Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Teleostei was named by Müller (1846). It is extant.
It was reranked as the suborder Teleostei by Gadow (1898); it was corrected as Teleostea by Jaekel (1911); it was reranked as the superorder Teleostei by Jordan (1963) and Martinelli and Forasiepi (2004); it was reranked as the infraclass Teleostei by Thurmond and Jones (1981), Case and Schwimmer (1988), Nelson (2006), Previtera and González Riga (2008), Betancur et al. (2013) and Denton (2013); it was reranked as the unranked clade Teleosti by Carnevale and Godfrey (2018); it was reranked as the unranked clade Teleostei by Normark et al. (1991), Domning and Clark (1993), Murray (1996), Fierstine (1998), Forey et al. (2003), Alvarado-Ortega (2004), Carnevale (2007), Grande and Grande (2008), Friedman et al. (2010), Long (2011), Fierstine et al. (2012), Nelson et al. (2016), Arratia (2017), Ebersole et al. (2019) and Ebersole et al. (2024).
It was assigned to Actinopterygii by Gadow (1898); to Teleostomata by Jaekel (1911); to Actinopteri by Jordan (1963); to Osteichthyes by Huxley (1880), Thurmond and Jones (1981), Kumar and Loyal (1987) and Peng et al. (2001); to Actinopterygii by Previtera and González Riga (2008); to Neopterygii by Normark et al. (1991), Meyer and Zardoya (2003) and Grande and Grande (2008); to Actinopterygii by Case and Schwimmer (1988), Murray (1996), Fierstine (1998), Fierstine (2001), Fierstine and Starnes (2005), Gottfried et al. (2006) and Zalohar et al. (2009); to Neopterygii by Nelson (2006), Friedman et al. (2010), Long (2011), Fierstine et al. (2012) and Betancur et al. (2013); to Actinopterygii by Domning and Clark (1993), Martinelli and Forasiepi (2004), Carnevale (2007) and Denton (2013); to Halecostomi by Forey et al. (2003), Alvarado-Ortega (2004) and Carnevale and Godfrey (2018); and to Teleosteomorpha by Nelson et al. (2016), Arratia (2017), Ebersole et al. (2019) and Ebersole et al. (2024).
It was reranked as the suborder Teleostei by Gadow (1898); it was corrected as Teleostea by Jaekel (1911); it was reranked as the superorder Teleostei by Jordan (1963) and Martinelli and Forasiepi (2004); it was reranked as the infraclass Teleostei by Thurmond and Jones (1981), Case and Schwimmer (1988), Nelson (2006), Previtera and González Riga (2008), Betancur et al. (2013) and Denton (2013); it was reranked as the unranked clade Teleosti by Carnevale and Godfrey (2018); it was reranked as the unranked clade Teleostei by Normark et al. (1991), Domning and Clark (1993), Murray (1996), Fierstine (1998), Forey et al. (2003), Alvarado-Ortega (2004), Carnevale (2007), Grande and Grande (2008), Friedman et al. (2010), Long (2011), Fierstine et al. (2012), Nelson et al. (2016), Arratia (2017), Ebersole et al. (2019) and Ebersole et al. (2024).
It was assigned to Actinopterygii by Gadow (1898); to Teleostomata by Jaekel (1911); to Actinopteri by Jordan (1963); to Osteichthyes by Huxley (1880), Thurmond and Jones (1981), Kumar and Loyal (1987) and Peng et al. (2001); to Actinopterygii by Previtera and González Riga (2008); to Neopterygii by Normark et al. (1991), Meyer and Zardoya (2003) and Grande and Grande (2008); to Actinopterygii by Case and Schwimmer (1988), Murray (1996), Fierstine (1998), Fierstine (2001), Fierstine and Starnes (2005), Gottfried et al. (2006) and Zalohar et al. (2009); to Neopterygii by Nelson (2006), Friedman et al. (2010), Long (2011), Fierstine et al. (2012) and Betancur et al. (2013); to Actinopterygii by Domning and Clark (1993), Martinelli and Forasiepi (2004), Carnevale (2007) and Denton (2013); to Halecostomi by Forey et al. (2003), Alvarado-Ortega (2004) and Carnevale and Godfrey (2018); and to Teleosteomorpha by Nelson et al. (2016), Arratia (2017), Ebersole et al. (2019) and Ebersole et al. (2024).
