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Platyrrhini (monkey)

Mammalia - Primates

Platyrrhini was named by Geoffroy (1812). It is extant. It was considered monophyletic by Kay et al. (2004).

It was reranked as the unranked clade Platyrrhina by Gregory (1910); it was reranked as the suborder Platyrhini by Jaekel (1911); it was reranked as the unranked clade Platyrrhini by Cooke et al. (2011), Bloch et al. (2016).

It was assigned to Simiae by Jaekel (1911); to Haplorini by Hershkovitz (1974); to Haplorhini by McKenna (1975), Setoguchi and Rosenberger (1987), Rosenberger et al. (1991), Hartwig and Cartelle (1996); to Anthropoidea by Rosenberger (2006), Fleagle (2013), Bloch et al. (2016); and to Anthropoidea by Gregory (1910), Carroll (1988), Beard et al. (1994), Kay et al. (2004), Poux and Douzery (2004), Kay (2010), Cooke et al. (2011), Kay et al. (2019).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1812Platyrrhini Geoffroy
1910Platyrrhina Gregory p. 465
1911Platyrhini Jaekel p. 216
1974Platyrrhini Hershkovitz
1975Platyrrhini McKenna p. 42
1987Platyrrhini Setoguchi and Rosenberger p. 692
1988Platyrrhini Carroll
1991Platyrrhini Rosenberger et al. p. 2137
1994Platyrrhini Beard et al. p. 609
1996Platyrrhini Hartwig and Cartelle p. 307
2004Platyrrhini Kay et al. p. 100
2004Platyrrhini Poux and Douzery
2006Platyrrhini Rosenberger p. 140
2010Platyrrhini Kay
2011Platyrrhini Cooke et al. p. 2699
2013Platyrrhini Fleagle
2016Platyrrhini Bloch et al.
2019Platyrrhini Kay et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
EuarchontogliresMurphy et al. 2001
infraorderHaplorhini(Pocock 1918)
Anthropoidea(Mivart 1864)
infraorderPlatyrrhiniGeoffroy 1812
infraorderPlatyrrhiniGeoffroy 1812

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Infraor. Platyrrhini Geoffroy 1812 [monkey]
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Fm. Atelidae Gray 1825
G. Alouatta Lacépède 1799 [howler monkey]
Alouatta arctoidea Cabrera 1940 [ursine howler monkey]
Alouatta belzebul Linnaeus 1766 [red-handed howler]
Alouatta caraya Humboldt 1812 [black howler]
Alouatta coibensis Thomas 1902
Alouatta discolor Spix 1823 [Spix's red-handed howler monkey]
Alouatta guariba Humboldt 1811 [brown howler monkey]
Alouatta macconnelli Elliot 1910 [guyanan red howler monkey]
Alouatta mauroi Tejedor et al. 2008
Alouatta nigerrima Lönnberg 1941
Alouatta palliatus Gray 1849 [mantled howler]
Alouatta pigra Lawrence 1933
Alouatta sara Elliot 1910 [Bolivian red howler]
Alouatta seniculus Linnaeus 1766 [Venezuelan red howler]
Alouatta seniculus juara Elliot 1910 [Juruá red howler]
Alouatta ululata Eliot 1912
Invalid names: Mycetes Illiger 1811 [synonym]
G. Ateles Geoffroy 1806
Ateles belzebuth Geoffroy 1806
Ateles chamek Humboldt 1811 [black-faced spider monkey]
Ateles fusciceps Gray 1866 [black-headed spider monkey]
Ateles fusciceps robustus Allen 1914 [Colombian black spider monkey]
Invalid names: Ateles dariensis Goldman 1915 [synonym]
