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Metatheria (metatherian)
Metatheria was named by Huxley (1880). It is extant.
It was reranked as the subclass Metatheria by Huxley (1880), Flower (1883), Gregory (1910), Sloan and Van Valen (1965), Lillegraven and McKenna (1986), Carroll (1988), Wible (1991), Cifelli (1993), Springer et al. (1994), Beck et al. (2008), Asher and Helgen (2010) and Luo et al. (2011); it was reranked as the unranked clade Metatheria by Parker and Haswell (1897), Wible et al. (2007) and Averianov and Lopatin (2011); it was replaced with Didelphia by Hay (1930); it was reranked as the infraclass Metatheria by Marshall (1974) and Hooker (1986); it was synonymized subjectively with Marsupialia by McKenna and Bell (1997).
It was assigned to Tribosphenida by Cifelli (1993); to Mammalia by Asher and Helgen (2010); to Theria by Averianov and Lopatin (2011); to Theria by Parker and Haswell (1897), Gregory (1910), Sloan and Van Valen (1965), Lillegraven and McKenna (1986), Carroll (1988), Wible (1991), Springer et al. (1994), Luo et al. (2003), Wible et al. (2007), Beck et al. (2008) and Luo et al. (2011); and to Mammalia by Huxley (1880), Flower (1883), Flower and Lydekker (1891), Gadow (1898), Marshall (1974), Hooker (1986), Forasiepi et al. (2014) and Engelman et al. (2017).
It was reranked as the subclass Metatheria by Huxley (1880), Flower (1883), Gregory (1910), Sloan and Van Valen (1965), Lillegraven and McKenna (1986), Carroll (1988), Wible (1991), Cifelli (1993), Springer et al. (1994), Beck et al. (2008), Asher and Helgen (2010) and Luo et al. (2011); it was reranked as the unranked clade Metatheria by Parker and Haswell (1897), Wible et al. (2007) and Averianov and Lopatin (2011); it was replaced with Didelphia by Hay (1930); it was reranked as the infraclass Metatheria by Marshall (1974) and Hooker (1986); it was synonymized subjectively with Marsupialia by McKenna and Bell (1997).
It was assigned to Tribosphenida by Cifelli (1993); to Mammalia by Asher and Helgen (2010); to Theria by Averianov and Lopatin (2011); to Theria by Parker and Haswell (1897), Gregory (1910), Sloan and Van Valen (1965), Lillegraven and McKenna (1986), Carroll (1988), Wible (1991), Springer et al. (1994), Luo et al. (2003), Wible et al. (2007), Beck et al. (2008) and Luo et al. (2011); and to Mammalia by Huxley (1880), Flower (1883), Flower and Lydekker (1891), Gadow (1898), Marshall (1974), Hooker (1986), Forasiepi et al. (2014) and Engelman et al. (2017).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1880 | Metatheria Huxley p. 654 |
1883 | Metatheria Flower p. 184 |
1891 | Metatheria Flower and Lydekker p. 88 |
1897 | Metatheria Parker and Haswell p. 449 |
1898 | Metatheria Gadow p. 40 |
1910 | Metatheria Gregory p. 464 |
1965 | Metatheria Sloan and Van Valen p. 221 |
1974 | Metatheria Marshall p. 66 |
1986 | Metatheria Hooker p. 212 |
1986 | Metatheria Lillegraven and McKenna p. 27 |
1988 | Metatheria Carroll |
1991 | Metatheria Wible |
1993 | Metatheria Cifelli p. 9415 |
1994 | Metatheria Springer et al. p. 86 |
2003 | Metatheria Luo et al. p. 1938 |
2007 | Metatheria Wible et al. |
2008 | Metatheria Beck et al. p. 750 |
2010 | Metatheria Asher and Helgen p. 3 figs. Figure 1 |
2011 | Metatheria Averianov and Lopatin p. 34 |
2011 | Metatheria Luo et al. p. 444 |
2014 | Metatheria Forasiepi et al. |
