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Pinnipedia (pinniped)

Mammalia - Carnivora

Pinnipedia was named by Illiger (1811). It is extant.

It was reranked as the order Pinnipedia by Scott (1873) and Kellogg (1931); it was reranked as the suborder Pinnipedia by Flower (1883), Lydekker (1885), Cope (1889), Flower and Lydekker (1891), Ameghino (1897), Gadow (1898), Hay (1902), Gregory (1910), Zittel (1925), Weber (1928), Ginsburg and Janvier (1971), Kurten and Anderson (1980), Kovacs and Lavigne (1986), Tomida (1989), Vidal (1991), Ginsburg and Janvier (1999), Adam (2004) and Boessenecker and Churchill (2016); it was reranked as the infraorder Pinnipedia by Deméré (1994); it was synonymized subjectively with Phocoidea by McKenna and Bell (1997); it was reranked as the unranked clade Pinnipedia by Ameghino (1889), Kellogg (1922), Berta et al. (1989), Berta (1994), Kohno et al. (1995), Kohno (1996), Rice (1998), Berta (2002), Deméré et al. (2003), Berta et al. (2006), Kohno and Ray (2008), Berta (2009), Fulton and Strobeck (2010), Valenzuela-Toro et al. (2016), Berta (2017), Boessenecker et al. (2024) and Valenzuela-Toro et al. (2024).

It was assigned to Pinnata by Bonaparte (1850) and Scott (1873); to Unguiculata by Ameghino (1889); to Sarcobora by Ameghino (1897); to Ferae by Hay (1902), Gregory (1910) and Kellogg (1922); to Mammalia by Illiger (1811), Trouessart (1898), Trouessart (1904), Abel (1919) and Kellogg (1931); to Eutheria by Nowak (1991); to Arctoidea by Kohno et al. (1995) and Kohno (1996); to Ursida by Rice (1998); to Pinnipediformes by Berta (1994), Berta (2002), Deméré et al. (2003) and Berta (2009); to Pinnipedimorpha by Berta et al. (1989), Berta et al. (2006), Fulton and Strobeck (2010), Valenzuela-Toro et al. (2016) and Berta (2017); to Carnivora by Boessenecker et al. (2024); and to Carnivora by Flower (1883), Lydekker (1885), Cope (1889), Flower and Lydekker (1891), Gadow (1898), Zittel (1925), Weber (1928), Ginsburg and Janvier (1971), Kurten and Anderson (1980), Kovacs and Lavigne (1986), Tomida (1989), Vidal (1991), Deméré (1994), Ginsburg and Janvier (1999), Adam (2004), Kohno and Ray (2008), Boessenecker and Churchill (2016) and Valenzuela-Toro et al. (2024).

Sister taxa
Cystophoridae, Desmatophocidae, Odobenidae (syn. Rosmaridae), Panotariidae, Phocidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1811Pinnipedia Illiger p. 138
1850Pinnipedia Bonaparte p. 1
1869Phoca modesta Leidy p. 415
1873Pinnipedia Scott p. 5
1880Squalodon modestus Allen p. 470
1883Pinnipedia Flower p. 186
1885Pinnipedia Lydekker p. 196
1889Pinnipedia Ameghino p. 342
1889Pinnipedia Cope p. 876
1891Pinnipedia Flower and Lydekker p. 91
1897Pinnipedia Ameghino p. 501
1898Pinnipedia Gadow p. 51
1898Pinnipedia Trouessart p. 369
1902Squalodon modestus Hay p. 589
1902Pinnipedia Hay p. 783
1904Pinnipedia Trouessart p. 279
1910Pinnipedia Gregory p. 465
1919Pinnipedia Abel p. 747
1922Pinnipedia Kellogg p. 101
1923Phoca modesta Kellogg p. 26
1925Pinnipedia Zittel p. 78
1928Pinnipedia Weber p. 342
1930Phoca modesta Hay p. 564
1931Pinnipedia Kellogg p. 227
1971Pinnipedia Ginsburg and Janvier p. 162
1980Pinnipedia Kurten and Anderson p. 200
1986Pinnipedia Kovacs and Lavigne p. 1
1989Pinnipedia Berta et al. p. 61 figs. Fig. 3
1989Pinnipedia Tomida p. 110
1991Pinnipedia Nowak
1991Pinnipedia Vidal p. 6
1994Pinnipedia Berta p. 25 figs. Fig. 21
1994Pinnipedia Deméré p. 113
1995Pinnipedia Kohno et al. p. 113
1996Pinnipedia Kohno p. 389
1998Pinnipedia Rice
1999Pinnipedia Ginsburg and Janvier p. 170
2002Pinnipedia Berta p. 923
2003Pinnipedia Deméré et al. p. 49 figs. Fig. 3.3
2004Pinnipedia Adam p. 1
2006Pinnipedia Berta et al. p. 492
2008Pinnipedia Kohno and Ray p. 44
2009Pinnipedia Berta p. 863
2010Pinnipedia Fulton and Strobeck p. 817 figs. Figure 1
2016Pinnipedia Boessenecker and Churchill
2016Pinnipedia Valenzuela-Toro et al. p. 4
2017Pinnipedia Berta p. 155
2024Pinnipedia Boessenecker et al. p. 5
2024Pinnipedia Valenzuela-Toro et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
CarnivoramorphaWyss and Flynn 1993
CarnivoraformesFlynn et al.
