Lothagam-Upper Nawata Mb (Miocene to of Kenya)

Also known as ETE Locality 1065, Lothagam 1C, Lothagam 1, Lothagam, Lothagam-Upper Nawata

Where: Kenya (2.9° N, 36.1° E: paleocoordinates 2.6° N, 35.5° E)

• coordinate stated in text

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Upper Nawata and Apak Member (Nawata or Nachukui Formation), Messinian to Messinian (7.2 - 3.6 Ma)

• K-Ar dating constrains the Upper Nawata Member to 6.54 +/- 0.04 Ma (Marker Tuff) and 4.22 +/- 0.03 Ma (pumice clasts from 35 m above the top of the Upper Nawata Purple Marker). Thus, top of the Upper Nawata is older than 4.2 Ma, and is estimated to be 5.0 Ma.

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial; poorly lithified, graded, sandy sandstone and poorly lithified, tuffaceous mudstone

• Upper Nawata strata indicated that subsidence rates decreased dramatically, allowing the fluvial system to rework overbank deposits- recycling mud into clay to produce the characteristic multistoried sandstones. Probably decrased chanel flow, perhaps to a seasonal state. Environmental conditions suggested to be generally drier than previous or subsequent times.
• The Upper Nawata is characterized by thick, multistoried sandstone bodies, with subsidiary mudstones, and by a paucity of altered distal tephra. The type section consists of some 75% sandstones, 21% mudstones, and 4% altered tephra. The basal unit of the member is a tephra complex termed the Marker Tuff. This complex consists of a thin-bedded, relatively homogeneous lower interval (interpreted as airfall tuff), overlain by a massive, poorly sorted sandy tuff. Sandstones of the upper Nawata are typically characterized by well-developed epsilon cross-stratification and trough cross-beds in the coarser units, grading into small-scale troughs and ripple marks in the overlying finer intervals, with abrupt transitions back to coarser sands. Mudstones are subordinate, but where present they show characteristics of paleosol development. (ref # 8636 p. 22-23).

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collection methods: bulk, surface (in situ), mechanical, sieve,

• Held at the Kenya National Museums, Nairobi (KNM-LT-). Surface collection.

Primary reference: M. G. Leakey and J. M. Harris. 2003. Lothagam: the dawn of humanity in eastern Africa. Lothagam: the dawn of humanity in eastern Africa 678 [A. Behrensmeyer/R. Bobe/R. Bobe]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 22242: authorized by Anna Behrensmeyer, entered by Anna Behrensmeyer on 30.06.1999, edited by Suzanne Cote and Philip Mannion

