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Euarchonta is an unranked clade. It is extant.

It was synonymized subjectively with Archonta by Asher and Helgen (2010).

It was assigned to Placentalia by Waddell et al. (1999); to Supraprimates by Waddell et al. (2001); to Eutheria by Madsen et al. (2001); and to Euarchontoglires by Wible et al. (2007) and Silcox et al. (2010).

Sister taxa
Primatomorpha, Sundatheria (syn. Paraprimates)

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1999Euarchonta Waddell et al. p. cover
2001Euarchonta Madsen et al. p. 610
2001Euarchonta Waddell et al. p. 148
2007Euarchonta Wible et al.
2010Euarchonta Silcox et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
EuarchontogliresMurphy et al. 2001

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

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Or. Primates Linnaeus 1758 [primate]
G. †Berruvius Russell 1964
Berruvius lasseroni Russell 1964
G. †Ceciliolemur Weigelt 1933
G. †Chasselasia Schwartz and Tattersall 1982
Chasselasia eldredgei Schwartz and Tattersall 1982
Subor. Cheiromyoidea Wortman 1903
Invalid names: Cheiromyidae Gray 1821 [empty]
Unr. Euprimateformes Bloch et al. 2007
Unr. Euprimates Hoffstetter 1978
G. †Altanius Dashzeveg and McKenna 1977
Altanius orlovi Dashzeveg and McKenna 1977
G. †Altiatlasius Sigé et al. 1990
Altiatlasius koulchii Sigé et al. 1990
Superfm. †Plesiadapoidea
Fm. †Carpolestidae Simpson 1935
Subfm. †Carpolestinae Russell 1964
G. †Chronolestes Beard and Wang 1995
G. †Parvocristes Thewissen et al. 2001
Invalid names: Chronolestinae Beard and Wang 1995 [empty]
Fm. †Picrodontidae Simpson 1937
G. †Draconodus Tomida 1982
G. †Picrodus Douglass 1908
Invalid names: Megopterna Douglass 1908 [synonym]
G. †Russellodon Sigé and Marandat 1997
G. †Zanycteris Matthew 1917
Fm. †Plesiadapidae Trouessart 1897
Subfm. †Asioplesiadapinae Fu et al. 2002
G. †Chiromyoides Stehlin 1916
G. †Jattadectes Thewissen et al. 2001
G. †Megachiromyoides Weigelt 1933
G. †Nannodectes Gingerich 1975
G. †Platychoerops Charlesworth 1855
Invalid names: Miolophus Owen 1865 [objective synonym]
G. †Plesiadapis Gervais 1877
Invalid names: Menatotherium Piton 1940 [synonym], Nothodectes Matthew 1915 [synonym]
G. †Pronothodectes Gidley 1923
G. †Trogolemur Matthew 1909
Invalid names: Platychoeropidae Lydekker 1887 [synonym]
Fm. †Saxonellidae Russell 1964
G. †Saxonella Russell 1964
Infraor. Haplorhini Pocock 1918 [monkey]
Unr. Anthropoidea Mivart 1864
Fm. †Afrotarsiidae Ginsburg and Mein 1987
G. †Afrasia Chaimanee et al. 2012
G. †Afrotarsius Simons and Bown 1985
G. †Amamria Marivaux et al. 2014
Amamria tunisiensis Marivaux et al. 2014
Fm. †Amphipithecidae Godinot 1994
G. †Bugtipithecus Marivaux et al. 2005
G. †Ganlea Beard et al. 2009
G. †Krabia Chaimanee et al. 2013
G. †Myanmarpithecus Takai et al. 2001
G. †Pondaungia Pilgrim 1927