Invalid names: Ateles vellerosus Sclater 1871 [replaced]
Ateles geoffroyi Kuhl 1820 [black-handed spider monkey]
Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus Gray 1866 [Mexican spider monkey]
Invalid names: Ateles neglectus Reinhardt 1873 [synonym], Ateles tricolor Hollister 1914 [synonym]
Ateles hybridus Geoffroy 1829
Ateles marginatus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1809 [white-cheeked spider monkey]
Ateles paniscus Linnaeus 1758 [red-faced spider monkey]
Invalid names: Ateles ater Cuvier 1823 [synonym]
Subfm. Atelinae Gray 1825
Tr. Atelini Gray 1825
Invalid names: Brachytelina Gray 1825 [empty]
G. †Caipora Cartelle and Hartwig 1996
Caipora bambuiorum Cartelle and Hartwig 1996
G. †Protopithecus Lund 1838
Protopithecus bonaeriensis Gervais and Ameghino 1880
G. †Solimoea Kay and Cozzuol 2006
Solimoea acrensis Kay and Cozzuol 2006
G. †Stirtonia Hershkovitz 1970
Stirtonia tatacoensis Hershkovitz 1970
Invalid names: Homunculus tatacoensis Stirton 1951 [synonym], Kondous laventicus Setoguchi 1985 [synonym]
Stirtonia victoriae Kay et al. 1987
Invalid names: Kondous Setoguchi 1985 [synonym]
G. Brachyteles Spix 1823 [woolly spider monkey]
Brachyteles arachnoides Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1809 [southern muriqui]
G. Lagothrix Geoffroy [woolly monkey]
Lagothrix cana Geoffroy 1812 [gray wooly monkey]
Invalid names: Gastrimargus olivaceus Spix 1823 [synonym]
Lagothrix flavicauda Humboldt 1812
Invalid names: Lagothrix (Oreonax) hendeei Thomas 1927 [synonym]
Lagothrix lagotricha Humboldt 1812 [brown woolly monkey]
Invalid names: Lagothrix humboldtii Geoffroy 1812 [synonym]
Lagothrix lugens Elliot 1907
Lagothrix poeppigii Schinz 1844
Invalid names: Gastrimargus Spix 1823 [synonym], Lagothrix (Oreonax) Thomas 1927 [invalid subgroup]
Invalid names: Alouattinae Elliott 1904 [empty]
Superfm. Ateloidea Gray 1825
Tr. Aotini Poche 1904
G. Aotus Illiger 1811
Aotus azarae Humboldt 1811 [Azara's night monkey]
Aotus brumbacki Hershkovitz 1983 [Brumback's Night Monkey]
Aotus dindensis Setoguchi and Rosenberger 1987
Aotus griseimembra Elliot 1912
Aotus jorgehernandezi Defler and Bueno 2007 [Hernández Camacho's night monkey]
Aotus lemurinus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1843
Aotus miconax Thomas 1927 [Peruvian night monkey]
Aotus nancymaae Hershkovitz 1983 [Nancy Ma's night monkey]
Aotus nigriceps Dollman 1909
Aotus trivirgatus Humboldt 1811 [three-striped night monkey]
Aotus vociferans Spix 1823
Aotus zonalis Goldman 1914
G. †Insulacebus Cooke et al. 2011
Insulacebus toussaintiana Cooke et al. 2011
G. †Xenothrix Williams and Koopman 1952
Xenothrix mcgregori Williams and Koopman 1952
G. †Carlocebus Fleagle 1990
Carlocebus carmenensis Fleagle 1990
Carlocebus intermedius Fleagle 1990
Fm. †Cebidae Savage 1951
G. †Acrecebus Kay and Cozzuol 2006
Acrecebus fraileyi Kay and Cozzuol 2006
Subfm. †Branisellinae Hershkovitz 1977
G. †Branisella Hoffstetter 1969
Branisella boliviana Hoffstetter 1969
