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Diprotodontia (diprotodont marsupial)
Diprotodontia was named by Owen (1866). It is extant.
It was reranked as the order Diprotodontia by Cope (1889), Flower and Lydekker (1891), Gregory (1910).
It was assigned to Metatheria by Parker and Haswell (1897); to Metatheria by Gadow (1898); to Marsupialia by Cope (1889), Flower and Lydekker (1891), Gregory (1910); to Metatheria by Nowak (1991); to Mammalia by Wilson and Reeder (2005); to Australidelphia by Springer et al. (1994), Phillips et al. (2001), Munemasa et al. (2006); to Marsupialia by Roberts et al. (2007); to Marsupialia by Brammall and Archer (1997), Gillespie et al. (2016); and to Marsupialia by Pledge (2016), Gillespie et al. (2019).
It was reranked as the order Diprotodontia by Cope (1889), Flower and Lydekker (1891), Gregory (1910).
It was assigned to Metatheria by Parker and Haswell (1897); to Metatheria by Gadow (1898); to Marsupialia by Cope (1889), Flower and Lydekker (1891), Gregory (1910); to Metatheria by Nowak (1991); to Mammalia by Wilson and Reeder (2005); to Australidelphia by Springer et al. (1994), Phillips et al. (2001), Munemasa et al. (2006); to Marsupialia by Roberts et al. (2007); to Marsupialia by Brammall and Archer (1997), Gillespie et al. (2016); and to Marsupialia by Pledge (2016), Gillespie et al. (2019).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1812 | Phalangista convolutor Schinz p. 258 |
1866 | Diprotodontia Owen |
1889 | Diprotodontia Cope p. 876 |
1891 | Diprotodontia Flower and Lydekker p. 89 |
1897 | Diprotodontia Parker and Haswell p. 449 |
1898 | Diprotodontia Gadow p. 40 |
1910 | Diprotodontia Gregory p. 464 |
1991 | Diprotodontia Nowak |
1994 | Diprotodontia Springer et al. p. 86 |
1997 | Diprotodontia Brammall and Archer |
2001 | Diprotodontia Phillips et al. p. 1538 |
2005 | Diprotodontia Wilson and Reeder |
2006 | Diprotodontia Munemasa et al. p. 189 |
2007 | Diprotodontia Roberts et al. p. 2 |
2016 | Diprotodontia Gillespie et al. |
2016 | Diprotodontia Pledge |
2019 | Diprotodontia Gillespie et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Or. Diprotodontia Owen 1866 [diprotodont marsupial]
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G. †Alkwertatherium Murray 1990
Fm. Macropodidae Gray 1821 [kangaroo]
G. †Cookeroo Butler et al. 2016
†Cookeroo bulwidarri Butler et al. 2016
†Cookeroo hortusensis Butler et al. 2016
G. †Ganguroo Cooke 1997
†Ganguroo bilamina Cooke 1997
†Ganguroo bites Travouillon et al. 2014 [kangaroo]
†Ganguroo robustiter Cooke et al. 2015
Subfm. †Lagostrophinae Prideaux and Warburton 2010
Subfm. Macropodinae Gray 1821 [kangaroo]
G. †Bohra Flannery and Szalay 1982
†Bohra illuminata Prideaux and Warburton 2008
†Bohra paulae Flannery and Szalay 1982
†Bohra wilkinsonorum Dawson 2004
G. Dendrolagus Müller 1840 [tree kangaroo]
Dendrolagus bennettianus De Vis 1886 [Bennetts tree-kangaroo]
Dendrolagus dorianus Ramsay 1884 [Doria's tree kangaroo]
Dendrolagus goodfellowi Thomas 1908 [Goodfellow's tree-kangaroo]
Dendrolagus lumholtzi Collett 1884 [Lumholtz's tree kangaroo]
Dendrolagus matschiei Forster and Rothschild 1907 [Huon tree-kangaroo]
