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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1999Whippomorpha Waddell et al. p. 2
2000Cetancodonta Arnason et al. p. 569
2003Cetancodonta Boisserie et al. p. 2
2004Cetancodonta Arnason et al. p. 33
2005Whippomorpha Boisserie et al.
2008Cetancodonta Agnarsson and May-Collado p. 974 figs. Fig. 2
2009Cetancodonta Spaulding et al. p. 3 figs. Table 1
2009Cetancodontamorpha Spaulding et al. p. 3 figs. Table 1
2010Whippomorpha Asher and Helgen p. 3 figs. Figure 1
2010Cetancodonta Weston and Boisserie p. 853
2011Cetancodonta Boisserie et al. p. 620 figs. Table 1
2011Whippomorpha Uhen et al. p. 957
2015Cetancodonta Lihoreau et al. p. 2

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Unr. Whippomorpha Waddell et al. 1999
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Or. Cetacea Brisson 1762 [whale]
Fm. †Ambulocetidae Thewissen et al. 1996
G. †Ambulocetus Thewissen et al. 1994
Ambulocetus natans Thewissen et al. 1994
G. †Gandakasia Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg 1958
Gandakasia potens Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg 1958
Subor. Anodontocete Scott 1873
Invalid names: Agaphelidae Gray 1870 [empty]
Unr. †Archaeoceti Flower 1883
Invalid names: Basilosauroidea Mitchell 1989 [empty], Hydrothereuta Ameghino 1889 [objective synonym], Zeuglodonta Ameghino 1889 [synonym], Zeuglodontia Pictet 1853 [synonym]
G. †Archaeocetus Sinzow 1898
G. †Loncodelphis Allen 1924
G. †Nanisocetus Kellogg 1929
Subor. Odontocetoidea Brandt 1874
Unr. †Diaphorodontina Brandt 1874
Invalid names: Gymnorhinidae Brandt 1874 [empty]
Unr. Homoeodontina Brandt 1874
Invalid names: Hypognathodontidae Brandt 1874 [empty]
Fm. †Pakicetidae Thewissen et al. 1996
G. †Himalayacetus Bajpai and Gingerich 1998
Himalayacetus subathuensis Bajpai and Gingerich 1998
G. †Ichthyolestes Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg 1958
Ichthyolestes pinfoldi Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg 1958
G. †Nalacetus Thewissen and Hussain 1998
Nalacetus ratimitus Thewissen and Hussain 1998
G. †Pakicetus Gingerich and Russell 1981
Pakicetus attocki West 1980
Pakicetus calcis Cooper et al. 2009
Pakicetus chittas Cooper et al. 2009
Pakicetus inachus Gingerich and Russell 1981
Unr. Pelagiceti Uhen 2008
Fm. †Basilosauridae Cope 1867
G. †Ancalecetus Gingerich and Uhen 1996
Ancalecetus simonsi Gingerich and Uhen 1996
Subfm. †Basilosaurinae Miller 1923
Invalid names: Zeuglodontinae Slijper 1936 [synonym]
G. †Basilosaurus Harlan 1834
Basilosaurus cetoides Owen 1839
Invalid names: Alabamornis gigantea Abel 1906 [synonym], Hydrarchos sillimani Wyman 1845 [synonym], Hydrargos sillimanii Koch 1845 [synonym], Zeuglodon ceti Wyman 1845 [synonym], Zeuglodon harlani De Kay 1842 [synonym], Zeuglodon macrospondylus Müller 1849 [synonym]
Basilosaurus isis Andrews 1904
Invalid names: Alabamornis Abel 1906 [synonym], Basilosaurus puschi Brandt 1873 [nomen dubium], Hydrarchos Koch 1845 [synonym], Hydrarchus Muller 1849 [synonym], Hydrargos Koch 1845 [synonym], Zeuglodon Owen 1839 [objective synonym], Zugodon Scudder 1882 [synonym], Zygodon Owen 1839 [synonym]
G. †Basiloterus Gingerich et al. 1997
Basiloterus hussaini Gingerich et al. 1997
G. †Chrysocetus Uhen and Gingerich 2001
Chrysocetus fouadassii Gingerich and Zouhri 2015
Chrysocetus healyorum Uhen and Gingerich 2001
G. †Cynthiacetus Uhen 2005
Cynthiacetus maxwelli Uhen 2005
Cynthiacetus peruvianus Martinez-Cáceres and Muizon 2011
G. †Dorudon Gibbes 1845
Dorudon atrox Andrews 1906
Invalid names: Dorudon intermedius Dart 1923 [synonym], Dorudon stromeri Kellogg 1928 [synonym]
Dorudon serratus Gibbes 1845
