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Sudamericungulata was named by Avilla and Mothé (2021).
It was assigned to Paenungulata by Avilla and Mothé (2021).
It was assigned to Paenungulata by Avilla and Mothé (2021).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2021 | Sudamericungulata Avilla and Mothé |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. †Sudamericungulata Avilla and Mothé 2021
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Or. †Astrapotheria Lydekker 1894
Fm. †Astrapotheriidae Ameghino 1887
G. †Astrapodon Ameghino 1891
G. †Astraponotus Ameghino 1901
†Astraponotus assymmetrus Ameghino 1901
†Astraponotus dicksoni Roth 1904
†Astraponotus dilatatus Roth 1904
†Astraponotus holdichi Roth 1904
†Astraponotus thompsoni Roth 1904
Invalid names: Megalophodon Roth 1903 [synonym], Notamynus Roth 1903 [synonym]
G. †Astrapothericulus Ameghino 1902
†Astrapothericulus emarginatus Ameghino 1904
Invalid names: Astrapothericulus peninsulatus Ameghino 1904 [synonym]
†Astrapothericulus iheringi Ameghino 1899
Invalid names: Astrapothericulus hebetatus Ameghino 1891 [synonym]
G. †Astrapotherium Burmeister 1879
†Astrapotherium christi Stehlin 1928
†Astrapotherium guillei Kramarz et al. 2019
†Astrapotherium magnum Owen 1853
Invalid names: Astrapodon carinatus Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Astrapotherium angustidens Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Astrapotherium burmeisteri Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Astrapotherium columnatum Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Astrapotherium gaudryi Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Astrapotherium karaikense Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Astrapotherium marshi Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Astrapotherium nanum Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Astrapotherium patagonicum Burmeister 1879 [synonym], Listriotherium filholi Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Xylotherium mirabile Mercerat 1891 [synonym]
†Astrapotherium ruderarium Ameghino 1902
Invalid names: Astrapothericulus laevisculus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Astrapothericulus minusculus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Astrapotherium triangulidens Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Parastrapotherium paucum Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Prochalicotherium patagonicum Ameghino 1902 [synonym]
Invalid names: Astrapotherium hespernium Cabrera 1940 [nomen vanum], Listriotherium Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Mesembriotherium Moreno 1882 [synonym], Xylotherium Mercerat 1891 [synonym]
G. †Parastrapotherium Ameghino 1895
†Parastrapotherium crassum Ameghino 1902
†Parastrapotherium ephebicum Ameghino 1889
†Parastrapotherium herculeum Ameghino 1899
†Parastrapotherium holmbergi Ameghino 1894
Invalid names: Helicolophodon giganteus Roth 1904 [synonym], Loxocoelus obturtus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Parastrapotherium lemoinei Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Parastrapotherium trouessarti Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Traspoatherium convexidens Ameghino 1894 [synonym]
†Parastrapotherium martiale Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Parastrapotherium insuperabile Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Parastrapotherium superabile Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
†Parastrapotherium symmetrum Ameghino 1902
†Parastrapotherium variabile Ameghino 1901
†Parastrapotherium voghti Mercerat 1891
Invalid names: Helicolophodon Roth 1903 [synonym], Loxocoelus [synonym], Traspoatherium [synonym]
G. †Tonorhinus Ameghino 1904
Subfm. †Uruguaytheriinae Kraglievich 1928
G. †Hilarcotherium Vallejo-Pareja et al. 2015
†Hilarcotherium castanedaii Vallejo-Pareja et al. 2015
†Hilarcotherium miyou Carrillo et al. 2018
G. †Xenastrapotherium Kraglievich 1928
†Xenastrapotherium aequatorialis Johnson and Madden 1997
†Xenastrapotherium amazonense Paula Couto 1976
†Xenastrapotherium chaparralensis Johnson and Madden 1997
†Xenastrapotherium christi Stehlin 1928
†Xenastrapotherium kraglievichi Cabrera 1929
Invalid names: Synastrapotherium Paula Couto 1976 [synonym]
Invalid names: Astrapotheriinae Soria and Alvarenga 1989 [empty]
Fm. †Eoastrapostylopidae Soria and Powell 1981
Fm. †Trigonostylopidae Ameghino 1901
G. †Albertogaudrya Ameghino 1901
†Albertogaudrya carahuasensis Carbajal et al. 1977
†Albertogaudrya robusta Roth 1904
†Albertogaudrya unica Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Albertogaudrya oxygona Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Albertogaudrya regia Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Albertogaudrya separata Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Albertogaudrya tersa Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Scabellia cyclogona Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Scabellia laticincta Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
Invalid names: Scabellia Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Albertogaudryia
G. †Trigonostylops Ameghino 1897