2017 | Metatheria Engelman et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Subcl. Metatheria Huxley 1880 [metatherian]
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Fm. †Anatoliadelphyidae Métais et al. 2018
Unr. †Asiadelphia Trofimov and Szalay 1994
Invalid names: Asiatheriidae Trofimov and Szalay 1994 [empty]
Or. †Deltatheroida Kielan-Jaworowska 1982
Fm. †Deltatheridiidae Gregory and Simpson 1926
G. †Atokatheridium Kielan-Jaworowska and Cifelli 2001
†Atokatheridium boreni Kielan-Jaworowska and Cifelli 2001
G. †Deltatheridium Gregory and Simpson 1926
†Deltatheridium nessovi Averianov 1997
†Deltatheridium pretrituberculare Gregory and Simpson 1926
†Deltatheridium pretrituberculare pretrituberculare Gregory and Simpson 1926
†Deltatheridium pretrituberculare tardum Kielan-Jaworowska 1975
G. †Oklatheridium Davis et al. 2008
†Oklatheridium minax Davis and Cifelli 2011
†Oklatheridium szalayi Davis et al. 2008
†Oklatheridium wiblei Cifelli and Davis 2015
G. †Sulestes Nessov 1985
†Sulestes karakshi Nessov 1985
Invalid names: Deltatherus kizylkumensis Nessov 1993 [synonym], Marsasia aenigma Nessov 1997 [synonym]
Invalid names: Deltatherus Nessov 1997 [synonym], Marsasia Nessov 1997 [synonym]
Invalid names: Deltatheroididae Kielan-Jaworowska and Nessov 1990 [synonym], Sulestinae Nessov 1985 [empty]
G. †Khuduklestes Nessov and Sigogneau-Russell 1994
†Khuduklestes bohlini Nessov and Sigogneau-Russell 1994
Fm. †Jaskhadelphyidae de Muizon 1992
G. †Minusculodelphis Paula Couto 1962
†Minusculodelphis minimus Paula Couto 1962
†Minusculodelphis modicum Oliveira et al. 2016
Unr. Marsupialiformes Vullo and Gheerbrant 2009
Fm. †Alphadontidae Marshall et al. 1990
G. †Albertatherium Fox 1971
†Albertatherium primus Fox 1971
†Albertatherium secundus Johanson 1995
G. †Alphadon Simpson 1927
†Alphadon attaragos Lillegraven and McKenna 1986
†Alphadon eatoni Cifelli and de Muizon 1998
†Alphadon halleyi Sahni 1972
†Alphadon marshi Simpson 1927
†Alphadon perexiguus Cifelli 1994
†Alphadon sahnii Lillegraven and McKenna 1986
†Alphadon wilsoni Lillegraven 1969
G. †Eoalphadon Eaton 2009
†Eoalphadon clemensi Eaton 1993
†Eoalphadon lillegraveni Eaton 1993
†Eoalphadon woodburnei Eaton 2009
G. †Turgidodon Cifelli 1990
†Turgidodon lillegraveni Cifelli 1990
†Turgidodon madseni Cifelli 1990
†Turgidodon parapraesagus Rigby, Jr. and Wolberg 1987
†Turgidodon petiminis Storer 1991
†Turgidodon praesagus Russell 1952
†Turgidodon rhaister Clemens 1966
†Turgidodon russelli Fox 1979
G. †Varalphadon Johanson 1996
†Varalphadon creber Fox 1971
†Varalphadon crebreforme Cifelli 1990
†Varalphadon janetae Carneiro 2018
†Varalphadon wahweapensis Cifelli 1990
G. †Anchistodelphys Cifelli 1990
†Anchistodelphys archibaldi Cifelli 1990
†Anchistodelphys delicatus Cifelli 1990
G. †Arcantiodelphys Vullo and Gheerbrant 2009
†Arcantiodelphys marchandi Vullo and Gheerbrant 2009
G. †Dakotadens Eaton 1993
†Dakotadens morrowi Eaton 1993
†Dakotadens pertritus Cifelli et al. 2016
Unr. Marsupialia Illiger 1811 [marsupial]
Unr. †Ameridelphia Szalay 1982
Fm. †Derorhynchidae Paula Couto 1962
G. †Coona Simpson 1938
G. †Derorhynchus Couto 1952
G. †Diogenesia Oliveira et al. 2021
G. †Pauladelphys Goin et al. 1999
Or. Didelphimorphia Gill 1872
Unr. Didelphidae Gray 1821 [opossum]
Invalid names: Pedimanes Gray 1821 [invalid subgroup], Peradectia Marshall et al. 1990 [synonym], Peradectoidea Marshall et al. 1990 [empty], Sparassocynidae Reig 1958 [empty]
Fm. †Protodidelphidae Marshall 1987
