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Mammalia - Primates

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1812Catarrhini Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
1910Catarrhina Gregory p. 465
1911Catarhini Jaekel p. 217
1946Kansupithecus Bohlin
1975Catarrhini McKenna p. 42
1979Pliopithecus krishnaii Chopra and Kaul
1979Catarrhini Maw et al. p. 66
1980Krishnapithecus Ginsburg and Mein
1980Krishnapithecus krishnaii Ginsburg and Mein
1988Catarrhini Carroll
1989Catarrhini Harrison p. 537
1991Catarrhini Harrison et al. p. 332
1991Catarrhini Koufos et al. p. 285
1994Catarrhini Beard et al. p. 609
1997Catarrhini Gebo et al. p. 404
1997Catarrhini Kunimatsu
2001Catarrhini Frost
2001Catarrhini Moyà‐Solà et al.
2002Catarrhini Begun
2002Catarrhini Jablonski
2002Catarrhini Kelley
2004Catarrhini Kay et al. p. 100
2004Catarrhini Poux and Douzery
2005Catarrhini Delson et al. p. 161
2006Catarrhini Rosenberger p. 140
2006Catarrhini Rossie and MacLatchy p. 568
2007Catarrhini Gilbert
2007Catarrhini Hlusko
2009Catarrhini Alba et al.
2010Catarrhini Jablonski and Frost
2012Catarrhini Alba et al.
2012Catarrhini Alba and Moyà-Solà
2013Catarrhini Fleagle
2013Catarrhini Gilbert
2015Catarrhini McNulty et al.
2017Catarrhini Nengo et al.
2019Catarrhini Pallas et al.
2020Catarrhini Gilbert et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
EuarchontogliresMurphy et al. 2001
infraorderHaplorhini(Pocock 1918)
Anthropoidea(Mivart 1864)
infraorderCatarrhiniGeoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1812
infraorderCatarrhiniGeoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1812

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Infraor. Catarrhini Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1812
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Superfm. Cercopithecoidea Gray 1821
G. †Alophia Rasmussen et al. 2019
Alophia metios Rasmussen et al. 2019
Fm. Cercopithecidae Gray 1821 [monkey]
G. †Anomalopithecus Arambourg 1979
Anomalopithecus bicuspidatus Arambourg 1979
Tr. Cercopithecini Gray 1825
G. Allenopithecus Lang 1923
G. Allochrocebus Elliot 1913 [terrestrial guenons]
G. Cercopithecus Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Lasiopyga Illiger 1811 [synonym]
G. Chlorocebus Gray 1870
G. Erythrocebus Trouessart 1897
G. Miopithecus Geoffroy 1842 [talapoin]
G. †Nanopithecus Plavcan et al. 2019
G. Mandrillus Ritgen 1824
Mandrillus leucophaeus Cuvier 1807 [drill]
Invalid names: Simia (Papio) cinerea Kerr 1792 [synonym], Simia (Papio) sylvicola Kerr 1792 [synonym], Simia (Papio) uvea Kerr 1792 [synonym], Simia (Papio) variegata Kerr 1792 [synonym], Simia silvestris Schreber 1800 [synonym], Simia sylvestris Link 1795 [synonym]
Mandrillus sphinx Linnaeus 1758 [mandrill]
Invalid names: Simia maimon Linnaeus 1766 [synonym], Simia mormon Alströmer 1766 [synonym]
Invalid names: Chaeropithecus Gray 1870 [synonym], Drill Reichenbach 1862 [synonym], Maimon Trouessart 1904 [synonym], Mandril Voigt 1831 [synonym], Mormon Wagner 1839 [synonym]
G. Macaca Lacépède 1799 [macaque]
Invalid names: Eopithecus [synonym]
Subtr. Macacina Owen 1843
Subtr. Papionina
G. †Pliopapio Frost 2001
G. †Procercocebus Gilbert 2007
G. †Soromandrillus Gilbert 2013
Subfm. Colobinae Blyth 1875
G. †Libypithecus Stromer 1913