Invalid names: Amphipithecus Colbert 1937 [synonym]
Subfm. †Siamopithecinae Beard et al. 2009
Superfm. Arctopithecini Huxley 1872
Fm. Hapalidae Wagner 1840
G. †Aseanpithecus Jaeger et al. 2019
Aseanpithecus myanmarensis Jaeger et al. 2019
Infraor. Catarrhini Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1812
Superfm. Cercopithecoidea Gray 1821
Superfm. †Dendropithecoidea Harrison 2012
Superfm. Hominoidea Gray 1825 [ape]
G. †Kalepithecus Harrison 1989
G. †Kamoyapithecus Leakey et al. 1995
G. †Kogolepithecus Pickford et al. 2003
G. †Pliobates Alba et al. 2015
Superfm. †Pliopithecoidea Zapfe 1961
Fm. †Propliopithecidae Straus 1961
Superfm. †Saadanioidea Zalmout et al. 2010
Invalid names: Eucatarrhini Delson 1977 [empty], Kansupithecus Bohlin 1946 [nomen nudum], Krishnapithecus Ginsburg and Mein 1980 [nomen dubium], Krishnapithecus krishnaii Chopra and Kaul 1979 [nomen dubium], Nyanzapithecinae Harrison 2002 [empty], Propliopithecoidea Simons 1965 [empty]
Fm. †Eosimiidae Beard et al. 1994
G. †Ashaninkacebus Marivaux et al. 2023
G. †Bahinia Jaeger et al. 1999
G. †Eosimias Beard et al. 1994
G. †Phenacopithecus Beard and Wang 2004
G. †Phileosimias Marivaux et al. 2005
G. †Sungulusimias Metais et al. 2023
Superfm. Neopithecini Wortman 1903
Fm. Simiidae Bonaparte 1850
Fm. †Oligopithecidae Simons 1989
G. †Catopithecus Simons 1989
G. †Talahpithecus Jaeger et al. 2010
Infraor. †Parapithecoidea Schlosser 1911
G. †Arsinoea Simons 1992
Fm. †Parapithecidae Schlosser 1911
G. †Perupithecus Bond et al. 2015
Perupithecus ucayaliensis Bond et al. 2015
Infraor. Platyrrhini Geoffroy 1812 [monkey]
Fm. Atelidae Gray 1825
Superfm. Ateloidea Gray 1825
G. †Carlocebus Fleagle 1990
Fm. †Cebidae Savage 1951
G. †Chilecebus Flynn et al. 1995
Fm. †Homunculidae Ameghino 1901
G. †Parvimico Kay et al. 2019
Fm. Pitheciidae Mivart 1865
Invalid names: Xenotrichidae Hershkovitz 1970 [empty]
Fm. †Proteopithecidae Simons 1997
G. †Proteopithecus Simons 1989
G. †Serapia Simons 1992
Invalid names: Paleopithecini Wortman 1903 [empty], Simiiformes Hofstetter 1977 [synonym]
Infraor. Tarsiiformes Gregory 1915 [tarsier]
Fm. †Archicebidae Ni et al. 2013
G. †Archicebus Ni et al. 2013
G. †Donrussellia Szalay 1976
Donrussellia gallica Russell et al. 1967
Donrussellia lusitanica Estravís 2000
Donrussellia provincialis Godinot 1978
Superfm. †Omomyoidea
Fm. †Omomyidae Gazin 1958
Fm. Tarsiidae Gray 1825
G. Carlito Groves and Shekelle 2010
G. Cephalopachus Swainson 1835
G. †Hesperotarsius Zijlstra et al. 2013
G. †Oligotarsius Ni et al. 2016
G. Tarsius Storr 1780 [tarsier]
Invalid names: Macrotarsus Link 1795 [objective synonym]
G. †Xanthorhysis Beard 1998
Invalid names: Omomyiformes [empty]
G. †Megatarsius Weigelt 1933
Fm. †Micromomyidae Szalay 1974
G. †Chalicomomys Beard and Houde 1989
Chalicomomys antelucanus Beard and Houde 1989
G. †Dryomomys Bloch et al. 2007
Dryomomys dulcifer Chester and Beard 2012