Acanthopteri, Acregoliath, Amphiuma nordica, Araripchthyiformes, Asiatolepis, Bathyclupeiformes, Catosteomi, Chongichthyidae, Chromides, Crossognathiformes, Discocephali, Dorsetichthyiformes, Elopocephalai, Eupercaria, Euteleosteii, Gasterosteiformes, Gobioidea, Ichthyodectiformes, Jinanichthys, Jugulares, Lampriformes, Leptolepidiformes, Leucichthyops, Longdeichthys, Luisiella, Lyopomi, Malacopteri, Opisthomi, Osteoglossocephalai, Osteossomorpha, Paralycoptera, Pediculati, Percomorphacea, Pharyngognathi, Pholidophoriformes, Polymyxiomorpha, Scorpaeniformes, Stephanoberyciformes, Symbranchia, Teleocephala, Teleosteorum, Todiltia, Tonghuaichthys, Tselfatiiformes, Xenopterygii, Ypsiloichthys
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1846 | Teleostei Müller |
1880 | Teleostei Huxley p. 662 |
1898 | Teleostei Gadow p. 8 |
1911 | Teleostea Jaekel p. 87 |
1956 | Amphiuma nordica Brunner |
1963 | Teleostei Jordan p. 616 |
1981 | Teleostei Thurmond and Jones p. 87 |
1987 | Teleostei Kumar and Loyal p. 73 |
1988 | Teleostei Case and Schwimmer p. 299 |
1991 | Teleostei Normark et al. p. 829 |
1993 | Teleostei Domning and Clark p. 413 |
1996 | Teleostei Murray p. 642 |
1998 | Teleostei Fierstine p. 34 |
2001 | Teleostei Fierstine p. 28 |
2001 | Teleostei Peng et al. p. 15 |
2003 | Teleostei Forey et al. p. 228 |
2003 | Teleostei Meyer and Zardoya |
2004 | Teleostei Alvarado-Ortega |
2004 | Teleostei Martinelli and Forasiepi p. 260 |
2005 | Teleostei Fierstine and Starnes p. 281 |
2006 | Teleostei Gottfried et al. |
2006 | Teleostei Nelson |
2007 | Teleostei Carnevale p. 8 |
2008 | Teleostei Grande and Grande p. 10 |
2008 | Teleostei Previtera and González Riga |
2009 | Teleostei Zalohar et al. p. 80 |
2010 | Teleostei Friedman et al. p. S33 |
2011 | Teleostei Long p. 242 |
2012 | Teleostei Fierstine et al. p. 12 |
2013 | Teleostei Betancur et al. |
2013 | Teleostei Denton p. 786 |
2016 | Teleostei Nelson et al. p. 128 |
2017 | Teleostei Arratia p. 21 |
2018 | Teleosti Carnevale and Godfrey p. 167 |
2019 | Teleostei Ebersole et al. p. 156 |
2024 | Teleostei Ebersole et al. p. 13 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. Teleostei Müller 1846
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Or. Acanthopteri
Subor. †Cycloidei Owen 1859
G. †Smerdis Agassiz 1833
†Smerdis latior Agassiz 1836
†Smerdis macrurus Agassiz 1834
†Smerdis micracanthus Agassiz 1835
†Smerdis minutus de Blainville 1818
†Smerdis pygmaeus Agassiz 1836
†Smerdis ventralis Agassiz 1836
Invalid names: Ctenoidei Owen 1859 [empty]
Or. †Araripchthyiformes
Fm. †Araripichthyidae Santos 1983
G. †Araripichthys Silva Santos 1985
†Araripichthys axelrodi Maisey and Moody 2001
†Araripichthys weberi Alvarado-Ortega and Brito 2011
Fm. †Chongichthyidae Arratia 1982
Or. †Crossognathiformes Taverne 1989
G. †Bavarichthys Arratia and Tischlinger 2010
†Bavarichthys incognitus Arratia and Tischlinger 2010
Subor. †Crossognathoidei Taverne 1989
Fm. Crossognathidae
G. †Apsopelix Cope 1871
†Apsopelix miyazakii Yabumoto et al. 2012
†Apsopelix sauriformis Cope 1871
G. †Crossognathus
†Crossognathus danubiensis Cavin and Grigorescu 2005
†Crossognathus sabaudianus Pictet 1858
Invalid names: Palaeaulopus germanicus Taverne and Ross 1973 [synonym]
Invalid names: Palaeaulopus Taverne and Ross 1973 [synonym]
G. †Enischorhynchus
G. †Luxilites
G. †Martinichthys
Subor. †Pachyrhizodontoidei Forey 1977
Fm. †Notelopidae Forey 1977
G. †Nusaviichthys Alvarado-Ortega and Alves 2022
†Nusaviichthys nerivelai Alvarado-Ortega and Alves 2022
Fm. †Pachyrhizodontidae Cope 1872
G. †Conosaurus Gibbes 1851
†Conosaurus bowmani Gibbes 1851
Invalid names: Conosaurops Leidy 1868 [synonym]