Libypithecus markgrafi Stromer 1913
G. †Parapresbytis Kalmykov and Maschenko 1992
Subfm. Colobinae Jerdon 1867
G. †Cercopithecoides Mollett 1947
Cercopithecoides alemayehui Gilbert and Frost 2008
Cercopithecoides bruneti Pallas et al. 2019
Cercopithecoides haasgati McKee et al. 2011
Cercopithecoides kerioensis Leakey et al. 2003
Cercopithecoides kimeui Leakey 1982
Cercopithecoides meavae Frost and Delson 2002
Tr. Colobini Blyth 1875
G. †Microcolobus Benefit and Pickford 1986
G. †Rhinocolobus Leakey 1982
G. Colobus Illiger 1811
Colobus angolensis Sclater 1860 [Angola colobus]
Colobus cottoni Lydekker 1905
Colobus guereza Rüppell 1835 [mantled guereza]
Invalid names: Colobus abyssinicus Oken 1816 [synonym]
Colobus polykomos Zimmermann 1780 [king colobus]
Colobus satanas Waterhouse 1838 [black colobus]
Colobus vellerosus Geoffroy 1834
G. †Dolichopithecus Depéret 1889
Dolichopithecus arvernensis Depéret 1929
Dolichopithecus ruscinensis Depéret 1889
Invalid names: Dolichopithecus hipsulophus Gremyatski 1958 [synonym]
G. †Kuseracolobus Frost 2001
Kuseracolobus aramisi Frost 2001
G. †Mesopithecus Wagner 1839
Mesopithecus pentelicus Wagner 1839
G. Nasalis Geoffroy 1812
Nasalis larvatus Wurmb 1787 [proboscis monkey]
Nasalis nasuus Kerr 1792
Invalid names: Simia (Cercopithecus) capistratus Kerr 1792 [synonym], Simia nasalis Shaw 1800 [synonym]
G. †Paracolobus Leakey 1969
Paracolobus chemeroni Leakey 1969
Paracolobus enkorikae Hlusko 2007
Paracolobus mutiwa Leakey 1982
G. Piliocolobus Rochebrune 1887
Piliocolobus badius Kerr 1792 [western red colobus]
Invalid names: Simia ferruginea Shaw 1800 [synonym]
Piliocolobus bouvieri Rochebrune 1886
Piliocolobus epieni Grubb and Powell 1999
Piliocolobus foai de Pousargues 1899
Piliocolobus langi Allen 1925
Piliocolobus oustaleti Trouessart 1906
Piliocolobus parmentieri Colyn and Verheyen 1987
Piliocolobus pennantii Waterhouse 1838
Piliocolobus preussi Matschie 1900
Piliocolobus tholloni Milne-Edwards 1886
G. Presbytis Eschscholtz 1821
Presbytis aygula Linnaeus 1758
Presbytis bicolor Aimi and Bakar 1992
Presbytis canicrus Miller 1934
Presbytis comata Desmarest 1822
Presbytis eohanuman Borissoglebskaya 1981
Presbytis femoralis Martin 1838
Presbytis frontata Müller 1838 [white-fronted surili]
Presbytis hosei Thomas 1889 [Hose's langur]
Presbytis melalophos Raffles 1822 [Sumatran surili]
Presbytis mitrata Eschscholtz 1821
Presbytis natunae Thomas and Hartert 1894
Presbytis potenziani Bonaparte 1856
Presbytis rubicunda Muller 1838 [maroon leaf monkey]
Presbytis sabana Thomas 1893 [Saban grizzled langur]
Presbytis schistaceus Wroughton 1914
Presbytis siamensis Müller and Schlegel 1841
Presbytis siberu Chasen and Kloss 1927
Presbytis sumatrana Müller and Schlegel 1841
Presbytis thomasi Collett 1893 [Thomas's langur]
G. Procolobus Rochebrune 1877 [colobus]
Procolobus verus van Beneden 1838 [olive colobus monkey]
G. Pygathrix Geoffroy 1812 [douc langur]
Pygathrix cinerea Nadler 1997
Pygathrix nemaeus Linnaeus 1771 [red-shanked douc]
Pygathrix nigripes Milne-Edwards 1871 [black-shanked douc]
G. Rhinopithecus Milne-Edwards 1872 [snub-nosed monkey]
Subg. Rhinopithecus (Rhinopithecus) Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire 1812
Rhinopithecus avunculus Dollman 1912 [Tonkin snub-nosed monkey]
