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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1876Polythorax Cope
1876Polythorax missuriensis Cope
1876Polythorax Cope p. 258
1876Polythorax missuriensis Cope p. 258
1884Polythorax Cope
1902Polythorax Hay p. 438
1902Polythorax missuriensis Hay p. 438
1903Probaena sculpta Hay p. 201 figs. plate iii, figs. I, 2
1908Glyptops caelatus Hay figs. Plate 7, figs. I, 2; text-figs. 28-31
1908Glyptops pervicax Hay p. 54 figs. Text-fig. 31
1908Polythorax Hay p. 100
1908Polythorax missuriensis Hay p. 100
1911Desmemys bertelmanni Wegner
1921Glyptops caelatus Gilmore p. 590
1930Glyptops caelatus Hay p. 70
1930Glyptops pervicax Hay p. 70
1930Probaena sculpta Hay p. 71
1930Polythorax Hay p. 73
1930Polythorax missuriensis Hay p. 73
1975Paracryptodira Gaffney
2006Paracryptodira Lipka et al. p. 301
2007Paracryptodira Joyce
2008Paracryptodira Danilov and Parham
2008Paracryptodira Pérez-García et al.
2009Paracryptodira Anquetin et al.
2011Paracryptodira Lyson and Joyce p. 793
2011Paracryptodira Pérez-García and Ortega
2012Paracryptodira Anquetin p. 28
2012Paracryptodira Pérez-García
2012Paracryptodira Sullivan et al.
2013Paracryptodira Brinkman
2013Paracryptodira Hutchison et al.
2014Paracryptodira Puntener et al.
2015Paracryptodira Lively
2016Paracryptodira Lively
2019Paracryptodira Joyce and Anquetin
2020Paracryptodira Guerrero and Pérez-García p. 3
2021Paracryptodira Guerrero and Pérez-García
2021Paracryptodira Pérez-Garcia et al.
2021Paracryptodira Rollot et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Testudinata(Oppel 1811)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Unr. †Paracryptodira Gaffney 1975
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G. †Arundelemys Lipka et al. 2006
Arundelemys dardeni Lipka et al. 2006
Fm. †Baenidae Cope 1882
Subfm. †Baeninae Cope 1882
Invalid names: Baenodd Gaffney 1972 [empty], Hayemdodd Gaffney 1972 [empty]
Unr. †Baenodda Gaffney 1972
G. †Arvinachelys Lively 2015
Arvinachelys goldeni Lively 2015
Tr. †Baenini Cope 1882
Invalid names: Eubaenina Williams 1950 [empty]
Unr. †Eubaeninae Williams 1950
G. †Baena Leidy 1870
Baena affinis Leidy 1871
Invalid names: Baena inflata Gilmore 1915 [synonym], Baena riparia Hay 1908 [synonym]
Baena arenosa Leidy 1870
Invalid names: Baena clara Hay 1908 [synonym], Baena emiliae Hay 1908 [synonym], Baena sima Hay 1908 [synonym]
Baena escavada Hay 1908
Baena hayi Gilmore 1916
G. †Boremys Lambe 1906
Boremys grandis Gilmore 1935
Boremys pulchra Lambe 1906
Invalid names: Boremys albertensis Gilmore 1919 [synonym]
G. †Chisternon Leidy 1872
Chisternon undatum Leidy 1871
Invalid names: Baena gigantea Gilmore 1915 [synonym], Baena hebraica Cope 1872 [synonym]
G. †Denazinemys Lucas and Sullivan 2006
Denazinemys nodosa Gilmore 1916
G. †Goleremys Hutchison 2004
Goleremys mckennai Hutchison 2004
G. †Stygiochelys Gaffney and Hiatt 1971
Stygiochelys estesi Gaffney and Hiatt 1971
Invalid names: Stygiochelys estesi Gaffney and Hiatt 1971 [valid]
Invalid names: Baena marshi Hay 1904 [nomen dubium], Chisternon interpositum Hay 1909 [nomen dubium]
Unr. †Palatobaeninae Gaffney 1972
G. †Cedrobaena Lyson and Joyce 2009
Cedrobaena brinkman Lyson and Joyce 2009
Cedrobaena putorius Gaffney 1972
G. †Gamerabaena Lyson and Joyce 2010
Gamerabaena sonsalla Lyson and Joyce 2010
G. †Palatobaena Gaffney 1972
Palatobaena bairdi Gaffney 1972
Palatobaena cohen Lyson and Joyce 2009
Palatobaena gaffneyi Archibald and Hutchison 1979
Palatobaena knellerorum Lyson et al. 2021
G. †Plesiobaena Gaffney 1972
Plesiobaena antiqua Lambe 1902
Invalid names: Baena callosa Hay 1905 [synonym]
G. †Saxochelys Lyson et al. 2019
Saxochelys gilberti Lyson et al. 2019
G. †Scabremys Sullivan et al. 2012
Scabremys ornata Gilmore 1935
G. †Edowa Adrian et al. 2023
Edowa zuniensis Adrian et al. 2023
G. †Eubaena Hay 1908
Eubaena cephalica Hay 1904
Eubaena hatcheri Hay 1901
G. †Gehennachelys Adrian et al. 2023
Gehennachelys maini Adrian et al. 2019
G. †Hayemys Gaffney 1972
Hayemys latifrons Hay 1908
G. †Lakotemys Joyce et al. 2020
Lakotemys australodakotensis Joyce et al. 2020
G. †Neurankylus Lambe 1902
Neurankylus baueri Gilmore 1916
Invalid names: Neurankylus hutchisoni Lively 2016 [synonym], Neurankylus utahensis Lively 2016 [synonym]
Neurankylus eximius Lambe 1902
Invalid names: Baena fluviatilis Parks 1933 [synonym], Charitemys captans Hay 1908 [synonym]