Invalid names: Szalatavus attricuspis Rosenberger et al. 1991 [synonym]
Invalid names: Szalatavus Rosenberger et al. 1991 [synonym]
Subfm. Callitrichinae Gray 1821
G. Callimico Miranda-Ribeiro 1911
Callimico goeldii Thomas 1904 [Goeldi's marmoset]
Invalid names: Callimico snethlageri Miranda-Ribeiro 1911 [synonym]
G. Callithrix Erxleben 1777
Callithrix aurita Geoffroy 1812
Callithrix geoffroyi Humboldt 1811
Callithrix jacchus Linnaeus 1758 [common marmoset]
Callithrix kuhlii Coimbra-Filho 1985
Callithrix penicillata Geoffroy 1812
Invalid names: Hapale Illiger 1811 [synonym], Sagoinus Kerr 1792 [synonym]
G. Cebuella Gray 1865 [pygmy marmoset]
Cebuella pygmaea Spix 1823 [pygmy marmoset]
G. Jacchus Geoffroy 1812
Jacchus oedipus Linnaeus 1758
Tr. †Lagonimiconini Kay 1994
G. †Lagonimico Kay 1994
G. Leontopithecus Lesson 1840
Leontopithecus caissara Lorini and Persson 1990
Leontopithecus lagonotus Jimenez de la Espada 1870
Leontopithecus oedipus Linnaeus 1758 [cottontop tamarin]
Leontopithecus rosalia Linnaeus 1766
G. Mico Lesson 1840
Mico acariensis van Roosmalen et al. 2000
Mico argentatus Linnaeus 1771 [silvery marmoset]
Mico chrysoleucus Wagner 1842
Mico emiliae Thomas 1920 [Emilia's marmoset]
Mico humeralifera Geoffroy 1812
Mico humilis Van Roosmalen et al. 1998
Mico intermedius Hershkovitz 1977
Mico leucippe Thomas 1922
Mico manicorensis van Roosmalen et al. 2000
Mico marcai Alperin 1993
Mico mauesi Mittermeier et al. 1992
Mico melanurus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1812
Mico nigriceps Ferrari and Lopes 1992
Mico rondoni Ferrari et al. 2010
Mico saterei Silva Jr and de Almeida Noronha 1998
G. †Micodon Setoguchi and Rosenberger 1985 [marmoset]
Micodon kiotensis Setoguchi and Rosenberger 1985
G. †Patasola Kay and Meldrum 1997
Patasola magdalenae Kay and Meldrum 1997
G. Saguinus Hoffmannsegg 1807
Saguinus bicolor Spix 1823
Saguinus geoffroyi Pucheran 1845
Saguinus graellsi Jimenez de la Espada 1870
Saguinus imperator Goeldi 1907
Saguinus inustus Schwartz 1951
Saguinus labiatus Geoffroy 1812
Saguinus leucopus Günther 1877
Saguinus martinsi Thomas 1912
Saguinus melanoleucus Miranda Ribeiro 1912
Saguinus midas Linnaeus 1758 [red-handed tamarin]
Saguinus mystax Spix 1823 [Spix's moustached tamarin]
Saguinus niger Geoffroy 1803
Saguinus ursulus von Hoffmannsegg 1807
Invalid names: Leontocebus Wagner 1840 [synonym]
Subfm. Cebinae
G. Cebus Erxleben 1777 [capuchin monkey]
Cebus albifrons Humboldt 1811 [white-fronted capuchin]
Cebus annellatus Gray 1865
Cebus brunneus Allen 1914 [Brown weeper capuchin]
Cebus capillatus Gray 1865
Cebus capucinus Linnaeus 1758 [capuchin monkey]
Invalid names: Cebus hypoleucus Geoffroy 1812 [synonym]
Cebus cesarae Hershkovitz 1949 [Río Cesar White-fronted Capuchin]
Cebus cuscinus Thomas 1901
Cebus imitator Thomas 1903 [Panamanian white faced capuchin]
Cebus kaapori Queiroz 1992
Cebus leucocephalus Gray 1865 [Sierra de Perijá white-fronted capuchin]
Cebus leucogenys Gray 1865
Cebus malitiosus Elliot 1907