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Polypteriformes - Polypteridae
Polypterus sp. Lacépède 1803 bichir
 Osteoglossiformes - Gymnarchidae
Gymnarchus sp. Cuvier 1829 aba knifefish
 Osteoglossiformes - Osteoglossidae
Heterotis sp. Rüppell 1828 African arowana
 Teleostei -
 Siluriformes - Claroteidae
Clarotes sp. Kner 1855 catfish
 Siluriformes - Mochokidae
Synodontis sp. Cuvier 1816 upside down catfish
 Siluriformes - Bagridae
Bagridae indet. Bleeker 1852 naked catfish
Bagrus aff. sp. Bosc 1816 naked catfish
 Characiformes - Alestidae
Hydrocynus sp. Cuvier 1816
 Teleostei -
Perciformes indet. Bleeker 1859 perch-like fish
 Perciformes -
Percoidei indet. Bleeker 1859 perch-like fish
 Acanthomorphata - Centropomidae
Lates niloticus Linnaeus 1758 Nile perch
 Ceratodontiformes - Lepidosirenidae
Protopterus sp. Agassiz 1843 african lungfish
 Testudines - Testudinidae
cf. Geochelone indet. Fitzinger 1835 turtle
 Testudines - Trionychidae
Trionychidae indet. Gray 1825 softshell turtle
Cycloderma debrionae softshell turtle
Cycloderma frenatum Peters 1854 softshell turtle
 Testudines - Podocnemididae
Turkanemys pattersoni n. gen. n. sp.
Turkanemys pattersoni n. gen. n. sp. Wood 2003 sideneck turtle
Aves indet. Linnaeus 1758 bird
 Ciconiiformes - Ciconiidae
 Pelecaniformes - Pelecanidae
Pelecanus sp. Linnaeus 1758 pelican
 Pelecaniformes - Ardeidae
Ardeidae indet. Leach 1820 heron
 Suliformes - Anhingidae
Anhinga cf. rufa Daudin 1802 African darter
 Anseriformes - Anatidae
Anatidae indet. Vigors 1825 waterfowl
 Gruiformes - Rallidae
Rallidae indet. Vigors 1825 rail
 Struthioniformes - Struthionidae
cf. Struthio indet. Linnaeus 1758 ostrich
 Crocodylia - Crocodylidae
Euthecodon brumpti Joleaud 1920 crocodile
Crocodylus sp. Laurenti 1768 crocodile
Crocodylus checchiai Maccagno 1947 crocodile
 Tubulidentata - Orycteropodidae
Orycteropus sp. Geoffroy 1791 aardvark
 Proboscidea - Deinotheriidae
Deinotherium bozasi Arambourg 1934 deinothere
 Proboscidea - Gomphotheriidae
Gomphotheriidae indet. Hay 1922 gomphothere
Anancus kenyensis MacInnes 1942 gomphothere
 Proboscidea - Elephantidae
Elephantidae indet. Gray 1821 elephant
Stegotetrabelodon orbus Maglio 1970 elephant
Elephas nawataensis n. sp. Tassy 2003 elephant
 Carnivora - Mustelidae
Erokomellivora lothagamensis n. gen. n. sp. mustelid carnivore
Mellivorinae indet. Gray 1865 ratel
 Carnivora - Amphicyonidae
Amphicyonidae indet. Haeckel 1886 bear-dog
sp. B
 Carnivora - Felidae
cf. Metailurus sp. Zdansky 1924 cat
Lokotunjailurus emageritus n. gen. n. sp. Werdelin 2003 cat
Dinofelis sp. Zdansky 1924 cat
 Carnivora - Hyaenidae
cf. Hyaenictis sp. Gaudry 1861 hyaena
Hyaenictitherium cf. parvum Khomenko 1914 hyaena
 Carnivora - Viverridae
Viverridae indet. Gray 1821 civet
large sp.
cf. Genetta sp. Cuvier 1816 civet
sp. B
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Eurygnathohippus feibeli n. sp. hipparionine horse
Eurygnathohippus turkanense Hooijer and Maglio 1974 hipparionine horse
 Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
Diceros bicornis Linnaeus 1758 black rhinoceros
 Artiodactyla - Suidae
Potamochoerus sp. Gray 1854 pig
"Nyanzachoerus devauxi" = Propotamochoerus devauxi Arambourg 1968 pig
"Nyanzachoerus cf. syrticus" = Sivachoerus syrticus Leonardi 1954 pig
 Artiodactyla - Tayassuidae
"Cainochoerus cf. africanus" = Pecarichoerus africanus
"Cainochoerus cf. africanus" = Pecarichoerus africanus Hendy 1976 peccary
 Artiodactyla - Giraffidae
Palaeotragus sp. Gaudry 1861 giraffe
Palaeotragus germaini Arambourg 1959 giraffe
 Artiodactyla - Bovidae
Reduncini indet. Knottnerus-Meyer 1907 antelope
Menelikia leakeyi Harris 1991 antelope
Kobus presigmoidalis n. sp. Harris 2003 antelope
Kobus laticornis n. sp. Harris 2003 antelope
Hippotragini indet. Sundevall 1845 antelope
? Praedamalis sp. Dietrich 1950 antelope
Hippotragus sp. Sundevall 1845 antelope
Damalacra sp. Gentry 1980 antelope
sp. A
Alcelaphini indet. Brookes 1876 antelope
Aepyceros premelampus n. sp. Harris 2003 impala
Madoqua sp. Ogilby 1837 dikdik
Gazella sp. Blaineville 1816 gazelle
Bovini indet. Gray 1821 antelope
Boselaphini indet. Knottnerus-Meyer 1997 antelope
Tragoportax sp. Pilgrim 1937 antelope
sp. A
Tragoportax aff. cyrenaicus Thomas 1979 antelope
Tragelaphini indet. Blyth 1863 antelope
Tragelaphus kyaloae Harris 1991 antelope
 Artiodactyla - Hippopotamidae
Hexaprotodon sp., "Hexaprotodon lothagamensis n. sp." = Archaeopotamus lothagamensis, "Hexaprotodon harvardi" = Archaeopotamus harvardi
Hexaprotodon sp. Falconer and Cautley 1836 pygmy hippo
"Hexaprotodon lothagamensis n. sp." = Archaeopotamus lothagamensis Weston 2000 hippopotamus
"Hexaprotodon harvardi" = Archaeopotamus harvardi Coryndon 1977 hippopotamus
 Rodentia - Thryonomyidae
Thryonomys sp. Fitzinger 1867 cane rat
small sp.
 Rodentia - Muridae
Saidomys sp. James and Slaughter 1974 mouse
 Primates - Hominidae
Hominidae indet. Gray 1825 ape
 Primates - Cercopithecidae
Cercopithecidae indet. Gray 1821 monkey
Colobinae indet. Blyth 1875 monkey
sp. A
Colobinae indet. Blyth 1875 monkey
sp. B
Colobinae indet. Blyth 1875 monkey
small sp.
Parapapio lothagamensis n. sp. Leakey et al. 2003 monkey
 Decapoda - Potamonautidae
Potamonautidae indet. Bott 1970 crab