G. †Bergqvistherium Carneiro 2018
G. †Carolocoutoia Goin et al. 1998
G. †Guggenheimia Paula Couto 1952
G. †Periprotodidelphis Oliveira and Goin 2011
G. †Protodidelphis Paula Couto 1952
Fm. †Sternbergiidae Szalay 1994
G. †Carolopaulacoutoia McKenna and Bell 1997
Invalid names: Sternbergia Paula Couto 1970 [synonym]
G. †Didelphopsis Paula Couto 1952
Unr. Australidelphia Szalay 1982
G. †Bulungu Gurovich et al. 2014
†Bulungu campbelli Travouillon et al. 2014
†Bulungu muirheadae Travouillon et al. 2014
†Bulungu palara Gurovich et al. 2014
Or. Diprotodontia Owen 1866 [diprotodont marsupial]
G. †Alkwertatherium Murray 1990
Subor. Phalangerida Aplin and Archer 1987
Subor. Phalangeriformes Szalay 1982 [possum]
Superfm. Phascolomyoidea
Fm. Potoroidae Gray 1821
Fm. Pseudocheiridae Winge 1893 [ringtail possum]
G. †Silvabestius Black and Archer 1997
Subor. Vombatiformes Burnett 1830
Invalid names: Burramyoidea Broom 1898 [empty], Macropodiformes Ameghino 1889 [empty], Phalangista convolutor Schinz 1812 [nomen dubium], Phascolarctoidea Owen 1839 [empty]
Superor. †Eometatheria Simpson 1970
Or. Dasyuromorphia Gill 1872
G. †Monodelphopsis Paula Couto 1952
Or. Microbiotheria Ameghino 1899
Fm. Microbiotheriidae Ameghino 1887
Fm. †Woodburnodontidae Goin et al. 2007
Or. Peramelemorphia Ameghino 1889
G. †Galadi Travouillion et al. 2010
Subor. †Perameloidea McKenna and Bell 1997
Superfm. †Yaraloidea Muirhead 2000
Invalid names: Peramelia Ameghino 1889 [empty]
G. †Duquettichnus Sarjeant and Thulborn 1986
Invalid names: Duquettichnus kooli Sarjeant and Thulborn 1986 [nomen dubium]
G. †Gashternia Simpson 1935
†Gashternia carioca Goin and Oliveira 2007
†Gashternia ctalehor Simpson 1935
Unr. †Herpetotheriidae Trouessart 1879
G. †Amphiperatherium Filhol 1879
†Amphiperatherium ambiguum Filhol 1877
†Amphiperatherium bastbergense Crochet 1979
†Amphiperatherium bourdellense Crochet 1979
†Amphiperatherium brabantense Crochet 1979
†Amphiperatherium exile Gervais 1848
†Amphiperatherium fontense Crochet 1979
†Amphiperatherium frequens von Meyer 1846
†Amphiperatherium giselense Heller 1936
†Amphiperatherium goethei Crochet 1979
†Amphiperatherium lamandini Filhol 1876
†Amphiperatherium maximum Crochet 1979
†Amphiperatherium minutum Aymard 1846
Invalid names: Oxygomphius Meyer 1846 [synonym]
G. †Asiadidelphis Gabunia et al. 1990
†Asiadidelphis akbarbugtii Crochet et al. 2007
†Asiadidelphis tjutkovae Emry et al. 1995
†Asiadidelphis zaissanense Gabunia et al. 1990
G. †Herpetotherium Cope 1873
†Herpetotherium fugax Cope 1873
Invalid names: Didelphys pygmaea Scott 1894 [synonym], Herpetotherium scalare Cope 1873 [synonym], Herpetotherium tricuspis Cope 1873 [synonym]
†Herpetotherium innominatum Simpson 1928
†Herpetotherium knighti McGrew et al. 1959
Invalid names: Centracodon delicatus Marsh 1872 [synonym], Entomacodon minutus Marsh 1872 [synonym], Peratherium morrisi Gazin 1962 [synonym]
†Herpetotherium marsupium Troxell 1923
†Herpetotherium merriami Stock and Furlong 1922
G. †Nortedelphys Case et al. 2004
†Nortedelphys jasoni Storer 1991
Invalid names: Nortedelphys intermedius Case et al. 2004 [synonym]
†Nortedelphys magnus Case et al. 2004
†Nortedelphys minimus Case et al. 2004
G. †Peratherium Aymard 1850
†Peratherium africanus Simons and Bown 1984
†Peratherium antiquum Blaineville 1840
†Peratherium bretouense Crochet 1979
†Peratherium comstocki Cope 1884
†Peratherium constans Teilhard de Jardin 1927