Rhinopithecus bieti Milne-Edwards 1897 [black snub-nosed monkey]
Rhinopithecus brelichi Thomas 1903 [gray snub-nosed monkey]
Rhinopithecus lantianensis Hu and Qi 1978
Rhinopithecus roxellana Milne-Edwards 1870 [golden snub-nosed monkey]
Rhinopithecus strykeri Geissmann et al. 2010 [Burmese snub-nosed monkey]
Rhinopithecus tingianus Matthew and Granger 1923
G. Simias Miller 1903
Simias concolor Miller 1903 [simakobu monkey]
G. Trachypithecus Reichenbach 1862 [lutung]
Trachypithecus auratus Geoffroy 1812 [Javan lutung]
Invalid names: Semnopithecus pyrrhus Horsfield 1824 [synonym]
Trachypithecus barbei Blythe 1847 [Tenasserim lutung]
Trachypithecus cristatus Raffles 1821 [silvery lutung]
Invalid names: Presbytis cristata pullata Thomas and Wroughton 1909 [synonym], Presbytis vigilans Miller 1913 [synonym], Pygathrix ultima Elliot 1910 [synonym], Semnopithecus pruinosus Desmarest 1822 [synonym], Semnopithecus rutledgii Anderson 1878 [synonym], Simia villosa Griffith 1821 [synonym]
Trachypithecus delacouri Osgood 1911 [Delacour's langur]
Trachypithecus ebenus Brandon-Jones 1995
Trachypithecus francoisi de Pousargues 1898 [Francois' langur]
Trachypithecus geei Khajuria 1956 [Gee's golden langur]
Trachypithecus germaini Milne-Edwards 1876 [Indochinese lutung]
Trachypithecus laotum Thomas 1921 [Laotian langur]
Trachypithecus mauritius Roos et al. 2008
Trachypithecus maurus Schreber 1775
Trachypithecus obscurus Reid 1837 [dusky leaf monkey]
Trachypithecus phayrei Blyth 1847 [Phayre's leaf monkey]
Trachypithecus pileatus Blyth 1843 [capped langur]
Trachypithecus poliocephalus Trouessart 1911 [white-headed langur]
Trachypithecus sondaicus Robinson and Kloss 1919
Invalid names: Kasi Reichenbach 1862 [synonym]
G. Rungwecebus Davenport et al. 2006
Rungwecebus kipunji Jones et al. 2005
G. Semnopithecus Desmarest 1822
Subg. Semnopithecus (Lophopithecus) Trouessart 1879
Semnopithecus ajax Pocock 1928
Semnopithecus asnoti Pilgrim 1910
Semnopithecus entellus Dufresne 1797 [northern plains gray langur]
Semnopithecus johnii Fischer 1829 [Nilgiri langur]
Semnopithecus natunae Thomas and Hartert 1894
Semnopithecus vetulus Erxleben 1777 [purple-faced langur]
Invalid names: Simia cephaloptera Boddaert 1785 [synonym]
Invalid names: Simia faunus Linnaeus 1758 [nomen dubium]
G. †Nsungwepithecus Stevens et al. 2013
Nsungwepithecus gunnelli Stevens et al. 2013
Fm. †Victoriapithecidae von Koenigswald 1969
G. †Noropithecus Miller et al. 2009
Noropithecus bulukensis Miller et al. 2009
G. †Prohylobates Fourtau 1918
Prohylobates simonsi Delson 1979
Prohylobates tandyi Fourtau 1918
G. †Victoriapithecus von Koenigswald 1969
Victoriapithecus macinnesi von Koenigswald 1969
Invalid names: Victoriapithecus leakeyi von Koenigswald 1969 [synonym]
G. †Zaltanpithecus Benefit 2008
Superfm. †Dendropithecoidea Harrison 2012
Fm. †Dendropithecidae Harrison 2002
G. †Dendropithecus Andrews and Simons 1977
Dendropithecus macinnesi Le Gros Clark and Leakey 1949
G. †Micropithecus Fleagle and Simons 1978
Micropithecus clarki Fleagle and Simons 1978
Micropithecus leakeyorum Harrison 1989
G. †Simiolus Leakey and Leakey 1987
Simiolus enjiessi Leakey and Leakey 1987
Simiolus minutus Rossie and Hill 2018
Superfm. Hominoidea Gray 1825 [ape]
G. †Chororapithecus Suwa et al. 2007