G. Dorcopsis Schlegel and Müller 1845 [New Guinea forest wallaby]
Dorcopsis atrata Van Deusen 1957 [Black dorcopsis]
Dorcopsis hageni Heller 1897 [White-striped dorcopsis]
Dorcopsis luctuosa D'Albertis 1874 [Grey dorcopsis]
Dorcopsis muelleri Lesson 1827 [Brown dorcopsis]
Dorcopsis veterum Lesson and Garnot 1826
G. †Kurrabi Flannery and Archer 1984
†Kurrabi mahoneyi Flannery and Archer 1984
†Kurrabi merriwaensis Flannery and Archer 1984
†Kurrabi pelchenorum Flannery and Archer 1984
G. Lagorchestes Gould 1841 [hare-wallaby]
Lagorchestes conspicillatus Gould 1841 [Spectacled hare-wallaby]
Lagorchestes hirsutus Gould 1844 [rufous hare-wallaby]
G. Macropus Shaw 1790
Subg. Macropus (Macropus) Shaw 1790 [kangaroo]
†Macropus (Macropus) ferragus Owen 1874
Invalid names: Macropus (Leptosaigon) gracilis Owen 1874 [synonym]
Macropus (Macropus) fuliginosus Desmarest 1817 [western grey kangaroo]
Macropus (Macropus) giganteus Shaw 1790 [eastern grey kangaroo]
Invalid names: Macropus faunus De Vis 1895 [synonym], Macropus magister De Vis 1895 [synonym], Macropus titan Owen 1838 [synonym]
†Macropus (Macropus) mundjabus Flannery 1980
†Macropus (Macropus) pan De Vis 1895
†Macropus (Macropus) pearsoni Bartholomai 1971
Invalid names: Leptosaigon Owen 1874 [invalid subgroup], Macropus (Fissuridon) Bartholomai 1971 [synonym]
Subg. Macropus (Notamacropus) Dawson and Flannery 1985 [wallaby]
Macropus (Notamacropus) agilis Gould 1842 [agile wallaby]
Invalid names: Osphranter stirtoni Marcus 1976 [synonym]
Macropus (Notamacropus) dorsalis Gray 1837 [black-striped wallaby]
Macropus (Notamacropus) eugenii Desmarest 1817 [tammar wallaby]
†Macropus (Notamacropus) greyi Waterhouse 1846 [toolache wallaby]
Macropus (Notamacropus) irma Jourdan 1837 [western brush wallaby]
Macropus (Notamacropus) parma Waterhouse 1846 [parma wallaby]
Macropus (Notamacropus) parryi Bennett 1835 [pretty-faced wallaby]
Macropus (Notamacropus) rufogriseus Desmarest 1817 [red-necked wallaby]
†Macropus (Notamacropus) thor De Vis 1895
†Macropus (Notamacropus) wombeyensis Broom 1896
Subg. Macropus (Osphranter) Gould 1842
Macropus (Osphranter) antilopinus Gould 1842 [antilopine kangaroo]
Macropus (Osphranter) bernardus Rothschild 1904 [Woodward's wallaroo]
†Macropus (Osphranter) pavana Bartholomai 1978
Macropus (Osphranter) robustus Gould 1841 [eastern wallaroo]
Invalid names: Macropus birdsellii Tedford 1967 [synonym], Osphranter cooperi Owen 1874 [synonym]
Macropus (Osphranter) rufus Desmarest 1822 [red kangaroo]
Invalid names: Dendrodorcopsis Rothschild 1903 [invalid subgroup], Megaleia Gistel 1848 [invalid subgroup], Phascolagus Owen 1874 [invalid subgroup]
Subg. Macropus (Petrogale) Gray 1837 [rock wallaby]
Petrogale brachyotis Gould 1840 [Short-eared rock-wallaby]
Petrogale lateralis Gould 1842 [Black-flanked rock-wallaby]
Petrogale penicillata Gray 1827 [Brush-tailed rock-wallaby]
†Petrogale xanthopus Gray 1837
†Macropus atlas Owen 1838
†Macropus brehus Owen 1874
†Macropus dryas De Vis 1895
†Macropus goliah Owen 1874
†Macropus mimas Owen 1874
†Macropus minor Owen 1877
†Macropus narada Bartholomai 1978
†Macropus raechus Owen 1874
†Macropus rama Bartholomai 1975
