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Chiroptera (bat)
Chiroptera was named by Blumenbach (1779). It is extant.
It was reranked as the class Cheiroptera by Gray (1821); it was corrected as Chiropteri by Jaekel (1911).
It was assigned to Vertebrosa by Gray (1821); to Ineducabilia by Bonaparte (1850); to Unguiculata by Cope (1889); to Eutheria by Flower and Lydekker (1891); to Monodelphia by Hay (1902); to Archonta by Gregory (1910); to Mesotheria by Jaekel (1911); to Monodelphia by Hay (1930); to Archonta by McKenna (1975); to Eutheria by Hooker (1986); to Eutheria by Flower (1883), Gadow (1898), Carroll (1988) and Nowak (1991); to Laurasiatheria by Madsen et al. (2001); to Mammalia by Wilson and Reeder (2005); to Scrotifera by Waddell et al. (1999), Waddell et al. (2001) and Asher and Helgen (2010); and to Eutheria by Vianey-Liaud et al. (2014).
It was reranked as the class Cheiroptera by Gray (1821); it was corrected as Chiropteri by Jaekel (1911).
It was assigned to Vertebrosa by Gray (1821); to Ineducabilia by Bonaparte (1850); to Unguiculata by Cope (1889); to Eutheria by Flower and Lydekker (1891); to Monodelphia by Hay (1902); to Archonta by Gregory (1910); to Mesotheria by Jaekel (1911); to Monodelphia by Hay (1930); to Archonta by McKenna (1975); to Eutheria by Hooker (1986); to Eutheria by Flower (1883), Gadow (1898), Carroll (1988) and Nowak (1991); to Laurasiatheria by Madsen et al. (2001); to Mammalia by Wilson and Reeder (2005); to Scrotifera by Waddell et al. (1999), Waddell et al. (2001) and Asher and Helgen (2010); and to Eutheria by Vianey-Liaud et al. (2014).
Aegyptonycteridae, Animalivora, Archaeopteropus, Australonycteris, Eochiroptera, Fructivorae, Frugivora, Icaronycteridae, Insectivorae, Megachiroptera, Microchiropteramorpha, Mixopteryx, Nycterididae, Onychonycteridae, Philisidae, Samonycteris, Tanzanycterididae, Vielasia, Yangochiroptera, Yinpterochiroptera
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1779 | Chiroptera Blumenbach |
1821 | Cheiroptera Gray p. 299 |
1850 | Chiroptera Bonaparte p. 1 |
1883 | Chiroptera Flower p. 185 |
1889 | Chiroptera Cope p. 875 |
1891 | Chiroptera Flower and Lydekker p. 92 |
1898 | Chiroptera Gadow p. 52 |
1902 | Chiroptera Hay p. 741 |
1910 | Chiroptera Gregory p. 465 |
1911 | Chiropteri Jaekel p. 211 |
1930 | Chiroptera Hay p. 452 |
1975 | Chiroptera McKenna p. 42 |
1986 | Chiroptera Hooker p. 241 |
1988 | Chiroptera Carroll |
1991 | Chiroptera Nowak |
1999 | Chiroptera Waddell et al. p. cover |
2001 | Chiroptera Madsen et al. p. 610 |
2001 | Chiroptera Waddell et al. p. 148 |
2005 | Chiroptera Wilson and Reeder |
2010 | Chiroptera Asher and Helgen p. 3 figs. Figure 1 |
2014 | Chiroptera Vianey-Liaud et al. p. 578 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Or. Chiroptera Blumenbach 1779 [bat]
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Fm. †Aegyptonycteridae Simmons et al. 2016
Fm. †Icaronycteridae Jepsen 1966
G. †Icaronycteris Jepsen 1966
†Icaronycteris gunnelli Rietbergen et al. 2023
†Icaronycteris index Jepsen 1966
†Icaronycteris menui Russell et al. 1973
†Icaronycteris sigei Smith et al. 2007
Unr. Microchiropteramorpha Simmons and Geisler 1998