Invalid names: Prozeuglodon Andrews 1906 [synonym]
G. †Masracetus Gingerich 2007
Masracetus markgrafi Gingerich 2007
G. †Ocucajea Uhen et al. 2011
Ocucajea picklingi Uhen et al. 2011
Subfm. †Pachycetinae Gingerich et al. 2022
G. †Antaecetus Gingerich et al. 2022
G. †Pachycetus Van Beneden 1883
Invalid names: Basilotritus Goldin and Zvonok 2013 [synonym], Platyosphys Kellogg 1936 [synonym]
G. †Perucetus Bianucci et al. 2023
Perucetus colossus Bianucci et al. 2023
G. †Saghacetus Gingerich 1992
Saghacetus osiris Dames 1894
Invalid names: Dorudon elliotsmithii Dart 1923 [synonym], Dorudon sensitivus Dart 1923 [synonym], Dorudon zitteli Stromer 1903 [synonym]
G. †Stromerius Gingerich 2007
Stromerius nidensis Gingerich 2007
G. †Supayacetus Uhen et al. 2011
Supayacetus muizoni Uhen et al. 2011
G. †Tutcetus Antar et al. 2023
Tutcetus rayanensis Antar et al. 2023
G. †Zygorhiza True 1908
Zygorhiza kochii Carus 1847
Invalid names: Zeuglodon brachyspondylum Abel 1914 [synonym], Zeuglodon hydrarchus Carus 1849 [synonym], Zygorhiza brachyspondylus True 1908 [synonym], Zygorhiza minor True 1908 [synonym]
Invalid names: Balaenoptera juddi Seeley 1881 [nomen dubium], Dorudontinae Miller 1923 [invalid subgroup], Hydrarchidae Bonaparte 1850 [synonym], Hydrarchina Bonaparte 1850 [synonym], Pachycetus humilis Van Beneden 1883 [invalid subgroup], Pontogeneus Leidy 1852 [nomen dubium], Pontogeneus brachyspondylus Müller 1849 [nomen dubium], Prozeuglodontidae Moustafa 1954 [synonym], Stegorhinidae Brandt 1873 [synonym], Stromeriinae Gingerich 2007 [empty], Sulaimanitherium Malkani et al. 2013 [nomen dubium], Zeuglodontidae Bonaparte 1849 [synonym]
Unr. †Kekenodontidae Mitchell 1989
G. †Kekenodon Hector 1881
Kekenodon onamata Hector 1881
G. †Tohoraonepu Corrie and Fordyce 2024
Tohoraonepu nihokaiwaiu Corrie and Fordyce 2024
Invalid names: Squalodon gambierensis Glaessner 1955 [invalid subgroup]
Unr. Neoceti Fordyce and de Muizon 2001
G. †Microzeuglodon Stromer 1903
Microzeuglodon caucasicum Lydekker 1892
Subor. Mysticeti Cope 1891
Fm. †Aetiocetidae Emlong 1966
Superfm. †Aetiocetoidea Sanders and Barnes 2002
G. †Borealodon Shipps et al. 2019
Unr. Chaeomysticeti Mitchell 1989
Fm. †Coronodonidae Boessenecker et al. 2023
G. †Horopeta Tsai and Fordyce 2015
Fm. †Llanocetidae Mitchell 1989
G. †Maiabalaena Peredo et al. 2018
Fm. †Mammalodontidae Mitchell 1989
Invalid names: Janjucetidae Fitzgerald 2006 [synonym]
G. †Metasqualodon Hall 1911
Fm. †Mystacodontidae Lambert et al. 2017
G. †Toipahautea Tsai and Fordyce 2018
G. †Whakakai Tsai and Fordyce 2016
Invalid names: Amphitera Gigoli 1870 [nomen dubium], Aulocetus calaritanus Capellini 1899 [invalid subgroup], Aulocetus lovisati Capellini 1899 [invalid subgroup], Balaena cortesii Fischer 1829 [invalid subgroup], Balaena simpsoni Phillipi 1887 [nomen nudum], Burtinopsis Van Beneden 1872 [nomen dubium], Cetotheriomorphus Brandt 1873 [nomen dubium], Crenaticeti Mitchell 1989 [invalid subgroup], Eschrichtioidea Mitchell 1989 [empty], Eschrichtius expansus Cope 1868 [nomen dubium], Eschrichtius leptocentrus Cope 1867 [nomen dubium], Eschrichtius pusillus Cope 1868 [nomen vanum], Kinetomenta Gatesy et al. 2022 [empty], Mauicetus brevicollis Marples 1956 [invalid subgroup], Mesoteras Cope 1870 [nomen dubium], Mesoteras kerrianus Cope 1870 [nomen dubium], Mioceta Deraniyagala 1967 [nomen dubium], Mystacoceti Flower 1867 [synonym], Mysticete Gray 1864 [synonym], Plesiocetus Van Beneden 1859 [nomen dubium], Probalaena Du Bus 1867 [nomen dubium], Pterobalaenidae Gray 1870 [empty], Rhegnopsis Cope 1896 [nomen dubium], Siphonocetus Cope 1895 [nomen dubium], Squalodon serratus Davis 1888 [invalid subgroup], Tretulias Cope 1895 [nomen dubium], Tretulias buccatus Cope 1895 [nomen dubium], Ulias Cope 1895 [nomen dubium]
