Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Passerimorphae was named by Sibley et al. (1988). It is extant.
It was assigned to Picoclamatores by Livezey and Zusi (2007).
It was assigned to Picoclamatores by Livezey and Zusi (2007).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1988 | Passerimorphae Sibley and et al. |
2007 | Passerimorphae Livezey and Zusi p. 94 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Superor. Passerimorphae Sibley 1988
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Or. Coraciiformes Forbes 1884
Fm. Alcedinidae Rafinesque 1815 [kingfisher]
G. Ceryle Boie 1828
G. Dacelo Leach 1815 [kookaburra]
Dacelo gaudichaud Quoy and Gaimard 1824 [Rufous-bellied kookaburra]
Dacelo leachii Vigors and Horsfield 1826 [Blue-winged kookaburra]
Dacelo novaeguineae Hermann 1783 [Laughing kookaburra]
Dacelo tyro Gray 1858 [Spangled kookaburra]
G. Megaceryle Kaup 1848
Megaceryle alcyon Linnaeus 1758 [belted kingfisher]
Megaceryle torquata Linnaeus 1766 [ringed kingfisher]
G. Todiramphus Lesson 1827
Todiramphus chloris Boddaert 1783 [collared kingfisher]
Todiramphus cinnamominus Swainson 1821 [Guam kingfisher]
Todiramphus godeffroyi Finsch 1877 [Marquesas kingfisher]
Todiramphus ruficollaris Holyoak 1974 [mewing kingfisher]
Invalid names: Halcyon mangaia Holyoak 1975 [objective synonym]
Todiramphus sanctus Vigors and Horsfield 1827 [sacred kingfisher]
Todiramphus tutus Gmelin 1788 [chattering kingfisher]
Invalid names: Alcedininae Bonaparte 1831 [empty], Cerylinae Reichenbach 1851 [empty]
Fm. Brachypteraciidae Bonaparte 1854 [ground roller]
G. Atelornis Pucheran 1846 [ground roller]
Atelornis pittoides Lafresnaye 1834 [Pitta-like ground-roller]
G. Brachypteracias Lafresnaye 1834 [ground roller]
†Brachypteracias langrandi Goodman 2000 [Ampoza ground roller]
Brachypteracias leptosomus Lesson 1833 [Short-legged ground-roller]
G. Geobiastes Sharpe 1871 [ground roller]
G. Uratelornis Rothschild 1895 [great albatross]
Subor. Coracii Wetmore and Miller 1926
G. †Eocoracias Mayr and Mourer-Chauviré 2000
†Eocoracias brachyptera Mayr and Mourer-Chauviré 2000
Fm. †Geranopteridae Mayr and Mourer-Chauviré 2000
G. †Geranopterus Milne-Edwards 1892
†Geranopterus alatus Milne-Edwards 1892
†Geranopterus bohemicus Mlikovsky 1999
†Geranopterus milneedwardsi Mayr and Mourer-Chauviré 2000
G. †Primobucco Brodkorb 1970
†Primobucco frugilegus Mayr and Mourer-Chauviré 2004
†Primobucco kistneri Feduccia 1973
†Primobucco mcgrewi Brodkorb 1970
†Primobucco perneri Mayr and Mourer-Chauviré 2004
Invalid names: Atelornithidae [empty], Meropides [empty], Primobucconidae Feduccia and Martin 1976 [invalid subgroup]
Fm. Coraciidae Vigors 1825 [roller]
G. Coracias Linnaeus 1758 [roller]
Coracias caudatus Linnaeus 1766 [Lilac-breasted roller]
Coracias garrulus Linnaeus 1758 [European roller]
Fm. Meropidae Vigors 1825
G. Merops Linnaeus 1758
Merops apiaster Linnaeus 1758 [European bee-eater]
Merops ornatus Latham 1801 [Rainbow bee-eater]
Merops superciliosus Linnaeus 1766 [Madagascar bee-eater]
Fm. Momotidae Gray 1840 [motmot]
G. Momotus Brisson 1760
Momotus lessonii Lesson 1842 [Lesson's motmot]
Momotus momota Linnaeus 1766 [Amazonian motmot]
Invalid names: Prionites Illiger 1811 [synonym]
Fm. Todidae Vigors 1825
G. †Palaeotodus Olson 1976
†Palaeotodus escampsensis Mourer-Chauviré 1985
†Palaeotodus itardiensis Mourer-Chauviré 1985
G. Todus Brisson 1760
Todus angustirostris Lafresnaye 1851 [narrow-billed tody]
Todus subulatus Gray 1847 [broad-billed tody]
Invalid names: Coracioidea [empty], Cryptornis Gervais 1848 [nomen dubium], Cryptornis antiquus Gervais 1848 [nomen dubium], Eocoraciidae Mayr and Mourer-Chauviré 2000 [empty], Striges [empty]
Or. Piciformes Meyer and Wolf 1810
Fm. Lybiidae Sibley and Ahlquist 1985 [African barbets]