Fm. †Archaeonycteridae Revilliod 1917
G. †Archaeonycteris Revilliod 1917
†Archaeonycteris brailloni Russell et al. 1973
†Archaeonycteris praecursor Tabuce et al. 2009
†Archaeonycteris relicta Harrison and Hooker 2010
†Archaeonycteris storchi Smith et al. 2007
G. †Matthesia Smith and Storch 1981
G. †Palaeochiropteryx Revilliod 1917
†Palaeochiropteryx spiegeli Revilliod 1917
†Palaeochiropteryx tupaiodon Revilliod 1917
Fm. †Hassianycterididae Habersetzer and Storch 1987
Subor. Microchiroptera Dobson 1875
G. †Afropterus Lavocat 1961
Invalid names: Icaronycteroidea [empty]
Fm. †Palaeochiropterygidae Revilliod 1917
Fm. †Nycterididae Vanderhoevan 1855
Fm. †Onychonycteridae Simmons et al. 2008
Fm. †Philisidae Sigé 1985
G. †Vampyravus Schlosser 1910
†Vampyravus orientalis Schlosser 1910
Invalid names: Provampyrus Schlosser 1911 [objective synonym]
G. †Witwatia Gunnell et al. 2008
†Witwatia eremicus Gunnell et al. 2008
†Witwatia schlosseri Gunnell et al. 2008
†Witwatia sigei Ravel et al. 2012
Fm. †Tanzanycterididae Gunnell et al. 2003
Subor. Yangochiroptera Koopman 1984
Superfm. Emballonuroidea
Fm. Emballonuridae Dobson 1875 [sac-winged bat]
G. Balantiopteryx Peters 1867 [sac-winged bat]
Balantiopteryx io Thomas 1904 [Thomas's sac-winged bat]
G. †Dhofarella Sigé et al. 1994
†Dhofarella sigei Gunnell et al. 2008
†Dhofarella thaleri Sigé et al. 1994
G. Rhynchonycteris Peters 1867 [proboscis bat]
G. Taphozous Geoffroy 1818
†Taphozous incognita Butler and Hopwood 1957
Taphozous nudiventris Cretzschmar 1830
G. †Vespertiliavus Schlosser 1877
†Vespertiliavus aenigma Ravel et al. 2016
†Vespertiliavus gracilis Revilliod 1920
†Vespertiliavus kasserinensis Ravel et al. 2016
†Vespertiliavus lapradei Sudre et al. 1990
Fm. Nycteridae [slit-faced bat]
G. †Khoufechia Ravel et al. 2016
G. Nycteris Geoffroy 1803
Nycteris arge Thomas 1903 [Batess slit-faced bat]
Nycteris grandis Peters 1865
Nycteris hispidus Schreber 1775
Nycteris javanica Geoffroy 1813 [Javan slit-faced bat]
Nycteris thebaica Saint-Hilaire 1818 [Egyptian slit-faced bat]
Fm. Mormoopidae Saussure 1860 [ghost-faced bat]
G. Pteronotus Gray 1838 [mustached bat]
Pteronotus parnellii Gray 1843
Pteronotus personatus Wagner 1843 [Wagners mustached bat]
†Pteronotus pristinus Silva-Taboada 1974
Invalid names: Chilonycteris Gray 1839 [synonym]
Fm. Myzopodidae Milne-Edwards and Grandidier 1878 [sucker-footed bat]
G. Myzopoda Milne-Edwards and Grandidier 1878
Superfm. Noctilionoidea Gray 1821
Fm. Mystacinidae Dobson 1875 [New Zealand short-tailed bat]
Fm. Noctilionidae Gray 1821 [bulldog bat]
G. Noctilio Linnaeus 1766 [bulldog bat]
Subg. Noctilio (Dirias) Miller 1906
Noctilio albiventris Desmarest 1818
†Noctilio lacrimaelunaris Czaplewski 1996
Noctilio leporinus Linnaeus 1758 [greater bulldog bat]
Fm. Phyllostomidae Gray 1825 [leaf-nosed bat]
G. Macrophyllum Gray 1838 [Long-legged bat]
G. Micronycteris Gray 1866 [big-eared bat]
G. Phylloderma Peters 1865
Subfm. Phyllostominae Gray 1825
G. Chrotopterus Peters 1865 [big-eared woolly bat]
G. Phyllostomus Lacépède 1799 [spear-nosed bat]
G. Tonatia Gray 1827
Subfm. Stenodermatinae
G. Platyrrhinus Saussure 1860 [broad-nosed bat]
Tr. Stenodermatini
G. Sturnira Gray 1842 [yellow-shouldered bat]
