Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Galloanserae was named by Sibley and Ahlquist (1990). It is extant.
It was corrected as Galloanseres by Mayr (2009), Worthy et al. (2017) and Worthy and Nguyen (2020).
It was assigned to Pangalloanserae by Field et al. (2020); and to Neognathae by Clarke et al. (2005), Slack et al. (2006), Lindow and Dyke (2006), Livezey and Zusi (2007), Mayr (2009), Worthy et al. (2017) and Worthy and Nguyen (2020).
It was corrected as Galloanseres by Mayr (2009), Worthy et al. (2017) and Worthy and Nguyen (2020).
It was assigned to Pangalloanserae by Field et al. (2020); and to Neognathae by Clarke et al. (2005), Slack et al. (2006), Lindow and Dyke (2006), Livezey and Zusi (2007), Mayr (2009), Worthy et al. (2017) and Worthy and Nguyen (2020).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1990 | Galloanserae Sibley and Ahlquist |
2005 | Galloanserae Clarke et al. p. 307 |
2006 | Galloanserae Lindow and Dyke p. 485 |
2006 | Galloanseres Slack et al. p. 1150 |
2007 | Galloanserae Livezey and Zusi p. 89 |
2009 | Galloanseres Mayr p. 14 figs. Figure 3.1 |
2017 | Galloanseres Worthy et al. |
2020 | Galloanserae Field et al. |
2020 | Galloanseres Worthy and Nguyen p. 72 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. Galloanserae Sibley and Ahlquist 1990
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Superor. Galloanserimorphae
Or. Anseriformes Wagler 1831 [waterfowl]
Fm. †Anachronornithidae Houde et al. 2023
Fm. Anatidae Vigors 1825
Subfm. Anatinae Vigors 1825 [duck]
G. Aix Boie 1828
Tr. Anatini Vigors 1825 [dabbling duck]
G. †Awengkere Worthy and Yates 2018
Tr. Aythyini [pochard]
G. †Bambolinetta Mayr and Pavia 2014
G. Chaulelasmus Bonaparte 1838
G. Chenonetta Brandt 1836
G. †Helonetta Emslie 1992
Tr. Mergini Bonaparte 1838 [seaduck]
G. Nettion Kaup 1829
G. †Presbychen Wetmore 1930
G. Sarkidiornis Eyton 1838
Tr. Tadornini
G. †Wasonaka Howard 1966
Invalid names: Cairinini del Hoyo et al. 2014 [empty], Hymenolaimini del Hoyo et al. 2014 [empty], Tadorini [empty]
Subfm. Anserinae Vigors 1825 [goose]
Tr. Anserini Vigors 1825
G. †Anserobranta Kurochkin and Ganea 1972
Tr. Cereopseini del Hoyo et al. 2014
G. †Chenornis Portis 1884
Subfm. Cygninae [swan]
G. †Eremochen Brodkorb 1961
Tr. Stictonettini del Hoyo et al. 2014
Invalid names: Malacorhynchini del Hoyo et al. 2014 [empty]
G. Biziura Stephens 1824
†Biziura delautouri Forbes 1891 [New Zealand musk duck]
Biziura lobata Shaw 1796 [Musk duck]
Invalid names: Biziura exhumata De Vis 1901 [synonym], Dendrocygna validipinnis DeVis 1888 [synonym]
G. Callonetta Delacour 1936
G. †Chendytes Miller 1925
†Chendytes lawi Miller 1925 [Law's diving-goose]
†Chendytes milleri Howard 1955
G. †Chenoanas Zelenkov 2012
†Chenoanas asiatica Zelenkov et al. 2018
†Chenoanas deserta Zelenkov 2012
†Chenoanas sansaniensis Milne-Edwards 1867
G. Chloephaga Eyton 1838
Chloephaga hybrida Molina 1782 [kelp goose]
Chloephaga picta Gmelin 1789 [upland goose]
Chloephaga poliocephala Sclater 1857 [Ashy-headed goose]
†Chloephaga robusta Tambussi 1998
Chloephaga rubidiceps Sclater 1861 [ruddy-headed goose]
G. †Cnemiornis Latham 1789
†Cnemiornis calcitrans Owen 1865 [South Island goose]
†Cnemiornis gracillis Forbes 1891
†Cnemiornis minor Forbes 1891
†Cnemiornis septentrionalis Oliver 1955
Subfm. †Erismaturinae
G. Erismatura Bonaparte 1832
G. †Pinpanetta Worthy 2009
G. †Tirarinetta Worthy 2008
G. †Euryanas Oliver 1930
Subfm. †Fuligulinae Lydekker
G. †Fuligula Stephens 1824
G. Marila Oken 1817
G. Polysticta Eyton 1836
G. Malacorhynchus Swainson 1831
Malacorhynchus membranaceus Latham 1801 [Pink-eared duck]
†Malacorhynchus scarletti Olson 1977 [Scarlett's duck]
G. Mareca Stephens 1824
Mareca americana Gmelin 1789 [American wigeon]