suborderCaniformiaKretzoi 1943
infraorderCanoidea(Simpson 1931)
superfamilyArctoideaFlower 1869
PanpinnipediaWolsan et al. 2020

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Unr. Pinnipedia Illiger 1811 [pinniped]
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Fm. †Desmatophocidae Hay 1930
Subfm. †Allodesminae Kellogg 1931
G. †Allodesmus Kellogg 1922
Allodesmus demerei Boessenecker and Churchill 2018
Allodesmus kernensis Kellogg 1922
Invalid names: Allodesmus gracilis Barnes and Hirota 1995 [synonym], Allodesmus kelloggi Mitchell 1966 [synonym]
Allodesmus naorai Kohno 1996
Allodesmus packardi Barnes 1972
Allodesmus sinanoensis Nagao 1941
Invalid names: Allodesmus megallos Barnes and Hirota 1995 [synonym], Allodesmus sadoensis Barnes and Hirota 1995 [synonym]
Allodesmus uraiporensis Tonomori et al. 2018
Invalid names: Brachyallodesmus Barnes and Hirota 1995 [synonym], Megagomphos Barnes and Hirota 1995 [synonym]
G. †Atopotarus Downs 1956
Atopotarus courseni Downs 1956
G. †Desmatophoca Condon 1906
Desmatophoca oregonensis Condon 1906
G. †Eodesmus Tate-Jones et al. 2020
Eodesmus condoni Tate-Jones et al. 2020
Invalid names: Desmatophocinae Mitchell 1966 [empty]
Fm. Odobenidae Allen 1880 [walrus]
G. †Archaeodobenus Tanaka and Kohno 2015
Archaeodobenus akamatsui Tanaka and Kohno 2015
G. †Imagotaria Mitchell 1968
Imagotaria downsi Mitchell 1968
G. †Kamtschatarctos Dubrovo 1981
G. †Nanodobenus Velez and Salinas-Márquez 2018
Nanodobenus arandai Velez and Salinas-Márquez 2018
Unr. †Neodobenia Magallanes et al. 2018
Subfm. †Dusignathinae Mitchell 1968
G. †Dusignathus Kellogg 1927
Dusignathus seftoni Deméré 1994
G. †Gomphotaria Barnes and Raschke 1991
Gomphotaria pugnax Barnes and Raschke 1991
G. †Neotherium Kellogg 1931
Neotherium mirum Kellogg 1931
Subfm. Odobeninae Allen 1880
G. †Aivukus Repenning and Tedford 1977
Aivukus cedrosensis Repenning and Tedford 1977
Tr. Odobenini Allen 1880
G. Odobenus Brisson 1762 [walrus]
Odobenus mandanoensis Tomida 1989
Odobenus rosmarus Linnaeus 1758 [walrus]
Invalid names: Hemicaulodon effodiens Cope 1869 [synonym], Odobenus virginianus De Kay 1842 [synonym], Trichechus orientalis Dybowski 1922 [synonym], Trichechus virginianus Dekay 1842 [synonym]
Invalid names: Hemicaulodon Cope 1869 [synonym], Odobenotherium Gratiolet 1858 [synonym], Rosmarus Brunnich 1772 [synonym], Trichechus Linnaeus 1766 [synonym], Trichechus obesus Gill 1866 [nomen nudum]
G. †Ontocetus Leidy 1859
Ontocetus emmonsi Leidy 1859
Invalid names: Alachtherium africanum Geraads 1997 [synonym], Alachtherium antverpiensis Rutten 1907 [synonym], Alachtherium cretsii Du Bus 1867 [synonym], Prorosmarus alleni Berry and Gregory 1906 [synonym], Trichecodon huxleyi Lankester 1865 [synonym]
Ontocetus posti Boisville et al. 2024
Invalid names: Alachtherium Du Bus 1867 [synonym], Prorosmarus Berry and Gregory 1906 [synonym], Trichecodon Lankester 1865 [synonym], Trichecodon koninckii Van Beneden 1871 [nomen dubium]
G. †Valenictus Mitchell 1961
Valenictus chulavistensis Deméré 1994
Valenictus imperialensis Mitchell 1961
Valenictus sheperdi Boessenecker et al. 2024
Invalid names: Odobenina McKenna and Bell 1997 [empty]
G. †Pliopedia Kellogg 1921
