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Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Lissamphibia was named by Haeckel (1866). It is extant. It was considered polyphyletic by Anderson et al. (2008).
It was reranked as the unranked clade Lissamphibia by Gardiner (1982), Gauthier et al. (1989), Laurin et al. (2000), Gao and Shubin (2001), Meyer and Zardoya (2003), Gao and Shubin (2003), Maddin et al. (2012) and Vasilyan et al. (2013); it was considered an invalid subgroup of Amphibia by Anderson et al. (2008).
It was assigned to Temnospondyli by Gauthier et al. (1989); to Temnospondyli by Maddin et al. (2012); to Amphibia by Gardiner (1982), Laurin et al. (2000), Gao and Shubin (2001), Gao and Shubin (2003) and Vasilyan et al. (2013); and to Amphibia by Haeckel (1866), Gadow (1898), Dong and Wang (1998), Gao and Wang (2001), Meyer and Zardoya (2003), Zhang et al. (2009), Jia and Gao (2016) and Jia and Gao (2019).
It was reranked as the unranked clade Lissamphibia by Gardiner (1982), Gauthier et al. (1989), Laurin et al. (2000), Gao and Shubin (2001), Meyer and Zardoya (2003), Gao and Shubin (2003), Maddin et al. (2012) and Vasilyan et al. (2013); it was considered an invalid subgroup of Amphibia by Anderson et al. (2008).
It was assigned to Temnospondyli by Gauthier et al. (1989); to Temnospondyli by Maddin et al. (2012); to Amphibia by Gardiner (1982), Laurin et al. (2000), Gao and Shubin (2001), Gao and Shubin (2003) and Vasilyan et al. (2013); and to Amphibia by Haeckel (1866), Gadow (1898), Dong and Wang (1998), Gao and Wang (2001), Meyer and Zardoya (2003), Zhang et al. (2009), Jia and Gao (2016) and Jia and Gao (2019).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1866 | Lissamphibia Haeckel p. CXXXI |
1898 | Lissamphibia Gadow p. 13 |
1982 | Lissamphibia Gardiner p. 228 |
1989 | Lissamphibia Gauthier et al. p. 349 |
1998 | Lissamphibia Dong and Wang p. 160 |
2000 | Lissamphibia Laurin et al. p. 119 fig. 2b |
2001 | Lissamphibia Gao and Shubin p. 574 |
2001 | Lissamphibia Gao and Wang p. 461 |
2003 | Lissamphibia Gao and Shubin p. 424 |
2003 | Lissamphibia Meyer and Zardoya |
2009 | Lissamphibia Zhang et al. p. 552 |
2012 | Lissamphibia Maddin et al. |
2013 | Lissamphibia Vasilyan et al. |
2016 | Lissamphibia Jia and Gao |
2019 | Lissamphibia Jia and Gao |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. Lissamphibia Haeckel 1866
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Fm. †Albanerpetontidae Fox and Naylor 1982
G. †Albanerpeton Estes and Hoffstetter 1976
†Albanerpeton arthridion Fox and Naylor 1982
†Albanerpeton cifellii Gardner 1999
†Albanerpeton ektopistikon Carrano et al. 2022
†Albanerpeton galaktion Fox and Naylor 1982
†Albanerpeton gracilis Gardner 2000
†Albanerpeton inexpectatum Estes and Hoffstetter 1976
†Albanerpeton nexuosus Estes 1981
†Albanerpeton pannonicum Venczel and Gardner 2005
G. †Anoualerpeton Gardner et al. 2003
†Anoualerpeton priscus Gardner et al. 2003
†Anoualerpeton unicus Gardner et al. 2003