Chororapithecus abyssinicus Suwa et al. 2007
G. †Ekembo McNulty et al. 2015
Ekembo heseloni Walker et al. 1933
Ekembo nyanzae Le Gros Clark and Leakey 1950
G. †Equatorius Ward et al. 1999
Equatorius africanus Le Gros Clark and Leakey 1951
Fm. Hominidae Gray 1825 [ape]
G. †Danuvius Bohme et al. 2019
Danuvius guggenmosi Bohme et al. 2019
Subfm. †Dryopithecinae
Tr. †Afropithecini Andrews 1992
G. †Otavipithecus Conroy 1992
G. †Griphopithecus Abel 1902
G. †Kenyapithecus Leakey 1961
G. †Limnopithecus Hopwood 1933
Limnopithecus evansi MacInnes 1943
Limnopithecus legetet Hopwood 1933
G. †Udabnopithecus Burchak-Abramovich and Gabashvili 1945
Udabnopithecus garedziensis Burtshak and Gabashvili 1945
G. Gorilla Geoffroy 1852 [gorilla]
Gorilla beringei Matschie 1903 [mountain gorilla]
Gorilla gorilla Savage and Wyman 1847 [gorilla]
Gorilla gorilla gorilla Savage and Wyman 1847 [western lowland gorilla]
Invalid names: Gorilla (Pseudogorilla) ellioti Frechkop 1943 [synonym], Pseudogorilla mayema Elliot 1912 [synonym]
Gorilla gorilla graueri Matschie 1914 [eastern lowland gorilla]
Invalid names: Gorilla gigas Haeckel 1903 [synonym], Gorilla gorilla rexpygmaeorum Schwarz 1927 [synonym]
Invalid names: Gorilla beringei mikenensis Lönnberg 1917 [synonym], Pseudogorilla Elliot 1912 [synonym]
Tr. Hominina Gray 1825
G. †Paranthropus Broom 1938 [australopithecine]
Paranthropus aethiopicus Arambourg and Coppens 1968
Paranthropus boisei Leakey 1959
Paranthropus robustus Broom 1938
Subfm. Homininae Gray 1825
G. †Dryopithecus Lartet 1856
Invalid names: Indopithecus von Koenigswald 1949 [synonym], Rudapithecus Kretzoi 1969 [synonym]
Tr. †Graecopithecini Cameron 1997
G. †Graecopithecus von Koenigswald 1972
Invalid names: Ouranopithecus de Bonis and Melentis 1977 [synonym]
Tr. Hominini Gray 1825
G. †Ardipithecus White et al. 1995
G. †Australopithecus Dart 1925 [australopithecine]
Invalid names: Paraustralopithecus Arambourg and Coppens 1967 [synonym], Plesianthropus Broom 1938 [synonym], Zinjanthropus Leakey 1959 [synonym]
G. Homo Linnaeus 1758 [human]
Invalid names: Africanthropus Dreyer 1935 [synonym], Atlanthropus Arambourg 1954 [synonym], Cyphanthropus Pycraft 1928 [synonym], Kenyanthropus Leakey 2001 [synonym], Pithecanthropus Dubois 1894 [synonym], Protanthropus Haeckel 1895 [synonym], Sinanthropus Black 1927 [synonym], Tchadanthropus Coppens 1965 [synonym], Telanthropus Broom and Anderson 1949 [synonym]
Subtr. Panina Delson 1977
G. †Sahelanthropus Brunet et al. 2002
Invalid names: Gorillini Hürzeler 1968 [empty]
G. †Lufengpithecus Wu 1987
Lufengpithecus lufengensis Xu et al. 1978
G. †Oreopithecus Gervais 1872
Oreopithecus bambolii Gervais 1871
G. †Pierolapithecus Moyà-Solà et al. 2004
Pierolapithecus catalaunicus Moyà-Solà et al. 2004
Subfm. Ponginae Elliot 1913
Tr. †Hispanopithecini Cameron 1997
G. †Hispanopithecus Villalta and Crusafont-Pairó 1955
G. †Khoratpithecus Chaimanee et al. 2004
Khoratpithecus ayeyarwadyensis Jaeger et al. 2011
Khoratpithecus chiangmuanensis Chaimanee et al. 2003
Khoratpithecus piriyai Chaimanee et al. 2004
G. Pongo Lacépède 1799 [orangutan]
G. †Sivapithecus Pilgrim 1910
Invalid names: Ankarapithecus Ozansoy 1965 [synonym], Ramapithecus Lewis 1934 [synonym]