Pliopedia pacifica Kellogg 1921
G. †Protodobenus Horikawa 1995
Protodobenus japonicus Horikawa 1995
G. †Osodobenus Biewer et al. 2020
Osodobenus eodon Biewer et al. 2020
G. †Pelagiarctos Barnes 1988
Pelagiarctos thomasi Barnes 1988
G. †Pontolis True 1905
Pontolis barroni Biewer et al. 2020
Pontolis kohnoi Biewer et al. 2020
Pontolis magnus True 1907
Invalid names: Pontoleon True 1907 [synonym]
G. †Proneotherium Kohno et al. 1995
Proneotherium repenningi Kohno et al. 1995
G. †Prototaria Takeyama and Ozawa 1984
Prototaria primigena Takeyama and Ozawa 1984
G. †Pseudotaria Kohno 2006
Pseudotaria muramotoi Kohno 2006
G. †Titanotaria Magallanes et al. 2018
Titanotaria orangensis Magallanes et al. 2018
Invalid names: Rosmaridae Gill 1866 [synonym]
Superfm. Otarioidea Gray 1825
Subfm. †Imagotariinae Mitchell 1968
Invalid names: Kamtschararctinae Dubrovo 1981 [synonym], Kamtschatarctinae Dubrovo 1981 [synonym]
Fm. Otariidae Gray 1825 [eared seal]
G. Arctocephalus Cuvier 1826 [fur seal]
Subg. Arctocephalus (Callotaria) Palmer 1892
Arctocephalus australis Zimmerman 1783 [South American fur seal]
Invalid names: Arctophoca tropicalis Gray 1872 [synonym]
Arctocephalus doriferus Wood Jones 1925
Invalid names: Arctocephalus nigriscens Gray 1859 [synonym]
Arctocephalus fischeri Gervais and Ameghino 1880
Arctocephalus forsteri Wood Jones 1922
Arctocephalus pusillus Schreber 1778 [brown fur seal]
Invalid names: Arctocephalus antarcticus Thunberg 1811 [synonym]
Arctocephalus tasmanica Scott and Lord 1926
Arctocephalus townsendi Merriam 1897 [Guadalupe fur seal]
Invalid names: Arctophoca Peters 1866 [synonym], Halarctos Gill 1866 [synonym]
G. Callorhinus Gray 1859 [fur seal]
Callorhinus gilmorei Berta and Deméré 1986
Callorhinus ursinus Linnaeus 1758 [northern fur seal]
Invalid names: Arctocephalus californianus Gray 1866 [synonym]
Invalid names: Callorhynchus Greve 1896 [synonym]
G. †Eotaria Boessenecker and Churchill 2015
Eotaria citrica Velez-Juarbe 2017
Eotaria crypta Boessenecker and Churchill 2015
G. Eumetopias Gill 1866 [Steller sea lion]
Subg. Eumetopias (Eumetopias) Trouessart 1898
Eumetopias jubatus Schreber 1776 [Steller sea lion]
Eumetopias kishidai Shikama 1953
Eumetopias oijyaensis Horikawa 1981
Eumetopias stelleri Fischer 1829
G. †Hydrarctos Muizon 1978
Hydrarctos lomasiensis Muizon 1978
G. Neophoca Gray 1866 [Australian sea lion]
Neophoca cinerea Peron 1816 [Australian sea lion]
Invalid names: Arctocephalus lobatus Gray 1828 [synonym], Arctocephalus williamsi McCoy 1877 [synonym], Otaria albicollis Péron 1816 [synonym], Otaria australis Quoy and Gaimard 1830 [synonym]
Neophoca palatina King 1983
G. †Oriensarctos Mitchell 1968
Oriensarctos watasei Matsumoto 1925
G. Otaria Peron 1816 [sea lion]
Otaria byronia Blainville 1820
Invalid names: Otaria flavescens Shaw 1800 [synonym]
Otaria fischeri Gervais and Ameghino 1880
Invalid names: Otoes Fischer 1817 [synonym], Phoca flavescens Shaw 1800 [nomen nudum], Platyrhynchus Cuvier 1827 [synonym], Pontoleo Gloger 1841 [synonym]
Subfm. Otariinae Gray 1825
Invalid names: Otariini Mitchell 1968 [empty]
G. Phocarctos Gray 1844 [New Zealand sea lion]
Phocarctos hookeri Gray 1844 [New Zealand sea lion]