Cebus nigrivittatus Wagner 1848
Cebus olivaceus Schomburgk 1848
Cebus unicolor Spix 1823 [Spix's white-fronted capuchin]
Invalid names: Cebus flavescens Gray 1865 [synonym]
Cebus versicolor Pucheran 1845 [varied capuchin]
Cebus yuracus Hershkovitz 1949 [Maranon white fronted capuchin]
G. †Dolichocebus Bordas 1942
Dolichocebus annectens Rosenberger et al. 1991
Dolichocebus gaimanensis Bordas 1942
G. †Panamacebus Bloch et al. 2016
Panamacebus transitus Bloch et al. 2016
G. Saimiri Voigt 1831 [squirrel monkey]
Saimiri boliviensis Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire and de Blainville 1834
Saimiri collinsi Osgood 1916
Saimiri macrodon Elliot 1907
Invalid names: Saimiri caquetensis Allen 1916 [synonym]
Saimiri oerstedii Reinhardt 1872
Saimiri sciureus Linnaeus 1758 [common squirrel monkey]
Saimiri ustus Geoffroy 1843 [bare-eared squirrel monkey]
Saimiri vanzolinii Ayres 1985
Invalid names: Neosaimiri Stirton 1951 [synonym], Simia morta Linnaeus 1758 [nomen dubium]
G. Sapajus Kerr 1792
Cebus apella margaritae Hollister 1914
Sapajus apella Linnaeus 1758 [tufted capuchin]
Invalid names: Simia (Sapajus) capucinus albulus Kerr 1792 [synonym]
Sapajus cay Illiger 1815
Sapajus flavius Schreber 1774
Sapajus libidinosus von Spix 1823
Sapajus nigritus Goldfuss 1809
Sapajus robustus Kuhl 1820
Sapajus xanthosternos Wied-Neuwied 1826
Subfm. †Tremacebinae Hershkovitz 1974
G. †Tremacebus Hershkovitz 1974
Tremacebus harringtoni Rusconi 1933
Invalid names: Cebupithecinae Hershkovitz 1974 [empty], Saimiriinae Hershkovitz 1974 [empty], Stirtoninae Hershkovitz 1970 [empty]
G. †Chilecebus Flynn et al. 1995
Chilecebus carrascoensis Flynn et al. 1995
Fm. †Homunculidae Ameghino 1901
G. †Homunculus Ameghino 1891
Homunculus patagonicus Ameghino 1891
Invalid names: Anthropops perfectus Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Ecphantodon ceboides Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Homunculus ameghinoi Bluntschli 1931 [synonym], Killikaike blakei Tejedor et al. 2006 [synonym], Pitheculus australis Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Stilotherium grande Ameghino 1894 [synonym]
Homunculus vizcainoi Kay and Perry 2019
Invalid names: Anthropops Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Ecphantodon Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Killikaike Tejedor et al. 2006 [synonym], Pitheculus Ameghino 1894 [synonym]
Subfm. †Soriacebinae Kay 2010
G. †Canaanimico Marivaux et al. 2016
Canaanimico amazonensis Marivaux et al. 2016
G. †Mazzonicebus Kay 2010
G. †Soriacebus Fleagle et al. 1987
Soriacebus adrianae Fleagle 1990
Soriacebus ameghinorum Fleagle et al. 1987
G. †Parvimico Kay et al. 2019
Parvimico materdei Kay et al. 2019
Fm. Pitheciidae Mivart 1865
G. †Antillothrix MacPhee et al. 1995
Antillothrix bernensis Rimoli 1977
G. Cacajao Lesson 1840 [uakari]
Cacajao calvus Geoffroy 1847 [bald uacari]
Cacajao hosomi Boubli et al. 2008
Cacajao melanocephalus Humboldt 1811 [black-headed uacari]