Dryomomys millennius Secord 2008
Dryomomys szalayi Bloch et al. 2007
Dryomomys willwoodensis Rose and Bown 1982
G. †Foxomomys Chester and Bloch 2013
Foxomomys fremdi Fox 1984
Foxomomys gunnelli Secord 2008
Foxomomys vossae Krause 1978
G. †Micromomys Szalay 1973
Micromomys silvercouleei Szalay 1973
G. †Tinimomys Szalay 1974
Tinimomys graybulliensis Szalay 1974
Invalid names: Myrmekomomys loomisi Robinson 1994 [synonym]
Tinimomys tribos Chester and Beard 2012
Invalid names: Myrmekomomys Robinson 1994 [synonym]
Invalid names: Micromomyinae Szalay 1974 [empty]
Fm. †Microsyopidae Osborn and Wortman 1892
Subfm. †Microsyopinae Osborn and Wortman 1892
G. †Arctodontomys Gunnell 1985
Arctodontomys nuptus Cope 1882
Arctodontomys wilsoni Szalay 1969
G. †Craseops Stock 1934
Craseops sylvestris Stock 1934
G. †Megadelphus Gunnell 1989
Megadelphus lundeliusi White 1952
G. †Microsyops Leidy 1872
Microsyops angustidens Matthew 1915
Invalid names: Cynodontomys alfi McKenna 1960 [synonym]
Microsyops annectens Marsh 1872
Invalid names: Microsyops schlosseri Wortman 1903 [synonym]
Microsyops cardiorestes Gunnell 1989
Microsyops elegans Marsh 1871
Invalid names: Bathrodon typus Marsh 1872 [synonym], Mesacodon speciosus Marsh 1872 [synonym], Microsyops gracilis Leidy 1872 [synonym], Palaeacodon verus Leidy 1872 [synonym]
Microsyops knightensis Gazin 1952
Microsyops kratos Stock 1938
Microsyops latidens Cope 1882
Invalid names: Notharctus cingulatus Loomis 1906 [synonym], Notharctus palmidens Loomis 1906 [synonym]
Microsyops scottianus Cope 1881
Invalid names: Bathrodon Marsh 1872 [synonym], Cynodontomys Cope 1882 [synonym], Mesacodon Marsh 1872 [synonym], Palaeacodon Leidy 1872 [synonym]
G. †Nanomomys Rose et al. 2012
Nanomomys thermophilus Rose et al. 2012
G. †Navajovius Matthew and Granger 1921
Navajovius kohlhaasae Matthew and Granger 1921
Subfm. †Uintasoricinae Szalay 1969
G. †Choctawius Beard and Dawson 2009
Choctawius foxi Beard and Dawson 2009
Choctawius mckennai Szalay 1969
G. †Niptomomys McKenna 1960
Niptomomys doreenae McKenna 1960
Niptomomys favorum Strait 2001
Niptomomys thelmae Gunnell and Gingerich 1981
G. †Uintasorex Matthew 1909
Uintasorex montezumicus Lillegraven 1976
Uintasorex parvulus Matthew 1909
Invalid names: Navajoviinae Gunnell 1989 [invalid subgroup]
G. †Microtarsioides Weigelt 1933
G. †Nosmips Seiffert et al. 2010
Nosmips aenigmaticus Seiffert et al. 2010
Fm. †Paromomyidae Simpson 1940
G. †Acidomomys Bloch et al. 2002
Acidomomys hebeticus Bloch et al. 2002
G. †Arcius Godinot 1984
Arcius fuscus Russell et al. 1967
Arcius hookeri López-Torres and Silcox 2018
Arcius lapparenti Russell et al. 1967
Arcius rougieri Godinot 1984
Arcius zbyszewskii Estravís 2000
G. †Dianomomys Tong and Wang 2006
Dianomomys ambiguus Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Edworthia Fox et al. 2010
Edworthia greggi Scott et al. 2023