†Peratherium cuvieri Fisher 1829
†Peratherium edwardi Gazin 1952
†Peratherium elegans Aymard 1846
†Peratherium giselense Heller 1936
†Peratherium lavergnense Crochet 1979
†Peratherium macgrewi Bown 1979
†Peratherium matronense Crochet 1979
Invalid names: Centracodon Marsh 1872 [synonym], Entomacodon Marsh 1872 [synonym]
G. †Swaindelphys Johanson 1996
†Swaindelphys cifellii Johanson 1996
†Swaindelphys encinensis Williamson and Taylor 2011
†Swaindelphys johansoni Williamson and Taylor 2011
†Swaindelphys johansoni Williamson and Taylor 2011
G. †Thylacodon Matthew and Granger 1921
†Thylacodon montanensis Williamson et al. 2012
†Thylacodon pusillus Matthew and Granger 1921
Fm. †Numbigilgidae Beck et al. 2008
Or. Paucituberculata Ameghino 1894
G. †Bardalestes Goin et al. 2009
†Bardalestes hunco Goin et al. 2009
Invalid names: Dracolestes Goin et al. 2009 [nomen nudum]
Superfm. †Palaeothentoidea Goin et al. 2009
Fm. †Abderitidae Ameghino 1889
G. †Lemmythentes Martin et al. 2024
G. †Minusculothentes Martin et al. 2024
Fm. †Palaeothentidae Sinclair 1906
G. †Panchothentes Martin et al. 2024
Fm. †Pichipilidae Marshall 1980
G. †Zeballothentes Martin et al. 2024
Invalid names: Caroloameghinioidea Ameghino 1901 [empty]
Unr. †Peradectidae Crochet 1979
G. †Armintodelphys Krishtalka and Stucky 1983
†Armintodelphys blacki Krishtalka and Stucky 1983
†Armintodelphys dawsoni Krishtalka and Stucky 1983
†Armintodelphys dufraingi Smith and Smith 2013
Subfm. †Caroloameghiniinae Ameghino 1901
G. †Canchadelphys Goin et al. 2010
G. †Caroloameghinia Ameghino 1901
G. †Procaroloameghinia Marshall 1982
Subfm. †Protodidelphinae Marshall 1987
G. †Mimoperadectes Bown and Rose 1979
†Mimoperadectes houdei Horovitz et al. 2009
†Mimoperadectes labrus Bown and Rose 1979
†Mimoperadectes sowasheensis Beard and Dawson 2009
G. †Peradectes Matthew and Granger 1921
†Peradectes austrinum Sige 1971
†Peradectes californicus Stock 1936
†Peradectes chesteri Gazin 1952
†Peradectes coprexeches Williamson and Taylor 2011
†Peradectes gulottai Rose 2010
†Peradectes louisi Crochet 1979
†Peradectes minor Clemens 2006
†Peradectes protinnominatus McKenna 1960
Subfm. †Peradectinae Crochet 1979
G. †Didelphidectes Hough 1961
G. †Indodelphis Bajpai et al. 2005
G. †Junggaroperadectes Ni et al. 2007
G. †Nanodelphys McGrew 1937
G. †Siamoperadectes Ducrocq et al. 1992
Subor. Polyprotodontia Owen 1866
Superfm. Didelphoidae Gray 1821
Invalid names: Sparassocynus heterotopicus Villarroel and Marshall 1983 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Trituberculata [empty]
Invalid names: Cimolestes lucasi Rigby, Jr. and Wolberg 1987 [nomen dubium], Didelpha Bonaparte 1838 [synonym], Didelphia Cope 1889 [empty], Ferae Gray 1821 [synonym], Ideodelphys Ameghino 1902 [nomen vanum], Ideodelphys microscopicus Ameghino 1902 [nomen vanum], Marsupiata Richardson 1837 [synonym], Marsupicarnivora Ride 1964 [empty], Metadelphia Archer 1984 [synonym], Nototheriidae [empty], Odontomysopidae Ameghino 1902 [invalid subgroup], Odontomysops Ameghino 1902 [nomen vanum], Odontomysops spiniferus Ameghino 1902 [nomen vanum], Pharsophorus tenuis Ameghino 1897 [nomen vanum], Pollicata Illiger 1811 [synonym], Promysops primarius Ameghino 1902 [nomen vanum], Salientia Illiger 1811 [synonym]
Superfm. †Pediomyoidea Simpson 1927
Fm. †Aquiladelphidae Davis 2007
G. †Aquiladelphis Fox 1971
†Aquiladelphis analetris Cohen et al. 2020
