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Acanthodii (spiny fish)
Acanthodii was named by Owen (1846). It is not extant. It was considered paraphyletic by Burrow and Elliott (2023).
It was reranked as the family Acanthodii by Owen (1859); it was reranked as the unranked clade Acanthodii by Gadow (1898); it was reranked as the order Acanthodii by Hay (1902); it was reranked as the order Acanthodi by Jaekel (1911); it was reranked as the subclass Acanthodii by Miles (1977) and Burrow and Elliott (2023).
It was assigned to Lepidoganoidei by Owen (1859); to Pisces by Gadow (1898); to Ichthyotomi by Hay (1902); to Proostea by Jaekel (1911); to Gnathostomata by Dineley and Metcalf (1999); to Chordata by Sepkoski (2002); to Teleostomi by Miles (1977), Long (2011) and Nelson et al. (2016); and to Chondrichthyes by Burrow and Elliott (2023).
It was reranked as the family Acanthodii by Owen (1859); it was reranked as the unranked clade Acanthodii by Gadow (1898); it was reranked as the order Acanthodii by Hay (1902); it was reranked as the order Acanthodi by Jaekel (1911); it was reranked as the subclass Acanthodii by Miles (1977) and Burrow and Elliott (2023).
It was assigned to Lepidoganoidei by Owen (1859); to Pisces by Gadow (1898); to Ichthyotomi by Hay (1902); to Proostea by Jaekel (1911); to Gnathostomata by Dineley and Metcalf (1999); to Chordata by Sepkoski (2002); to Teleostomi by Miles (1977), Long (2011) and Nelson et al. (2016); and to Chondrichthyes by Burrow and Elliott (2023).
Acanthodi, Acanthodida, Acanthodiformes, Antarctonchus, Archaeacanthus, Byssacanthoides, Campylodus, Climatiida, Climatiiformes, Diplacanthi, Diplacanthiformes, Eupleurogmus, Euthacanthidae, Gemuendolepis, Haplacanthus, Homacanthus, Ischnacanthida, Ischnacanthiformes, Lupopsyroides, Lupopsyrus, Machaeracanthidae, Monopleurodus, Neoasiacanthus, Nodacosta, Nodonchus, Onchus, Parexus, Paucicanthus, Pinnacanthus, Promesacanthus, Ptychodictyon, Seretolepis, Striacanthus, Tetanopsyrus, Yealepis
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1846 | Acanthodii Owen |
1859 | Acanthodii Owen p. 123 |
1898 | Acanthodii Gadow p. 6 |
1902 | Acanthodii Hay p. 273 |
1911 | Acanthodi Jaekel p. 72 |
1977 | Acanthodii Miles |
1999 | Acanthodii Dineley and Metcalf p. 11 |
2002 | Acanthodii Sepkoski |
2011 | Acanthodii Long p. 242 |
2016 | Acanthodii Nelson et al. p. 95 |
2023 | Acanthodii Burrow and Elliott p. 3 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Subcl. †Acanthodii Owen 1846 [spiny fish]
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Or. †Acanthodiformes Berg 1940
Fm. †Acanthodidae Huxley 1861
G. †Acanthodes Agassiz 1833
†Acanthodes australis Woodward 1906
†Acanthodes beecheri Eastman 1902
†Acanthodes bridgei Zidek 1976
†Acanthodes bronni Agassiz 1833
†Acanthodes gracilis Beyrich 1949
†Acanthodes guizhouensis Wang and Turner 1985
†Acanthodes marshi Eastman 1902
†Acanthodes mitchelli Egerton 1861
†Acanthodes nitidus Woodward 1891
†Acanthodes ovensis White 1927
†Acanthodes peachi Egerton 1861
†Acanthodes punctatus Fritsch 1893
†Acanthodes pusillus Agassiz 1844
†Acanthodes pygmaeus Fritsch 1875
†Acanthodes rouvillei Sauvage 1883
†Acanthodes sulcatus Agassiz 1835
†Acanthodes wardi Egerton 1866
G. †Cheiracanthus Agassiz 1835
†Cheiracanthus brevicostatus Gross 1973
†Cheiracanthus grandispinus Mcoy 1848
†Cheiracanthus latus Egerton 1861
†Cheiracanthus longicostatus Gross 1973
†Cheiracanthus minor Agassiz 1835
†Cheiracanthus murchisoni Agassiz 1835
†Cheiracanthus splendens Gross 1973
G. †Homalacanthus Russell 1951
†Homalacanthus bergi Obruchev 1962
†Homalacanthus concinnus Russell 1951
Fm. †Howittacanthidae Zajıc 1995
G. †Mesacanthus Traquair 1888
†Mesacanthus mitchelli Egerton 1861
†Mesacanthus peachi Egerton 1861
†Mesacanthus pusillus Agassiz 1844
†Mesacanthus semistriatus Woodward 1892
Invalid names: Cheiracanthidae [empty], Mesacanthidae [empty]