Edworthia lerbekmoi Fox et al. 2010
G. †Ignacius Matthew and Granger 1921
Ignacius clarkforkensis Bloch et al. 2007
Ignacius dawsonae Miller et al. 2023
Ignacius fremontensis Gazin 1971
Ignacius frugivorus Matthew and Granger 1921
Ignacius glenbowensis Scott et al. 2023
Ignacius graybullianus Bown and Rose 1976
Ignacius mckennai Miller et al. 2023
Subfm. †Phenacolemurinae Simpson 1955
Tr. †Phenacolemurini Simpson 1955
G. †Dillerlemur Robinson and Ivy 1994
G. †Phenacolemur Matthew 1915
G. †Pulverflumen Robinson and Ivy 1994
Tr. †Simpsonlemurini Robinson and Ivy 1994
G. †Elwynella Rose and Bown 1982
G. †Simpsonlemur Robinson and Ivy 1994
Invalid names: Palaechthonini Szalay 1969 [empty], Paromomyinae [objective synonym], Paromomyini Simpson 1940 [empty], Phenacolemur leonardi Storer 1990 [nomen dubium], Purgatoriinae Van Valen and Sloan 1965 [empty]
Subor. †Plesiadapiformes Simons and Tattersall 1972
Superfm. †Microsyopoidea
Fm. †Palaechthonidae Szalay 1969
G. †Anasazia Van Valen 1994
Subfm. †Palaechthoninae Gunnell 1989
Subfm. †Plesiolestinae Gunnell 1989
Fm. †Picromomyidae Rose and Bown 1996
G. †Alveojunctus Bown 1982
G. †Picromomys Rose and Bown 1996
Fm. †Toliapinidae Hooker et al. 1999
G. †Avenius Russell et al. 1992
G. †Sarnacius Hooker et al. 1999
G. †Toliapina Hooker et al. 1999
Invalid names: Plesiadapis orsmaelensis Teilhard de Chardin 1927 [nomen dubium]
G. †Palaechthon Gidley 1923
Palaechthon alticuspis Gidley 1923
Palaechthon torrejonius Kay and Cartmill 1977
Palaechthon woodi Gazin 1971
Invalid names: Talpohenach Kay and Cartmill 1977 [synonym]
G. †Pandemonium Van Valen 1994
Pandemonium dis Van Valen 1994
Pandemonium hibernalis Fox et al. 2014
Fm. †Purgatoriidae Gunnell 1989
G. †Purgatorius Van Valen and Sloan 1965
Purgatorius coracis Fox and Scott 2011
Purgatorius janisae Van Valen 1994
Purgatorius mckeeveri Wilson Mantilla et al. 2021
Purgatorius pinecreeensis Scott et al. 2016
Purgatorius titusi Buckley 1997
Purgatorius unio Van Valen and Sloan 1965
Invalid names: Purgatorius ceratops Van Valen and Sloan 1965 [nomen dubium]
G. †Ursolestes Fox et al. 2015
Ursolestes perpetior Fox et al. 2015
Invalid names: Paromomyoidea Simpson 1940 [empty]
G. †Rooneyia Wilson 1966
Rooneyia viejaensis Wilson 1966
Subor. Strepsirrhini Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1812
Infraor. †Adapiformes Hoffstetter 1977
Fm. †Adapidae Trouessart 1879
Subtr. †Adapina Trouessart 1879
Subfm. †Adapinae Trouessart 1879
G. †Pelycodus Cope 1875
G. †Sivaladapis Gingerich and Sahni 1979
Invalid names: Arisella Crusafont Pairó 1967 [nomen dubium], Arisella capellae Crusafont Pairó 1967 [nomen dubium]
Superfm. Adapoidea Trouessart 1879
Fm. †Notharctidae Trouessart 1879
Subfm. †Caenopithecinae Szalay and Delson 1979
G. †Afradapis Seiffert et al. 2009
G. †Aframonius Simons et al. 1995
G. †Caenopithecus Rütimeyer 1862
G. †Darwinius Franzen et al. 2009