Invalid names: Arctocephalus caninus Berry 1928 [synonym]
G. †Pithanotaria Kellogg 1925
Pithanotaria starri Kellogg 1925
G. †Proterozetes Barnes et al. 2006
Proterozetes ulysses Barnes et al. 2006
G. †Thalassoleon Repenning and Tedford 1977
Thalassoleon inouei Kohno 1992
Thalassoleon macnallyae Repenning and Tedford 1977
Thalassoleon mexicanus Repenning and Tedford 1977
G. Zalophus Gill 1866 [California sea lion]
Zalophus californianus Lesson 1828 [California sea lion]
Invalid names: Arctocephalus gilliespii Macbain 1858 [synonym], Arctocephalus monteriensis Gray 1866 [synonym]
Zalophus japonicus Peters 1866
Zalophus wollebaeki Silversten 1954 [Galapagos sea lion]
Invalid names: Zalophus kimitsensis Matsumoto 1939 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Arctocephalinae Scheffer and Rice 1963 [empty], Callorhinae Muizon 1978 [invalid subgroup], Callorhinina Gray 1871 [invalid subgroup], Eumetopiina Gray 1871 [empty], Otaria oudriana Delfortrie 1872 [nomen dubium], Zalophina Gray 1871 [empty]
G. †Palaeotaria Leriche 1910
Palaeotaria henriettae Leriche 1910
Fm. Phocidae Gray 1821 [seal]
Subfm. †Devinophocinae Koretsky and Holec 2002
G. †Devinophoca Koretsky and Holec 2002
Devinophoca claytoni Koretsky and Holec 2002
Devinophoca emryi Koretsky and Rahmat 2015
G. †Messiphoca Muizon 1981
Messiphoca mauretanica Muizon 1981
Subfm. Monachinae Trouessart 1897
G. †Acrophoca Muizon 1981
Acrophoca longirostris Muizon 1981
G. †Afrophoca Koretsky and Domning 2014
Afrophoca libyca Koretsky and Domning 2014
G. †Australophoca Valenzuela-Toro et al. 2016
Australophoca changorum Valenzuela-Toro et al. 2016
G. †Hadrokirus Amson and Muizon 2013
Hadrokirus martini Amson and Muizon 2013
Hadrokirus novotini Hafed et al. 2023
G. †Homiphoca Muizon and Hendey 1980
Homiphoca capensis Hendey and Repenning 1972
Homiphoca murfreesi Hafed et al. 2023
G. Hydrurga Gistel 1848 [leopard seal]
Hydrurga leptonyx de Blainville 1820 [leopard seal]
Invalid names: Ogmorhinus Peters 1875 [synonym], Ogmorhinus (Ogmorhinus) Trouessart 1904 [invalid subgroup]
G. Leptonychotes Gill 1872 [Weddell seal]
Invalid names: Leptonyx Gray 1837 [synonym], Peocilophoca Lydekker 1891 [synonym], Poecilophoca Lydekker 1891 [synonym]
G. Lobodon Gray 1844 [crabeater seal]
Lobodon carcinophaga Hombron and Jacquinot 1843 [crabeater seal]
Invalid names: Stenorhynchus serridens Owen 1843 [synonym]
Invalid names: Leptorhynchus Gray 1844 [synonym], Ogmorhinus Turner 1888 [synonym]
Tr. †Lobodontini Gray 1869
G. †Magophoca Dewaele and de Muizon 2024
Magophoca brevirostris Dewaele and de Muizon 2024
G. †Magnotherium Rahmat et al. 2021
Magnotherium johnsii Rahmat et al. 2021
G. Mirounga Gray 1827 [elephant seal]
Mirounga angustirostris Gill 1866 [northern elephant seal]
Mirounga leonina Linnaeus 1758 [southern elephant seal]
Invalid names: Macrorhinus Cuvier 1824 [synonym], Macrorhyna Gray 1827 [synonym], Physorhinus Gloger 1841 [synonym], Rhinophoca Wagler 1830 [synonym]
Tr. Monachini Trouessart 1904
G. †Eomonachus Rule et al. 2020
Eomonachus belegaerensis Rule et al. 2020
G. Monachus Flemming 1822 [monk seal]
Subg. Monachus (Monachus) Trouessart 1898