Macropus rufogriseus Desmarest 1817
†Macropus woodsi Bartholomai 1975
Invalid names: Halmaturus Illiger 1811 [synonym], Macropus elegans Lambert 1807 [nomen dubium]
G. Onychogalea Gray 1841 [nail-tailed wallaby]
Onychogalea frenata Gray 1841
Onychogalea unguifera Gould 1841 [northern nail-tail wallaby]
G. †Protemnodon Owen 1874
†Protemnodon anak Owen 1874
†Protemnodon bandharr Dawson et al. 1999
†Protemnodon brehus Owen 1874
†Protemnodon buloloensis Plane 1967
†Protemnodon chinchillaensis Bartholomai 1973
†Protemnodon devisi Bartolomai 1973
†Protemnodon hopei Flannery 1992
G. Thylogale Gray 1837 [pademelon]
Thylogale billardieri Gray 1837
Thylogale brunii Schreber 1778 [Dusky pademelon]
Thylogale stigmatica Gould 1860 [red-legged pademelon]
Thylogale thetis Lesson 1828 [Red-necked pademelon]
G. Wallabia Trouessart 1905 [swamp wallaby]
Wallabia bicolor Desmarest 1804 [swamp wallaby]
†Wallabia kitcheneri Flannery 1989
Invalid names: Dendrolagini Flannery 1989 [empty], Halmaturus odin De Vis 1895 [nomen dubium], Macropus affinis Owen 1845 [nomen dubium], Macropus piltonensis Bartholomai 1975 [nomen dubium], Osphranter gouldi Owen 1874 [nomen dubium]
Subfm. Potoroinae Gray 1821
G. †Gumardee Flannery et al. 1982
†Gumardee keari Travouillon et al. 2022
†Gumardee pascuali Flannery et al. 1982
†Gumardee richi Travouillon et al. 2016
†Gumardee springae Travouillon et al. 2016
†Gumardee webbi Travouillon et al. 2022
G. †Synaptodon De Vis 1889
Invalid names: Macropina Gray 1825 [synonym], Nambarinae Kear and Cooke 2001 [invalid subgroup]
Subor. Phalangerida Aplin and Archer 1987
Superfm. Macropodoidea Gray 1821
Fm. †Balbaridae Cooke and Kear 1999
G. †Nambaroo Flannery and Rich 1986
†Nambaroo bullockensis Schwartz and Megirian 2004
†Nambaroo couperi Cooke 1997
†Nambaroo gillispieae Kear et al. 2007
†Nambaroo novus Flannery and Rich 1986
†Nambaroo saltavus Flannery and Rich 1986
†Nambaroo tarrinyeri Flannery and Rich 1986
Subfm. †Balbarinae Flannery et al. 1982
G. †Balbaroo Flannery et al. 1982
†Balbaroo camfieldensis Flannery et al. 1982
†Balbaroo fangaroo Cooke 2000
†Balbaroo gregoriensis Flannery et al. 1982
†Balbaroo nalima Black et al. 2014
G. †Galanarla Flannery et al. 1982
†Galanarla tesselata Flannery et al. 1983
†Galanarla tessellata Flannery et al. 1982
G. †Ganawamaya Cooke 1992
†Ganawamaya acris Cooke 1992
†Ganawamaya aediculis Cooke 1992
†Ganawamaya aediculus Cooke 1992
†Ganawamaya ornata Cooke 1992
Subfm. †Bulungamayinae Flannery et al. 1982
G. †Bulungamaya Flannery et al. 1982
G. †Nowidgee Cooke 1997
G. †Wabularoo Archer 1979
†Wabularoo naughtoni Archer 1979
†Wabularoo prideauxi Travouillon et al. 2015
Subfm. Hypsiprymnodontidae Collett 1887
G. Hypsiprymnodon Ramsay 1876 [musky rat-kangaroo]
†Hypsiprymnodon bartholomaii Flannery and Archer 1987
†Hypsiprymnodon dennisi Bates et al. 2014
†Hypsiprymnodon karenblackae Bates et al. 2014
Hypsiprymnodon moschatus Ramsay 1876 [musky rat-kangaroo]
†Hypsiprymnodon philcreaseri Bates et al. 2014
Subfm. †Propleopinae Archer and Flannery 1985
G. †Ekaltadeta Archer and Flannery 1985 [killer kangaroo]
†Ekaltadeta ima Archer and Flannery 1985
†Ekaltadeta jamiemulvaneyi Wroe 1996