G. †Celtedens McGowan and Evans 1995
†Celtedens ibericus McGowan and Evans 1995
†Celtedens megacephalus Costa 1864
Unr. Batrachia Macartney 1802
Unr. Caudata Scopoli 1777 [salamander]
Fm. †Karauridae Ivachnenko 1978
G. †Marmorerpeton Evans et al. 1988
†Marmorerpeton freemani Evans et al. 1988
†Marmorerpeton kermacki Evans et al. 1988
†Marmorerpeton wakei Jones et al. 2022
Unr. †Pancryptobrancha Vasilyan et al. 2013
Subor. †Prosirenoidea Estes 1981
Or. †Proteida
Fm. †Batrachosauroididae Auffenberg 1958
G. †Batrachosauroides Taylor and Hesse 1943
G. †Opisthotriton Auffenberg 1961
G. †Palaeoproteus Herre 1935
G. †Parrisia Denton, Jr. and O'Neill 1998
G. †Peratosauroides Naylor 1981
Fm. †Triassuridae Ivakhnenko 1978
Fm. Urodela Duméril 1805 [salamander]
Subor. †Ambystomatoidea
Fm. Ambystomatidae Hallowell 1856 [mole salamander]
Fm. Dicamptodontidae Tihen 1958 [giant salamander]
Fm. †Scapherpetontidae Auffenberg and Goin 1959
Fm. Amphiumidae Gray 1825
G. Amphiuma Garden 1821 [amphiuma]
G. Muraenopsis Fitzinger
G. †Paleoamphiuma Rieppel and Grande 1998
G. †Proamphiuma Estes 1969
Unr. †Cryptobranchoidea
G. †Chunerpeton Gao and Shubin 2003
Fm. Cryptobranchidae Cope 1889 [hellbender]
G. †Linglongtriton Jia and Gao 2019
G. †Nuominerpeton Jia and Gao 2016
G. †Hemitrypus Cope 1876
Fm. Hynobiidae Cope 1866
G. Batrachuperus Boulenger 1878 [Mountain salamanders]
G. Hynobius Tschudi 1838 [Asian salamanders]
G. Liua Zhao and Hu 1983 [Sichuan salamanders]
G. Onychodactylus Tschudi 1838 [Clawed salamanders]
G. †Parahynobius Venczel 1999
G. Ranodon Kessler 1866 [Siberian salamanders]
G. †Kiyatriton Averianov and Voronkevich 2002
†Kiyatriton krasnolutskii Skutchas 2016
†Kiyatriton leshchinskiyi Averianov and Voronkevich 2002
G. †Liaoxitriton Dong and Wang 1998
†Liaoxitriton daohugouensis Wang 2004
†Liaoxitriton zhongjiani Dong and Wang 1998
Fm. Plethodontidae Gray 1850 [lungless salamander]
G. Aneides Baird 1849
G. Batrachoseps Bonaparte 1839
Subfm. †Desmognathinae Gray 1850
G. †Eurycea
G. Gyrinophilus Cope 1869
G. Hemidactylium Tschudi
G. Manculus Cope 1869
G. †Palaeoplethodon Poinar and Wake 2015
G. Plethodon Tschudi 1838 [woodland salamander]
Subfm. Plethodontinae
G. Spelerpes Rafinesque 1832
G. Stereochilus Cope 1869
G. †Polysemia Meyer 1860
Fm. Proteidae Hogg 1838 [mudpuppy]
G. †Euronecturus Macaluso et al. 2021
G. †Mioproteus Estes and Darevsky 1978
G. Necturus Rafinesque
G. †Orthophyia von Meyer 1845
G. †Paranecturus DeMar, Jr. 2013
G. Proteus Laurenti 1768 [Old World blind cave salamander]
Fm. Rhyacotritonidae Tihen 1958 [torrent salamander]
G. Rhyacotriton Dunn 1920 [torrent salamander]
G. Salamandra Laurenti 1768
†Salamandra goussardiana Lartet 1851
Salamandra lanzai Nascetti et al. 1988 [Lanzas fire salamander]
†Salamandra mimula Brunner 1957
Salamandra opaca Gravenhorst 1807
Salamandra salamandra Linnaeus 1758 [Fire salamander]
†Salamandra sansaniensis Lartet 1851
Fm. Salamandridae Gray 1825 [newt]
G. †Archaeotriton von Meyer 1860
G. †Brachycormus von Meyer 1860
G. †Carpathotriton Venczel 2008