G. Uroderma Peters 1865
Invalid names: Lonchophyllinae Griffiths 1982 [empty], Phyllostomatidae Savage 1951 [synonym]
Fm. Thyropteridae [disk-winged bat]
Superfm. Vespertilionoidea
Fm. Molossidae Gervais 1856 [free-tailed bat]
G. †Cuvierimops Legendre and Sigé 1983
G. Eumops Miller 1906 [mastiff bat]
Eumops glaucinus Wagner 1843 [Wagner's bonneted bat]
Invalid names: Molossides floridanus Allen 1932 [synonym]
Eumops perotis Schinz 1821 [western mastiff bat]
Eumops underwoodi Goodwin 1940
Invalid names: Molossides Allen 1932 [synonym]
Subfm. Molossinae Gervais 1855
G. †Kiotomops Takai et al. 1991
G. Molossops Peters 1865 [Dog-faced bats]
G. Molossus Geoffroy 1805
G. Promops Gervais 1855 [Dome-palate mastiff bats]
G. Mormopterus Peters 1865
Subg. †Mormopterus (Hydromops) Legendre 1984
†Mormopterus barrancae Czaplewski 2010
Mormopterus colombiensis Czaplewski 1997
G. Nyctinomus Geoffroy 1818
†Nyctinomus helveticus Revilliod 1920
†Nyctinomus stehlini Revilliod 1920
Subfm. Tadaridinae Legendre 1984
G. Mops Lesson 1842 [greater mastiff bat]
G. Nyctinomops Miller 1902 [free-tailed bat]
G. Tadarida Rafinesque 1814
Fm. Natalidae Gray 1866 [funnel-eared bat]
Fm. Vespertilionidae Gray 1821 [vesper bat]
G. †Ancenycteris Sutton and Genoways 1974
G. Antrozous Allen 1862 [pallid bat]
Antrozous pallidus Le Conte 1856 [pallid bat]
Invalid names: Pizonyx wheeleri Dalquest and Patrick 1989 [synonym]
G. Barbastella Gray 1821
Barbastella barbastella Schreber 1775
Barbastella leucomelas Cretzschmar 1826
G. †Corynorhinus Allen 1865
Corynorhinus rafinesquii Lesson 1827
Corynorhinus townsendii Cooper 1837
†Plecotus (Corynorhinus) atavus Topal 1989
G. Eptesicus Rafinesque 1820 [house bat]
†Eptesicus aurelianensis Ziegler 1993
†Eptesicus campanensis Baudelot 1970
Eptesicus fuscus Beauvois 1796 [big brown bat]
Invalid names: Eptesicus grandis Brown 1908 [synonym]
†Eptesicus kowalskii Woloszyn 1987
†Eptesicus mossoczyi Woloszyn 1987
†Eptesicus noctuloides Lartet 1851
†Eptesicus praeglacialis Kormos 1930
G. Lasiurus Gray 1831 [hairy-tailed bat]
†Lasiurus borealis Muller 1776
†Lasiurus cinereus Palisot de Beauvois 1796
†Lasiurus fossilis Hibbard 1950
†Lasiurus golliheri Hibbard 1960
Lasiurus intermedius Allen 1862 [northern yellow bat]
Invalid names: Dasypterus floridanus Miller 1902 [synonym]
Lasiurus seminolus Rhoads 1895
G. Miniopterus Bonaparte 1837 [bend-winged bat]
†Miniopterus approximatus Woloszyn 1987
†Miniopterus fossilis Zapfe 1950
Miniopterus schreibersi Natterer 1819
†Miniopterus tao Woloszyn 1986
G. Myotis Kaup 1829
†Myotis antiquus Gaillard 1899
†Myotis austroriparius Rhoads 1897
†Myotis baranensis Kormos 1934
Myotis bechsteini Leisler 1818
†Myotis belgicus Gunnell et al. 2017
Myotis blythi Tomes 1857 [lesser mouse-eared bat]
†Myotis boyeri Mein 1965
Myotis brandtii Eversmann 1845 [Brandts myotis]
†Myotis californicus Audubon and Bachman 1842
†Myotis danutae Kowalski 1956
Myotis dasycneme Boie 1825
Myotis daubentoni Kuhl 1817
Myotis davidii Peters 1869 [Davids myotis]
†Myotis elegans Baudelot 1972
Myotis emarginatus Geoffroy 1806
†Myotis estramosensis Topál 1983
†Myotis evotis Allen 1864
†Myotis exilis Heller 1936
†Myotis grisecens Howell 1909
Myotis grisescens Howell 1909 [gray bat]