†Aquiladelphis incus Fox 1971
†Aquiladelphis laurae Eaton 2006
†Aquiladelphis minor Fox 1971
Invalid names: Aquiladelphis paraminor Rigby, Jr. and Wolberg 1987 [synonym]
G. †Scalaridelphys Cohen et al. 2021
†Scalaridelphys aquilana Cohen et al. 2020
†Scalaridelphys martini Cohen et al. 2020
Invalid names: Scalaria Cohen et al. 2020 [replaced]
Fm. †Pediomyidae Simpson 1927
G. †Leptalestes Davis 2007
†Leptalestes cooki Clemens 1966
†Leptalestes krejcii Clemens 1966
†Leptalestes prokrejcii Fox 1979
Invalid names: Pediomys fassetti Rigby, Jr. and Wolberg 1987 [synonym]
†Leptalestes toevsi Hunter et al. 2010
G. †Pediomys Marsh 1889
†Pediomys elegans Marsh 1889
Invalid names: Synconodon Osborn 1898 [synonym]
G. †Protolambda Osborn 1898
†Protolambda clemensi Sahni 1972
†Protolambda florencae Clemens 1966
†Protolambda mcgilli Kelly 2014
Invalid names: Aletridelphys Davis 2007 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Petaurinae Gill 1872 [empty]
Subor. †Polydolopimorphia Archer 1984
G. †Bobbschaefferia Paula Couto 1970
†Bobbschaefferia fluminensis Paula Couto 1970
Invalid names: Schaefferia fluminensis Paula Couto 1952 [replaced]
Invalid names: Depaulacoutoia Kretzoi and Kretzoi 2000 [synonym], Schaefferia Paula Couto 1952 [replaced]
Fm. †Bonapartheriidae Pascual 1980
Subor. †Bonapartheriiformes Goin and Candela 2004
Superfm. †Argyrolagoidea Ameghino 1904
Fm. †Argyrolagidae Ameghino 1904
G. †Epiklohnia Goin et al. 2010
G. †Praedens Goin et al. 2010
Invalid names: Patagoniidae Pascual and Carlini 1987 [empty]
Subfm. †Chulpasiinae Sigé et al. 2009
G. †Chulpasia Crochet and Sigé 1993
†Chulpasia jimthorselli Sigé et al. 2009
†Chulpasia mattaueri Crochet and Sigé 1993
Fm. †Glasbiidae Clemens 1966
G. †Glasbius Clemens 1966
†Glasbius intricatus Clemens 1966
†Glasbius piceanus Cohen et al. 2020
†Glasbius twitchelli Archibald 1982
Subor. †Hatcheriformes Case et al. 2004
G. †Ectocentrocristus Rigby, Jr. and Wolberg 1987
†Ectocentrocristus foxi Rigby, Jr. and Wolberg 1987
Fm. †Polydolopidae Ameghino 1897
G. †Kramadolops Goin et al. 2010
†Kramadolops abanicoi Flynn and Wyss 1999
†Kramadolops fissuratus Goin et al. 2010
†Kramadolops hernandezi Marshall 1982
†Kramadolops maximus Goin et al. 2010
†Kramadolops mayoi Odreman Rivas 1978
†Kramadolops mckennai Flynn and Wyss 2004
Subfm. †Polydolopinae Ameghino 1897
G. †Amphidolops Ameghino 1902
Invalid names: Anadolops Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Seumadia Simpson 1935 [synonym]
G. †Antarctodolops Woodburne and Zinsmeister 1984
Invalid names: Eurydolops Case et al. 1988 [synonym]
G. †Eudolops Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Promysops Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Propolymastodon Ameghino 1903 [synonym]
G. †Pseudolops Ameghino 1902
G. †Polydolops Ameghino 1897
†Polydolops clavulus Ameghino 1902
†Polydolops crassus Ameghino 1902
†Polydolops serra Ameghino 1902
Invalid names: Amphidolops serrifer Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Anissodolops serrifer Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Polydolops bocurhor Simpson 1948 [synonym]
†Polydolops tetragonus Ameghino 1897
†Polydolops thomasi Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Orthodolops sciurinus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Polydolops fur Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Polydolops simplex Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Polydolops thomasi crassus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Polydolops thomasi mara Simpson 1948 [synonym], Polydolops thomasi paahi Simpson 1948 [synonym], Polydolops thomasi thomasi Simpson 1948 [synonym]