†Trigonostylops wortmani Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Trigonostylops columnifer Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Trigonostylops coryphodontoides Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Trigonostylops eximius Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Trigonostylops germinalis Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Trigonostylops hemicyclus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Trigonostylops insumptus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Trigonostylops integer Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Trigonostylops minimus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Trigonostylops scabellum Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Trigonostylops secundarius Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Trigonostylops subtrigonus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Trigonostylops trigonus Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
Invalid names: Chiodon Berg 1899 [synonym], Staurodon Roth 1899 [synonym], Trigonostylops gegenbauri Roth 1899 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Hedralophus Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Hedralophus bicostatus Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Seudenius Simpson 1935 [nomen dubium], Seudenius cteronc Simpson 1935 [nomen dubium], Shecenia Simpson 1935 [nomen dubium], Shecenia ctirneru Simpson 1935 [nomen dubium], Staurodon supernus Roth 1899 [nomen dubium], Trigonostylops duplex Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Astrapotheroidea Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Blastoconus Roth 1903 [nomen dubium], Blastoconus robertsoni Roth 1904 [nomen dubium], Grypolophodon Roth 1903 [nomen vanum], Grypolophodon morenoi Roth 1904 [nomen vanum], Grypolophodon tuberculosis Roth 1904 [nomen vanum], Notorhinus Roth 1903 [nomen vanum], Notorhinus haroldi Roth 1904 [nomen vanum]
Or. †Notoungulata Roth 1903 [notoungulate]
G. †Acoelodus Ameghino 1897
†Acoelodus debilitatus Ameghino 1901
†Acoelodus oppositus Ameghino 1897
†Acoelodus proclivus Ameghino 1902
†Acoelodus terminalis Ameghino 1902
Fm. †Archaeopithecidae Ameghino 1897
G. †Acropithecus Ameghino 1904
G. †Archaeopithecus Ameghino 1897
†Archaeopithecus rogeri Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Acropithecus tersus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Adpithecus plenus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Archaeopithecus alternans Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Archaeopithecus rigidus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Notopithecus fossulatus Ameghino 1897 [synonym]
Subor. †Entelonychia
Fm. †Homalodontotheridae Ameghino 1889
G. †Diorotherium Ameghino 1891
†Diorotherium colhuehuapense Ameghino 1902
†Diorotherium egregium Ameghino 1891
G. †Homalodontotherium Huxley 1870
†Homalodontotherium crassum Ameghino 1894
†Homalodontotherium cumninghami Flower 1874
†Homalodontotherium excursum Ameghino 1894
†Homalodontotherium segoviae Ameghino 1891
G. †Prochalicotherium Ameghino 1902
G. †Eudiastatus Ameghino 1891
G. †Eurystephanodon Roth 1903
Subor. †Hegetotheria Simpson 1945
G. †Eohegetotherium Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Eohegetotherium priscum Ameghino 1901 [nomen vanum]
Fm. †Henricosborniidae Ameghino 1901
G. †Henricosbornia Ameghino 1901
†Henricosbornia ampla Ameghino 1904
†Henricosbornia lophodonta Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Hemistylops paucicuspidatus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Hemistylops trigonostyloides Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Henricosbornia alouatina Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Henricosbornia subconica Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Henricosbornia waitehor Simpson 1935 [synonym], Microstylops clarus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Microstylops monoconus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Pantostylops completus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Pantostylops incompletus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Pantostylops typus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Peripantostylops orehor Simpson 1935 [synonym], Polystylops progrediens Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Prohyracotherium matutinum Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Prohyracotherium patagonicum Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Selenoconus centralis Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Selenoconus senex Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Selenoconus spiculatus Ameghino 1902 [synonym]
†Henricosbornia minuta Roth 1904
Invalid names: Hemistylops Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Microstylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Monolophodon Roth 1903 [synonym], Pantostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Polystylops Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Prohyracotherium Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Selenoconus Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Othnielmarshia Ameghino 1901
†Othnielmarshia curvicrista Ameghino 1901
†Othnielmarshia lacunifera Ameghino 1901