Invalid names: Lybiinae del Hoyo et al. 2014 [empty], Trachyphoninae del Hoyo et al. 2014 [empty]
Fm. Megalaimidae Blyth 1852 [Asian barbets]
Subfm. Megalaiminae del Hoyo et al. 2014
Invalid names: Caloramphinae del Hoyo et al. 2014 [empty]
Subor. Pici Linnaeus 1758
Superfm. Capitonoidea
Invalid names: Capitonidae Bonaparte 1840 [empty], Rhamphastidae Vigors 1825 [empty]
Fm. Indicatoridae Swainson 1837 [honeyguide]
G. Indicator Stephens 1815 [honeyguide]
Indicator archipelagicus Temminck 1832 [Malay honeyguide]
Indicator exilis Cassin 1856 [Least honeyguide]
Indicator indicator Sparrman 1777 [Greater honeyguide]
Indicator maculatus Gray 1847 [Spotted honeyguide]
Indicator meliphilus Oberholser 1905 [Pallid honeyguide]
Indicator minor Stephens 1815 [Lesser honeyguide]
Indicator pumilio Chapin 1958 [Dwarf honeyguide]
Indicator variegatus Lesson 1830 [Scaly-throated honeyguide]
Indicator willcocksi Alexander 1901 [Willcockss honeyguide]
Indicator xanthonotus Blyth 1842 [Yellow-rumped honeyguide]
Fm. Picidae Vigors 1825 [woodpecker]
G. Colaptes Vigors 1825
Colaptes auratus chrysocaulosus Gundlach 1858
Colaptes campestris Vieillot 1818 [campo flicker]
Colaptes chrysoides Malherbe 1852
†Colaptes naroskyi Agnolín and Jofré 2017
†Colaptes oceanicus Olson 2013 [Bermuda flicker]
G. Melanerpes Swainson 1832
Melanerpes carolinus Linnaeus 1758 [red-bellied woodpecker]
Melanerpes erythrocephalus Linnaeus 1758 [red-headed woodpecker]
Melanerpes formicivorus Swainson 1827 [acorn woodpecker]
Melanerpes lewis Gray 1849 [Lewis's woodpecker]
Melanerpes striatus Statius Muller 1776 [Hispaniolan woodpecker]
Melanerpes superciliaris Temminck 1827 [West Indian woodpecker]
Invalid names: Bathoceleus hyphalus Brodkorb 1959 [synonym]
Invalid names: Asyndesmus Coues 1866 [synonym], Bathoceleus Brodkorb 1959 [synonym], Centurus Swainson 1837 [synonym]
G. †Palaeopicus Lambrecht 1933
Subfm. Picinae Bonaparte 1838
G. Picoides Lacépède 1799
Picoides borealis Vieillot 1809 [red-cockaded woodpecker]
†Picoides major Linnaeus 1758
†Picoides medius Linnaeus 1758
Picoides pubescens Linnaeus 1766 [downy woodpecker]
Picoides villosus Linnaeus 1766 [hairy woodpecker]
G. Picumnus Temminck 1825
G. Picus Linnaeus 1758
Picus canus Gmelin 1788 [gray-headed woodpecker]
†Picus gaudryi Depéret 1887
†Picus peregrinabundus Umans'ka 1981
Picus viridis Linnaeus 1758 [Eurasian green woodpecker]
G. †Pliopicus Feduccia and Wilson 1967
G. Sphyrapicus Baird 1858
Sphyrapicus ruber Gmelin 1788 [red-breasted sapsucker]
Sphyrapicus varius Linnaeus 1766 [yellow-bellied sapsucker]
G. †Uintornis Marsh 1872
†Uintornis lucaris Marsh 1872
†Uintornis marionae Feduccia and Martin 1976
Invalid names: Jynginae Bonaparte 1838 [empty], Picumninae del Hoyo et al. 2014 [empty]
G. †Pristineanis Mayr and Kitchener 2024
†Pristineanis major Mayr and Kitchener 2024
†Pristineanis minor Mayr and Kitchener 2024
Fm. Ramphastidae Vigors 1825
G. Pogoniulus Lafresnaye 1844
G. Pteroglossus Illiger 1811 [araçari]
Pteroglossus bailloni Vieillot 1819 [Saffron toucanet]
Pteroglossus humboldti Wagler 1827 [Humboldt's araçari]
Pteroglossus inscriptus Swainson 1822 [Lettered araçari]
Pteroglossus torquatus Gmelin 1788 [Collared araçari]
Pteroglossus viridis Linnaeus 1766 [Green araçari]
G. Ramphastos Linnaeus 1758
Ramphastos ambiguus Swainson 1823 [Yellow-throated toucan]
Ramphastos ariel Vigors 1826 [Ariel toucan]
Ramphastos brevis Meyer de Schauensee 1945 [Choco toucan]
Ramphastos citreolaemus Gould 1844 [Citron-throated toucan]
Ramphastos culminatus Gould 1833 [Yellow-ridged toucan]
Ramphastos cuvieri Wagler 1827 [Cuvier's toucan]
Ramphastos dicolorus Linnaeus 1766
Ramphastos sulfuratus Lesson 1830 [Keel-billed toucan]
Ramphastos toco Muller 1776 [Toco toucan]
Ramphastos tucanus Linnaeus 1758 [Red-billed toucan]
Ramphastos vitellinus Lichtenstein 1823 [Channel-billed toucan]