†Ekaltadeta wellingtonensis Archer and Flannery 1985
G. †Propleopus Longman 1924
†Propleopus chillagoensis Archer et al. 1978
†Propleopus oscillans De Vis 1888
†Propleopus wellingtonensis Archer and Flannery 1985
Subfm. †Sthenurinae Glauert 1926 [short-faced kangaroo]
G. †Procoptodon Owen 1874
†Procoptodon browneorum Merriless 1968
†Procoptodon gilli Merriless 1965
†Procoptodon mccoyi Turnbull et al. 1992
†Procoptodon oreas De Vis 1895
†Procoptodon otuel Owen 1874
†Procoptodon pusio Owen 1874
†Procoptodon rapha Owen 1874
†Procoptodon williamsi Prideaux 2004
G. †Sthenurus Owen 1874
†Sthenurus andersoni Marcus 1962
†Sthenurus murrayi Prideaux 2004
†Sthenurus notabilis Bartholomai 1963
†Sthenurus stirlingi Wells and Tedford 1995
†Sthenurus tindalei Tedford 1966
G. †Troposodon Bartholomai 1967
†Troposodon bowensis Flannery and Archer 1983
†Troposodon minor Owen 1877
Subor. Phalangeriformes Szalay 1982 [possum]
Fm. Acrobatidae Aplin 1987 [feather-tailed possum]
G. Acrobates Desmarest 1818 [feathertail glider]
Acrobates pygmaeus Shaw 1794 [feathertail glider]
Invalid names: Acrobates pygmaeus Shaw 1794 [valid]
G. Distoechurus Peters 1874 [feather-tailed possum]
Distoechurus pennatus Peters 1874 [feather-tailed possum]
Fm. Burramyidae Broom 1898 [pygmy possum]
G. Burramys Broom 1896
†Burramys brutyi Brammall and Archer 1997
Burramys parvus Broom 1896 [mountain pygmy possum]
†Burramys triradiatus Turnbull et al. 1987
†Burramys wakefieldi Pledge 1987
G. Cercartetus Gloger 1841 [pygmy possum]
Cercartetus caudatus Milne-Edwards 1877 [long-tailed pygmy possum]
Cercartetus concinnus Gould 1845 [southwestern pygmy possum]
Cercartetus lepidus Thomas 1888 [Tasmanian pygmy possum]
Cercartetus nanus Desmarest 1818 [eastern pygmy possum]
Invalid names: Dromicia Gray 1841 [synonym]
Fm. Petauridae Bonaparte 1838
G. Gymnobelideus McCoy 1867 [Leadbeater's possum]
G. Petaurus Shaw 1791 [wrist-winged glider]
Petaurus breviceps Waterhouse 1839 [sugar glider]
Petaurus breviceps ariel Gould 1842
Petaurus breviceps biacensis Ulmer 1940
Petaurus breviceps breviceps Waterhouse 1839
Petaurus breviceps flavidus Tate and Archbold 1935
Petaurus breviceps longicaudatus Longman 1924
Petaurus breviceps papuanus Thomas 1888
Invalid names: Petaurus (Belideus) notatus Peters 1859 [synonym], Petaurus kohlsi Troughton 1945 [synonym]
Petaurus breviceps tafa Tate and Archbold 1935
Petaurus gracilis De Vis 1883 [mahogany glider]
Petaurus norfolcensis Kerr 1792 [squirrel glider]
Invalid names: Petaurus (Belideus) Waterhouse 1839 [invalid subgroup], Petaurus (Petaurella) Matschie 1916 [invalid subgroup], Petaurus (Petaurula) Matschie 1916 [invalid subgroup], Ptilotus Fischer 1814 [objective synonym], Xenochirus Gloger 1841 [synonym]
G. †Pseudokoala Turnbull and Lundelius 1970
G. Schoinobates Lesson 1842
Fm. Phalangeridae Thomas 1888
Subfm. Ailuropinae Flannery et al. 1987
G. Cercaertus Burmeister 1837
G. †Palaeopetaurus Broom 1896
G. Phalanger Storr 1780 [cuscus]
Phalanger breviceps Thomas 1888
Phalanger carmelitae Thomas 1898 [mountain cuscus]
Phalanger gymnotis Peters and Doria 1875 [ground cuscus]
Phalanger intercastellanus Thomas 1895 [eastern common cuscus]