†Othnielmarshia reflexa Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Postpithecus Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Peripantostylops Ameghino 1904
G. †Simpsonotus Pascual et al. 1978
†Simpsonotus major Pascual et al. 1978
†Simpsonotus praecursor Pascual et al. 1978
Invalid names: Pantostylopidae Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Selenoconidae Ameghino 1902 [synonym]
Unr. †Notopithecidae Ameghino 1897
G. †Antepithecus Ameghino 1901
†Antepithecus brachystephanus Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Adpithecus reduncus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Antepithecus interrasus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Gonopithecus trigonodontoides Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Infrapithecus cinctus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Pseudadiantus imperfectus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Pseudadiantus secans Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
Invalid names: Infrapithecus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Patriarchippus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Pseudadiantus Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Guilielmoscottia Ameghino 1901
†Guilielmoscottia plicifera Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Notopithecus amplidens Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Notopithecus Ameghino 1897
†Notopithecus adapinus Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Adpithecus secans Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Adpithecus subtenuis Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Antepithecus gradatus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Epipithecus confluens Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Infrapithecus diversus Ameghino 1902 [synonym]
Invalid names: Adpithecus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Epipithecus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Gonopithecus Ameghino 1904 [synonym]
G. †Transpithecus Ameghino 1901
†Transpithecus obtentus Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Acoelodus connectus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Patriarchippus annectens Ameghino 1904 [synonym]
Fm. †Notostylopidae Ameghino 1897
G. †Homalostylops Ameghino 1901
†Homalostylops parvus Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Acrostylops pungiunculus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Entelostylops incolumis Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Homalostylops rigeo Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
Invalid names: Acrostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Notostylops Ameghino 1897
†Notostylops appressus Ameghino 1902
†Notostylops murinus Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Anastylops vallatus Ameghino 1897 [synonym], Dimerostephanos chicoensis Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Entelostylops completus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Entelostylops tripartitus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Isostylops fretus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Notostylops ampullaceus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Notostylops aspectans Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Notostylops brachycephalus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Notostylops chicoensis Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Notostylops complexus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Notostylops escaridus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Notostylops irregularis Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Notostylops promurinus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Pliostylops magnificus Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
†Notostylops pendens Ameghino 1901
†Notostylops pigafettai Simpson 1948
Invalid names: Anastylops Ameghino 1897 [synonym], Catastylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Catastylops deflexus Ameghino 1904 [nomen vanum], Entelostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Entelostylops cestillus Ameghino 1901 [nomen vanum], Eostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Eostylops diversidens Ameghino 1901 [nomen vanum], Isostylops Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Notostylops bicinctus Ameghino 1897 [nomen vanum], Pliostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
Invalid names: Homalostylops interlissus Ameghino 1901 [nomen vanum]
Fm. †Oldfieldthomasiidae Simpson 1945
G. †Camargomendesia Paulo Couto 1978
G. †Colbertia Paula Couto 1952
†Colbertia falui Fernández et al. 2021
†Colbertia lumbrerense Bond 1981
†Colbertia magellanica Price and Paula Couto 1950
G. †Dolichostylodon García López and Powell 2009
†Dolichostylodon saltensis García López and Powell 2009
G. †Itaboraitherium Paula Couto 1970
†Itaboraitherium atavum Couto 1954
Invalid names: Homalostylops atavus Paula Couto 1954 [objective synonym]
G. †Maxschlosseria Ameghino 1901
†Maxschlosseria praeterita Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Maxschlosseria consumata Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Maxschlosseria expansa Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Maxschlosseria minima Ameghino 1897 [objective synonym], Maxschlosseria minuta Ameghino 1901 [objective synonym], Maxschlosseria rusticula Ameghino 1901 [objective synonym], Maxschlosseria septa Ameghino 1901 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Paracoelodus Ameghino 1904 [synonym]