G. †Masradapis Seiffert et al. 2017
G. †Namadapis Godinot et al. 2018
Fm. †Ekgmowechashalidae Szalay 1976
Subfm. †Bugtilemurinae Rust et al. 2023
G. †Ekgmowechashala Macdonald 1963
G. †Gatanthropus Ni et al. 2016
G. †Palaeohodites Rust et al. 2023
G. †Lushius Chow 1961
Lushius qinlinensis Chow 1961
G. †Mahgarita Wilson and Szalay 1976
Mahgarita stevensi Wilson and Szalay 1976
Invalid names: Margarita Wilson and Szalay 1976 [replaced]
G. †Mescalerolemur Kirk and Williams 2011
Mescalerolemur horneri Kirk and Williams 2011
G. †Omanodon Gheerbrant et al. 1993
Omanodon minor Gheerbrant et al. 1993
Subfm. †Pronycticebinae Godinot 1998
G. †Pronycticebus Grandidier 1904
Fm. †Sivaladapidae Thomas and Verma 1979
Subfm. †Anthradapinae Chavasseau et al. 2019
Subfm. †Hoanghoniinae Gingerich et al. 1994
G. †Kyitchaungia Beard et al. 2007
G. †Laomaki Ni et al. 2016
G. †Paukkaungia Beard et al. 2007
G. †Siamoadapis Chaimanee et al. 2008
Subfm. †Sivaladapinae Thomas and Verma 1979
G. †Yunnanadapis Ni et al. 2016
G. †Sulaimanius Gunnell et al. 2012
Sulaimanius arifi Gunnell et al. 2008
Invalid names: Sulaimania Gunnell et al. 2008 [replaced]
Invalid names: Sivaladapinae Thomas and Verma 1979 [empty]
Fm. †Azibiidae Gingerich 1976
G. †Algeripithecus Godinot and Mahboubi 1992
Algeripithecus minutus Godinot and Mahboubi 1992
G. †Azibius Sudre 1975
Azibius trerki Sudre 1975
Invalid names: Dralestes hammadaensis Tabuce et al. 2004 [synonym], Tabelia hammadae Godinot and Mahboubi 1994 [synonym]
Invalid names: Dralestes Tabuce et al. 2004 [synonym], Tabelia Godinot and Mahboubi 1994 [synonym]
Fm. †Djebelemuridae Hartenberger and Marandat 1992
G. †Djebelemur Hartenberger and Marandat 1992
Djebelemur martinezi Hartenberger and Marandat 1992
G. †Karanisia Seiffert et al. 2003
Karanisia arenula Jaeger et al. 2010
Karanisia clarki Seiffert et al. 2003
Infraor. Lemuriformes Gregory 1915 [lemur]
Unr. Chiromyiformes Anthony and Coupin 1931
Fm. Daubentoniidae Gray 1863
G. †Plesiopithecus Simons 1992
G. †Propotto Simpson 1967
Superfm. Lemuroidea Mivart 1864
Fm. †Archaeolemuridae Grandidier 1905 [monkey lemur]
Fm. Cheirogaleidae Gray 1873
Fm. Indriidae Burnett 1828
Fm. Lemuridae Gray 1821
Fm. Lepilemuridae Gray 1870
Fm. Megaladapidae Forsyth Major 1894
Fm. †Palaeopropithecidae Tattersall 1973
Invalid names: Indridae Burnett 1828 [empty], Megalapidae [empty], Nesopithecidae Major 1896 [empty]
Invalid names: Cheirogaleoidea Gray 1872 [empty], Indrioidea [empty]
Infraor. Lorisiformes Gregory 1915
Superfm. †Lorisoidea
Fm. Galagidae Mivart 1864 [galago]
Fm. Lorisidae Gray 1821 [loris]
Invalid names: Ceciliolemuridae Weigelt 1933 [invalid subgroup], Ceciliolemuroidea Weigelt 1933 [invalid subgroup], Lemures Hubrecht [empty], Pithecus Geoffroy and Cuvier 1795 [nomen nudum], Plesitarsiiformes Gingerich 1974 [empty], Pliopithecus posthumus Schlosser 1924 [nomen dubium], Prosimiae Milne Edwards [empty], Prosimii Illiger 1811 [empty], Simia Linnaeus 1758 [nomen nudum], Simia (Cercopithecus) sinicus pileatus Kerr 1792 [nomen dubium], Simia apedia Linnaeus 1758 [nomen dubium], Simiolemuriformes [empty], Tarsii [empty], Tupaioidea Dobson 1882 [empty]