Subor. Odontoceti Flower 1867 [toothed whale]
Fm. †Acrodelphinidae Abel 1905
Unr. Amblyoccipita Boessenecker and Geisler 2023
G. †Argyrocetus Lydekker 1894
Invalid names: Doliodelphis Wilson 1935 [synonym]
G. †Atropatenocetus Aslanova 1977
G. †Aureia Meekin et al. 2024
G. †Caolodelphis Godfrey and Lambert 2023
Fm. Champsodelphinidae Rice 1998
Invalid names: Champsodelphidae Scott 1873 [replaced]
G. †Chilcacetus Lambert et al. 2015
Infraor. Delphinida Muizon 1984
G. †Ediscetus Albright et al. 2018
G. †Enigmatocetus Godfrey and Lambert 2023
Infraor. †Eurhinodelphinida Fordyce and de Muizon 2001
Fm. †Eurhinodelphinidae Abel 1901
Invalid names: Rhabdosteidae Gill 1871 [synonym]
G. †Graamocetus Hoch 2004
Fm. †Inticetidae Lambert et al. 2017
G. †Kharthlidelphis Mchedlidze and Pilleri 1988
G. †Macrodelphinus Wilson 1935
G. †Microcetus Kellogg 1923
G. †Nannolithax Kellogg 1931
G. †Neosqualodon Dal Piaz 1904
Invalid names: Microsqualodon Abel 1905 [synonym]
G. †Oedolithax Kellogg 1931
G. †Oligodelphis Aslanova and Mchedlidze 1976
Fm. †Patriocetidae Abel 1914
G. †Phoberodon Cabrera 1926
G. †Phococetus Gervais 1876
Superfm. Physeteroidea Gray 1868
Unr. †Platanidelphidi Bianucci et al. 2020
Superfm. Platanistoidea Simpson 1945
G. †Prosqualodon Lydekker 1894
Invalid names: Postsqualodon Stromer 1908 [synonym], Proinia True 1909 [synonym]
G. †Rhabodosteus Cope 1867
G. †Romaleodelphis Sanchez-Posada et al. 2024
G. †Sachalinocetus Siryk and Dubrovo 1970
G. †Sulakocetus Mchedlidze 1976
Fm. †Xenorophidae Uhen 2008
Superfm. Ziphioidea Gray 1850
Invalid names: Agorophioidea Gingerich 2005 [empty], Agriocetus Abel 1914 [nomen dubium], Ashleycetidae Sanders and Geisler 2015 [empty], Balaenodon Owen 1846 [nomen dubium], Belosphys Cope 1875 [nomen dubium], Berardiopsis Portis 1886 [nomen dubium], Cetophis Cope 1868 [nomen dubium], Champsodelphis Gervais 1852 [nomen dubium], Colophonodon Leidy 1853 [nomen dubium], Delphinapterus orcinus Cope 1875 [nomen dubium], Delphinoceti Abel 1914 [empty], Delphinodon mento Cope 1867 [invalid subgroup], Delphinopsis Muller 1853 [nomen dubium], Delphinorhynchus Blainville 1817 [nomen dubium], Delphinus domeykoi Phillipi 1887 [nomen nudum], Delphinus restitutensis Depéret 1887 [nomen dubium], Delphinus vanzelleri Fourtau 1918 [nomen dubium], Denticete Gray 1864 [synonym], Dinoziphius Van Beneden and Gervais 1868 [nomen dubium], Eurhinodelphis minoensis Okazaki 1976 [nomen dubium], Eurhinodelphis sassariensis Capellini 1887 [nomen dubium], Graphiodon Leidy 1870 [nomen dubium], Helvicetus Pilleri 1986 [nomen dubium], Helvicetus rugosus Pilleri 1986 [nomen dubium], Hesperocetus True 1912 [nomen dubium], Hesperoinia Monchamart Zei 1956 [nomen dubium], Homaeocetus Du Bus 1867 [nomen dubium], Homocetus villersii Du Bus 1867 [nomen dubium], Hyperoodontoidea Moore 1968 [empty], Ixacanthus Cope 1868 [nomen dubium], Lonchodelphis Allen 1924 [nomen dubium], Macrochirifer Brandt 1874 [nomen dubium], Mesoplodontidae Scott 1873 [empty], Miokogia Pilleri 1986 [nomen dubium], Miotursiops Deraniyagala 1969 [nomen dubium], Mirocetidae Sanders and Geisler 2015 [empty], Monodontoidea Fraser and Purves 1960 [empty], Odontoceta Ameghino 1889 [synonym], Oligosqualodon Rothausen 1970 [nomen dubium], Palaeoziphius Abel 1905 [nomen dubium], Pandelphinida May-Collado et al. 2007 [empty], Panphyseteroidea Velez-Juarbe et al. 2015 [empty], Parapontoporiidae Barnes 1984 [empty], Parasqualodon Hall 1911 [nomen dubium], Pelodelphis Kellogg 1955 [nomen dubium], Phoca debilis Leidy 1857 [nomen dubium], Phoca rugosidens