G. †Oldfieldthomasia Ameghino 1901
†Oldfieldthomasia anfractuosa Ameghino 1901
†Oldfieldthomasia debilitata Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Antepithecus innexus Ameghino 1904 [objective synonym], Oldfieldthomasia cingulata Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Oldfieldthomasia conifera Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Oldfieldthomasia cuneata Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Oldfieldthomasia furcata Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Oldfieldthomasia plicata Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Oldfieldthomasia transversa Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
†Oldfieldthomasia parvidens Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Oldfieldthomasia pulchella Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Paginula Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Acoelodidae Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
Subor. †Toxodontia Ameghino 1887
Unr. †Eutoxodontia Martínez et al. 2020
G. †Argyrohippus Ameghino 1902
†Argyrohippus fraterculus Ameghino 1902
Invalid names: Argyrohippus boulei Ameghino 1902 [synonym]
†Argyrohippus praecox Patterson 1935
G. †Eomorphippus Ameghino 1901
†Eomorphippus bondi Wyss et al. 2018
†Eomorphippus neilopdykei Wyss et al. 2018
†Eomorphippus obscurus Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Eurystomus stehlini Roth 1902 [synonym], Lonkus rugei Roth 1902 [synonym], Pseudostylops subquadratus Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
Invalid names: Eurystomus Roth 1902 [synonym], Pleurystomus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Pseudostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Eurygenium Ameghino 1894
†Eurygenium latirostris Ameghino 1894
†Eurygenium normalis Ameghino 1897
†Eurygenium pacegnum Shockey 1997
Invalid names: Eurygeniops Ameghino 1897 [objective synonym]
Fm. †Leontiniidae Ameghino 1894
G. †Anayatherium Shockey 2005
G. †Ancylocoelus Ameghino 1895
G. †Colpodon Burmeister 1885
G. †Coquenia Deraco et al. 2008
G. †Elmerriggsia Shockey et al. 2012
G. †Gualta Cerdeño and Vera 2015
G. †Henricofilholia Ameghino 1901
G. †Huilatherium Villarroel and Guerrero Diaz 1985
Invalid names: Laventatherium Colwel 1965 [replaced]
G. †Leontinia Ameghino 1895
G. †Martinmiguelia Bond and López 1995
G. †Purperia Paula Couto 1982
G. †Pyralophodon Ameghino 1904
G. †Rodiotherium
G. †Scaphops
G. †Scarrittia Simpson 1934
G. †Stenogenium
G. †Taubatherium Soria and Alvarenga 1989
G. †Termastherium Wyss et al. 2018
G. †Morphippus Ameghino 1897
†Morphippus complicatus Ameghino 1897
†Morphippus fraternus Ameghino 1901
†Morphippus hypselodus Ameghino 1897
†Morphippus imbricatus Ameghino 1897
†Morphippus quadrilobus Ameghino 1901
G. †Patagonhippus López et al. 2010
†Patagonhippus canterensis López et al. 2010
†Patagonhippus dukei López et al. 2010
Fm. †Toxodontidae Scott 1873
G. †Alitoxodon Rovereto 1914
G. †Charruatoxodon Ferrero et al. 2022
G. †Dilobodon Ameghino 1882
Subfm. †Dinotoxodontinae Madden 1997
G. †Hemixotodon Cabrera and Kraglievich 1931
G. †Hyperoxotodon Mercerat 1895
G. †Mixotoxodon Van Frank 1957
G. †Nesodonopsis Roth 1898
Subfm. †Nesodontinae Murray 1866
G. †Ocnerotherium Pascual 1954
G. †Oriadubitherium
G. †Palaeotoxodon Ameghino 1904
G. †Palyeidodon Roth 1898
G. †Paratrigodon Cabrera and Kraglievich 1931
G. †Pisanodon Zetti 1972
G. †Posnanskytherium Liendo Lazarte 1943
G. †Proadinotherium Ameghino 1894
G. †Prototrigodon Kraglievich 1930
G. †Stenotephanos Ameghino 1886
G. †Toxodon Owen 1837
Subfm. †Toxodontinae Owen 1837
G. †Xotodon Ameghino 1887
Invalid names: Morphippus corrugatus Ameghino 1899 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Haplodontheriidae Ameghino 1907
G. †Haplodontherium Ameghino 1885
†Haplodontherium wildei Ameghino 1885
Invalid names: Haplodontherium limun Ameghino 1886 [synonym], Toxodon paranensis D'Orbigny 1842 [synonym], Toxodontherium compressum Ameghino 1883 [synonym], Toxodontherium listai Cozzuol 2006 [synonym], Toxodontherium reverendum Ameghino 1889 [synonym]
Invalid names: Pachynodon Burmeister 1891 [synonym]
G. †Mesotoxodon Paula Couto 1982
G. †Stereotoxodon Ameghino 1904
†Stereotoxodon ameghinoi Kraglievich 1930
†Stereotoxodon feruglioi Kraglievich 1930
†Stereotoxodon patagonicus Kraglievich 1930
†Stereotoxodon superbus Kraglievich 1930
†Stereotoxodon teheulche Ameghino 1904
G. †Toxodontherium Ameghino 1883
†Toxodontherium minus Lydekker 1894
†Toxodontherium triangulatum Rusconi 1944
Fm. †Homalodotheriidae Gregory 1910
G. †Asmodeus Ameghino 1894
†Asmodeus osborni Ameghino 1894
†Asmodeus petrasnerus Seoane and Cerdeño 2014
†Asmodeus scotti Ameghino 1894
G. †Asmodus
Subfm. †Chasicotheriinae Cabrera and Kraglievich 1931
G. †Chasicotherium Cabrera and Kraglievich 1931
G. †Homalodotherium Huxley 1870
†Homalodotherium canepai Bordas 1941
†Homalodotherium crassum Ameghino 1894
†Homalodotherium cunninghami Flower 1884
†Homalodotherium excursum Ameghino 1894
†Homalodotherium segoviae Ameghino 1891
