Olenellus thompsoni (212581)