Adams 1879 [nomen dubium], Physetodon McCoy 1879 [nomen dubium], Platanistida Fordyce and de Muizon 2001 [empty], Platydelphis Du Bus 1872 [nomen dubium], Pontivaga Ameghino 1891 [nomen dubium], Priscodelphinus Leidy 1851 [nomen dubium], Priscodelphinus teres Du Bus 1872 [nomen nudum], Priscophyseter Portis 1886 [nomen dubium], Prolipotes Zhou et al. 1984 [nomen dubium], Prophyseter Abel 1905 [nomen dubium], Proterocetus Ameghino 1899 [nomen dubium], Rhabdosteoidea Gill 1872 [empty], Rhabdosteus Cope 1867 [nomen dubium], Saurocetus Agassiz 1848 [nomen dubium], Saurocetus gibbesii Agassiz 1848 [invalid subgroup], Scaptodon Chapman 1918 [nomen dubium], Scaptodon lodderi Chapman 1918 [nomen dubium], Squaloceti Abel 1914 [empty], Squalodelphis pusillus Ginsburg and Janvier 1971 [nomen dubium], Squalodon (Microzeuglodon) wingei Ravn 1926 [nomen dubium], Squalodon crassus Allen 1926 [nomen dubium], Squalodon kelloggi Rothausen 1968 [nomen dubium], Squalodon pelagius Leidy 1869 [nomen dubium], Squalodon wymanii Cope 1867 [invalid subgroup], Squalodontoidea Simpson 1945 [empty], Stereodelphis Gervais 1852 [nomen dubium], Synrhina Geisler et al. 2011 [empty], Tretosphys Cope 1868 [nomen dubium], Tretosphys uraeus Cope 1869 [nomen dubium], Uncamentodon Rothausen 1970 [nomen nudum], Zignodelphinidae Pilleri 1989 [empty]
Invalid names: Autoceta Haeckel 1866 [synonym]
Invalid names: Metasqualodon harwoodi Sanger 1881 [invalid subgroup]
Fm. †Protocetidae Stromer 1908
G. †Aegyptocetus Bianucci and Gingerich 2011
Aegyptocetus tarfa Bianucci and Gingerich 2011
G. †Artiocetus Gingerich et al. 2001
Artiocetus clavis Gingerich et al. 2001
G. †Babiacetus Trivedy and Satsangi 1984
Babiacetus indicus Trivedy and Satsangi 1984
Babiacetus mishrai Bajpai and Thewissen 1998
G. †Carolinacetus Geisler et al. 2005
Carolinacetus gingerichi Geisler et al. 2005
G. †Crenatocetus McLeod and Barnes 2008
Crenatocetus rayi McLeod and Barnes 2008
G. †Dhedacetus Bajpai and Thewissen 2014
Dhedacetus hyaeni Bajpai and Thewissen 2014
G. †Eocetus Fraas 1904
Eocetus drazindai Gingerich et al. 1997
Eocetus schweinfurthi Fraas 1904
Invalid names: Mesocetus Fraas 1904 [replaced]
G. †Gaviacetus Gingerich et al. 1995
Gaviacetus razai Gingerich et al. 1995
Subfm. †Georgiacetinae Gingerich et al. 2005
G. †Aegicetus Gingerich 2019
Aegicetus gehennae Gingerich 2019
G. †Georgiacetus Hulbert et al. 1998
Georgiacetus vogtlensis Hulbert et al. 1998
G. †Indocetus Sahni and Mishra 1975
Indocetus ramani Sahni and Mishra 1975
G. †Kharodacetus Bajpai and Thewissen 2014
Kharodacetus sahnii Bajpai and Thewissen 1998
G. †Maiacetus Gingerich et al. 2009
Maiacetus inuus Gingerich et al. 2009
G. †Makaracetus Gingerich et al. 2005
Makaracetus bidens Gingerich et al. 2005
G. †Natchitochia Uhen 1998
Natchitochia jonesi Uhen 1998
G. †Pappocetus Andrews 1920
Pappocetus lugardi Andrews 1920
G. †Peregocetus Lambert et al. 2019
Peregocetus pacificus Lambert et al. 2019
G. †Phiomicetus Gohar et al. 2021
Phiomicetus anubis Gohar et al. 2021
G. †Protocetus Fraas 1904
Protocetus atavus Fraas 1904
Invalid names: Protocetus atavus Fraas 1904 [valid]
G. †Qaisracetus Gingerich et al. 2001
Qaisracetus arifi Gingerich et al. 2001
Invalid names: Qaisracetus spinalis Gingerich et al. 2001 [objective synonym]
G. †Rodhocetus Gingerich et al. 1994
Rodhocetus balochistanensis Gingerich et al. 2001
Rodhocetus kasranii Gingerich et al. 1994
G. †Takracetus Gingerich et al. 1995
Takracetus simus Gingerich et al. 1995
G. †Togocetus Gingerich and Cappetta 2014
Togocetus traversei Gingerich and Cappetta 2014
G. †Tupelocetus Gibson et al. 2019
Tupelocetus palmeri Gibson et al. 2019