Invalid names: Ramapithecidae Simonetta 1957 [invalid subgroup], Ramapithecinae Simonetta 1957 [invalid subgroup], Sivapithecinae [invalid subgroup]
Invalid names: Lufengpithecini Kelley 2002 [empty]
Subfm. †Preanthropinae Cela-Conde and Altaba 2002
G. †Praeanthropus Senyurek 1955
Praeanthropus anamensis Leakey 1995
Praeanthropus garhi Asfaw 1999
Invalid names: Orrorin Senut 2001 [synonym]
Invalid names: Australopithecinae Gregory and Hellman 1939 [empty], Cercopithecina Gray 1825 [empty], Dryopithecidae [synonym], Homo troglodytes Linnaeus 1758 [nomen vanum], Oreopithecidae Schwalbe 1915 [synonym], Pongidae Elliot 1913 [synonym], Presbytina Gray 1825 [empty], Simiina Gray 1825 [empty]
Fm. Hylobatidae Gray 1870 [gibbon]
G. †Bunopithecus Matthew and Granger 1923
Bunopithecus sericus Matthew and Granger 1923
G. Hoolock Mootnick and Groves 2005 [hoolock gibbon]
Hoolock hoolock Harlan 1834 [western hoolock gibbon]
Hoolock leuconedys Groves 1967 [eastern hoolock gibbon]
Hoolock tianxing Fan et al. 2017 [Gaoligong hoolock gibbon]
G. Hylobates Illiger 1811
Hylobates abbotti Kloss 1929 [Abbott's Müller's Bornean gibbon]
Hylobates agilis Cuvier 1821 [agile gibbon]
Invalid names: Hylobates rafflesi Geoffroy 1828 [synonym], Hylobates unko Lesson 1840 [synonym]
Hylobates albibarbis Lyon 1911 [Bornean white-bearded gibbon]
Hylobates funereus Geoffroy 1850 [northern Müller's Bornean gibbon]
Hylobates klossii Miller 1903 [Kloss's gibbon]
Hylobates lar Linnaeus 1771 [lar gibbon]
Hylobates lar carpenteri Groves 1968 [Carpenter's lar gibbon]
Hylobates lar entelloides Geoffroy 1842 [mainland lar gibbon]
Hylobates lar lar Linnaeus 1771 [Malayan lar gibbon]
Invalid names: Pithecus variegatus Geoffroy 1812 [synonym], Simia albimana Vigors and Horsfield 1828 [synonym]
Hylobates lar vestitus Miller, Jr. 1942 [Sumatran lar gibbon]
Hylobates lar yunnanensis Ma and Wang 1986 [Yunnan lar gibbon]
Hylobates moloch Audebert 1797 [silvery Javan gibbon]
Invalid names: Hylobates leuciscus Schreber 1799 [synonym], Simia cinerea Latreille 1804 [synonym]
Hylobates muelleri Martin 1841 [eastern Müller's Bornean gibbon]
Hylobates pileatus Gray 1861 [pileated gibbon]
G. †Kapi Gilbert et al. 2020
Kapi ramnagarensis Gilbert et al. 2020
G. Nomascus Miller 1933
Nomascus annamensis Van Ngoc Thinh et al. 2010
Nomascus concolor Harlan 1826 [black crested gibbon]
Hylobates concolor henrici de Pousargues 1896
Invalid names: Hylobates concolor furvogaster Ma and Wang 1986 [synonym]
Nomascus concolor lu Delacour 1951 [Laotian black crested gibbon]
Invalid names: Hylobates concolor jingdongensis Ma and Wang 1986 [synonym], Hylobates harlani Lesson 1827 [synonym], Hylobates niger Ogilby 1840 [synonym]
Nomascus gabriellae Thomas 1909 [yellow-cheeked gibbon]
Nomascus hainanus Thomas 1892 [Hainan black crested gibbon]
Nomascus leucogenys Ogilby 1840 [northern white-cheeked gibbon]
Nomascus nasutus Kunkel d'Herculais 1884 [eastern black crested gibbon]
Nomascus siki Delacour 1951 [southern white-cheeked gibbon]
G. Symphalangus Gloger 1941 [siamang]
Symphalangus syndactylus Raffles 1822 [siamang]
Invalid names: Siamanga syndactyla volzi Pohl 1911 [synonym]
Invalid names: Siamanga Gray 1843 [synonym]
G. †Yuanmoupithecus Pan 2006
G. †Langsonia Schwartz et al. 1995
Langsonia liquidens Schwartz et al. 1995
Fm. †Proconsulidae Leakey 1963