G. †Chelotriton Pomel 1853
G. Chioglossa Bocage 1868
G. Euproctus Gené 1838 [European brook salamander]
G. Ichthyosaura Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille 1801
G. †Koaliella Herre 1950
G. †Koalliella Herre 1950
G. Lissotriton Bell 1839
G. †Megalotriton Zittel 1890
G. Mertensiella Wolterstorff 1925 [Caucasian salamander]
G. Notophthalmus Rafinesque 1820
G. †Oligosemia Longinos Navás 1922
G. Ommatotriton Owen 1850
G. †Palaeopleurodeles Herre 1941
G. †Phosphotriton Tissier et al. 2016
G. Pleurodeles Michahelles 1830
G. †Procynops Young 1965
G. Salamandrina Fitzinger 1826 [spectacled salamander]
G. Taricha Gray 1850 [Roughskin newts]
G. Tylototriton Anderson 1871 [crocodile salamander]
Subor. Salamandroidea Noble 1931
G. †Balveherpeton Skutschas et al. 2020
G. †Beiyanerpeton Gao and Shubin 2012
G. †Jeholotriton Wang 2000
G. †Nasopus Marsh 1894
G. †Pangerpeton Wang and Evans 2006
G. †Qinglongtriton Jia and Gao 2016
G. †Regalerpeton Zhang et al. 2009
Invalid names: Necturidae Fitzinger 1843 [empty]
G. †Seminobatrachus Skutschas and Gubin 2012
†Seminobatrachus boltyschkensis Skutschas and Gubin 2012
Fm. Sirenidae Gray 1825 [siren]
G. †Adelphesiren Goin and Auffenberg 1958
G. †Habrosaurus Gilmore 1928
G. †Kababisha Evans et al. 1996
G. †Noterpeton Rage et al. 1993
G. Pseudobranchus Gray 1825 [dwarf siren]
G. Siren Linnaeus 1766 [siren]
Invalid names: Meantes Linnaeus 1766 [empty], Neocaudata Cannatella and Hillis 1993 [invalid subgroup], Thoriidae Cope 1869 [empty]
Invalid names: Amphiumoidea [empty], Comonecturoides Hecht and Estes 1960 [nomen dubium], Comonecturoides marshi Hecht and Estes 1960 [nomen dubium], Karauroidea Estes 1981 [empty], Noterpetontidae Rage et al. 1993 [empty], Plethodontoidea [empty]
Or. Salientia Laurenti 1768 [frogs and relatives]
Or. Anura Fischer von Waldheim 1813 [frog]
Unr. †Acosmanura Savage 1973
G. Hadromophryne Hewitt 1913
G. Lithobates Fitzinger 1843
G. Phrynobatrachus Günther 1862
G. Platyplectrum Günther 1863
G. Pristimantis Espada 1870
Fm. Alytidae Fitzinger 1843 [midwife toads]
G. †Paralatonia Venczel and Csiki 2003
Invalid names: Discoglossinae Günther 1859 [empty]
Fm. Discoglossidae Günther 1859 [painted frog]
G. †Altanulia Gubin 1993
G. Alytes Wagler 1829 [midwife toad]
Invalid names: Baleaphryne Sanchiz and Adrover 1979 [synonym]
G. †Aralobatrachus Nessov 1981
G. †Bakonybatrachus Szentesi and Venczel 2012
G. Barbourula Taylor and Noble 1924 [jungle toad]
G. Discoglossus Otth 1837 [painted frog]
G. †Enneabatrachus Evans and Milner 1993
G. †Eodiscoglossus Villalta 1957
G. †Estesina Ročec and Nessov 1993
G. †Itemirella Nessov 1981
G. †Kizylkuma Nessov 1981
G. †Latonia von Meyer 1843
G. Pelophilus Tschudi 1838
G. †Procerobatrachus Ročec and Nessov 1993
G. †Prodiscoglossus Friant 1944
G. †Saevesoederberghia Ročec and Nessov 1993
G. †Zaphrissa Cope 1866
Unr. Eoanura Piveteau 1937
Subor. Amphicoela
Subor. †Anomocoela Nichols 1916
Subor. †Diplasiocoela Nichols 1916
Subor. Procoela
Invalid names: Opisthocoela [empty]