Mareca penelope Linnaeus 1758 [Eurasian wigeon]
Mareca sibilatrix Poeppig 1829 [Chiloe wigeon]
Mareca strepera Linnaeus 1758 [gadwall]
G. Mergellus Selby 1840
Mergellus albellus Linnaeus 1758 [smew]
†Mergellus mochanovi Zelenkov and Kurochkin 2014
G. Netta Kaup 1829
Netta erythrophthalma zu Wied 1833 [southern pochard]
Netta peposaca Vieillot 1816 [Rosy-billed pochard]
Netta rufina Pallas 1773 [red-crested pochard]
G. Nettapus Brandt 1836
†Nettapus anatoides Depéret 1890
Nettapus auritus Boddaert 1783 [African pygmy-goose]
Nettapus coromandelianus Gmelin 1789 [Cotton pygmy-goose]
Nettapus pulchellus Gould 1842 [Green pygmy-goose]
G. Olar
G. Oressochen Bannister 1870
†Oressochen debilis Ameghino 1891
Oressochen melanopterus Eyton 1838 [Andean goose]
Invalid names: Neochen Oberholser 1918 [replaced]
G. Oxyura Bonaparte 1828
Oxyura australis Gould 1836 [Blue-billed duck]
†Oxyura bessomi Howard 1963
Oxyura ferruginea Eyton 1838 [Andean duck]
†Oxyura hulberti Emslie 1992
Oxyura leucocephala Scopoli 1769 [White-headed duck]
Oxyura maccoa Eyton 1838 [Maccoa duck]
Oxyura vittata Philippi 1860 [Lake duck]
†Oxyura zapatanima Alvarez 1977
Subfm. Oxyurinae [stiff-tailed duck]
G. †Dendrochen Miller 1944
G. †Dunstanetta Worthy et al. 2007
G. †Manuherikia Worthy et al. 2007
G. †Mionetta Livezey and Martin 1988
G. †Paracygnopterus Harrison and Walker 1979
G. †Protomelanitta Zelenkov 2011
†Protomelanitta bakeri Stidham and Zelenkov 2016
†Protomelanitta gracilis Zelenkov 2011
G. Spatula Boie 1822
Spatula clypeata Linnaeus 1758 [northern shoveler]
Spatula cyanoptera Viellot 1816 [cinnamon teal]
Spatula discors Linnaeus 1766 [blue-winged teal]
Spatula platalea Vieillot 1816 [red shoveler]
Spatula querquedula Linnaeus 1758 [garganey]
Spatula rhynchotis Latham 1801 [Australian shoveler]
Subfm. Tadorninae Reichenbach 1849
G. †Brantadorna Howard 1963
G. †Miotadorna Worthy et al. 2007
G. †Nannonetta Campbell 1979
G. Tadorna Boie 1822 [shelduck]
Invalid names: Casarca Bonaparte 1838 [synonym], Todarna Reichenbach 1852 [synonym]
G. †Thambetochen Olson and Wetmore 1976
†Thambetochen chauliodous Olson and Wetmore 1976
†Thambetochen xanion Olson and James 1991
Invalid names: Cereopsinae [empty], Dendrocheninae Livezey and Martin 1988 [empty], Merganettinae Bonaparte 1853 [empty], Romainvillinae Lambrecht 1933 [empty], Stictonettinae Boetticher 1950 [empty], Thalassorninae Livezey 1986 [empty]
Subor. Anhimae Wetmore and Miller 1926
Fm. Anhimidae Stejneger 1885
G. Anhima Brisson 1760 [horned screamer]
G. Chauna Illiger 1811 [crested screamer]
G. †Chaunoides Alvarenga 1999
Subor. Anseres Linnaeus 1758
Fm. †Paranyrocidae Miller and Compton 1939
G. †Cygnopterus Lambrecht 1931
G. †Paranyroca Miller and Compton 1939
G. †Ptenornis Seeley 1866
Invalid names: Anatoidea Leach 1820 [empty], Anseranatoidea Sclater 1880 [empty], Presbyornithoidea Wetmore 1926 [empty]
G. †Brontornis Moreno and Mercerat 1891
†Brontornis burmeisteri Moreno and Mercerat 1891
Invalid names: Brontornis platyonyx Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Liornis floweri Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Rostrornis floweri Moreno and Mercerat 1891 [synonym]
Invalid names: Rostrornis Moreno and Mercerat 1891 [synonym]
G. †Palaeopapia Harrison and Walker 1979
†Palaeopapia eous Harrison and Walker 1976
Invalid names: Howardia Harrison and Walker 1976 [replaced]
Fm. †Presbyornithidae Wetmore 1926
G. †Presbyornis Wetmore 1926
†Presbyornis isoni Olson 1994
†Presbyornis mongoliensis Kurochkin and Dyke 2010
†Presbyornis pervetus Wetmore 1926
†Presbyornis recurvirostrus Hardy 1959
Invalid names: Coltonia Hardy 1959 [synonym]
G. †Wilaru Boles et al. 2013
†Wilaru prideauxi De Pietri et al. 2016
†Wilaru tedfordi Boles et al. 2013