†Polydolops unicus Tejedor et al. 2009
Invalid names: Anissodolops Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Archaeodolops Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Orthodolops Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Pliodolops Ameghino 1902 [synonym]
Invalid names: Promysopidae Ameghino 1902 [synonym]
Subor. †Polydolopiformes Goin and Candela 1996
Fm. †Prepidolopidae Pascual 1980
G. †Roberthoffstetteria Marshall et al. 1983
†Roberthoffstetteria nationalgeographica Marshall et al. 1983
Invalid names: Gashterniidae Marshall 1987 [empty], Polydolopoidea Ameghino 1897 [empty]
Or. †Sparassodonta Ameghino 1894
Superfm. †Borhyaenoidea Ameghino 1894
Unr. †Borhyaenidae Savage 1951
G. †Angelocabrerus Simpson 1970
G. †Argyrolestes Ameghino 1902
G. †Australohyaena Forasiepi et al. 2015
Subfm. †Borhyaeninae Ameghino 1894
Invalid names: Conodonictidae Ameghino 1935 [synonym], Sparassodontidae Roger 1896 [synonym]
G. †Eutemodus Bravard 1858
G. †Fredszalaya Shockey and Anaya 2008
G. †Nemolestes Ameghino 1902
Subfm. †Prothylacyninae Ameghino 1894
G. †Lycopsis Goin 1997
†Lycopsis longirostrus Marshall 1977
†Lycopsis padillai Suarez et al. 2016
†Lycopsis viverensis Forasiepi et al. 2003
Unr. †Proborhyaenidae Ameghino 1897
G. †Callistoe Babot et al. 2002
G. †Paraborhyaena Hoffstetter and Petter 1983
G. †Proborhyaena Ameghino 1897
Unr. †Thylacosmilinae Riggs 1933
Invalid names: Arminiheringiidae Ameghino 1902 [synonym]
Subfm. †Hathlyacininae Ameghino 1894
G. †Acyon Ameghino 1887
†Acyon myctoderos Forasiepi et al. 2006
†Acyon tricuspidatus Ameghino 1887
Invalid names: Anatherium herrerae Marshall 1981 [synonym], Ictioborus destructor Ameghino 1894 [synonym]
G. †Borhyaenidium Pascual and Bocchino 1963
†Borhyaenidium altiplanicus Villarroel and Marshall 1983
†Borhyaenidium musteloides Pascual and Bocchino 1963
†Borhyaenidium riggsi Marshall 1981
G. †Cladosictis Ameghino 1887
†Cladosictis centralis Ameghino 1902
†Cladosictis patagonica Ameghino 1887
Invalid names: Agustylus cynoides Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Agustylus minus Ameghino 1935 [synonym], Agustylus primaevus Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Amphithereutes obscurus Ameghino 1935 [synonym], Cladosictis dissimilis Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Cladosictis lateralis Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Cladosictis petersoni Sinclair 1906 [synonym], Cladosictis trouessarti Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Hathliacynus cultridens Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Hathliacynus fischeri Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Hathliacynus lustratus Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Hathliacynus rollieri Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Hathlyacynus linchyi Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Ictioborus fenestratus Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Protoproviverra ensidens Ameghino 1891 [synonym]
Invalid names: Acyon bardus Ameghino 1889 [nomen dubium], Agustylus Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Anatherium Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Anatherium defossus Ameghino 1887 [nomen dubium], Hathliacynus Ameghino 1887 [synonym], Ictioborus Ameghino 1891 [synonym]