Invalid names: Indocetinae Gingerich et al. 1993 [empty], Makaracetinae Gingerich et al. 2005 [empty], Pappocetinae McLeod and Barnes 2008 [empty], Protocetinae Gingerich and Russell 1990 [empty]
G. †Protocetus Fraas 1904
Protocetus atavus Fraas 1904
Invalid names: Protocetus atavus Fraas 1904 [valid]
Fm. †Remingtonocetidae Kumar and Sahni 1986
Subfm. †Andrewsiphiinae Thewissen and Bajpai 2009
G. †Andrewsiphius Sahni and Mishra 1975
Andrewsiphius sloani Sahni and Mishra 1972
Invalid names: Andrewsiphius kutchensis Sahni and Mishra 1975 [synonym]
G. †Kutchicetus Bajpai and Thewissen 2000
Kutchicetus minimus Bajpai and Thewissen 2000
G. †Rayanistes Bebej et al. 2015
Rayanistes afer Bebej et al. 2015
Subfm. †Remingtonocetinae Thewissen and Bajpai 2009
G. †Attockicetus Thewissen and Hussain 2000
Attockicetus praecursor Thewissen and Hussain 2000
G. †Dalanistes Gingerich et al. 1995
Dalanistes ahmedi Gingerich et al. 1995
G. †Remingtonocetus Kumar and Sahni 1986
Remingtonocetus domandaensis Gingerich et al. 2001
Remingtonocetus harudiensis Sahni and Mishra 1975
G. †Tretosphrys Cope 1868
Invalid names: Anarnak Illiger 1811 [nomen dubium], Argyrocetidae Lydekker 1894 [empty], Balaenodea Brandt 1874 [empty], Balaenodontae Bronn 1853 [empty], Balaenoidorum Brandt 1874 [empty], Berardiopsis miocaenus Koch 1899 [nomen dubium], Berardiopsis pliocaenus Portis 1886 [nomen dubium], Canis primigenius Lankester 1864 [nomen dubium], Carnivorae Gray 1821 [synonym], Cetotheriomorphus dubius Brandt 1873 [nomen dubium], Cetotherium priscum Eichwald 1840 [nomen dubium], Cetotolites McCoy 1879 [nomen dubium], Globicephalus eocaenus Ameghino 1901 [nomen nudum], Halicore maximovitschii Rogovich 1875 [nomen nudum], Manatus giganteus DeKay 1842 [nomen dubium], Mystacoceta Ameghino 1889 [empty], Neoballaenidae Miller 1923 [empty], Otaria leclercii Delfortrie 1872 [nomen dubium], Oxypterus Rafinesque 1814 [nomen dubium], Palaeocetus Seeley 1865 [nomen dubium], Proteroceta Ameghino 1889 [empty], Protocetoidea Mitchell 1989 [empty], Remingtonocetoidea Mitchell 1989 [empty], Rhynchoceti Eschricht 1849 [empty], Zeugloceta Haeckel 1866 [empty], Ziphius (Dolichodon) geelongensis McCoy 1882 [nomen dubium]
Superfm. Hippopotamoidea Gray 1821
G. †Anthracothema Pilgrim 1928
Anthracothema lijiangensis Zong and Chen 1996
Fm. †Anthracotheriidae Leidy 1869 [anthracothere]
G. †Aepinacodon Troxell 1921
Aepinacodon americanus Leidy 1856
Aepinacodon deflectus Marsh 1890
Aepinacodon rostratus Scott 1894
G. †Afromeryx Pickford 1991
Afromeryx zelteni Pickford 1991
G. †Ancodon Pomel 1847
G. †Anthracochoerus Dal Piaz 1930
G. †Anthracosenex Zdansky 1930
Anthracosenex ambiguus Zdansky 1930
Subfm. †Anthracotheriinae Leidy 1869
G. †Anthracokeryx Pilgrim and Cotter 1916
Anthracokeryx birmanicus Pilgrim and Cotter 1916
Invalid names: Anthracokeryx hospes Pilgrim 1928 [synonym]
Anthracokeryx litangensis Zong and Chen 1996
Anthracokeryx naduongensis Ducrocq et al. 2015
Anthracokeryx sinensis Zdansky 1930
Invalid names: Anthracokeryx dawsoni Wang 1985 [synonym]
Anthracokeryx tenuis Pilgrim and Cotter 1916
Invalid names: Anthracokeryx bambusae Pilgrim 1928 [synonym], Anthracokeryx myaingensis Pilgrim 1928 [synonym], Anthracokeryx ulnifer Pilgrim 1928 [synonym]
G. †Anthracotherium Cuvier 1822
Invalid names: Heothema media Tang 1978 [synonym], Heothema nanningensis Zhao 1981 [synonym]
Anthracotherium bugtiense Pilgrim 1907
Anthracotherium chaimanei Ducrocq 1999
Invalid names: Heothema angnsticalxia Tang 1978 [synonym], Heothema youngi Zhao 1983 [synonym]
Anthracotherium crassum Pilgrim and Cotter 1916
Invalid names: Anthracohyus choeroides Pilgrim and Cotter 1916 [synonym], Anthracokeryx moriturus Pilgrim 1928 [synonym]