Subg. †Monachus (Monatherium) Van Beneden 1876
Monachus monachus Hermann 1779 [Mediterranean monk seal]
Invalid names: Monachus albiventer Boddaert 1785 [synonym]
Invalid names: Heliophoca Gray 1854 [synonym], Mammonachus Herrera 1899 [synonym], Pelagios Cuvier 1824 [synonym], Pelagocyon Gloger 1842 [synonym]
G. †Monotherium Van Beneden 1876
Monotherium wymani Leidy 1854
G. Neomonachus Scheel et al. 2014 [Hawaiian monk seal]
Neomonachus schauinslandi Hermann 1779 [Hawaiian monk seal]
Invalid names: Cystophora antillarum Gray 1849 [synonym]
G. †Noriphoca Dewaele et al. 2018
Noriphoca gaudini Guiscardi 1870
G. Ommatophoca Gray 1844 [Ross seal]
G. †Piscophoca Muizon 1981
Piscophoca pacifica Muizon 1981
G. †Pliophoca Tavani 1941
Pliophoca etrusca Tavani 1941
G. †Pontophoca Kretzoi 1941
Invalid names: Pontophoca simionescui Kretzoi 1941 [nomen dubium]
G. †Sarcodectes Rule et al. 2020
Sarcodectes magnus Rule et al. 2020
Invalid names: Miroungini Muizon 1981 [empty]
Subfm. Phocinae Gray 1821 [seal]
G. Cystophora Nilsson 1820 [hooded seal]
Cystophora cristata Erxleben 1779 [hooded seal]
Invalid names: Cystophora borealis Nilsson 1820 [synonym]
Invalid names: Cystophoca Schufeldt 1890 [synonym], Stemmatopis Gloger 1841 [synonym], Stemmatops Van der Hoeven 1855 [synonym], Stemmatopus Cuvier 1824 [synonym]
G. Erignathus Gill 1866 [bearded seal]
Erignathus barbatus Erxleben 1777 [bearded seal]
Invalid names: Phoca nautica Pallas 1811 [synonym]
G. Halichoerus Nilsson 1820 [grey seal]
Subg. Halichoerus (Halichoerus) Trouessart 1898
Halichoerus grypus Fabricius 1791 [grey seal]
G. Histriophoca Gill 1873 [ribbon seal]
Histriophoca alekseevi Koretsky 2001
Histriophoca fasciata Zimmermann 1783 [ribbon seal]
Invalid names: Phoca equestris Pallas 1831 [synonym]
G. †Kawas Cozzuol 2001
Kawas benegasorum Cozzuol 2001
G. †Leptophoca True 1906
Leptophoca proxima Van Beneden 1876
Invalid names: Leptophoca lenis True 1906 [synonym]
G. †Nanophoca Dewaele et al. 2017
Nanophoca vitulinoides Van Beneden 1876
G. †Necromites Bogachev 1940
Necromites nestoris Bogachev 1940
G. Pagophilus Gray 1844 [harp seal]
Pagophilus groenlandica Erxleben 1777 [harp seal]
G. Phoca Linnaeus 1758 [seal]
Subg. Phoca (Phoca) Trouessart 1898
Phoca caspica Nilsson 1837
Phoca hispida Schreber 1775 [ringed seal]
Invalid names: Phoca annellata Nillson 1820 [synonym]
Phoca largha Pallas 1811
Invalid names: Phoca insularis Belkin 1964 [synonym]
Phoca vitulina Linnaeus 1758 [harbor seal]
Invalid names: Halichoerus antarcticus Peale 1848 [synonym]
Invalid names: Arctias Rafinesque 1815 [synonym], Callocephalus Cuvier 1827 [synonym], Caspiopusa Dybowski 1929 [synonym], Halicyon Gray 1864 [synonym], Haliphilus Gray 1866 [synonym], Pagomys Gray 1860 [synonym], Pagophoca Trouessart 1904 [synonym]
Tr. Phocini Gray 1821
Subtr. Phocina Gray 1825
G. †Planopusa Koretsky and Rahmat 2021
Invalid names: Histriophocina Koretsky 2001 [empty], Phocinina Koretsky 2001 [empty]
G. †Praepusa Kretzoi 1941
Praepusa pannonica Kretzoi 1941
Praepusa procaspica Gadzhiev 1961
Praepusa tarchankutica Antoniuk and Koretsky 1984
G. Pusa Scopoli 1777 [Arctic seal]
Pusa caspica Nilsson 1837
Pusa hispida Schreber 1775 [ringed seal]