Or. †Climatiiformes Berg 1940
Fm. †Climatiidae Berg 1940
G. †Climatius Agassiz 1845
†Climatius grandis Powrie 1870
†Climatius latispinosus Whiteaves 1881
†Climatius reticulatus Agassiz 1845
†Climatius scutiger Egerton 1860
†Climatius uncinatus Powrie 1864
G. †Erriwacanthus Orvig 1967
†Erriwacanthus falcatus Orvig 1967
†Erriwacanthus manbrookensis Miles 1973
G. †Nostolepis Pander 1856
†Nostolepis costata Goujet 1976
†Nostolepis gracilis Gross 1947
†Nostolepis robusta Brotzen 1934
†Nostolepis striata Pander 1856
G. †Vernicomacanthus Miles 1973
†Vernicomacanthus uncinatus Powrie 1864
†Vernicomacanthus waynensis Miles 1973
Fm. †Culmacanthidae Long 1983
Fm. †Gyracanthidae Woodward 1906
G. †Gyracanthides Woodward 1906
†Gyracanthides murrayi Woodward 1906
†Gyracanthides warreni White 1968
G. †Gyracanthus Agassiz 1836
†Gyracanthus alleni Newberry 1873
†Gyracanthus alnwicensis Agassiz 1837
†Gyracanthus compressus Newberry 1873
†Gyracanthus convexus Gross 1933
†Gyracanthus cordatus Saint John and Worthen 1883
†Gyracanthus duplicatus Dawson 1868
†Gyracanthus falciformis Traquair 1902
†Gyracanthus formosus Agassiz 1836
†Gyracanthus incurvus Traquair 1890
†Gyracanthus inornatus Newberry 1889
†Gyracanthus magnificus Dawson 1868
†Gyracanthus nobilis Traquair 1883
†Gyracanthus obliquus M'Coy 1848
†Gyracanthus parvulus Bryant 1929
†Gyracanthus primaevus Eastman 1908
†Gyracanthus rectus Traquair 1890
†Gyracanthus rothrocki Wells and Blickle 1943
†Gyracanthus sarlei Hussakof and Bryant 1919
†Gyracanthus sherwoodi Newberry 1889
†Gyracanthus tuberculatus Agassiz 1837
†Gyracanthus youngii Traquair 1883
G. †Mitrodus Owen 1867
G. †Oracanthus Agassiz 1836
†Oracanthus bochumensis Jaekel 1890
†Oracanthus lineatus Newberry 1897
†Oracanthus milleri Agassiz 1836
†Oracanthus minor Agassiz 1836
†Oracanthus multiseriatus Newberry 1857
†Oracanthus obliquus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Oracanthus pnigeus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Oracanthus pustulosus Agassiz 1836
†Oracanthus rectus Saint John and Worthen 1883
†Oracanthus triangularis Eastman 1917
†Oracanthus trigonalis Saint John and Worthen 1883
†Oracanthus vetustus Leidy 1855
G. †Hanilepis Wang and Dong 1989
G. †Kathemacanthus Gagnier and Wilson 1996
G. †Pruemolepis Vieth-Schreiner 1983
Invalid names: Brochoadmonidae [empty]
Or. †Diplacanthiformes Berg 1940
G. †Devononchus Gross 1940
†Devononchus concinnus Gross 1940
†Devononchus ketleriensis Gross 1947
†Devononchus laevis Gross 1933
†Devononchus tenuispinus Gross 1933
Fm. †Diplacanthidae Woodward 1891
G. †Diplacanthus Agassiz 1843
†Diplacanthus balticus Gross 1973
†Diplacanthus carinatus Gross 1973
†Diplacanthus crassisimus Duff 1842
†Diplacanthus ellsi Gagnier 1996
†Diplacanthus horridus Woodward 1892
†Diplacanthus longispinus Agassiz 1844
†Diplacanthus striatus Agassiz 1844
†Diplacanthus tenuistriatus Traquair 1894
Invalid names: Gladiobranchidae [empty]
Fm. †Euthacanthidae Berg 1940
G. †Euthacanthus Powrie 1864
†Euthacanthus gracilis Powrie 1870
†Euthacanthus macnicolli Powrie 1864
G. †Haplacanthus Agassiz 1845
†Haplacanthus ehrmanensis Gross 1940
†Haplacanthus marginalis Agassiz 1845
†Haplacanthus perseensis Gross 1942
G. †Homacanthus Agassiz 1845
†Homacanthus acinaciformis Eastman 1903
†Homacanthus arcuatus Agassiz 1844
†Homacanthus delicatulus Eastman 1903
†Homacanthus elegans Davis 1879
†Homacanthus gracilis Whiteaves 1889
†Homacanthus jaekeli Gross 1933
†Homacanthus macrodus M'Coy 1848
†Homacanthus microdus M'Coy 1848
†Homacanthus parvulus Newverry 1875
†Homacanthus sveteensis Gross 1942
Or. †Ischnacanthiformes Berg 1940
Fm. †Acritolepidae Valiukevicius and Burrow 2005
Fm. †Ischnacanthidae Woodward 1891
G. †Acanthodopsis Hancock and Atthey 1868
†Acanthodopsis microdon Traquair 1894
†Acanthodopsis wardi Hancock and Atthey 1868
G. †Apateacanthus Woodward 1891
†Apateacanthus dentatus Hussakof and Bryant 1919