Anthracotherium cuvieri Gaudry 1873
Invalid names: Anthracokeryx kwangsiensis Qiu 1977 [synonym]
Anthracotherium magnum Cuvier 1822
Anthracotherium pangan Pilgrim and Cotter 1916
Invalid names: Anthracohyus rubricae Pilgrim and Cotter 1916 [synonym], Anthracothema palustre Pilgrim and Cotter 1916 [synonym]
Anthracotherium sinense Zdansky 1930
Anthracotherium verhoeveni Von Koenigswald 1967
Invalid names: Anthracohyus Pilgrim and Cotter 1916 [synonym], Anthracotherium alsaticum Cuvier 1822 [nomen dubium], Anthracotherium pygmaeum Lambe 1908 [nomen vanum], Anthracotherium valdense Kowalevski 1876 [nomen dubium]
G. †Heptacodon Marsh 1894
Heptacodon curtus Marsh 1894
Invalid names: Anthracotherium karense Osborn and Wortman 1894 [synonym], Octacodon valens Marsh 1894 [synonym]
Heptacodon gibbiceps Marsh 1894
Heptacodon occidentale Osborn and Wortman 1894
Invalid names: Heptacodon quadratus Scott 1940 [synonym]
Heptacodon occidentalis Osborn and Wortman 1894
Heptacodon pellionis Storer 1983
Heptacodon yeguaensis Holroyd 2002
G. †Nabotherium Sileem et al. 2016
Nabotherium aegyptiacum Andrews 1906
G. †Paenanthracotherium Scherler et al. 2019
Paenanthracotherium bergeri Scherler et al. 2019
Paenanthracotherium strategus Forster-Cooper 1913
Invalid names: Elliotherium murphyi Pickford 2016 [nomen nudum]
G. †Prominatherium Teller 1884
Prominatherium dalmantinum von Meyer 1854
Prominatherium dalmatinum von Meyer 1854
Invalid names: Anthracotherium bumbachense Stehlin 1910 [nomen dubium], Anthracotherium illyricum Teller 1886 [nomen dubium]
G. †Arretotherium Douglass 1902
Arretotherium acridens Douglass 1902
Arretotherium fricki Macdonald and Schultz 1956
Arretotherium leptodus Matthew 1909
Arretotherium meridionale Rincon et al. 2013
G. †Atopotherium Ducrocq et al. 1996
Subfm. †Bothriodontinae Scott 1940
G. †Bakalovia Nikolov and Hessig 1985
Bakalovia palaeopontica Nikolov and Hessig 1985
G. †Bothriodon Aymard 1846
Bothriodon advena Russell 1978
Bothriodon chowi Xu 1961
Bothriodon sandaensis Tsubamoto 2007
Bothriodon velaunus von Meyer 1832
Invalid names: Ancodus Pomel 1848 [synonym], Hyopotamus Leidy 1857 [synonym]
G. †Bothriogenys Schmidt 1913
Bothriogenys andrewsi Schmidt 1913
Bothriogenys fraasi Schmidt 1913
Bothriogenys gorringei Andrews and Beadnell 1902
Invalid names: Ancodus gorringei Andrews and Beadnell 1902 [replaced]
Bothriogenys hui Chow 1958
Bothriogenys langsonensis Ducrocq et al. 2015
Bothriogenys orientalis Ducrocq 1997
Bothriogenys rugulosus Schmidt 1913
Bothriogenys vietnamensis Ducrocq et al. 2015
G. †Brachyodus Depéret 1895
Brachyodus depereti Fourtau 1918
Brachyodus hui Chow 1958
Brachyodus manchharensis Prasad 1964
Brachyodus moneyi Fourtau 1918
Brachyodus onoideum Gervais 1859
G. †Elomeryx Marsh 1894
Elomeryx armatus Marsh 1894
Invalid names: Elomeryx brachystylus Troxell 1921 [synonym], Elomeryx mitis Marsh 1894 [synonym], Hyopotamus brachyrhynchus Osborn and Wortman 1894 [synonym]
Elomeryx asticus Nikolov 1967
Elomeryx borbonicus Geais 1934
Elomeryx cluai Deperet 1906
Elomeryx crispus Gervais 1849
Elomeryx garbanii Macdonald 1970
Elomeryx japonicus Matsumoto 1925
Invalid names: Bakalovia orientalis Böhme et al. 2013 [nomen dubium], Bothriodon chyelingensis Xu 1977 [nomen dubium], Bothriodon tientongensis Xu 1977 [nomen dubium], Brachyodus trofimovi de Bonis et al. 1997 [nomen dubium]
G. †Libycosaurus Bonnarelli 1947
Libycosaurus algeriensis Ducrocq et al. 2001
Libycosaurus anisae Black 1972
Libycosaurus bahri Lihoreau et al. 2014
Libycosaurus petrocchii Bonnarelli 1947
G. †Merycopotamus Falconer and Cautley 1847
Merycopotamus dissimilis Falconer and Cautley 1847