Pusa hispida saimensis Nordquist 1900
Invalid names: Phoca (Phoca) foetida Fabricius 1776 [synonym]
Pusa sibirica Gmelin 1788
Invalid names: Cystophorini Gray 1866 [empty], Erignathini Chapski 1955 [empty]
G. †Properiptychus Ameghino 1897
Properiptychus argentinus Ameghino 1893
Invalid names: Auroraphoca Dewaele et al. 2018 [nomen dubium], Auroraphoca atlantica Dewaele et al. 2018 [nomen dubium], Batavipusa Koretsky and Peters 2008 [nomen dubium], Batavipusa neerlandica Koretsky and Peters 2008 [nomen dubium], Callophoca Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Callophoca obscura Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Cryptophoca Koretsky and Ray 1994 [nomen dubium], Cryptophoca maeotica Nordmann 1860 [nomen dubium], Cystophorinae Gray 1866 [empty], Frisiphoca Dewaele et al. 2018 [nomen dubium], Frisiphoca aberratum Vanden Broeck 1874 [nomen dubium], Frisiphoca affine Vanden Broeck 1874 [nomen dubium], Gryphoca Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Gryphoca nordica Koretsky et al. 2014 [nomen dubium], Gryphoca similis Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Halichoerina Gray 1871 [empty], Leptophoca amphiatlantica Koretsky et al. 2012 [nomen dubium], Manatus maeoticus Eichwald 1850 [invalid subgroup], Mesotaria Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Mesotaria ambigua Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Miophoca Zapfe 1937 [nomen dubium], Miophoca vetusta Zapfe 1937 [nomen dubium], Monachina Gray 1871 [empty], Monachopsis Kretzoi 1941 [nomen dubium], Monachopsis pontica Eichwald 1850 [nomen dubium], Monotherium delognii Vanden Broeck 1874 [nomen dubium], Ogmorhininae Turner 1888 [empty], Pachyphoca Koretsky and Rahmat 2013 [nomen dubium], Pachyphoca chapskii Koretsky and Rahmat 2013 [nomen dubium], Pachyphoca ukrainica Koretsky and Rahmat 2013 [nomen dubium], Pachyphoca volkodavi Tarasenko 2022 [nomen dubium], Paleophoca nystii Van Beneden 1859 [nomen dubium], Palmidophoca Ginsburg and Janvier 1975 [nomen dubium], Palmidophoca callirhoe Ginsburg and Janvier 1975 [nomen dubium], Phoca ambigua Staring 1860 [invalid subgroup], Phoca bessarabica Simonescu 1925 [nomen dubium], Phoca moori Newton 1890 [nomen dubium], Phoca novorossica Alekseev 1924 [invalid subgroup], Phoca sarmatica Alekseev 1924 [nomen dubium], Phocanella Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Phocanella pumila Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Platyphoca Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Platyphoca danica Koretsky et al. 2014 [nomen dubium], Platyphoca vulgaris Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Pontophoca jutlandica Koretsky et al. 2014 [nomen dubium], Praepusa boeska Koretsky et al. 2015 [nomen dubium], Praepusa magyaricus Koretsky 2003 [nomen dubium], Praepusa vindobonensis Toula 1897 [nomen dubium], Pristiphoca Gervais 1853 [nomen dubium], Pristiphoca occitana Gervais and de Serres 1847 [nomen nudum], Prophoca Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Prophoca rousseaui Van Beneden 1876 [nomen dubium], Sarmatonectes Koretsky 2001 [nomen dubium], Sarmatonectes sintsovi Koretsky 2001 [nomen dubium], Seronectes Hafed et al. 2024 [nomen dubium], Seronectes meherrinensis Hafed et al. 2024 [nomen dubium], Stenorhynchina Gray 1825 [empty], Terranectes Rahmat et al. 2017 [nomen dubium], Terranectes magnus Rahmat et al. 2017 [nomen dubium], Terranectes parvus Rahmat et al. 2017 [nomen dubium], Virginiaphoca Dewaele et al. 2018 [nomen dubium], Virginiaphoca magurai Dewaele et al. 2018 [nomen dubium]