G. †Trigonolophodon Roth 1903
†Trigonolophodon elegans Roth 1904
†Trigonolophodon inflatus Roth 1904
Fm. †Isotemnidae Ameghino 1897
G. †Acoelohyrax Ameghino 1902
†Acoelohyrax complicatissimus Ameghino 1904
†Acoelohyrax coronatus Ameghino 1902
†Acoelohyrax sigma Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Plexotemnus Ameghino 1904 [synonym]
G. †Anisotemnus Ameghino 1902
†Anisotemnus distentus Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Isotemnus lophiodontoides Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
Invalid names: Toxotemnus Ameghino 1904 [synonym]
G. †Calodontotherium Roth 1903
G. †Coelostylodon Simpson 1970
†Coelostylodon caroloameghinoi Simpson 1970
†Coelostylodon florentinoameghinoi Simpson 1970
G. †Distylophorus Ameghino 1902
†Distylophorus alouatinus Roth 1902
Invalid names: Stylophorus Roth 1902 [replaced]
G. †Isotemnus Ameghino 1897
†Isotemnus ctalego Simpson 1935
†Isotemnus haugi Roth 1902
†Isotemnus latidens Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Eochalicotherium crassidens Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Eochalicotherium robustum Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Isotemnus apicatus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Isotemnus cuspidatus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Isotemnus enecatus Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
†Isotemnus primitivus Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Amphitemnus nucleatus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Amphitemnus transitorius Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Eochalicotherium cretaceum Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Isotemnus conspiquus Ameghino 1897 [synonym], Trimerostephanos angustus Ameghino 1897 [synonym]
Invalid names: Amphitemnus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Dimerostephanos Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Eochalicotherium Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Isotemnus colhuehuapiensis Ameghino 1902 [nomen vanum], Lelfunia Roth 1902 [synonym], Prostylops Ameghino 1897 [synonym], Prostylops typus Ameghino 1897 [nomen dubium]
G. †Pampatemnus Vucetich and Bond 1982
†Pampatemnus deuteros Vucetich and Bond 1982
†Pampatemnus infernalis Vucetich and Bond 1982
G. †Pelurocoelodon
G. †Pleurocoelodon Ameghino 1894
†Pleurocoelodon cingulatus Ameghino 1894
†Pleurocoelodon wingei Ameghino 1894
G. †Pleurostylodon Ameghino 1897
†Pleurostylodon complanatus Ameghino 1902
Invalid names: Pleurostylodon irregularis Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Pleurostylodon neglectus Ameghino 1904 [synonym]
†Pleurostylodon crassiramis Ameghino 1902
†Pleurostylodon modicus Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Anchistrum sulcosum Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Dialophus simus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Dimerostephanos attritus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Parastylops coelodus Ameghino 1897 [synonym], Paratemnus geminatus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Pleurostylodon divisus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Pleurostylodon limpidus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Pleurostylodon obscurus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Pleurostylodon plexus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Pleurostylodon sinuosus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Trimerostephanos biconus Ameghino 1897 [synonym], Tychostylops marculus Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
†Pleurostylodon recticrista Ameghino 1904
†Pleurostylodon similis Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Coelostylops crassus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Tychostylops simus Ameghino 1904 [synonym]
Invalid names: Anchistrum Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Coelostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Dialophus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Parastylops Ameghino 1897 [synonym], Paratemnus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Pleurostylodon bifidus Ameghino 1904 [nomen dubium], Pleurostylodon notabilis Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Porotemnus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Tychostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Rhyphodon Roth 1899
†Rhyphodon angusticephalus Roth 1904
†Rhyphodon lankesteri Roth 1899
Invalid names: Lemudeus proportionalis Roth 1904 [synonym], Pehuenia insigna Roth 1904 [synonym], Pehuenia wehrlii Roth 1902 [synonym], Setebos terribilis Roth 1902 [synonym]
Invalid names: Pehuenia Roth 1902 [synonym], Setebos Roth 1902 [synonym]
G. †Thomashuxleya Ameghino 1901
†Thomashuxleya rostrata Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Thomashuxleya robusta Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Trimerostephanos Ameghino 1895
†Trimerostephanos coalitus Ameghino 1901
†Trimerostephanos coarctatus Ameghino 1901
†Trimerostephanos scabrus Ameghino 1894