G. †Elopopsis
†Elopopsis crassus Dixon 1850
†Elopopsis fenxli Heckel 1856
†Elopopsis heckeli Reuss 1857
†Elopopsis smithwoodwardi Bayer 1905
†Elopopsis ziegleri von der Marck 1868
G. †Pachyrhizodus Agassiz 1850
†Pachyrhizodus basalis Dixon 1850
†Pachyrhizodus caninus Cope 1872
†Pachyrhizodus curvatus Loomis 1900
†Pachyrhizodus dibleyi Woodward 1901
†Pachyrhizodus kingi Cope 1872
†Pachyrhizodus latimentum Cope 1872
†Pachyrhizodus leptognathus Stewart 1898
†Pachyrhizodus leptopsis Cope 1874
†Pachyrhizodus minimus Stewart 1899
†Pachyrhizodus subulidens Owen 1842
Invalid names: Pachyrhizodus intermedius Tarverne 1987 [synonym]
†Pachyrhizodus velox Stewart 1898
G. †Pachyrizodus
G. †Syntengmodus
Unr. Elopocephalai
Unr. Elopocephala
Unr. Elopomorpha Greenwood et al. 1966
Or. Albuliformes Greenwood et al. 1966 [bonefish]
G. †Baugeichthys Filleul 2000
G. †Genartina Frizzell and Dante 1965
G. †Marathonichthys Bartholomai 2013
Invalid names: Notacanthoidei [empty]
Or. Anguilliformes Greenwood et al. 1966 [eel]
G. †Abisaadia Belouze et al. 2003
Fm. Anguillidae Rafinesque 1810
Fm. †Anguilloididae
G. †Bolcanguilla Blot 1981
G. †Brannerion Jordan 1920
G. †Casierius Estes 1969
Subor. Chlopsoidei
G. Congermuraena Kaup 1856
Fm. Congridae Kaup 1856 [conger eel]
Superfm. Congroidea
Subor. Congroidei Regan 1909
G. †Eodiaphyodus
G. †Eomuraena Casier 1967
G. Eomyrophis Whitley 1950
G. †Gazolapodus Blot 1981
G. †Hayenchelys Belouze et al. 2003
Fm. Heterenchelyidae
G. Hoplunnis Kaup 1860
G. Japonoconger Asano 1958
G. Lemkea Kotthaus 1968
G. Leptocephalus Gronow 1763
Fm. †Libanechelyidae Taverne 2004
G. †Luenchelys Belouze et al. 2003
G. †Micromyrus Casier 1967
Fm. †Milananguillidae
Subor. Moringuoidei
G. †Muraenanguilla Schwarzhans 2019
Fm. Muraenesocidae
Subor. †Muraenoidei
G. †Mylomyrus Woodward 1910
G. Myroconger Guenther 1879
Fm. Nemichthyidae
Fm. Ophichthidae
G. †Palaeomyrus Casier 1967
Fm. †Paranguillidae
G. †Parechelus Casier 1967
Fm. Patavichthyidae
G. †Proserrivomer Arambourg 1967
Subor. Protanguilloidei
Fm. †Proteomyridae
G. †Rhynchocymba Jordan and Hubbs
Subor. Saccopharyngoidei Nelson et al. 2016
Subor. Synaphobranchoidei
G. †Urenchelys Woodward 1900
Invalid names: Anguilloidei [empty], Apodes Latreille 1804 [synonym], Eurypharyngidae [empty], Saccopharyngidae [empty], Urenchelyidae Hay 1903 [empty]
Or. Elopiformes Sauvage 1875
Subor. Albuloidei
G. †Antofagastaichthys Arratia 1986
G. †Carsothrissops D'Erasmo 1946
G. †Coryphaenopsis Fric and Bayer 1902
G. †Dactylopogon von der Marck 1868
G. †Davichthys Forey 1973
G. †Echinelops Murray and Hoşgör 2012
G. †Eichstaettia Arratia 1987
Fm. Elopidae Bonaparte 1846
Subor. Elopoidei
G. †Epaelops Alves et al. 2019
G. †Flindersichthys Longman 1932
G. †Lyrolepis Romanowski 1886
G. †Ostariostoma Schaeffer 1949
Fm. †Phyllodontidae Sauvage 1875
Invalid names: Saccopharygiformes [empty], Saccopharyngiformes [empty]
Unr. Euteleosteii Greenwood et al. 1967
Invalid names: Ateleopodomorpha [empty], Cyclosqamata [empty], Lampriomorpha [empty], Stenopterygii [empty]
G. †Gasterorhamphosus Sorbini 1981
Subor. Gasterosteoidei
Invalid names: Aulorhynchoidea Pietsch 1978 [empty], Gasterosteoidea Pietsch 1978 [empty]
G. Nerophis Rafinesque 1810
G. †Protorhamphosus Daniltshenko 1968
G. †Urosphenopsis Daniltshenko 1968
Or. Gobioidea
Invalid names: Gobioididae [empty], Periophthalmidae [empty], Psammichthyidae [empty], Trypauchenidae [empty]
Or. †Ichthyodectiformes Bardack and Sprinkle 1969
G. †Allothrissops Nybelin 1964
†Allothrissops mesogaster Agassiz 1834
†Allothrissops salmoneus de Blainville 1818
G. †Cavenderichthys Bean 2006
G. †Chuhsiungichthys Yabumoto 1994
†Chuhsiungichthys japonicus Yabumoto 1994