Unr. Primatomorpha Beard 1991
Or. Dermoptera Illinger 1811 [colugo]
G. †Dermotherium Ducrocq et al. 1992
Dermotherium chimaera Marivaux et al. 2006
Dermotherium major Ducrocq et al. 1992
G. †Elpidophorus Simpson 1927
Elpidophorus elegans Simpson 1927
Invalid names: Elpidophorus patratus Simpson 1936 [synonym]
Elpidophorus minor Simpson 1937
Subor. Eudermoptera Beard 1993 [true dermopteran]
Infraor. Colugodontiformes Beard 1993 [colugo]
Fm. Galeopithecidae Gray 1821
Invalid names: Colugidae Miller 1906 [synonym], Cynocephalidae Simpson 1945 [synonym], Galeopteridae Thomas 1908 [synonym], Pleuropteridae Burnett 1829 [synonym], Pterocebineae Lesson 1840 [synonym]
Invalid names: Paromomyiformes Szalay 1973 [empty]
G. †Plagiomene Matthew 1918
Plagiomene accola Rose 1981
Plagiomene multicuspis Matthew 1918
Plagiomene zalmouti Secord 2008
G. †Planetetherium Simpson 1928
Planetetherium mirabile Simpson 1928
G. †Worlandia Bown and Rose 1979
Worlandia inusitata Bown and Rose 1979
Invalid names: Galeopithecia Jaekel 1911 [synonym], Galeopithecoidea Gray 1821 [empty], Ptenopleura Van der Hoeven 1858 [synonym], Pterophorae Gray 1821 [synonym]
Fm. †Plagiomenidae Matthew 1918
G. †Ellesmene Dawson et al. 1993
Ellesmene eureka Dawson et al. 1993
Subfm. †Thylacaelurinae Van Valen 1967
G. †Thylacaelurus Russell 1954
Thylacaelurus campester Storer 1984
Thylacaelurus montanus Russell 1954
Invalid names: Plagiomeninae Matthew 1918 [empty]
Or. Scandentia Wagner 1855 [treeshrew]
G. Ptilocercus Gray 1848 [Pen-tailed tree shrew]
Ptilocercus kylin Li and Ni 2016
Fm. Tupaiidae Gray 1825 [tree shrew]
G. Anathana Lyon 1913
Anathana ellioti Waterhouse 1850
G. Dendrogale Gray 1848
Dendrogale melanura Thomas 1892
Dendrogale murina Schlegel and Mueller 1843
G. †Eodendrogale Tong 1988
Eodendrogale parvum Tong 1988
Subfm. Tupaiinae Gray 1825
G. †Palaeotupaia Chopra and Vasishat 1979
G. †Prodendrogale Qiu 1986
G. Tupaia Raffles 1821
Invalid names: Cladobates Cuvier 1824 [synonym], Glipora Jentink 1888 [synonym], Glirisorex Scudder 1882 [synonym], Glisorex Desmarest 1822 [synonym], Glisosorex Giebel 1855 [synonym], Hylogale Temminck 1827 [synonym], Hylogalea Muller and Schlegel 1843 [synonym], Lyonogale Conisbee 1913 [synonym], Sorexglis Cuvier and Saint-Hilaire 1821 [synonym], Tana Lyon 1913 [synonym], Urogale Mearns 1905 [synonym]
Invalid names: Cladobatina Bonaparte 1838 [synonym], Glisoricina Pomel 1848 [synonym]
Invalid names: Adapisoriculinae Van Valen 1967 [empty], Ptilocercinae Lyon 1913 [empty]
Invalid names: Ptilocercidae Lyon 1913 [empty]
Invalid names: Paraprimates [synonym]
No diagnoses are available