†Trimerostephanos scalaris Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Colhuapia Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Colhuapia rosei Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Colhuelia Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Eurystephanodon crassatus Roth 1903 [nomen dubium], Interhippus deflexus Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Lafkenia Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Lafkenia schmidti Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Lafkenia sulcifera Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Pehuenia magna Roth 1904 [nomen dubium], Thomashuxleya principialis Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Trigonolophodon modicus Roth 1904 [nomen dubium]
G. †Nesotherium Mercerat 1891
G. †Noaditherium Ameghino 1907
G. †Periphragnis Roth 1899
†Periphragnis circunflexus Ameghino 1901
†Periphragnis exauctus Ameghino 1902
†Periphragnis harmeri Roth 1899
Invalid names: Asmodeus armatus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Calodontotherium varietatum Roth 1904 [synonym], Eurystephanodon cattanii Roth 1904 [synonym], Lemudeus angustidens Roth 1904 [synonym], Tehuelia regia Roth 1902 [synonym], Thomashuxleya rankei Roth 1902 [synonym]
†Periphragnis vicentei Bradham et al. 2015
Invalid names: Coelodontotherium Roth 1903 [synonym], Lemudeus Roth 1903 [synonym], Proasmodeus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Tehuelia Roth 1902 [synonym]
Fm. †Xotodontidae Ameghino 1889
Invalid names: Atryptheridae Ameghino 1889 [empty], Lithops praevius Ameghino 1887 [nomen dubium], Notohippidae Ameghino 1894 [invalid subgroup], Pachyrucidae Lydekker 1894 [empty], Protoxodontidae Ameghino 1889 [empty], Rhadinotherium limitatum Mercerat 1891 [nomen dubium], Tembotheridae Moreno 1882 [empty]
Subor. †Typotheria Zittel 1892
Fm. †Campanorcidae Bond et al. 1984
G. †Griphotherion García López and Powell 2011
†Griphotherion peiranoi García López and Powell 2011
Unr. †Hegetotheriidae Ameghino 1894
Unr. †Hegetotheriinae Ameghino 1894
G. †Hegetotherium Ameghino 1887
Unr. †Hemihegetotheriomorpha Seoane et al. 2023
G. †Sallatherium Reguero and Cerdeño 2005
G. †Tegehotherium Ameghino 1904
Invalid names: Hemihegetotherium trilobus Croft and Anaya 2006 [nomen dubium]
Unr. †Pachyrukhinae Kraglievich 1934
G. †Medistylus Stirton 1952
Unr. †Pachyrukhini Seoane et al. 2023
G. †Propachyrucos Ameghino 1897
G. †Prosotherium Ameghino 1897
G. †Paedsotherium Burmeister 1888
G. †Pseudohegetotherium Cabrera and Kraglievich 1931
G. †Selatherium Ameghino 1894
Invalid names: Propachyrucos aequilatus Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Propachyrucos crassus Ameghino 1897 [nomen dubium], Propachyrucos robustus Roth 1898 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Hemihegetotheriidae Rusconi 1933
Fm. †Interatheriidae Ameghino 1887
G. †Argyrohyrax Ameghino 1897
†Argyrohyrax acuticostatus Ameghino 1901
†Argyrohyrax concentricus Ameghino 1901
†Argyrohyrax nesodontoides Ameghino 1901
†Argyrohyrax proavus Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Argyrohyrax proavunculus Ameghino 1897 [synonym], Notohyrax conicus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Plagiarthrus cliva Ameghino 1894 [synonym]
Invalid names: Notohyrax Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Plagiarthrus Ameghino 1896 [synonym]
G. †Cochilius Ameghino 1902
†Cochilius brevirostrus Bordas 1939
Invalid names: Paracochilius chubutensis Bordas 1939 [objective synonym], Protypotherium minor Bordas 1939 [objective synonym]
†Cochilius fumensis Simpson 1932
†Cochilius minor Bordas 1939
†Cochilius volvens Ameghino 1902
Invalid names: Paracochilius Bordas 1939 [objective synonym]
G. †Fiandraia Roselli 1976
Subfm. †Interatheriinae Simpson 1945
G. †Boleatherium Vera et al. 2021
G. †Brucemacfaddenia Hitz et al. 2008
G. †Federicoanaya Hitz et al. 2008
G. †Juchuysillu Croft and Anaya 2020
G. †Munizia Kraglievich 1931
G. †Proargyrohyrax Hitz et al. 2000
G. †Santiagorothia Hitz et al. 2000
G. †Interatherium Ameghino 1887
†Interatherium excavatum Ameghino 1889
†Interatherium extensum Ameghino 1889
†Interatherium extensus Fernández et al. 2023
Invalid names: Icochilus crassiramis Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Icochilus extensus Ameghino 1889 [objective synonym], Icochilus hegetotheroides Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Icochilus lamellosus Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Icochilus robustus Ameghino 1891 [objective synonym], Icochilus senilis Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Icochilus trilineatus Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Icochilus truncus Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Interatherium dentatum Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Interatherium interruptum Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Interatherium robustum Ameghino 1891 [synonym]
†Interatherium rodens Moreno 1882
Invalid names: Icochilus anomalus Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Icochilus excavatus Ameghino 1889 [objective synonym], Icochilus multidentatus Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Icochilus rotundatus Ameghino 1889 [objective synonym], Interatherium anguliferum Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Interatherium supernum Ameghino 1882 [objective synonym], Tembotherium holmbergii Moreno 1882 [synonym]