G. †Contrerascynus Mones 2014
†Contrerascynus borhyaenoides Contreras 1990
Invalid names: Simpsonia Contreras 1990 [replaced]
G. †Notictis Ameghino 1889
†Notictis ortizii Ameghino 1889
Invalid names: Didelphys curvidens Burmeister 1891 [objective synonym]
G. †Patene Simpson 1935
†Patene campbelli Goin and Candela 2004
†Patene coluapiensis Simpson 1935
†Patene simpsoni Paula Couto 1952
Invalid names: Ischyrodidelphis castellanosi Paula Couto 1952 [synonym]
Invalid names: Ischyrodidelphis Paula Couto 1952 [synonym]
G. †Perathereutes Ameghino 1891
†Perathereuthes amputans Ameghino 1891
†Perathereuthes obtusus Ameghino 1891
G. †Procladosictis Ameghino 1902
†Procladosictis anomala Ameghino 1902
Invalid names: Procladosictis erecta Ameghino 1902 [nomen vanum]
G. †Sipalocyon Ameghino 1887
†Sipalocyon externus Ameghino 1902
†Sipalocyon gracilis Ameghino 1887
Invalid names: Amphiproviverra crassa Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Amphiproviverra minuta Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Hathliacynus lynchi Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Perathereutes amputans Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Perathereutes obtusus Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Protoproviverra manzaniana Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Protoviverra manzaniana Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Sipalocyon altiramis Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Sipalocyon curtus Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Sipalocyon longus Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Sipalocyon mixtus Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Thylacodictis exilis Mercerat 1891 [synonym]
†Sipalocyon obusta Ameghino 1891
Invalid names: Amphiproviverra Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Amphithereutes Ameghino 1935 [synonym], Protoproviverra Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Thylacodictis Mercerat 1891 [synonym]
Invalid names: Acyonidae Ameghino 1889 [invalid subgroup], Amphoproviverridae Ameghino 1894 [invalid subgroup], Cladictidae Winge 1923 [invalid subgroup], Cladosictidae Ameghino 1935 [invalid subgroup], Cladosictinae Cabrera 1927 [invalid subgroup], Pseudocladosictis Ameghino 1902 [nomen vanum], Pseudocladosictis determinabile Ameghino 1902 [nomen vanum]
Fm. †Hondadelphidae Marshall et al. 1989
Fm. †Thylacosmilidae Riggs 1933
G. †Thylacosmilus Riggs 1933
†Thylacosmilus atrox Riggs 1933
Invalid names: Achlysictis lelongi Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Thylacosmilus lentis Riggs 1933 [synonym]
Invalid names: Achlysictis Ameghino 1891 [synonym], Hyaenodontops Ameghino 1908 [synonym], Notosmilus Kraglievich 1960 [synonym]
Fm. †Stagodontidae Marsh 1889
G. †Didelphodon Marsh 1889
†Didelphodon coyi Fox and Naylor 1986
†Didelphodon padanicus Cope 1892
†Didelphodon vorax Marsh 1889
Invalid names: Cimolestes curtus Marsh 1889 [synonym], Didelphodon ferox Marsh 1889 [synonym], Ectoconodon petersoni Osborn 1898 [synonym], Stagodon nitor Marsh 1889 [synonym], Stagodon validus Marsh 1892 [synonym]
Invalid names: Diaphorodon Simpson 1927 [synonym], Didelphops Marsh 1889 [synonym], Ectoconodon Osborn 1898 [synonym], Stagodon Marsh 1889 [synonym]
G. †Pariadens Cifelli and Eaton 1987