†Chuhsiungichthys tsanglingensis Lew 1974
†Chuhsiungichthys yanagidai Yabumoto 1994
Fm. †Cladocyclidae Maisey 1991
G. †Chiromystus Cope 1885
†Chiromystus alagoensis Jordan 1910
†Chiromystus mawsoni Cope 1885
†Chiromystus woodwardi Silva Santos 1949
G. †Cladocyclus Agassiz 1843
†Cladocyclus gardneri Agassiz 1841
†Cladocyclus lewesiensis Agassiz 1887
†Cladocyclus occidentalis Leidy 1856
Subor. †Ichthyodectoidei Romer 1966
Fm. †Bardackichthyidae Hacker and Shimada 2021
G. †Amakusaichthys Yabumoto et al. 2018
G. †Heckelichthys Taverne 2008
†Heckelichthys microdon Heckel 1849
†Heckelichthys preopercularis Banos-Rodriguez et al. 2020
†Heckelichthys vexillifer Heckel 1856
Fm. †Ichthyodectidae Crook 1892
G. †Ichthyodectes Cope 1870
†Ichthyodectes acanthicus Cope 1877
†Ichthyodectes anaides Cope 1872
†Ichthyodectes arcuatus Cope 1875
†Ichthyodectes cruentus Hay 1898
†Ichthyodectes ctenodon Cope 1870
†Ichthyodectes goodeanus Cope 1877
†Ichthyodectes hamatus Cope 1872
†Ichthyodectes libanicus Pictet and Humbert 1866
†Ichthyodectes multidentatus Cope 1872
†Ichthyodectes parvus Stewart 1900
†Ichthyodectes prognathus Cope 1870
†Ichthyodectes tenuidens Woodward 1901
Invalid names: Ichthyodectes minor Egerton 1850 [nomen dubium]
G. †Portheus Cope 1871
†Portheus daviesi Newton 1877
†Portheus gaultinus Newton 1877
†Portheus jaxarticus Riabinin 1938
†Portheus mantelli Newton 1877
G. †Xiphactinus Leidy 1870
†Xiphactinus audax Leidy 1870
Invalid names: Portheus lestrio Cope 1873 [synonym], Portheus lowii Stewart 1898 [synonym], Portheus molossus Cope 1871 [synonym], Portheus mudgei Cope 1874 [synonym], Saurocephalus thaumas Cope 1870 [synonym], Xiphactinus brachygnathus Stewart 1898 [synonym]
†Xiphactinus vetus Leidy 1856
Invalid names: Polygonodon rectus Leidy 1858 [synonym], Portheus angulatus Cope 1872 [synonym]
Fm. †Saurodontidae Stewart
G. †Prosaurodon Stewart 1999
†Prosaurodon pygmaeus Stewart 1999
Invalid names: Ichthyodectes elegans Newton 1877 [nomen dubium]
G. †Saurocephalus Harlan 1824
†Saurocephalus arapahovius Cope 1872
†Saurocephalus broadheadi Stewart 1898
†Saurocephalus dentatus Stewart 1898
†Saurocephalus ferox Stewart 1898
†Saurocephalus lanciformis Harlan 1834
†Saurocephalus pamphagus Hay 1899
†Saurocephalus pygmaeus Loomis 1900
†Saurocephalus striatus Agassiz 1837
†Saurocephalus woodwardi Davis 1878
†Saurocephalus xiphirostris Stewart 1898
Invalid names: Daptinus Cope 1873 [synonym]
G. †Saurodon Hays 1829
†Saurodon elongatus Taverne and Bronzi 1999
†Saurodon intermedius Newton 1878
†Saurodon leanus Hays 1830
†Saurodon phlebotomus Cope 1871
Invalid names: Gwawinapterus Arbour and Currie 2011 [nomen dubium], Gwawinapterus beardi Arbour and Currie 2011 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Unamichthyidae Alvarado-Ortega 2004 [empty]
G. †Mesoclupea Ping and Yen 1933
†Mesoclupea globicephala Ping and Yen 1933
†Mesoclupea showchangensis Ping and Yen 1933
G. †Occithrissops Schaeffer and Patterson 1984
†Occithrissops willsoni Schaeffer and Patterson 1984
G. †Ogunichthys Alvarado-Ortega and Brito 2009
†Ogunichthys triangularis Alvarado-Ortega and Brito 2010
G. †Pachythrissops Woodward 1919
†Pachythrissops furcatus Eastman 1914
†Pachythrissops laevis Woodward 1919
†Pachythrissops propterus Wagner 1863
†Pachythrissops vectensis Woodward 1890
Invalid names: Parathrissops Eastman 1914 [replaced]
G. †Proportheus Jaekel 1909
G. †Thrissops Agassiz 1833
†Thrissops cephalus Agassiz 1834
†Thrissops curtus Woodward 1919
†Thrissops exiguus Bassani 1879
†Thrissops formosus Agassiz 1833
†Thrissops molossus Woodward 1919
†Thrissops portlandicus Woodward 1895
†Thrissops subovatus Agassiz 1843