Unr. †Vegaviidae Agnolín et al. 2017
Invalid names: Romainvillidae Zelenkov 2024 [empty], Telmabatidae Howard 1955 [empty]
Or. †Diatrymiformes Matthew and Granger 1917
Fm. †Diatrymidae Shufeldt 1913
G. †Diatryma Cope 1876
†Diatryma ajax Shufeldt 1913
†Diatryma gigantea Cope 1876
Invalid names: Diatryma steini Matthew and Granger 1917 [synonym], Omorhamphus storchii Sinclair 1928 [synonym]
†Diatryma sarasini Schaub 1929
Invalid names: Omorhamphus Sinclair 1928 [synonym]
Or. †Dromornithiformes Fürbringer 1888
Fm. †Dromornithidae Fürbringer 1888
G. †Bullockornis Rich 1979
G. †Dromornis Owen 1872
†Dromornis australis Owen 1872
†Dromornis murrayi Worthy et al. 2016
†Dromornis planei Rich 1979
†Dromornis stirtoni Rich 1979
Invalid names: Dromaius australis Woods 1866 [nomen nudum]
Invalid names: Anserimorphae [invalid subgroup]
Or. †Gastornithiformes Stejneger 1885
Subor. †Gastornithes Cope 1889
Fm. †Gastornithidae Furbringer 1888
G. †Gastornis Hébert 1855
†Gastornis edwardsi Lemoine 1878
†Gastornis giganteus Cope 1876
†Gastornis laurenti Mourer-Chauviré and Bourdon 2020
†Gastornis minor Lemoine 1878
†Gastornis parisiensis Hébert 1855
Invalid names: Gastornis edwardsii Lemoine 1878 [synonym], Gastornis klaasseni Newton 1885 [synonym]
†Gastornis russelli Martin 1992
Invalid names: Dromornithes Fürbringer 1888 [empty]
Fm. †Sylviornithidae Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005
Invalid names: Vegaviiformes Worthy et al. 2017 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: o = order, uc = unranked clade | |||||
References: Marsh 1875, Livezey 1997 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Maastrichtian to the top of the Holocene or 72.10000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 70.6 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 70.6 Ma
Collections (707 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Late/Upper Campanian | Canada (British Colombia) | Maaqwi cascadensis (191629) | |
Late/Upper Campanian | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Presbyornithidae indet. (65344) | |
Maastrichtian | Antarctica | Polarornis gregorii (131860) | |
Maastrichtian | Mongolia | Teviornis gobiensis (84444) | |
Maastrichtian - Paleocene | New Zealand (Canterbury) | Aves indet. (189281) | |
Lancian | USA (Wyoming) | Presbyornithidae indet. sp. 4, Presbyornithidae indet. sp. 3, Presbyornithidae indet. sp. 2 (14519) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | USA (Wyoming) | Neornithes indet. sp. 2 (14585) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | Antarctica | Aves indet. (13106) Presbyornithidae indet. (45325) Vegavis iaai, Polarornis gregorii (233507) Vegavis sp. (204405) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | Chile (Concepcíon) | Neogaeornis wetzeli (13309) | |
Late/Upper Maastrichtian | USA (New Jersey) | Telmatornis rex (87903) | |
Danian | Antarctica (Seymour Island) | Conflicto antarcticus (8019) | |
Tiffanian | USA (North Dakota) | Presbyornis isoni (15000) | |
Selandian | Germany (Saxony-Anhalt) | Gastornis sp. (74643) | |
Selandian | Belgium | Gastornis sp. (68431) | |
Selandian - Thanetian | New Zealand | Australornis lovei (68822) | |
Selandian - Thanetian | New Zealand (South Island) | Phaethontiformes indet. (175680) | |
Thanetian | France (Champagne-Ardenne) | Gastornis edwardsii (87925) Gastornis parisiensis, Gastornis minor, Gastornis russelli (68428) Gastornis sp. (180791) | |
Late/Upper Paleocene | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Naranbulagornis khun (199895 199896) Presbyornithidae indet., Presbyornis mongoliensis (37008) | |
Late/Upper Paleocene | Kazakhstan (Chimkent) | Zhylgaia aestiflua (48888) | |
Late/Upper Paleocene | France (Oise) | Gastornis sp. (166598) |