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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1938Zygopleuroidea Wenz
1998Zygopleuroidea Nützel
2003Zygopleuroidea Squires and Saul pp. 42 - 43
2016Zygopleuroidea Nützel and Ketwetsuriya p. 508

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassCaenogastropoda(Cox 1959)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Superfm. †Zygopleuroidea Wenz 1938
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G. †Plicacerithium Gerasimov 1992
Fm. †Pommerozygiidae Gründel 1999
G. †Costazygia Gründel 1999
Fm. †Protorculidae Bandel 1991
G. †Acanthostrophia Conti and Fischer 1984
Acanthostrophia acanthica Conti and Fischer 1984
G. †Anulifera Zapfe 1962
Anulifera chubutensis Ferrari 2013
G. †Atorcula Nutzel 1998
Atorcula canalifera Münster 1841
Invalid names: Turritella conica Klipstein 1843 [synonym], Turritella nuda Klipstein 1843 [synonym]
G. †Battenizyga Nützel and Erwin 2002
Battenizyga eotriassica Batten and Stokes 1986
G. †Chulitnacula Frýda and Blodgett 2001
Chulitnacula alaskana Smith 1927
G. †Lamellox Nützel 2007
Lamellox kittli Nützel 2007
Invalid names: Turritella fasciata Kittl 1892 [replaced]
G. †Moerkeia Böhm 1895
Moerkeia pasinii Stoppani 1858
Moerkeia praefecta Kittl 1894
G. †Prodiozoptyxis Batten 1985
Prodiozoptyxis permiana Batten 1985
G. †Protorcula Kittl 1894
Protorcula bassetti Smith 1927
Protorcula bosniaca Kittl 1903
Protorcula frydai Nützel et al. 2003
Protorcula iranica Nützel et al. 2012
Protorcula larica Kittl 1899
Protorcula matthioli Stoppani 1858
Protorcula parvula Krumbeck 1913
Protorcula permiana Nützel and Nakazawa 2012
Protorcula pusilla Stoppani 1858
Protorcula quadricostata Gründel 2007
Protorcula subpunctata Münster 1841
Invalid names: Terebratula bucklandii Klipstein 1843 [synonym], Turritella gaytani Klipstein 1843 [synonym], Turritella hehlii Klipstein 1843 [synonym], Turritella marginenodosa Münster 1841 [synonym], Turritella nodulosa Braun 1841 [synonym]
Protorcula unicarinata Kittl 1899
Protorcula wichmanni Krumbeck 1924
Fm. †Pseudozygopleuridae Knight 1930
G. †Bandelzyga Mazaev 2019
Bandelzyga elegans Mazaev 2019
G. †Cyclozyga Knight 1930
Cyclozyga attenuata Hoare and Sturgeon 1978
Cyclozyga carinata Knight 1930
Cyclozyga micra Beus 1978
Cyclozyga mirabilis Knight 1930
Cyclozyga neotenica Elias 1958
G. †Eoptychia Longstaff 1933
Eoptychia abbreviata de Koninck 1881
Eoptychia intermittens Hoare 1961
Eoptychia sulcata de Koninck 1881
G. †Gamizyga Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Subg. †Gamizyga (Gamizyga) Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Gamizyga corpulentissima Knight 1930
Gamizyga expansa Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Gamizyga girtyi Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Gamizyga morningstarae Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Gamizyga nitida Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
G. †Helminthozyga Knight 1930
Helminthozyga costellata Hoare and Sturgeon 1978
Helminthozyga undulata Hoare and Sturgeon 1978
Helminthozyga vermiculus Knight 1930
G. †Hemizyga Girty 1915
Subg. †Hemizyga (Hemizyga) Girty 1915
Hemizyga (Hemizyga) clathratula Young and Armstrong 1874
Hemizyga attenuata Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Hemizyga dubia Girty 1915
Hemizyga elegans Girty 1915
Hemizyga grandicostata Girty 1915
Hemizyga illineata Knight 1930
Hemizyga inflata Knight 1930
Hemizyga larga Kues and Batten 2001
G. †Hyphantozyga Knight 1930
Hyphantozyga fenestrata Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Hyphantozyga filicosta Hoare 1961
Hyphantozyga fusiforma Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Hyphantozyga gracilis Knight 1930
Hyphantozyga grandis Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Hyphantozyga granifera de Koninck 1876
Hyphantozyga khaophrikensis Ketwetsuriya et al. 2020
Hyphantozyga knighti Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Hyphantozyga noinskyi Mazaev 2015
Hyphantozyga perattenuata Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Hyphantozyga pulchra Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Hyphantozyga textilis Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
G. †Levizygopleura Bandel 2002
Levizygopleura charma Pan and Erwin 2002
Levizygopleura composita Mazaev 2019
Levizygopleura elegans Mazaev 2015
Levizygopleura inornata Knight 1930
Levizygopleura magna Mazaev 2019
Levizygopleura trochus Knight 1930
Levizygopleura williamsi Knight 1930
G. †Microptychis Longstaff 1912
Microptychis cerithiformis Meek and Worthen 1860
Microptychis constricta Sowerby 1821
Microptychis expetendus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Microptychis insolita Kues 2002