G. †Vallecillichthys Blanco and Cavin 2003
†Vallecillichthys multivertebratum Blanco and Cavin 2003
Invalid names: Allothrissopidae Patterson and Rosen 1977 [empty], Chuhsiungichthiidae Yabumoto 1994 [empty]
Or. Jugulares
Unr. Percophidiformes
Fm. Hemerocoetidae
G. Hemerocoetes Cuvier and Valenciennes 1837
†Hemerocoetes acanthorhynchus Forster 1801
Hemerocoetes macrophthalmus Regan 1914
†Hemerocoetes minutus Schwarzhans 1980
Hemerocoetes monopterygius Schneider 1801
†Hemerocoetes pukunati Schwarzhans 2019
†Hemerocoetes whiroki Schwarzhans 2019
G. †Krebsiella Schwarzhans 1980
†Krebsiella aperta Schwarzhans 1980
†Krebsiella chattonensis Schwarzhans et al. 2017
†Krebsiella diversa Schwarzhans 1980
G. †Waitakia Schwarzhans 1980
†Waitakia aho Schwarzhans 2019
†Waitakia beelzebub Lin and Nolf 2022
†Waitakia dorsogibbosa Lin et al. 2024
†Waitakia proclinens Schwarzhans 2019
†Waitakia profunda Schwarzhans 2019
†Waitakia robusta Schwarzhans 1980
Invalid names: Limnichthyidae [empty], Muglioididae [empty], Parapercidae [empty], Percophididae [empty], Pteropsaridae [empty]
Unr. Zoarciformes
Invalid names: Cerdalidae [empty], Congrogadidae [empty], Derepodichthyidae [empty], Lycodapodidae [empty]
Invalid names: Bathymasteriformes [empty], Brotuliformes [empty], Carapiformes [empty], Haplodoci [empty]
Or. †Lampriformes
Fm. Lophotidae
Fm. †Veliferidae Bleeker 1859
Invalid names: Radiicephalidae [empty]
Or. †Leptolepidiformes
Fm. †Leptolepididae Owen 1859
G. †Leptolepis Agassiz 1832
†Leptolepis africana Gardiner 1960
†Leptolepis autissiodorensis Sauvage 1892
†Leptolepis bahiaensis Schaeffer 1947
†Leptolepis brodiei Agassiz 1845
Invalid names: Leptolepis nanus Egerton 1845 [synonym], Megastoma apenninum Costa 1850 [synonym], Oxygonius tenuis Agassiz 1845 [synonym], Sarginites pygmaeus Costa 1850 [synonym]
†Leptolepis caudalis Agassiz 1843
†Leptolepis concentricus Egerton 1849
†Leptolepis contractus Agassiz 1834
†Leptolepis coryphaenoides Bronn 1830
Invalid names: Leptolepis affinis Sauvage 1874 [synonym], Leptolepis bronni Agassiz 1832 [objective synonym], Leptolepis constrictus Egerton 1852 [synonym], Leptolepis pachystelus Sauvage 1874 [synonym], Leptolepis pronus Sauvage 1874 [synonym]
†Leptolepis crassus Agassiz 1839
†Leptolepis disjectus Woodward 1890
†Leptolepis dubius Blainville 1818
†Leptolepis gregarius Woodward 1895
†Leptolepis jaegeri Agassiz 1832
†Leptolepis koonwarri Waldman 1971
†Leptolepis longus Agassiz 1832
†Leptolepis lowei Woodward 1895
†Leptolepis macrolepidotus Agassiz 1834
†Leptolepis macrophthalmus Egerton 1853
†Leptolepis neocomiensis Bassani 1879
†Leptolepis neumayri Bassani 1879
†Leptolepis nevadensis David 1941
†Leptolepis normandica Nybelin 1962
†Leptolepis polyspondylus Agassiz 1834
†Leptolepis saltviciensis Simpson 1884
†Leptolepis sprattiformis Blainville 1818
†Leptolepis talbragarensis Woodward 1895
†Leptolepis tenellus Agassiz 1833
†Leptolepis voithii Agassiz 1834
Invalid names: Ascalabos Münster 1839 [synonym], Megastoma Costa 1850 [synonym], Oxygonius Agassiz 1845 [synonym], Sarginites Costa 1850 [synonym], Tharsis Giebel 1848 [synonym]
G. †Longileptolepis Arratia 2003
†Longileptolepis wiedenrothi Arratia and Thies 2001
Invalid names: Paraleptolepis Yabumoto 1994 [replaced]
G. †Lycoptera Müller 1847
†Lycoptera davidi Sauvage 1880
†Lycoptera fuxinensis Zhang 2002
†Lycoptera middendorffi Muller 1848
†Lycoptera muroii Takai 1943
†Lycoptera sankeyushuensis Ma and Sun 1988
†Lycoptera sinensis Woodward 1901
†Lycoptera tokunagai Saito 1936
G. †Proleptolepis
G. †Nephrotus Meyer 1928
G. †Leucichthyops Cockerell 1919
G. †Luisiella
Unr. Osteoglossocephalai
Unr. Osteoglossocephala