Neurankylus lithographicus Larson et al. 2013
Neurankylus notos Lichtig and Lucas 2016
Neurankylus torrejonensis Lyson et al. 2016
Invalid names: Charitemys Hay 1908 [synonym]
G. †Peckemys Lyson and Joyce 2009
G. †Probaena Hay 1903
G. †Protobaena Joyce and Lyson 2015
Protobaena wyomingensis Gilmore 1919
G. †Stygiochelys Gaffney and Hiatt 1971
Stygiochelys estesi Gaffney and Hiatt 1971
Invalid names: Stygiochelys estesi Gaffney and Hiatt 1971 [valid]
G. †Thescelus Hay 1908
Thescelus insiliens Hay 1908
Invalid names: Baena longicauda Russell 1934 [synonym]
Thescelus rapiens Hay 1908
G. †Trinitichelys Gaffney 1972
Trinitichelys hiatti Gaffney 1972
Invalid names: Baena platyplastra Gilmore 1915 [nomen dubium], Hayemydinae Gaffney 1972 [empty], Thescelus hemispherica Gilmore 1935 [nomen dubium], Trinitichelyinae Gaffney 1972 [empty]
Superfm. †Baenoidea
Invalid names: Eubaenidae [empty], Neurankylidae [empty]
Fm. †Compsemydidae Pérez-García et al. 2015
G. †Berruchelus Pérez-García 2012
Berruchelus russelli Pérez-García 2012
G. †Peltochelys Dollo 1884
G. †Tongemys Joyce et al. 2022
Tongemys enigmatica Joyce et al. 2022
G. †Compsemys Leidy 1856
Compsemys victa Leidy 1856
Invalid names: Compsemys parva Hay 1910 [synonym], Compsemys puercensis Gilmore 1919 [synonym], Compsemys torrejonensis Gilmore 1919 [synonym], Compsemys vafer Hay 1910 [synonym]
Invalid names: Emys obscurus Leidy 1856 [nomen dubium], Glyptops depressus Hay 1908 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Pleurosternidae Cope 1868
G. †Ballerstedtia Karl et al. 2012
Ballerstedtia typocardia Seeley 1869
G. †Desmemys Wegner 1911
G. †Dinochelys Gaffney 1979
Dinochelys whitei Gaffney 1979
G. †Dorsetochelys Evans and Kemp 1976
Invalid names: Ballerstedtia bueckebergensis Karl et al. 2012 [synonym], Dorsetochelys delairi Evans and Kemp 1976 [synonym], Thalassemys ruetimeyeri Lydekker 1889 [synonym]
Invalid names: Dorsetochelys buzzops Bakker 1998 [nomen dubium]
G. †Glyptops Marsh 1890
Glyptops ornatus Marsh 1890
Invalid names: Glyptops utahensis Gilmore 1916 [synonym]
Invalid names: Glyptops plicatulus Cope 1877 [nomen dubium]
G. †Pleurosternon Owen 1853
Invalid names: Megasternon koenigii Gray 1870 [synonym], Mesochelys durlstonensis Evans and Kemp 1975 [synonym], Pleurosternon concinnum Owen 1853 [synonym], Pleurosternon emarginatum Owen 1853 [synonym], Pleurosternon ovatum Owen 1853 [synonym], Pleurosternon oweni Seeley 1869 [synonym], Pleurosternon sedgwicki Seeley 1869 [synonym], Pleurosternon vansittarti Seeley 1869 [synonym], Pleurosternum portlandicum Lydekker 1889 [synonym]
Pleurosternon moncayensis Pérez-Garcia et al. 2021
Invalid names: Digerrhum Cope 1870 [synonym], Mesochelys Evans and Kemp 1975 [synonym]
G. †Riodevemys Pérez-García et al. 2015
Riodevemys inumbragigas Pérez-García et al. 2015
G. †Selenemys Pérez-García and Ortega 2011
Selenemys lusitanica Pérez-García and Ortega 2011
G. †Toremys Pérez-García et al. 2015
Toremys cassiopeia Pérez-García et al. 2015
G. †Uluops Carpenter and Bakker 1990
Uluops uluops Carpenter and Bakker 1990
Invalid names: Desmemydinae Nopcsa 1928 [empty]
Invalid names: Desmemys bertelmanni Wegner 1911 [nomen dubium], Glyptops caelatus Hay 1908 [nomen dubium], Glyptops pervicax Hay 1908 [nomen dubium], Polythorax Cope 1876 [nomen dubium], Polythorax missuriensis Cope 1876 [nomen dubium], Probaena sculpta Hay 1903 [nomen dubium]
T. R. Lyson and W. G. Joyce 2011‘‘Paracryptodira’’ refers to the most inclusive clade containing Pleurosternon (orig. Platemys) bullockii Owen, 1842 and Baena arenosa Leidy, 1870 but not any species of Recent turtle.
Canalis caroticus internus located halfway along suture between pterygoid and basisphenoid; interpterygoid vacuity absent; distinct thickening of plastron medial to inguinal buttress.
W. G. Joyce and J. Anquetin 2019Paracryptodires can be differentiated from all other turtles by symplesiomorphically exhibiting a midline contact of the nasals and modest lower and upper temporal emarginations, lacking a midline contact of the prefrontals, and possessing large mesoplastra with a midline contact, and by apomorphically exhibiting a dense surface texture that covers the skull and shell, a foramen posterius canalis carotici interni located halfway along contact between pterygoid and basisphenoid, and thickenings of the plastron medial to the bridges.