Fm. †Gobiatidae Ročec and Nessov 1993
G. †Cretasalia Gubin 1999
G. †Gobiates Spinar and Tatarinov 1986
G. †Gobiatoides Ročec and Nessov 1993
Fm. Leiopelmatidae Mivart 1869
G. Ascaphus Stjenjeger 1899 [tailed frog]
G. Leiopelma Fitzinger 1861
Invalid names: Ascaphidae Fejérváry 1923 [synonym], Leiopelmatinae Mivart 1869 [empty]
Unr. Neobatrachia Reig 1958
G. †Arariphrynus Leal and Brito 2006
Unr. †Australobatrachia Frost and Grant 2006
Fm. Bufonidae Gray 1825 [toad]
Fm. †Ceratophryidae Evans et al. 2014
Fm. †Ceratophrynidae Tschudi 1838
G. †Cratia Baez et al. 2009
G. †Eurycephalella Baez et al. 2009
G. †Hungarobatrachus Szentesi and Venczel 2010
Superfm. Hyloidea Ford and Cannatella 1993
G. †Mariliabatrachus Santos et al. 2023
G. †Primaevorana Moura et al. 2021
Superfm. Ranoidea Rafinesque 1814
Fm. Telmatobiidae Fitzinger 1843 [water frog]
Invalid names: Heleophrynidae Noble 1931 [empty], Sooglossidae Noble 1931 [empty]
Superfm. Pelobatoidea Laurent 1979
Fm. Megophryidae Nobel 1931
Fm. Pelobatidae Lataste 1879 [spadefoot toad]
Fm. Pelodytidae Cope 1866 [parsley frog]
Fm. Scaphiopodidae
Superfm. Pipoidea Fitzinger 1843
Unr. Panpipidae Aranciaga Rolando et al. 2019
Fm. Rhinophrynidae [burrowing toad]
Invalid names: Aglossa Cope 1875 [invalid subgroup]
Subor. †Proanura Romer 1945
G. †Thaumastosaurus De Stefano 1903
†Thaumastosaurus bottii De Stefano 1903
†Thaumastosaurus gezei Rage and Rocek 2007
Invalid names: Rana cadurcorum Martin et al. 2012 [synonym], Rana plicata Filhol 1876 [synonym]
†Thaumastosaurus wardi Holman and Harrison 2002
Invalid names: Allophyrnidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Archaeobatrachia Reig 1958 [invalid subgroup], Arthroleptidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Centrolenidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Comobatrachus Hecht and Estes 1960 [nomen dubium], Comobatrachus aenigmatis Hecht and Estes 1960 [nomen dubium], Diacium unipedalis Cope 1873 [nomen dubium], Ecaudata Scopoli 1777 [synonym], Eobatrachus Marsh 1887 [nomen dubium], Eobatrachus agilis Marsh 1887 [nomen dubium], Epicria Fitzinger 1843 [empty], Hemisotidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Hyperoliidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Jeholobatrachus Endo 1940 [nomen nudum], Lalagobatrachia Frost and Grant 2006 [empty], Liaobatrachus Ji and Ji 1998 [nomen dubium], Mesobatrachia Laurent 1979 [invalid subgroup], Montsechobatrachus Fejervary 1921 [nomen dubium], Montsechobatrachus gaudryi Vidal 1902 [nomen dubium], Opisthocoela Owen 1859 [empty], Palaeobatrachoidea Bolkay 1919 [empty], Pseudidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Rhinodermatidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Scaphiophryninae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty], Vieraellidae Reig 1961 [invalid subgroup]
G. †Czatkobatrachus Evans and Borsuk-Bialynicka 1998
†Czatkobatrachus polonicus Evans and Borsuk-Bialynicka 1998
G. Lutetiobatrachus Wuitke 1988
G. †Notobatrachus Reig 1956 [frog]