Superor. Osteoglossomorpha Greenwood et al. 1966
G. †Joffrichthys Li and Wilson 1996
†Joffrichthys symmetropterus Li and Wilson 1996
†Joffrichthys tanyourus Murray et al. 2018
†Joffrichthys triangulpterus Newbrey and Bozek 2000
Or. Osteoglossiformes Berg 1940
Fm. Arapaimidae
Fm. †Foreyichthyidae
Fm. Gymnarchidae
G. †Heterosteoglossum Bonde 2008
G. †Lopadichthys Murray et al. 2018
Fm. †Lycopteridae
G. †Monopteros Volta 1796
Fm. Notopteridae [knifefish]
G. †Opsithrissops Daniltshenko 1968
Fm. Osteoglossidae Bonaparte 1832 [arowana]
Subor. Osteoglossoidei
G. †Tongxinichthys Ma 1980
Fm. †Wakinoichthiidae Yabumoto 1994
G. Wilsonichthys Murray et al. 2016
G. †Xixiaichthys Zhang 2004
Invalid names: Mormyridae [empty], Saurocephalidae [empty]
Invalid names: Lycopteriformes [empty]
Unr. †Percomorphacea Wiley and Johnson 2010
Fm. †Pietschellidae Carnevale and Bannikov 2015
G. †Pietschellus Bannikov and Carnevale 2011
†Pietschellus aenigmaticus Bannikov and Carnevale 2011
Or. Pharyngognathi
Invalid names: Coridae [empty], Neolabridae [empty], Pharyngopilidae [empty], Sciaenoidea Gill 1872 [empty], Siphonognathidae [empty], Sparisomidae [empty]
Or. †Pholidophoriformes
Fm. †Ankylophoridae
Fm. †Eurycormidae Arratia 2017
Fm. †Ichthyokentemidae Griffith and Patterson 1963
G. †Elpistoichthys Griffith 1977
†Elpistoichthys pectinatus Griffith 1977
†Elpistoichthys striolatus Griffith 1977
Fm. †Pholidophoridae Woodward 1890
G. †Archaeomaene Woodward 1895
†Archaeomaene robustus Woodward 1895
†Archaeomaene tenuis Woodward 1895
G. †Eopholidophorus Zambelli 1989
G. †Malingichthys Tintori et al. 2015
†Malingichthys nimaiguensis Tintori et al. 2015
†Malingichthys wanfenglinensis Tintori et al. 2015
G. †Pholidoctenus Zambelli 1978
†Pholidoctenus sanpellegrinensis Arratia 2017
†Pholidoctenus serianus Zambelli 1978
G. †Pholidophoroides Woodward 1941
†Pholidophoroides crenulata Egerton 1843
†Pholidophoroides limbata Agassiz 1833
G. †Pholidophoropsis Nybelin 1966
†Pholidophoropsis caudalis Woodward 1895
†Pholidophoropsis maculata Nybelin 1966
G. †Pholidophorus Agassiz 1832
†Pholidophorus angustus Agassiz 1843
†Pholidophorus australis Woodward 1908
†Pholidophorus barazzettii Bassani 1886
†Pholidophorus beggiatianus Zigno 1856
†Pholidophorus brevis Davies 1887
†Pholidophorus browni Broom 1913
†Pholidophorus dubius Woodward 1890
†Pholidophorus furcatus Agassiz 1833
†Pholidophorus gaudryi Sauvage 1892
†Pholidophorus germanicus Quenstedt 1858
†Pholidophorus gracilis Agassiz 1838
†Pholidophorus granulatus Egerton 1854
†Pholidophorus gregarius Woodward 1890
†Pholidophorus hartmanni Egerton 1843
†Pholidophorus higginsi Egerton 1854
†Pholidophorus intermedius Agassiz 1838
†Pholidophorus latimanus Agassiz 1834
†Pholidophorus latiusculus Agassiz 1832
†Pholidophorus latiusculus gervasuttii Zambelli 1980
Invalid names: Pholidophorus deeckei de Zigno 1891 [synonym], Pholidophorus fusiformis Agassiz 1844 [synonym], Pholidophorus latiusculus pusillus Zambelli 1986 [objective synonym], Pholidophorus taramelli de Zigno 1891 [synonym]
†Pholidophorus latiusculus latiusculus Zambelli 1980
†Pholidophorus latus Agassiz 1834
†Pholidophorus longiserratus Agassiz 1843
†Pholidophorus macrocephalus Agassiz 1833
†Pholidophorus maximus Agassiz 1843
†Pholidophorus microlepidotus Kner 1866
†Pholidophorus micronyx Agassiz 1834
†Pholidophorus microps Agassiz 1833
†Pholidophorus minor Agassiz 1843
†Pholidophorus nitidus Egerton 1854
†Pholidophorus onychius Agassiz 1837
†Pholidophorus ornatus Agassiz 1843
†Pholidophorus pachysomus Egerton 1852
†Pholidophorus purbeckensis Davies 1887
†Pholidophorus radians Agassiz 1834
†Pholidophorus radiatopunctatus Agassiz 1843
†Pholidophorus spaethi Taverne 1981