Myotis ikonnikovi Ognev 1912 [Ikonnikov's bat]
†Myotis janossyi Topál 1983
†Myotis keenii Merriam 1895
†Myotis leibii Audubon and Bachman 1842
†Myotis lucifugus Le Conte 1831
†Myotis mangamolaris Choate and Hall 1967
†Myotis murinoides Trouessart 1904
Myotis myotis Borkhausen 1797 [greater mouse-eared bat]
Myotis mystacinus Leisler 1819
Myotis nattereri Kuhl 1818
Myotis oxygnathus Monticelli 1885
†Myotis paradaubentoni Topál 1983
†Myotis rectidens Choate and Hall 1967
†Myotis salodorensis Revilliod 1922
†Myotis sanctialbani Viret 1951
Myotis septentrionalis Trouessart 1897
Myotis siligorensis Horsfield 1855 [Himalayan whiskered bat]
†Myotis sodalis Miller and Allen 1928
Myotis subulatus Say 1823
†Myotis thysanodes Miller 1897
Myotis velifer Allen 1890 [cave myotis]
†Myotis volans Allen 1866
†Myotis yumanensis Allen 1864
Invalid names: Pizonyx Miller 1906 [synonym]
G. †Oligomyotis Galbreath 1962
G. Pipistrellus Kaup 1829 [pipistrelle bat]
†Pipistrellus anemophilus Cope 1880
Pipistrellus hesperus Allen 1864 [western pipistrelle]
Pipistrellus kuhlii Natterer 1819 [Kuhl's pipistrelle]
Pipistrellus nathusii Keyserling and Blasius 1839
Pipistrellus pipistrellus Schreber 1774
Pipistrellus savii Bonaparte 1837
Pipistrellus subflavus Cuvier 1832 [eastern pipistrelle bat]
Pipistrellus tenuis Temminck 1840 [least pipistrelle]
Invalid names: Vesperugo Cope 1873 [synonym]
G. †Plionycteris Lindsay and Jacobs 1985
Tr. Pteropina Gray 1825
G. Cynopterus Cuvier 1824
G. Harpyia Illiger 1811
G. Macroglossus Cuvier 1824
G. Rhogeessa Allen 1866 [lesser yellow bat]
G. Scotomanes Dobson 1875 [harlequin bat]
G. †Simonycteris Stirton 1931
G. †Stehlinia Revilliod 1919
†Stehlinia bonisi Sigé 1990
†Stehlinia gracilis Revilliod 1919
Invalid names: Nycterobius gracilis Revilliod 1922 [objective synonym], Pseudorhinolophus egerkingensis Revilliod 1922 [synonym]
Invalid names: Nycterobius Revilliod 1922 [objective synonym], Paleunycteris Revilliod 1919 [synonym], Revilliodia Simpson 1945 [objective synonym]
G. Tylonycteris Peters 1872 [bamboo bat]
G. Vespertilio Linnaeus 1758
†Vespertilio caliginosus Tomes 1859
Vespertilio majori Kormos 1934
Vespertilio mastivus Vahl 1797
Vespertilio nilssoni Keyserling and Blasius 1839
Vespertilio praeglacialis Kormos 1934
Vespertilio serotinus Schreber 1774
Subfm. Vespertilionae Kurten and Anderson 1980
G. Dasypterus Reuter 1871
G. Histiotus Gervais 1855
G. Plecotus Geoffroy 1818
Invalid names: Myotinae Tate 1942 [empty], Nyctophylinae [empty], Vespertilioninae Gray 1821 [empty]
Subor. Yinpterochiroptera Koopman 1984
Fm. Pteropodidae Gray 1821 [fruit bat]
G. Notopteris Gray 1859
G. Nyctimene Borkhausen 1797
Nyctimene albiventer Gray 1862
Nyctimene major Dobson 1877
Invalid names: Cephalotes Geoffroy 1810 [objective synonym]
G. Pteropus Brisson 1762 [flying fox]
Pteropus alecto Temminck 1837 [Black flying fox]
Pteropus cagayanus Mearns 1905
Pteropus giganteus Brünnich 1782
Pteropus hypomelanus Temminck 1853
Pteropus intermedius Andersen 1908 [Andersen's flying fox]
Pteropus lanensis Mearns 1905
Pteropus lylei Andersen 1908 [Lyles flying fox]
Pteropus mariannus Desmarest 1822 [Marianas flying fox]
Pteropus melanotus Blyth 1863 [Black-eared flying fox]