Microptychis occabus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Microptychis permiana Batten 1985
Microptychis pygmaea Longstaff 1933
Microptychis turbineus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Microptychis wrighti Longstaff 1912
G. †Plocezyga Knight 1930
Gamizyga (Plocezyga) percostata subrotunda Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Subg. †Plocezyga (Plocezyga) Knight 1930
Plocezyga (Plocezyga) varica Pan and Erwin 2002
Plocezyga (Plocezyga) yunnanensis Pan and Erwin 2002
Plocezyga acuminata Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga boikoi Mazaev 2019
Plocezyga conica Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga convexa Mazaev 2019
Plocezyga cordiformis Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga corona Knight 1930
Plocezyga costata Mark 1912
Plocezyga delicata Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga excellens Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga gruendeli Kaim 2004
Plocezyga indica Reed 1944
Plocezyga intermedia Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga lineata Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga lirata Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga markae Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga minuta Mazaev 2019
Plocezyga obscura Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga ornata Mark 1912
Plocezyga ornatissima Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga percostata Knight 1930
Plocezyga perminuta Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga regularia Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga salomonense Gemmellaro 1889
Plocezyga subnodosa Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga subquadrata Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga tenuilirata Knight 1930
Plocezyga turbinata Hoare and Sturgeon 1980
Plocezyga venusta Mazaev 2019
G. †Pseudoplocezyga Licharev 1975
Pseudoplocezyga propria Licharev 1975
G. †Pseudozygopleura Knight 1930
Subg. †Pseudozygopleura (Hemizygoides) Licharev 1975
Pseudozygopleura angustata Hoare and Sturgeon 1985
Pseudozygopleura baltea Hoare and Sturgeon 1985
Pseudozygopleura cirritus Hoare and Sturgeon 1985
Pseudozygopleura condrai Knight 1930
Pseudozygopleura contractus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Pseudozygopleura deloi Knight 1930
Pseudozygopleura eximia Hoare and Sturgeon 1985
Pseudozygopleura funis Knight 1930
Pseudozygopleura girtyi Knight 1930
Pseudozygopleura gradatus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Pseudozygopleura irrugata Hoare and Sturgeon 1985
Pseudozygopleura knighti Yochelson 1962
Pseudozygopleura lanceolatus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Pseudozygopleura lefebvrei Léveillé 1835
Pseudozygopleura limus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Pseudozygopleura macra Knight 1930
Pseudozygopleura micra Pan and Erwin 2002
Pseudozygopleura moorei Knight 1930
Pseudozygopleura mucronatus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Pseudozygopleura multicostata Meek and Worthen 1862
Pseudozygopleura palus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Pseudozygopleura pandus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Invalid names: Pseudozygopleura (Pseudozygopleura) dunbari Knight 1930 [synonym]
Pseudozygopleura pugonis Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Pseudozygopleura pulchra Knight 1930
Pseudozygopleura pupa Knight 1930
Pseudozygopleura rectus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Pseudozygopleura restis Knight 1930
Pseudozygopleura scitula Meek and Worthen 1860
Invalid names: Loxonema rugosa Meek and Worthen 1860 [synonym], Pseudozygopleura (Pseudozygopleura) affinis Girty 1915 [synonym]
Pseudozygopleura scruposus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Pseudozygopleura smithiana Longstaff 1933
Pseudozygopleura subulatus Hoare and Sturgeon 1981
Pseudozygopleura variegata Hoare and Sturgeon 1985
Invalid names: Pseudozygopleura plebium Herrick 1887 [nomen nudum], Pyrgozyga Knight 1930 [synonym]
G. †Stephanozyga Knight 1930
Stephanozyga crassa Wanner 1922
Stephanozyga granda Kues and Batten 2001
Stephanozyga ignorata Trautschold 1867
Stephanozyga lisaspira Kues and Batten 2001
Stephanozyga magna Wang 1987
Stephanozyga nodosa Girty 1915
Stephanozyga ornamentaria Netchaev 1894
Stephanozyga seminuda Mazaev 2019
Stephanozyga subnodosa Knight 1930
Invalid names: Nodozyga Horný 1955 [synonym]
Invalid names: Cyclozygidae Likharev 1970 [synonym], Eoptychiidae Golikov and Starobogatov 1987 [synonym], Stephanozygidae Golikov and Starobogatov 1987 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available