G. Trachyphonus Ranzani 1821
†Trachyphonus protractus Ballmann 1983
Invalid names: Capitonides Ballmann 1969 [synonym]
Fm. Semnornithidae Prum 1988 [Prong-billed barbets]
G. Semnornis Richmond 1900 [barbet]
Semnornis frantzii Sclater 1864 [Prong-billed barbet]
Semnornis ramphastinus Jardine 1855 [Toucan barbet]
Invalid names: Picoidae [empty]
Fm. †Zygodactylidae Brodkorb 1971
G. †Primoscens Harrison and Walker 1977
†Primoscens carolinae Mayr and Kitchener 2022
†Primoscens minutus Harrison and Walker 1977
G. †Primozygodactylus Mayr 1998
†Primozygodactylus ballmanni Mayr 1998
†Primozygodactylus danielsi Mayr 1998
†Primozygodactylus major Mayr 1998
G. †Quercypsitta Mourer-Chauvire 1992
†Quercypsitta ivani Mourer-Chauvire 1992
†Quercypsitta sudrei Mourer-Chauvire 1992
G. †Zygodactylus Ballmann 1969
†Zygodactylus grivensis Ballman 1969
†Zygodactylus ignotus Ballman 1969
†Zygodactylus luberonensis Mayr 2008
Invalid names: Primoscenidae Harrison and Walker 1977 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: subo = suborder, o = order | |||||
References: Benton 1983, Marsh 1875 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Wasatchian to the top of the Holocene or 55.80000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 50.3 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 50.3 Ma
Collections (153 total)
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Ypresian | United Kingdom (Sussex) | Primoscens minutus (13298) | |
Ypresian | Belgium (West Flanders) | Septencoracias sp. (68430) | |
Ypresian | Australia (Queensland) | Passeriformes indet. (59088) | |
Ypresian | United Kingdom | Coracii indet., Primobucco sp., Septencoracias morsensis, Laputa robusta, Septencoracias simillimus, Pristineanis minor, Pristineanis major (85229) | |
Ypresian | United Kingdom (England) | Parvicuculus minor (204217) Septencoracias morsensis, Primoscens carolinae (224382) | |
Wasatchian | USA (Virginia) | Zygodactylidae indet., Parvicuculus sp. (15595) | |
Wasatchian | USA (Wyoming) | Eozygodactylus americanus (15853) Primobucco kistneri (67863) Primobucco mcgrewi (81452) | |
MP 8 + 9 | France (Picardie) | Primobucconidae indet. (84997) | |
Bridgerian | USA (Wyoming) | Coraciiformes indet. (16296) | |
MP 11 | Germany (Hessen) | Eocoracias brachyptera, Primobucco perneri (138656) Primobucco frugilegus (120798) Primozygodactylus quintus, Primozygodactylus longibrachium, Primozygodactylus eunjooae, Eocoracias brachyptera, Pseudastur sp., Pseudastur macrocephalus, Primozygodactylus danielsi (22701) | |
Middle Eocene | Germany (Hesse) | Quasisyndactylus longibrachis (140304) | |
Middle Eocene | USA (Wyoming) | Uintornis lucaris (81455) Uintornis marionae (81456) | |
Priabonian | France (Quercy, Midi-Pyrenees region) | Quercypsitta sudrei, Quercypsitta ivani (206820) | |
Priabonian | France (Ile-de-France Region) | Cryptornis antiquus (31739) | |
Late/Upper Eocene | France (Quercy) | Geranopterus milneedwardsi (12850) | |
MP 18 | France (Quercy, Midi-Pyrenees Region) | Geranopterus alatus (12851) | |
MP 19 | France (Quercy, Midi-Pyrenees Region) | Geranopterus alatus (12845 12846) | |
MP 19 | France | Geranopterus alatus (84656 84657 84658) | |
Early/Lower Oligocene | Belgium | Oligosylphe mourerchauvireae (31748) | |
MP 24 | France (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) | Zygodactylus luberonensis (84461) | |
Rupelian | Germany (Baden-Württemberg) | Rupelramphastoides knopfi, Palaeotodus itardiensis, Palaeotodus itardiensis (68021) | |
Rupelian | Belgium (Brabant) | Pici indet. (75867) | |
MP 29 | Germany (Baden-Württemberg) | Pici indet. (74679) | |
Hemingfordian | USA (Florida) | Capitonidae indet., Coraciiformes indet. (18597) | |
MN 3 | Germany (Bavaria) | Zygodactylus ignotus (68040) | |