Pteropus melanotus modiglianii Thomas 1894
Pteropus niger Kerr 1792 [Mauritian flying fox]
Pteropus poliocephalus Temminck 1825
Pteropus vampyrus Linnaeus 1758 [large flying fox]
G. Rousettus Gray 1821 [rousette]
Subg. Rousettus (Rousettus) Gray 1821
Rousettus (Rousettus) aegyptiacus Geoffroy 1810 [Egyptian rousette]
Rousettus (Rousettus) amplexicaudatus Geoffroy 1810 [Geoffroys rousette]
Rousettus (Rousettus) leschenaultii Desmarest 1820 [Leschenault's rousette]
†Rousettus pattersoni Gunnell and Manthi 2018
Invalid names: Propottininae Butler 1984 [empty]
Superfm. Rhinolophoidea
Fm. Hipposideridae Lydekker 1891 [leaf-nosed bat]
G. Anthops Thomas 1888
G. Aselliscus Tate 1941
G. Hipposideros Gray 1831 [roundleaf bat]
Subg. †Hipposideros (Pseudorhinolophus) Schlosser 1877
†Hipposideros bernardsigei Hand 1997
Hipposideros caffer Thomas 1915
†Hipposideros collongensis Dépèret 1892
†Hipposideros conquensis Sevilla 1990
†Hipposideros felix Mein and Ginsburg 1997
†Hipposideros minor Sevilla 1990
†Hipposideros morloti Pictet 1855
†Hipposideros omani Sigé et al. 1994
†Hipposideros schlosseri Revilliod 1917
G. †Palaeophyllophora Revilliod 1917
†Palaeophyllophora oltina Delfortrie 1872
†Palaeophyllophora quercyi Revilliod 1917
†Palaeophyllophora tunisiensis Ravel et al. 2016
G. †Palaeophyllopora Revilliod 1922
G. Triaenops Dobson 1871 [trident bat]
Fm. Megadermatidae Allen 1864 [false vampire]
G. Cardioderma Peters 1873 [Heart-nosed bat]
G. Megaderma Geoffroy 1810
†Megaderma brailloni Sigé 1968
†Megaderma franconica Ziegler 1993
†Megaderma lopezae Sevilla 1990
†Megaderma lugdunensis Depéret 1892
Megaderma spasma Linnaeus 1758 [lesser false vampire bat]
†Megaderma vireti Mein 1965
Fm. †Necromantidae Sigé 2011
Fm. Rhinolophidae Gray 1825 [horseshoe bat]
G. †Palaeonycteris Pomel 1854
G. Rhinolophus Lacépède 1799
†Rhinolophus blasii Peters 1867
Rhinolophus borneensis Peters 1861
Rhinolophus clivosus Cretzschmar 1828 [Geoffroy's horseshoe bat]
†Rhinolophus contrarius Mein and Pickford 2003
†Rhinolophus csakvarensis Kretzoi 1951
†Rhinolophus dehmi Ziegler 1993
†Rhinolophus delphinensis Gaillard 1899
†Rhinolophus estramontis Topál 1979
†Rhinolophus euryale Blasius 1853
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Schreber 1774 [greater horseshoe bat]
†Rhinolophus grivensis Depéret 1892
†Rhinolophus hanaki Woloszyn 1987
Rhinolophus hipposideros Bechstein 1800
†Rhinolophus kowalskii Topál 1979
†Rhinolophus lemanensis Revilloid 1920
†Rhinolophus macrorhinus Topál 1963
†Rhinolophus pleistocaenicus Young 1934
†Rhinolophus postdelphinensis Topál 1979
†Rhinolophus priscus Revilliod 1920
†Rhinolophus pumilio Revilliod 1920
Rhinolophus rouxii Temminck 1835 [Rufous horseshoe bat]
†Rhinolophus wenzensis Woloszyn 1987
†Rhinolophus yongyuthi Mein and Ginsburg 1997
Fm. †Rhinonycteridae Gray 1866
Fm. Rhinopomatidae [mouse-tailed bat]
G. Rhinopoma Geoffroy 1818
Rhinopoma cystops Thomas 1903 [Egyptian mouse-tailed bat]
Rhinopoma hardwickii Gray 1831
Rhinopoma microphyllum Brünnich 1782
Invalid names: Craseonycteridae [empty]
Invalid names: Eochiroptera Van Valen 1979 [empty], Fructivorae Gray 1821 [empty], Insectivorae Gray 1821 [empty], Megachiroptera Dobson 1875 [empty]
No diagnoses are available