Phalanger leucippus Thomas 1898
Phalanger maculatus Geoffroy 1803 [common spotted cuscus]
Phalanger orientalis Pallas 1766 [northern common cuscus]
Phalanger sericeus Thomas 1907 [silky cuscus]
Phalanger vestitus Milne-Edwards 1877 [Steins cuscus]
Invalid names: Balantia Illiger 1811 [synonym], Phalangista Geoffroy and Cuvier 1795 [synonym]
G. Trichosurus Lesson 1828 [brushtail possum]
†Trichosurus dicksoni Flannery and Archer 1987
†Trichosurus hamiltonensis Flannery et al. 1987
Trichosurus vulpecula Kerr 1792 [common brushtail possum]
Invalid names: Phalangistidae Gray 1821 [synonym], Phalangistina Gray 1825 [synonym]
Fm. Tarsipedidae
G. Tarsipes Gervais and Verreaux 1842 [honey possum]
Tarsipes rostratus Gervais and Verreaux 1842 [Honey possum]
Superfm. Phalangeroidea Thomas 1888
Fm. †Ektopodontidae Stirton et al. 1967
G. †Ektopodon Stirton et al. 1967
†Ektopodon litolophus Pledge 1999
†Ektopodon serratus Stirton et al. 1967
†Ektopodon stirtoni Pledge 1986
†Ektopodon tommosi Pledge 2016
Fm. †Miralinidae Woodburne et al. 1987
Subfm. Durudawirinae Crosby and Archer 2000
G. †Durudawiri Crosby and Archer 2000
†Durudawiri anfractus Crosby 2002
†Durudawiri inusitatus Crosby and Archer 2000
G. †Miralina Woodburne et al. 1987
†Miralina doylei Woodburne et al. 1987
†Miralina minor Woodburne et al. 1987
Subfm. Miralininae Crosby and Archer 2000
G. †Barguru Schwartz 2006
†Barguru kayir Schwartz 2006
†Barguru kula Schwartz 2006
†Barguru maru Schwartz 2006
Invalid names: Hypsiprymnoidea [synonym]
Superfm. Phascolomyoidea
Fm. Potoroidae Gray 1821
G. Aepyprymnus Garrod 1875 [rufous rat-kangaroo]
Aepyprymnus rufescens Gray 1837 [rufous rat-kangaroo]
G. Bettongia Gray 1837 [bettong]
Bettongia leseuri Gray 1837
†Bettongia lesueur Quoy and Gaimard 1824
†Bettongia moyesi Flannery and Archer 1987
Bettongia penicillata Gray 1837 [brush-tailed bettong]
Invalid names: Bettongiops Matschie 1916 [synonym]
G. †Milliyowi Flannery 1992
G. Potorous Desmarest 1804 [potoroo]
Potorous longipes Seebeck and Johnson 1980 [long-footed potoroo]
†Potorous platyops Gould 1844
Potorous tridactylus Kerr 1792 [long-nosed potoroo]
Invalid names: Bettongini Flannery and Archer 1987 [empty], Potoroini Trouessart 1898 [empty]
Fm. Pseudocheiridae Winge 1893 [ringtail possum]
G. †Marlu Woodburne et al. 1987
†Marlu karya Wroe 1998
†Marlu kutjamarpensis Woodburne et al. 1987
†Marlu kutjamarpensis Woodburne et al. 1987
†Marlu preacursor Woodburne et al. 1987
†Marlu syke Wroe 1998
G. †Pildra Woodburne et al. 1987
†Pildra antiquus Woodburne et al. 1987
†Pildra magnus Pledge 1987
†Pildra secundus Woodburne et al. 1987
†Pildra tertius Woodburne et al. 1987
G. Pseudocheirus Ogilby 1837 [ring-tailed possum]
†Pseudocheirus albertisii Peters 1974
Pseudocheirus peregrinus Boddaert 1785 [common ringtail possum]
Pseudocheirus peregrinus occidentalis Thomas 1888
Invalid names: Didelphis caudivolvula Kerr 1792 [objective synonym], Didelphis novaehollandiae Bechstein 1800 [objective synonym], Phalangista banksii Gray 1838 [objective synonym]
†Pseudocheirus stirtoni Turnbull and Lundelius 1970
Pseudochirus peregrinus Boddaert 1785 [common ringtail possum]
G. Pseudochirops Marschie 1915 [green ringtail]