Merycopotamus medioximus Lihoreau et al. 2004
Merycopotamus pusillus Lydekker 1885
G. †Octacodon Marsh 1894
G. †Bugtitherium Pilgrim 1908
G. †Bunobrachyodus Deperet 1908
G. †Choeromeryx Pomel 1848
Invalid names: Chaeromeryx Lydekker 1885 [synonym]
G. †Elliottherium Scherler 2011
G. †Elotherium Pomel 1847
Elotherium leidyanum Marsh in Cope 1868
Elotherium superbus Leidy 1868
Elotherium uintense Osborn 1895
G. †Epirigenys Lihoreau et al. 2015
Epirigenys lokonensis Lihoreau et al. 2015
G. †Gonotelma Pilgrim 1908
G. †Hemimeryx Lydekker 1883
Hemimeryx blandfordi Lydekker 1883
Invalid names: Gelasmodon Forster-Cooper 1913 [synonym]
G. †Heothema Tang 1978
G. †Huananothema Tang 1978
G. †Kukusepasutanka Macdonald 1956
Kukusepasutanka schultzi Macdonald 1956
G. †Masritherium Fourtau 1918
Masritherium aequatorialis MacInnes 1951
Masritherium depereti Fourtau 1918
G. †Merycops Pilgrim 1910
Subfm. †Microbunodontinae Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007
G. †Geniokeryx Ducrocq 2020
Geniokeryx nanus Ducrocq et al. 2021
Geniokeryx thailandicus Ducrocq 1999
G. †Microbunodon Depéret 1908
Microbunodon milaensis Lihoreau et al. 2004
Microbunodon minimum Lihoreau et al. 2004
Microbunodon silistrense Pentland 1828
G. †Pachychoerops Kretzoi 1941
Invalid names: Isodactylus Dal Piaz 1927 [synonym]
G. †Parabrachyodus Forster-Cooper 1915
G. †Probrachyodus Xu and Chiu 1962
Probrachyodus panchiaoensis Xu and Chiu 1962
G. †Qatraniodon Ducrocq 1997
Qatraniodon parvus Andrews 1906
G. †Sivameryx Lydekker 1883
Sivameryx africanus Andrews 1914
Sivameryx palaeindicus Lydekker 1883
Invalid names: Hyoboops Trouessart 1905 [synonym]
G. †Telmatodon Pilgrim 1907
G. †Ulausuodon Hu 1963
Ulausuodon parvus Hu 1963
Fm. Hippopotamidae Gray 1821 [hippopotamus]
Subfm. Hippopotaminae Gray 1821
G. †Archaeopotamus Boisserie 2005
Archaeopotamus harvardi Coryndon 1977
G. Choeropsis Leidy 1853 [pygmy hippo]
G. †Chororatherium Boisserie et al. 2003
Chororatherium roobii Boisserie et al. 2003
G. †Hexaprotodon Falconer and Cautley 1836 [pygmy hippo]
Hexaprotodon aethiopicus Coryndon and Coppens 1975
Hexaprotodon bruneti Boisserie and White 2004
Hexaprotodon crusafonti Aguire 1963
Hexaprotodon dissimilis Falconer and Cautley 1836
Hexaprotodon dulu Boisserie 2004
Hexaprotodon garyam Boisserie et al. 2005
Hexaprotodon imaguncula Hopwood 1926
Hexaprotodon iravticus Falconer and Cautley 1847
Hexaprotodon mingoz Boisserie et al. 2003
Hexaprotodon namadicus Falconer and Cautley 1847
Hexaprotodon palaeindicus Falconer and Cautley 1847
Hexaprotodon pantanellii Joleaud 1920
Hexaprotodon primaevus Crusafont et al. 1964
Hexaprotodon sahabiensis Gaziry 1987
Hexaprotodon siculus Hooijer 1946
Hexaprotodon sivalensis Falconer and Cautley 1836
G. Hippopotamus Linnaeus 1758 [hippo]
Subg. †Hippopotamus (Tetraprotodon) Falconer and Cautley 1836
Hippopotamus aethiopicus Coryndon and Coppens 1975
Hippopotamus amphibius Linnaeus 1758 [hippo]
Invalid names: Hippopotamus incognitus Faure 1984 [synonym]
Hippopotamus antiquus Desmarest 1822
Invalid names: Hippopotamus tiberinus Mazza 1991 [synonym]
Hippopotamus behemoth Faure 1986
Hippopotamus creutzburgi Boekschoten and Sondaar 1966
Hippopotamus gorgops Dietrich 1928
Hippopotamus kaisensis Hopwood 1926
Hippopotamus karumensis Coryndon 1977
Hippopotamus laloumena Faure and Guerin 1990
Hippopotamus lemerlei Milne Edwards 1868
Invalid names: Hippopotamus leptorhynchus Grandidier and Filhol 1894 [synonym]
Hippopotamus major Cuvier 1824
Hippopotamus meltensis Major 1902
Hippopotamus minor Desmarest 1822
Hippopotamus protamphibius Arambourg 1944
Hippopotamus sirensis Pomel 1896
Invalid names: Trilobophorus Geze 1985 [synonym]