†Pholidophorus stricklandi Agassiz 1843
†Pholidophorus striolaris Agassiz 1843
†Pholidophorus taxis Agassiz 1834
†Pholidophorus uraeoides Agassiz 1834
Invalid names: Microps Agassiz 1833 [synonym], Pholidophorus Zigno 1856 [objective synonym]
G. †Pseudopholidoctenus Arratia and Schultze 2024
†Pseudopholidoctenus germanicus Arratia and Schultze 2024
Invalid names: Pholidophorinae Zambelli 1986 [empty]
Fm. †Pleuropholidae
G. †Gondwanapleuropholis Brito and Gallo 2002
G. †Pleuropholis Egerton 1858
†Pleuropholis attenuata Morris 1854
†Pleuropholis attenuatus Egerton 1858
†Pleuropholis cinerosorum Alvarado-Ortega and Brito 2016
†Pleuropholis crassicauda Egerton 1858
†Pleuropholis danielae Brito and Vullo 2023
†Pleuropholis decastroii Bravi 1988
†Pleuropholis formosa Woodward 1919
†Pleuropholis longicaudus Egerton 1858
†Pleuropholis serrata Egerton 1858
Invalid names: Catervariolidae [empty]
Or. Scorpaeniformes
Subor. †Cottoidei Agassiz 1835
G. †Ctenopomichthys Whitley 1940
G. Eutrigla Fraser-Brunner 1938
Fm. Hoplichthyidae
G. Hoplichthys Cuvier and Valenciennes 1829
†Hoplichthys gobiomorphus Schwarzhans 1985
†Hoplichthys multistriatus Grenfell 1984
G. Neoplatycephalus Castelnau 1872
G. Notesthes Ogilby 1904
G. Podothecus Gill 1861
Fm. Triglidae [sea robin]
G. Chelidonichthys Kaup 1873
Chelidonichthys lucerna Linnaeus 1758
†Trigla (Chelidonichthys) macroptera Arambourg 1927
G. Lepidotrigla Guenther 1860
†Lepidotrigla cadenati Steurbaut 1984
Lepidotrigla mirabilis Bassoli 1906
†Lepidotrigla postdorsalis Steurbaut 1979
†Lepidotrigla selsiensis Stinton 1978
G. Peristedion Lacépède 1802
Peristedion cataphractum Linnaeus 1758
†Peristedion jeanbegui Nolf and Brzobohaty 2002
Peristedion malarmat Lacépède 1801
Peristedion semiglobosum Casier 1966
G. Prionotus Lacépède 1802
Prionotus carolinus Linnaeus 1771
†Prionotus evolans Linnaeus 1766
Prionotus gibbosus Casier 1966
G. Pterygotrigla Waite 1899
Pterygotrigla londinensis Casier 1966
†Pterygotrigla stewarti Schwarzhans 2019
G. Trigla Linnaeus 1758
†Otolithus (Trigla) asperoides Schubert 1906
†Otolithus (Trigla) rhombicus Schubert 1906
†Trigla licatae Sauvage 1870
†Trigla miocenicus Strashimirov 1981
†Trigla rhombica Heinrich 1969
G. †Triglidarum Risso 1826
†Triglidarum parvulus Steurbaut 1979
†Triglidarum praeiatus Schwarzhans 2007
G. Zaniolepis Girard 1857
Invalid names: Anoplopomatoidei [empty], Aploactinidae [empty], Bathylutichthyidae [empty], Bembridae [empty], Caracanthidae [empty], Congiopodidae [empty], Eschmeyeridae [empty], Eulophiidae [empty], Gnathanacanthidae [empty], Hexagrammoidei [empty], Jordaniidae [empty], Normanichthyidae [empty], Pataecidae [empty], Peristediidae [empty], Ptilichthyidae [empty], Scorpaenichthyidae [empty], Scytalinidae [empty], Zaniolepididae [empty]
Or. Symbranchia
Unr. Teleocephala de Pinna 1996
Unr. Clupeocephala Patterson and Rosen 1977
G. †Beurlenichthys de Figueiredo and Gallo 2004
Superor. Clupeomorpha Greenwood et al. 1966
Or. †Ellimmichthyiformes Grande 1982
Fm. †Armigatidae Murray and Wilson 2013
Subor. †Armigatoidei Murray and Wilson 2013
G. †Codoichthys Silva Santos 1994
Fm. †Ellimmichthyidae Grande 1982
G. †Guiclupea Chen et al. 2021
G. †Horseshoeichthys Newbrey et al. 2010
Fm. †Paraclupeidae Chang and Chou 1977
Fm. †Scutatuspinosidae Santos and Corréa 1985
G. †Scutatuspinosus Silva Santos and Correa 1985
Fm. †Sorbinichthyidae Bannikov and Bacchia 2000
Subor. †Sorbinichthyoidei Marramà and Carnevale 2017
Invalid names: Ellimmichthyoidei [empty]
G. †Scombroclupea Kner 1863
†Scombroclupea diminuta Forey et al. 2003
†Scombroclupea gaudryi Pictet and Humbert 1866
†Scombroclupea javieri Than-Marchese et al. 2020