†Apateacanthus peculiaris Hussakof 1913
†Apateacanthus vetustus Clarke 1885
G. †Ictinocephalus Page 1859
G. †Ischnacanthus Powrie 1864
†Ischnacanthus anglicus White 1961
†Ischnacanthus gracilis Egerton 1861
†Ischnacanthus kingi White 1961
†Ischnacanthus scheii Spjeldnaes 1967
†Ischnacanthus wickhami White 1961
G. †Podoliacanthus Voichyshyn and Szaniawski 2012
†Podoliacanthus zychi Voichyshyn and Szaniawski 2012
Invalid names: Poracanthodidae [empty]
Fm. †Machaeracanthidae Burrow and Young 2005
G. †Machaeracanthus Newberry 1857
†Machaeracanthus archiaci Rouault 1858
†Machaeracanthus bohemicus Barrande 1872
†Machaeracanthus kayseri Kegel 1913
†Machaeracanthus larteti Rouault 1858
†Machaeracanthus longaevus Eastman 1907
†Machaeracanthus major Newberry 1857
†Machaeracanthus peracutus Newberry 1857
†Machaeracanthus polonicus Gurich 1901
†Machaeracanthus retusus Wells 1940
†Machaeracanthus sulcatus Newberry 1857
G. †Neoasiacanthus Wang et al. 1980
G. †Onchus Agassiz 1837
†Onchus arcuatus Agassiz 1837
†Onchus besomensis White 1961
†Onchus clintoni Claypole 1885
†Onchus granulatus Roemer 1885
†Onchus graptolitarum Fritsch 1907
†Onchus hamatus Agassiz 1837
†Onchus latus Leriche 1931
†Onchus major Etheridge 1872
†Onchus murchisoni Agassiz 1837
†Onchus overathensis Gross 1937
†Onchus penetrans Bryant 1932
†Onchus pennsylvanicus Claypole 1885
†Onchus rarus Liepin'sh 1959
†Onchus rectus Eastman 1899
†Onchus semistriatus Agassiz 1837
†Onchus siluricus Fritsch 1907
†Onchus sublaevis Agassiz 1845
†Onchus tenuistriatus Agassiz 1837
†Onchus verus Schmidt 1954
†Onchus wheathillensis White 1961
G. †Parexus Agassiz 1845
†Parexus falcatus Powrie 1870
†Parexus incurvus Agassiz 1845
†Parexus recurvus Agassiz 1845
G. †Seretolepis Karatajute-Talimaa 1968
G. †Yealepis Burrow and Young 1999
Invalid names: Acanthodi Jaekel 1911 [empty], Acanthodida Berg 1940 [empty], Climatiida Berg 1940 [empty], Diplacanthi Jaekel 1911 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Carroll 1988, Aberhan et al. 2004 |
Age range: base of the Telychian to the top of the Early/Lower Severodvinian or 438.50000 to 259.51000 Ma
Collections (181 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Telychian | China (Xinjiang) | Neoasiacanthus sp. (182524) | |
Telychian | China (Hunan) | Neoasiacanthus wanzhongensis (182545) | |
Homerian | China (Sichuan) | Nostolepis tewonensis (182550) | |
Ludlow | Australia (Queensland) | Gomphonchus turnerae (232518) | |
Ludlow | Canada (Northwest Territories) | Nostolepis sp. (534) | |
Ludlow | China (Yunnan) | Gomphonchus sp., Hanilepis wangi, Nostolepis sp., Poracanthodes qujingensis (27796) | |
Ludfordian | China (Junnan) | Gomphonchus sp., Hanilepis wangi, Nostolepis sp., Poracanthodes qujingensis (182558) | |
Ludfordian | United Kingdom (England) | Ischnacanthus kingi (8314 8320) Onchus sp. (8325) | |
Ludfordian | Sweden (Gotland) | Nostolepis striata (13820) | |
Kaugetuma | Estonia | Nostolepis striata, Nostolepis gracilis, Gomphonchus sandelensis (195606) | |
Youngest occurrences |
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | PBDB collection number |
Virgilian | USA (Kansas) | Acanthodes sp. (180633) | |
Asselian | Czech Republic (Krkonose) | Acanthodes sp., Acanthodes gracilis (232614) | |
Asselian | Czech Republic (Liberec) | Acanthodes gracilis (232993) Acanthodes sp. (231860 232994 232995) Acanthodes sp., Acanthodes gracilis (232996 232997) | |
Asselian - Sakmarian | France | Acanthodes sp. (34797) | |
Wolfcampian | USA (New Mexico) | Acanthodes sp. (181077) | |
Permian | USA (Oklahoma) | Acanthodes sp. (221392) | |
Sakmarian | France (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) | Acanthodes sp. (197925) | |
Sakmarian | USA (Kansas) | Acanthodes sp. (130816 130817) | |
Urzhumian - Early/Lower Severodvinian | Russian Federation (Tatarstan) | Onchus sp. (27931) | |
Lopingian | Greenland | Acanthodii indet. (122143) |