G. †Phanourios Boekschoten and Sondaar 1972
G. †Saotherium Boisserie 2005
Saotherium mingoz Boisserie 2005
Subfm. †Kenyapotaminae Pickford 1983
G. †Kenyapotamus Pickford 1983
Kenyapotamus coryndonae Pickford 1983
Kenyapotamus ternani Pickford 1983
Invalid names: Palaeopotamus Pickford 2007 [synonym]
G. †Kulutherium Pickford 2007
Kulutherium kenyensis Pickford 2007
G. †Morotochoerus Pickford 1998
Morotochoerus ugandensis Pickford 1998
Invalid names: Hippopotamina Gray 1825 [empty]
G. †Myaingtherium Tsubamoto et al. 2011
Myaingtherium kenyapotamoides Tsubamoto et al. 2011
G. †Siamotherium Suteethorn et al. 1988
Siamotherium krabiense Suteethorn et al. 1988
Invalid names: Hippopotamidamorpha Spaulding et al. 2009 [synonym]
Invalid names: Anthracotheriodea Leidy 1869 [empty], Cetancodonta Arnason et al. 2000 [synonym], Cetancodontamorpha Spaulding et al. 2009 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: terrestrialo
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: amphibiousuc
Diet: herbivoreuc
Reproduction: viviparoussubc
Created: 2011-04-22 22:52:12
Modified: 2011-04-22 07:52:12
Source: o = order, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Nowak 1999, Carroll 1988, Hendy et al. 2009, Lillegraven 1979, Spaulding et al. 2009

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Early/Lower Eocene to the top of the Holocene or 55.80000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 47.8 Ma

Collections (4019 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Paleogene66.0 - 23.03Ukraine (Luhansk) Zeuglodon sp. (224763)
Tertiary66.0 - 2.58Poland Zeuglodon puschii (77355)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8India (Jammu and Kashmir) Ichthyolestes pinfoldi (45588)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8India (Himachal Pradesh) Himalayacetus subathuensis (45584)
Ypresian - Lutetian56.0 - 41.3Peru Cetacea indet. (219132)
Ypresian - Bartonian56.0 - 38.0Peru (Amazonas) Basilosauridae indet. (200127)
Sharamurunian56.0 - 37.71China (Shanxi) Anthracokeryx sinensis, Anthracokeryx dawsoni, Anthracotherium sinense (41116) Anthracosenex ambiguus (42196 42197)
Sharamurunian56.0 - 37.71China (Henan) Anthracokeryx sinensis (42163 42526) Anthracokeryx sinensis, Anthracothema minima (42164) Anthracosenex ambiguus (41120)
Eocene56.0 - 33.9Ukraine Archaeoceti indet. (132392) Basilosaurus sp. (132383 132385 132389 132391) Halicore maximovitschii (220326) Zeuglodon sp. (132386)
Eocene56.0 - 33.9Russian Federation Archaeoceti indet. (114208)
Eocene56.0 - 33.9USA (Mississippi) Basilosauridae indet. (131912) Basilosaurus cetoides (131913)
Eocene56.0 - 33.9Belgium Basilosauridae indet. (226929)
Eocene56.0 - 33.9USA (North Carolina) Basilosauridae indet. (132701 133023) Cetacea indet. (133022)
Eocene56.0 - 33.9USA (Florida) Basilosauridae indet. (132705)
Early/Lower Eocene - Middle Eocene55.8 - 37.71Pakistan (Kotli District) Archaeoceti indet. (56695 56696 56697)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Pakistan ( Punjab) Attockicetus praecursor (45524)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Ukraine (Luhansk) Pelagiceti indet. (232266)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3USA (South Carolina) Cetacea indet., Protocetidae indet. (32901)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Togo Togocetus traversei, Carolinacetus sp., Archaeoceti indet., Pappocetus sp. (32991)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Pakistan (Balochistan) Andrewsiphius sloani, Dalanistes ahmedi, Remingtonocetus domandaensis (28938) Artiocetus clavis, Makracetus bidens, Rodhocetus balochistanensis, Maiacetus inuus (28981) Remingtonocetus domandaensis (127196)