Superfm. Phocoidea Smirnov 1908
Invalid names: Amphibiae Gray 1821 [synonym]
Invalid names: Cystophoridae Gray 1866 [empty], Panotariidae Velez-Juarbe 2017 [empty], Squalodon modesta Leidy 1869 [nomen dubium]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: hydroxyapatiteuc
Ontogeny: modification of partsuc
Environment: marinef
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: amphibiousuc
Diet: carnivoreuc
Reproduction: viviparousuc
Created: 2017-04-17 10:42:45
Modified: 2017-04-17 10:42:45
Source: f = family, c = class, uc = unranked clade
References: Carreño and Cronin 1993, Bush and Bambach 2015, Hendy et al. 2009, Gingerich 2003

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Rupelian to the top of the Holocene or 33.90000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 28.1 Ma

Collections (1250 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Rupelian33.9 - 28.1USA (South Carolina) Phocidae indet. (58985)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03USA (California) Phocidae indet., Otariidae indet., Allodesmus kernensis (58148) Pinnipedia indet. (11601)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03Kazakhstan Pinnipedia indet. (13096)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03France Palaeotaria henriettae (81667)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03USA (South Carolina) Phocidae indet. (58984)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03USA (Washington) Pinnipedia indet. (191171)
Aquitanian23.03 - 20.44USA (Washington) Desmatophoca brachycephala (59066)
Aquitanian23.03 - 20.44Argentina (Chubut) Phocidae indet. (142513)
Aquitanian23.03 - 20.44Italy (Abruzzo) Phoca gaudini (153678)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97USA (California) Pinnipedia indet. (91374)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97Ukraine Phoca sp. (75068)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333France Pristiphoca occitana (148403)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333Netherlands Gryphoca similis (88806) Paleophoca nystii (37599) Phoca sp., Phoca vitulinoides (190171)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333USA (Louisiana) Phocidae indet. (163850)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333USA (South Carolina) Phoca modesta (18506)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333Germany Monotherium sp. (102175)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333France (Maine-et-Loire) Pristiphoca occitana (148407)
Miocene - Pliocene23.03 - 2.588Netherlands Alachtherium sp., Phocanella minor, Trichechus huxleyi (53929)
Miocene - Pliocene23.03 - 2.588Chile Otaria jubata (221010) Pinnipedia indet. (102183)
Miocene - Pliocene23.03 - 2.588South Africa Homiphoca capensis (22220 22228 22229) Phocidae indet. (22224)