Pseudochirops albertisii Peters 1874 [D Albertis ringtail]
Pseudochirops archeri Collett 1884 [Green ringtail]
†Pseudochirops corinnae Thomas 1897
Pseudochirops coronatus Thomas 1897 [Reclusive ringtail]
†Pseudochirops cupreus Thomas 1897
†Pseudochirops winteri Mackness and Archer 2001
G. †Silvabestius Black and Archer 1997
Subor. Vombatiformes Burnett 1830
Fm. †Ilariidae Tedford and Woodburne 1987
G. †Ilaria Tedford and Woodburne 1987
†Ilaria illumidens Tedford and Woodburne 1987
†Ilaria lawsoni Tedford and Woodburne 1987
Fm. Phascolarctidae Owen 1839 [koala]
G. †Litokoala Stirton et al. 1967
†Litokoala dicktedfordi Pledge 2010
†Litokoala garyjohnstoni Louys et al. 2007
†Litokoala kanunkaensis Springer 1987
†Litokoala kutjamarpensis Stirton et al. 1967
†Litokoala thurmerae Pledge 2010
G. †Madakoala Woodburne et al. 1987
†Madakoala devisi Woodburne et al. 1987
†Madakoala wellsi Woodburne et al. 1987
G. †Perikoala Stirton 1957
†Perikoala palankarinnica Stirton 1957
†Perikoala robustus Woodburne et al. 1987
G. Phascolarctos de Blainville 1816 [koala]
Phascolarctos cinereus Goldfuss 1817 [koala]
†Phascolarctos maris Pledge 1987
†Phascolarctos stirtoni Bartholomai 1968
Fm. †Thylacoleonidae Gill 1872
G. †Thylacoleo Owen 1852
†Thylacoleo carnifex Owen 1859
†Thylacoleo crassidentatus Bartholomai 1962
†Thylacoleo hilli Pledge 1977
G. †Wakaleo Clemens and Plane 1974
†Wakaleo alcootaensis Archer and Rich 1982
†Wakaleo oldfieldi Clemens and Plane 1974
†Wakaleo pitikantensis Rauscher 1987
†Wakaleo schouteni Gillespie et al. 2019
†Wakaleo vanderleueri Clemens and Plane 1974
Infraor. Vombatomorphia Alpin and Archer 1987
Superfm. †Diprotodontoidea Owen 1866
Fm. †Diprotodontidae Gill 1872
G. †Bematherium Tedford 1967
G. †Brachalletes De Vis 1883
G. †Diprotodon Owen 1838
G. †Euowenia De Vis 1891
G. †Euryzygoma Longman 1921
G. †Koalemus De Vis 1889
G. †Kolopsis Woodburne 1967
G. †Kolopsoides Plane 1967
G. †Meniscolophus Stirton 1955
G. †Nototherium Owen 1845
G. †Plaisiodon Woodburne 1967
G. †Pyramios Woodburne 1967
G. †Raemeotherium Rich et al. 1978
G. †Sthenmerus De Vis 1883
Subfm. †Zygomaturinae Stirton et al. 1967
Invalid names: Chronozoon De Vis 1883 [nomen dubium], Diprotodontinae Archer 1997 [empty]
Superfm. †Vombatoidea Iredole and Troughton 1934
Fm. †Palorchestidae Tate 1948
G. †Ngapakaldia Stirton 1967
G. †Palorchestes Owen 1874
G. †Pitikantia Stirton 1967
G. †Propalorchestes Murray 1986
Fm. Vombatidae Burnett 1829 [wombat]
G. Lasiorhinus Gray 1863 [hairy-nosed wombat]
G. †Nimbavombatus Brewer et al. 2015
G. †Phascolomys Illiger 1811
G. †Phascolonus Owen 1872
G. †Ramsayia Tate 1951
G. †Rhizophascolonus Stirton et al. 1967
G. †Sedophascolomys Louys 2015
G. †Warendja Hope and Wilkinson 1982
Invalid names: Phascolomina Gray 1825 [synonym]
Fm. †Wynyardiidae Osgood 1921
G. †Namilamadeta Rich and Archer 1979
†Namilamadeta albivenator Pledge 2005
†Namilamadeta snideri Rich and Archer 1979
†Namilamadeta snideri Rich and Archer 1979
Invalid names: Burramyoidea Broom 1898 [empty], Macropodiformes Ameghino 1889 [empty], Phalangista convolutor Schinz 1812 [nomen dubium], Phascolarctoidea Owen 1839 [empty]
No diagnoses are available