Invalid names: Icochilus Ameghino 1889 [objective synonym], Interatherium brevifrons Ameghino 1894 [nomen dubium], Tembotherium Moreno 1882 [synonym]
G. †Miocochilius Stirton 1953
†Miocochilius anomopodus Stirton 1953
†Miocochilius federicoi Croft 2007
G. †Plagiarthus
G. †Progaleopithecus Ameghino 1904
†Progaleopithecus fissurellatus Ameghino 1904
†Progaleopithecus tournoueri Ameghino 1904
G. †Protypotherium Ameghino 1882
†Protypotherium antiquum Ameghino 1882
†Protypotherium australe Moreno 1882
Invalid names: Epipatriarchus bifidens Ameghino 1904 [objective synonym], Patriarchus altus Ameghino 1891 [objective synonym], Patriarchus furculosus Ameghino 1891 [objective synonym], Protypotherium distortum Ameghino 1891 [objective synonym], Protypotherium martini Lane 1927 [objective synonym], Protypotherium palmidens Ameghino 1889 [objective synonym]
†Protypotherium claudum Ameghino 1889
†Protypotherium colloncurensis Vera et al. 2017
Invalid names: Protypotherium concepcionensis Solórzano et al. 2019 [objective synonym]
†Protypotherium columnifer Fernández et al. 2021
Invalid names: Cochilius columnifer Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Protypotherium sinclairi Kramarz et al. 2015 [objective synonym]
†Protypotherium compressidens Ameghino 1891
†Protypotherium diastematum Ameghino 1891
†Protypotherium distinctum Cabrera and Kraglievich 1931
†Protypotherium furculosus Ameghino 1891
†Protypotherium icochiloides Ameghino 1894
†Protypotherium leptocephalus Ameghino 1891
†Protypotherium minutum Cabrera and Kraglievich 1931
†Protypotherium obstructum Rovereto 1914
†Protypotherium praerutilum Ameghino 1887
Invalid names: Eudiastatus lingulatus Ameghino 1891 [objective synonym], Icochilus endiadys Roth 1898 [objective synonym], Patriarchus diastematus Ameghino 1891 [objective synonym], Patriarchus icochiloides Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym], Patriarchus leptocephalus Ameghino 1891 [objective synonym], Patriarchus rectus Ameghino 1891 [objective synonym], Protypotherium attenuatum Ameghino 1887 [objective synonym], Protypotherium convexidens Ameghino 1891 [objective synonym], Protypotherium diversidens Ameghino 1891 [objective synonym], Protypotherium globosum Ameghino 1891 [objective synonym], Protypotherium lineare Ameghino 1894 [objective synonym]
†Protypotherium rectus Ameghino 1891
Invalid names: Epipatriarchus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Toxodontophanus Moreno 1882 [synonym]
Fm. †Mesotheriidae Alston 1876
Subfm. †Mesotheriinae Alston 1876
G. †Acrotypotherium Rusconi 1936
Tr. †Bolivarini Armella and Deforel 2023
G. †Bravardia Cattoi 1941
G. †Caraguatypotherium Flynn et al. 2005
G. †Hypsitherium Anaya and MacFadden 1995
Tr. †Pampaini Armella and Deforel 2023
G. †Plesiotypotherium Villarroel 1974
G. †Typothericulus Kraglievich 1930
G. †Typotheridion Cabrera 1939
G. †Typotheriodon Cabrera 1939
G. †Trachytherus Ameghino 1889
†Trachytherus alloxus Billet et al. 2008
†Trachytherus ramirezi Shockey et al. 2016
†Trachytherus spegazzinianus Ameghino 1889
Invalid names: Ameghinotherium curuzucuatiense Podestá 1899 [synonym], Anatrachytherus soriai Reguero and Castro 2004 [synonym], Coresodon cancellatus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Eutrachytherus grandis Loomis 1914 [objective synonym], Proedium solitarium Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Trachytherus conturbatus Ameghino 1891 [synonym]
†Trachytherus subandinus Villarroel A. et al. 1994
Invalid names: Ameghinotherium Podestá 1899 [synonym], Anatrachytherus Reguero and Castro 2004 [synonym], Eutrachytherus Ameghino 1897 [objective synonym], Isoproedrium Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Proedium Ameghino 1895 [synonym]
Invalid names: Trachytheriinae Ameghino 1889 [empty]
Fm. †Protypotheriidae
G. †Archaeophylus Ameghino 1897
†Archaeophylus patrius Ameghino 1897
†Archaeophylus yunnanensis Luo et al. 1982
G. †Phanophilus Ameghino 1904
Fm. †Typotheriidae
G. †Entelomorphus Ameghino 1889
G. †Trachytypotherium Ameghino 1904
†Trachytypotherium disparile Ameghino 1904
†Trachytypotherium internum Ameghino 1891
†Trachytypotherium lehmannnitschei Roth 1902
†Trachytypotherium sp Ameghino 1904
†Trachytypotherium superans Ameghino 1904
G. †Xenotherium Ameghino 1904
Superfm. †Typotherioidea Reguero and Castro 2004
Fm. †Archaeohyracidae Ameghino 1897
G. †Archaeohyrax Ameghino 1897
G. †Archaeotypotherium Roth 1903
G. †Bryanpattersonia Simpson 1967
G. †Eohyrax Ameghino 1901
G. †Isolophodon Roth 1903
G. †Pascualhyrax Ferro et al. 2023
G. †Protarchaeohyrax Reguero et al. 2003
G. †Pseudhyrax Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Degonia Roth 1902 [synonym], Pseudopithecus Roth 1902 [synonym], Rankelia Roth 1902 [synonym]
G. †Punahyrax Reguero et al. 2008
Invalid names: Eutrachytheriidae Ameghino 1897 [empty]