Cacajao melanocephalus ayresi Boubli et al. 2008
Invalid names: Ouakaria spixii Gray 1849 [synonym]
Cacajao ouakary Spix 1823 [olden-backed black-faced uacari]
Invalid names: Brachyurus Spix 1823 [replaced], Cercoptochus Gloger 1842 [synonym], Cothurus Palmer 1899 [synonym], Neocothurus Palmer 1903 [synonym], Ouakaria Gray 1849 [synonym], Uacaria Flower and Lydekker 1891 [synonym]
Subfm. Callicebinae Pocock 1925
G. Callicebus Thomas 1903 [titi]
Callicebus barbarabrownae Hershkovitz 1990 [Barbara Browns titi]
Callicebus coimbrai Kobayashi and Langguth 1999
Callicebus melanochir Wied-Neuwied 1820 [Southern Bahian titi]
Callicebus personatus Geoffroy 1812
G. Cheracebus Byrne et al. 2016 [titi monkeys]
Cheracebus lucifer Thomas 1914
Cheracebus lugens Humboldt 1811
Cheracebus medemi Hershkovitz 1963
Cheracebus purinus Thomas 1927
Cheracebus regulus Thomas 1927
Cheracebus torquatus Hoffmannsegg 1807
G. †Miocallicebus Takai et al. 2001
Miocallicebus villaviejai Takai et al. 2001
G. Plecturocebus Byrne et al. 2016
Plecturocebus aureipalatii Wallace et al. 2006
Plecturocebus baptista Lönnberg 1939
Plecturocebus bernhardi van Roosmalen et al. 2002
Invalid names: Callicebus dubius Hershkovitz 1988 [synonym]
Plecturocebus caquetensis Defler et al. 2010
Plecturocebus discolor Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire and Deville 1848
Plecturocebus miltoni Dalponte et al. 2014
Plecturocebus modestus Lönnberg 1939
Plecturocebus moloch Hoffmannsegg 1807
Plecturocebus olallae Lönnberg 1939
Plecturocebus stephennashi van Roosmalen et al. 2002
Plecturocebus urubambensis Vermeer and Tello-Alvarado 2015
Plecturocebus vieirai Gualda-Barros et al. 2012
G. Chiropotes Lesson 1840 [bearded saki]
Chiropotes albinasus Geoffroy and Deville 1848 [white-nosed saki]
Invalid names: Cacajao roosevelti Allen 1914 [synonym]
Chiropotes chiropotes Humboldt 1811
Chiropotes satanas Hoffmannsegg 1807
Chiropotes utahickae Hershkovitz 1985
G. †Mohanamico Luchterhand et al. 1986
Mohanamico hershkovitzi Luchterhand et al. 1986
G. †Paralouatta Rivero and Amedondo 1991
Paralouatta marianae MacPhee et al. 2003
Paralouatta varonai Rivero and Arredondo 1991
G. Pithecia Desmarest 1804 [saki]
Pithecia aequatorialis Hershkovitz 1987
Pithecia cazuzai Marsh 2014
Pithecia chrysocephala Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1850
Pithecia hirsuta Spix 1823
Pithecia inusta Spix 1823
Pithecia isabela Marsh 2014
Pithecia milleri Allen 1914
Pithecia monachus Geoffroy 1812 [monk saki]
Pithecia napensis Lönnberg 1938
Pithecia pithecia Linnaeus 1766
Pithecia rylandsi Marsh 2014
Pithecia vanzolinii Hershkovitz 1987
Tr. Pitheciini Gray 1849
G. †Cebupithecia Stirton and Savage 1950
Cebupithecia sarmientoi Stirton and Savage 1950
G. †Nuciruptor Meldrum and Kay 1997
Nuciruptor rubricae Meldrum and Kay 1997
G. †Proteropithecia Kay et al. 1999
Proteropithecia neuquenensis Kay et al. 1998
Invalid names: Xenotrichidae Hershkovitz 1970 [empty]
No diagnoses are available