†Notobatrachus degiustoi Reig 1956
†Notobatrachus reigi Báez and Nicoli 2008
G. †Triadobatrachus Kuhn 1962
†Triadobatrachus massinoti Piveteau 1804
Invalid names: Protobatrachus triassicus Kuhn 1938 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Protobatrachus Piveteau 1936 [replaced]
Invalid names: Notobatrachidae Reig 1956 [invalid subgroup]
Invalid names: Gymnophidia Cope 1869 [empty], Trachystomata [empty]
Unr. Gymnophionomorpha Marjanović and Laurin 2008
Or. Gymnophiona Rafinesque 1814 [caecilian]
Unr. Apoda Oppel 1810
Fm. Caeciliidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [common caecilian]
G. Afrocaecilia Barbour and Loveridge 1928
G. †Apodops Estes and Wake 1972
G. Boulengerula Tornier 1897
G. Brasilotyphlus Dunn 1945
G. Caecilia Linnaeus 1758
G. Dermophis Dumeril and Bibron 1841
Dermophis mexicanus Dumeril and Bibron 1841 [Mexican caecilian]
G. Gegeneophis Beddome 1870
G. Geotrypetes Dumeril 1859
G. Grandisonia Stejneger 1893
G. Gymnopis Cope 1866
G. Herpele Peyers 1880 [Congo caecilians]
Invalid names: Afrocaecilia Barbour and Loveridge 1928 [valid], Apodops Estes and Wake 1972 [valid], Boulengerula Tornier 1897 [valid], Brasilotyphlus Dunn 1945 [valid], Caecilia Linnaeus 1758 [valid], Dermophis Dumeril and Bibron 1841 [valid], Gegeneophis Beddome 1870 [valid], Geotrypetes Dumeril 1859 [valid], Grandisonia Stejneger 1893 [valid], Gymnopis Cope 1866 [valid], Herpele Peyers 1880 [valid]
Fm. Rhinatrematidae
G. Epicrionops Boulenger 1883 [Beaked caecilians]
G. Rhinatrema Dumeril and Bibron 1841 [Two-lined caecilians]
Invalid names: Dermophiidae Taylor 1969 [empty], Herpelidae Laurent 1984 [empty], Indotyphlidae Lescure et al. 1986 [empty], Scolecomorphidae [empty], Siphonopidae Bonaparte 1850 [empty], Typhlonectidae [empty]
Fm. Caeciliidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [common caecilian]
G. Afrocaecilia Barbour and Loveridge 1928
G. †Apodops Estes and Wake 1972
G. Boulengerula Tornier 1897
G. Brasilotyphlus Dunn 1945
G. Caecilia Linnaeus 1758
G. Dermophis Dumeril and Bibron 1841
Dermophis mexicanus Dumeril and Bibron 1841 [Mexican caecilian]
G. Gegeneophis Beddome 1870
G. Geotrypetes Dumeril 1859
G. Grandisonia Stejneger 1893
G. Gymnopis Cope 1866
G. Herpele Peyers 1880 [Congo caecilians]
Invalid names: Afrocaecilia Barbour and Loveridge 1928 [valid], Apodops Estes and Wake 1972 [valid], Boulengerula Tornier 1897 [valid], Brasilotyphlus Dunn 1945 [valid], Caecilia Linnaeus 1758 [valid], Dermophis Dumeril and Bibron 1841 [valid], Gegeneophis Beddome 1870 [valid], Geotrypetes Dumeril 1859 [valid], Grandisonia Stejneger 1893 [valid], Gymnopis Cope 1866 [valid], Herpele Peyers 1880 [valid]
Invalid names: Eocaeciliaidae Jenkins and Walsh 1993 [empty], Uraeotyphlidae Frank and Ramus 1996 [empty]
G. †Rubricacaecilia Evans and Sigogneau-Russell 2001
†Rubricacaecilia monbaroni Evans and Sigogneau-Russell 2001
Invalid names: Allocaudata Fox and Naylor 1982 [empty], Paratoidea Gardiner 1982 [empty]
No diagnoses are available