†Scombroclupea macrophthalma Heckel 1849
†Scombroclupea occidentalis Giersch et al. 2011
†Scombroclupea scutata Woodward 1908
Unr. Euteleostei Rosen 1973
Superor. Acanthopterygii
Unr. Berycida
G. †Caprosimilis Bienkowska-Wasiluk and Bonde 2015
Or. Cataphracti Jordan 1963
G. †Choichix Cantalice et al. 2021
G. †Gigapteryx Forey et al. 2003
Or. Holconoti
Or. †Labyrinthici
G. †Pepemkay Alvarado-Ortega and Than-Marchese 2013
Unr. Percomorpha
Or. Thoracostei
Invalid names: Aulostomi Cuvier [empty], Cetomimiformes [empty], Euacanthopterygii Johnson and Patterson 1993 [empty], Hypostomides [empty], Xenoberyces [empty], Zeoidei [empty]
Superor. Paracanthopterygii Greenwood et al. 1966
Or. †Anacanthini
Or. †Sphenocephaliformes Rosen and Patterson 1969
Fm. †Protostomiidae Arambourg 1943
G. †Pronotacanthus Woodward 1901
G. †Protostomias Arambourg 1933
Invalid names: Cyclosquamata [empty], Lampridiomorpha [empty], Lamprimorpha [empty], Osmeromorpha [empty]
Unr. Euteleosteomorpha
Superor. Protacanthopterygii Greenwood et al. 1966
Or. Argentiniformes
Or. Esociformes
Or. Galaxiiformes
Or. Salmoniformes Bleeker 1859
Fm. †Xeneichthyidae Arratia and González-Rodríguez 2024
G. †Xeneichthys Arratia and González-Rodríguez 2024
Fm. †Orthogonikleithridae Arratia 1987
G. †Leptolepides Nybelin 1974
G. †Orthogonikleithrus Arratia 1987
†Orthogonikleithrus francogalliensis Konwert 2016
†Orthogonikleithrus hoelli Arratia 1997
†Orthogonikleithrus leichi Arratia 1987
Unr. Otomorpha
Unr. Ostariophysi Jordan and Evermann 1896
Or. †Allotriognathi
Unr. Anotophysa Rosen and Greenwood 1970
G. †Chanoides Woodward 1901
Or. Cyprinodontes
Or. Eventognathi
Or. Gymnonoti
Or. Haplomi
Or. Heterognathi
Or. Heterosomata Cope 1871
Or. Nematognathii Gill 1861
Unr. Otophysa
Or. Selenichthyes
Or. †Synentognathi
Or. Xenarchi
Or. Xenomi
Invalid names: Salmopercae [empty], Siluroidea [empty]
Invalid names: Ostarioclupeomorpha [synonym], Otocephala [synonym]
Or. †Tselfatiiformes Nelson 1994
Fm. †Plethodidae Loomis 1900
G. †Bananogmius Whitley 1940
†Bananogmius aratus Cope 1877
†Bananogmius ellisensis Fielitz and Shimada 1999
†Bananogmius favirostris Cope 1877
†Bananogmius ornatus Woodward 1923
†Bananogmius zitteli Loomis 1900
Invalid names: Ananogmius White and Moy-Thomas 1940 [objective synonym], Anogmius Cope 1877 [replaced]
G. †Dixonanogmius Taverne 2000
†Dixonanogmius birmanicus Taverne 1977
†Dixonanogmius dalmatius Bardack and Teller-Marshall 1980
G. †Niobrara
G. †Pentanogmius Taverne 2000
†Pentanogmius crieleyi Applegate 1970
†Pentanogmius evolutus Cope 1877
Invalid names: Anogmius polymicrodus Stewart 1898 [synonym], Beryx multidentatus Stewart 1898 [synonym], Beryx polymicrodus Stewart 1898 [synonym]
†Pentanogmius fritschi Shimada 2016
†Pentanogmius pentagon Woodward 1899
G. †Plethodus Dixon 1850
†Plethodus expansus Dixon 1850
†Plethodus libycus Weiler 1935
†Plethodus oblongus Dixon 1850
G. †Rhamphoichthys El Hossny et al. 2023
†Rhamphoichthys taxidiotis El Hossny et al. 2023
Invalid names: Protosphyraena minor Agassiz 1837 [nomen dubium], Protosphyraena stebbingi Woodward 1909 [nomen dubium]
G. †Zanclites
Invalid names: Bananogmiidae Applegate 1970 [synonym], Tselfatiidae Arambourg 1954 [synonym]
Fm. †Protobramidae Le Danois and Le Danois 1964
G. †Protobrama Woodward 1942
†Protobrama avus Woodward 1942
†Protobrama woodwardi Taverne and Gayet 2004
Invalid names: Amphiuma nordica Brunner 1956 [nomen dubium], Bathyclupeiformes [empty], Catosteomi Boulenger [empty], Eupercaria Betancur 2013 [empty], Malacopteri [empty], Opisthomi [empty], Osteossomorpha [empty], Polymyxiomorpha [empty], Stephanoberyciformes [empty], Xenopterygii [empty]
No diagnoses are available