Invalid names: Albertogaudryidae Ameghino 1901 [empty], Archaeotypotherium transitum Roth 1904 [nomen vanum], Brandmayria Cabrera 1935 [nomen dubium], Carolodarwinia Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Carolodarwinia pyramidentata Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Claenodon patagonicus Ameghino 1904 [nomen dubium], Degonia sympathica Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Edvardocopeia Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Edvardocopeia sinuosa Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Epitypotherium cancellatum Ameghino 1904 [nomen dubium], Homalodotheria [empty], Isotypotherium Ameghino 1904 [nomen dubium], Lophiodonticulus Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Lophiodonticulus patagonicus Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Lophiodonticulus retroversus Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Notopithecus summus Ameghino 1897 [nomen dubium], Orthogenium ameghinoi Roth 1902 [nomen vanum], Ortholophodon Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Pleurystylops Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Pleurystylops glebosus Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Procolpodon Ameghino 1904 [nomen dubium], Procolpodon foratus Ameghino 1904 [nomen dubium], Pyramidon Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Pyramidon klaatschi Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Tonostylops Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Tonostylops spissus Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Trimerostephanos ultimus Ameghino 1901 [nomen vanum], Ultrapithecus robustus Roth 1902 [nomen dubium]
Subor. †Pyrotheria Ameghino 1895
G. †Carolozittelia Ameghino 1901
†Carolozittelia tapiroides Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Carolozittelia eluta Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Pyrotheridae Ameghino 1894
G. †Pyrotherium Ameghino 1888
†Pyrotherium giganteum Ameghino 1897
†Pyrotherium macfaddeni Shockey and Anaya-Daza 2004
†Pyrotherium planum Ameghino 1897
†Pyrotherium pluteum Ameghino 1901
†Pyrotherium romerii Ameghino 1888
†Pyrotherium sorondoi Ameghino 1894
Fm. †Pyrotheriidae Ameghino 1889
Invalid names: Carolozittelidae Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Colombitheriidae Hoffstetter 1970 [synonym], Promoeritherium Ameghino 1906 [nomen dubium], Promoeritherium australe Ameghino 1906 [nomen dubium]
Or. †Xenungulata Paula Couto 1952
Fm. †Carodniidae Paula Couto 1952
G. †Carodnia Simpson 1935
†Carodnia inexpectans Antoine et al. 2015
†Carodnia karuen Gelfo et al. 2024
†Carodnia vieirai Paula Couto 1952
Invalid names: Ctalecarodnia Simpson 1935 [synonym]
Invalid names: Etayoidae Villarroel 1987 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: s = species, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Vizcaíno et al. 2010, Carroll 1988, Solórzano et al. 2023, Ji et al. 2002, Johnson and Madden 1997, Madden 1997, Lillegraven 1979, Hendy et al. 2009, Croft et al. 2004 |
Age range: base of the Middle Paleocene to the top of the Holocene or 61.70000 to 0.00000 Ma
Collections (802 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Danian | Argentina (Chubut) | Carodnia feruglioi (235708) Carodnia karuen (13782) Notoetayoa gargantuai, Carodnia feruglioi (79348) | |
Danian | Bolivia (Mizque) | Notoungulata indet. (13501) | |
Middle Paleocene - Late/Upper Paleocene | Colombia (Bogotá) | Etayoa bacatensis (140910) | |
Selandian - Thanetian | Argentina (Salta) | Archaeogaia macachaae (212256) | |
Selandian - Thanetian | Argentina (Jujuy) | Simpsonotus major (175869 175870) Simpsonotus praecursor (175868) | |
Thanetian | Bolivia | Camargomendesia indet. (176065) | |
Thanetian - Ypresian | Peru (Puno) | Notoungulata sp. 1, Notoungulata sp. 2, Notoungulata sp. 3 (132938) Perutherium altiplanense (28230) | |
Late/Upper Paleocene | Argentina (Tucumán) | Eoastrapostylops riolorense, Satshatemnus bonapartei, Xenungulata indet. (41607) | |
Late/Upper Paleocene | Mongolia (Omnogov) | Notoungulata indet. (37008) | |
Riochican | Argentina (Chubut) | Isotemnidae indet., Notopithecidae indet. (175728) Isotemnus ctalego, Kibenikhoria get, Seudenius cteronc, Shecenia ctirneru, Peripantostylops orehor, Henricosbornia waitehor, Isotemnidae indet., Transpithecus sp., Notopithecidae indet., Notostylopidae indet. (14205) Notostylopidae indet. (176061) Trigonostylops sp., Polystylops sp., Othnielmarshia sp., Isotemnus sp., Pleurostylodon sp., Archaeopithecus rogeri, Eohyrax sp., Brandmayria simpsoni, Postpithecus sp., Henricosbornia sp., Henricosbornia lophodonta, Isotemnus primitivus, Notopithecus sp. (13781) | |
Youngest occurrences |
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | PBDB collection number |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Honduras | Mixotoxodon larensis (190753) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Brazil (São Paulo) | Toxodon sp. (67858) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Brazil (Alagoas) | Toxodon sp. (230760) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Argentina (Buenos Aires) | Toxodon platensis (191127) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Brazil (Bahia) | Toxodon platensis (212472) Toxodontidae indet. (212449) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Brazil (Sergipe) | Toxodontinae indet. (147191) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Argentina (Santiago del Estero) | Toxodon sp. (216693) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene - Holocene | Brazil (Rio Grande do Norte) | Toxodontidae indet. (148309) | |
Holocene | Brazil (Acre) | Astrapotheria indet. (217870) Toxodontidae indet. (217862 217869) | |
Holocene | Brazil (Bahia) | Toxodontinae indet. (147605) |