G. †Afropithecus Leakey and Leakey 1986
Afropithecus turkanensis Leakey and Leakey 1986
G. †Heliopithecus Andrews and Martin 1987
G. †Morotopithecus Gebo et al. 1997
Morotopithecus bishopi Gebo et al. 1997
G. †Nacholapithecus Ishida et al. 1999
Nacholapithecus kerioi Ishida et al. 1999
G. †Nyanzapithecus Harrison 1987
Nyanzapithecus alesi Nengo et al. 2017
Nyanzapithecus harrisoni Kunimatsu 1997
Nyanzapithecus pickfordi Harrison 1986
G. †Proconsul Hopwood 1933
Proconsul africanus Hopwood 1933
Proconsul gitongai Pickford and Kunimatsu 2005
Proconsul major Le Gros Clark and Leakey 1950
Proconsul meswae Harrison and Andrews 2009
Invalid names: Ugandapithecus Senut et al. 2000 [synonym]
G. †Rangwapithecus Andrews 1974
Rangwapithecus gordoni Andrews 1974
G. †Turkanapithecus Leakey and Leakey 1986
Turkanapithecus kalakolensis Leakey and Leakey 1986
G. †Xenopithecus Hopwood 1933
Invalid names: Proconsulinae Leakey 1963 [empty]
G. †Rukwapithecus Stevens et al. 2013
Rukwapithecus fleaglei Stevens et al. 2013
G. †Samburupithecus Ishida and Pickford 1997
Samburupithecus kiptalami Ishida and Pickford 1997
G. †Kalepithecus Harrison 1989
Kalepithecus songhorensis Andrews 1978
G. †Kamoyapithecus Leakey et al. 1995
Kamoyapithecus hamiltoni Madden 1980
G. †Kogolepithecus Pickford et al. 2003
Kogolepithecus morotoensis Pickford et al. 2003
G. †Pliobates Alba et al. 2015
Pliobates cataloniae Alba et al. 2015
Superfm. †Pliopithecoidea Zapfe 1961
G. †Lomorupithecus Rossie and MacLatchy 2006
Lomorupithecus harrisoni Rossie and MacLatchy 2006
Fm. †Pliopithecidae Zapfe 1961
Subfm. †Dionysopithecinae Harrison and Gu 1999
G. †Dionysopithecus Li 1978
Dionysopithecus orientalis Suteethorn and Buffetaut 1990
Invalid names: Hylobates tianganhuensis Lei 1985 [synonym], Pliopithecus wangi Lei 1985 [synonym]
G. †Platodontopithecus Gu and Lin 1983
Invalid names: Dryopithecus sihongensis Lei 1985 [synonym]
Subfm. †Pliopithecinae Zapfe 1961
Tr. †Crouzeliini Ginsburg and Mein 1980
Tr. †Anapithecini Alba and Moyà-Solà 2012
G. †Anapithecus Kretzoi 1975
G. †Egarapithecus Moyà‐Solà et al. 2001
G. †Laccopithecus Wu and Pan 1984
G. †Plesiopliopithecus Zapfe 1961
Invalid names: Crouzelia Ginsburg and Mein 1980 [synonym]
Tr. †Pliopithecini Zapfe 1961
G. †Pliopithecus Gervais 1849
Invalid names: Crouzeliidae Begun 2002 [empty]
Fm. †Propliopithecidae Straus 1961
G. †Aegyptopithecus Simons 1965
Aegyptopithecus zeuxis Simons 1965
G. †Oligopithecus Simons 1962
Oligopithecus rogeri Gheerbrant et al. 1995
Oligopithecus savagei Simons 1962
G. †Propliopithecus Schlosser 1911
Propliopithecus ankeli Simons et al. 1987
Propliopithecus haeckeli Schlosser 1911
Invalid names: Moeripithecus markgrafi Schlosser 1910 [synonym]
Invalid names: Aeolopithecus Simons 1965 [synonym], Moeripithecus Schlosser 1910 [synonym]
Superfm. †Saadanioidea Zalmout et al. 2010
Fm. †Saadaniidae Zalmout et al. 2010
G. †Saadanius Zalmout et al. 2010
Saadanius hijazensis Zalmout et al. 2010
Invalid names: Eucatarrhini Delson 1977 [empty], Kansupithecus Bohlin 1946 [nomen nudum], Krishnapithecus Ginsburg and Mein 1980 [nomen dubium], Krishnapithecus krishnaii Chopra and Kaul 1979 [nomen dubium], Nyanzapithecinae Harrison 2002 [empty], Propliopithecoidea Simons 1965 [empty]
No diagnoses are available