Clarendonian | USA (Kansas) | Pliopicus brodkorbi (18450) | |
Late/Upper Miocene | Ukraine | Picus peregrinabundus (39816) | |
early Early Hemphillian - late Early Hemphillian | USA (Florida) | Momotidae indet. (18539) | |
Messinian | Italy (Piedmont) | Piciformes indet. (172914 199859) | |
Pliocene - Pleistocene | France (Midi-Pyrenees) | Picidae indet. (35076) | |
Gelasian | USA (Florida) | Colaptes auratus, Melanerpes sp., Picoides villosus, Dryocopus sp. (20384) | |
Early/Lower Pleistocene | USA (Florida) | Ceryle torquata (19750) | |
Early/Lower Pleistocene | Hungary (Barany) | Dendrocopos submajor, Picus viridis (35457) | |
Pleistocene | USA (California) | Colaptes auratus (176098) | |
Calabrian | Italy | Jynx torquilla (197789) | |
Irvingtonian | USA (Florida) | Colaptes auratus, Melanerpes sp. (20350) Melanerpes erythrocephalus, Picoides villosus (20385) | |
Irvingtonian | USA (Colorado) | Colaptes auratus, Picoides villosus (152653) | |
Lujanian | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Colaptes campestris (140805) | |
Middle Pleistocene | Italy (Siracusa) | Picus viridis, Dendrocopos leucotos (175900) | |
Middle Pleistocene | Italy | Picus canus (197926) | |
Rancholabrean | USA (Florida) | Colaptes auratus, Melanerpes erythrocephalus (20491) | |
Rancholabrean | USA (California) | Asyndesmus lewisi (150336) Colaptes cafer (161536) Colaptes cafer, Dryocopus pileatus, Sphyrapicus sp., Asyndesmus lewisi (152008) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Cayman Islands | Colaptes auratus (209851) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | USA (Oregon) | Colaptes cafer (93251) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | USA (Wyoming) | Colaptes auratus (93277) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene (glacial) | Bermuda | Colaptes oceanicus (154780) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | USA (Georgia) | Colaptes auratus, Melanerpes sp., Picoides villosus, Dryocopus pileatus (84190) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene (late glacial) | USA (Tennessee) | Colaptes auratus, Picoides villosus, Melanerpes carolinus (82890) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene (late glacial) | USA (Florida) | Colaptes auratus, Melanerpes sp., Dryocopus sp. (154722) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | USA (Florida) | Colaptes auratus (154773 154936) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Australia (South Australia) | Dacelo novaeguineae (136157) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene (high glacial) | USA (New Mexico) | Colaptes auratus (76060) Picidae indet., Colaptes auratus (76059) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Tonga | Halcyon chloris (194699) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene (interglacial) | USA (Florida) | Colaptes auratus, Melanerpes carolinus (20573) Colaptes auratus, Melanerpes erythrocephalus (20595) Megaceryle alcyon, Dendrocopos borealis (20636) Melanerpes carolinus (20580) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | USA (Virginia) | Colaptes auratus (104697) Megaceryle alcyon, Colaptes auratus, Centurus carolinus, Melanerpes erythrocephalus, Dendrocopos pubescens (82258) Picidae indet., Megaceryle alcyon, Colaptes auratus, Centurus carolinus, Dryocopus pileatus, Sphyrapicus varius, Dendrocopos villosus (103991) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Bermuda | Colaptes oceanicus (194442 194443) Sphyrapicus varius (194447) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | USA (California) | Colaptes auratus (123918) Colaptes cafer (44954 74235 79630 155409 218989) Colaptes cafer, Ceophloeus plicatus, Asyndesmus lewis (190077) Melanerpes formicivorus, Sphyrapicus ruber (215552) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene (interglacial) | USA (Alabama) | Picoides villosus, Melanerpes carolinus (84181) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Italy | Picidae indet., Picus viridis (197769) Picus canus (197787) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Japan | Sapheopipo noguchii (193443) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Indonesia (East Nusa Tenggara) | Halcyon sp. (68064 68068 193376 193418 193419 193420 193421) Halcyoninae indet. (193388 193417) Halcyoninae indet., Halcyon sp. (193387 193390) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Bahamas (Great Abaco Island) | Colaptes sp. (144663) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Romania | Picus canus (197946) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | USA (New Mexico) | Colaptes sp. (93281) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene (glacial) | USA (California) | Colaptes cafer (155393) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Spain | Picus viridis, Coracias garrulus (197938) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Greece (Crete) | Dendrocopos leucotos (192951 192966) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Bahamas | Centurus superciliaris, Colaptes chrysocaulosus (194589) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Bermuda | Colaptes oceanicus (194444) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene (late glacial) | USA (Arizona) | Colaptes auratus (93374) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Papua New Guinea | Alcedo atthis (194694) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | USA (Virginia) | Picidae indet., Colaptes auratus, Dendrocopos villosus (104035) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Bahamas (New Providence Island) | Colaptes sp., Melanerpes superciliaris (194590) Colaptes sp., Picoides villosus, Bathoceleus hyphalus, Sphyrapicus varius, Melanerpes superciliaris, Xiphidiopicus percussus (194588) Melanerpes superciliaris (144649) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Madagascar | Eurystomus glaucurus (195018) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Tonga | Halcyon chloris (194698 194717) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Dominican Republic | Picidae indet., Todus angustirostris, Melanerpes striatus, Nesoctites micromegas, Todus subulatus (194485) | |
Holocene | France (Corse) | Coracias garrulus (215376) Jynx torquilla (215378) | |
Holocene | USA (Ohio) | Campephilus principalis (195064) Colaptes sp., Dryocopus pileatus (195062) Colaptes sp., Dryocopus pileatus, Campephilus principalis (195063) | |
Holocene | Bermuda | Colaptes oceanicus (194445) Sphyrapicus varius (194446) | |
Holocene | Madagascar (Beanka) | Eurystomus glaucurus (205190 205193) | |
Holocene | Cook Islands | Halcyon mangaia (194756) Halcyon tuta (97455 193455 193456) | |
Holocene | Vanuatu (Efate) | Todiramphus chloris (185434) | |
Holocene | French Polynesia | Halcyon godeffroyi (193468 193471 194746) Halcyon tuta (194675) | |
Holocene | Tonga | Halcyon chloris (194700 194751) | |
Holocene | Haiti | Sphyrapicus varius, Todus angustirostris, Melanerpes striatus (194483) | |
Holocene | French Polynesia (Society Islands) | Halcyon tuta (215325) | |
Holocene | Madagascar | Brachypteracias langrandi (195019) Merops superciliosus (195020) | |
Holocene | New Caledonia | Halcyon sancta (193985) Todiramphus sanctus (193986 193987) | |
Holocene | Dominican Republic | Melanerpes striatus, Nesoctites micromegas (194484) | |
Holocene | USA (Illinois) | Campephilus principalis (195052) | |
Holocene | Yemen | Coracias garrulus (169046) | |
Holocene | Guam | Halcyon cinnamomina (208644) | |
Holocene | Spain | Jynx torquilla (194936) | |
Holocene | Mexico (Chiapas) | Momotidae indet., Ceryle torquata, Aulacorhynchus prasinus, Momotus momota (195047) |