†Pariadens kirklandi Cifelli and Eaton 1987
†Pariadens mckennai Cifelli 2004
Fm. †Mayulestidae de Muizon 1994
Fm. †Pappotheriidae Slaughter 1965
Superor. †Pucadelphyda Muizon et al. 2018
Superfm. †Pucadelphyoidea Muizon and Ladevèze 2022
Fm. †Pucadelphyidae de Muizon 1998
G. †Andinodelphys Marshall and de Muizon 1988
†Andinodelphys cochabambensis Marshall and de Muizon 1988
G. †Itaboraidelphys Marshall and de Muizon 1984
†Itaboraidelphys camposi Marshall and de Muizon 1984
G. †Mizquedelphys Marshall and de Muizon 1988
†Mizquedelphys pilpinensis Marshall and de Muizon 1988
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: s = species, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Vizcaíno et al. 2010, Clemens 1979, Legendre 1988, Hendy et al. 2009, Carroll 1988, Hopson 1973, Lillegraven 1979 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Late/Upper Aptian to the top of the Holocene or 122.46000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 109.0 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 109.0 Ma
Collections (1757 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Aptian - Albian | USA (Wyoming) | Atokatheridium sp., Oklatheridium sp. (137567) Metatheria indet., Oklatheridium sp. (137577) | |
Late/Upper Aptian - Early/Lower Albian | Canada (British Columbia) | Duquettichnus kooli (114578) | |
Late/Upper Aptian - Early/Lower Albian | USA (Texas) | Adinodon pattersoni, Oklatheridium sp., Oklatheridium szalayi, Oklatheridium minax, Pappotherium pattersoni, Slaughteria eruptens (14388) Pappotherium pattersoni, Slaughteria eruptens (14375) | |
Late/Upper Aptian - Early/Lower Albian | USA (Oklahoma) | Atokatheridium boreni, Oklatheridium sp., Oklatheridium szalayi, Oklatheridium minax, Pappotherium pattersoni, Slaughteria eruptens (14392) | |
Middle Albian - Early/Lower Cenomanian | USA (Montana) | Marsupialiformes indet., Oklatheridium wiblei, Pappotherium pattersoni (23502) Metatheria indet., Deltatheroida indet. (14381) | |
Cenomanian | USA (Utah) | Dakotadens morrowi (14386) Dakotadens morrowi, Alphadon clemensi (14384) | |
Cenomanian - Santonian | Mongolia (Dornogov) | Tsagandelta dashzevegi (167890) | |
Early/Lower Cenomanian | USA (Utah) | Dakotadens pertritus (14397 181580) Marsupialia indet., Sinbadelphys schmidti (200123) Sinbadelphys schmidti (14395) Sinbadelphys schmidti, Adelodelphys muizoni, Dakotadens pertritus (14398 14399 14403) Sinbadelphys schmidti, Kokopellia juddi, Tribotheria indet. (14396) Sinbadelphys schmidti, Pariadens mckennai, Adelodelphys muizoni (14405) | |
Early/Lower Cenomanian | France (Poitou-Charentes) | Marsupialia indet. (73862) Stagodontidae indet. (77233) | |
Early/Lower Cenomanian | Uzbekistan (Navoi) | Pappotheriidae sp. (58208) | |
Middle Cenomanian | USA (Utah) | Pariadens kirklandi (14387) | |
Middle Cenomanian - Late/Upper Cenomanian | USA (Utah) | Eoalphadon sp., Eoalphadon woodburnei (73433) Eoalphadon woodburnei (73432) Pariadens kirklandi, Alphadon lillegraveni, Alphadon sp. (14383) Pariadens kirklandi, Dakotadens sp., Dakotadens morrowi, Protalphadon sp., Alphadontidae indet., Alphadon clemensi, Alphadon lillegraveni, Alphadon sp., Varalphadon janetae (14385) | |
Late/Upper Turonian | USA (Utah) | Deltatheridiidae indet., Peradectidae indet. (14415) | |
Middle Turonian | USA (Utah) | Hoodootherium praeceps, Pediomyidae indet., Scalaria martini (181356) Scalaria aquilana (14416) | |
Middle Turonian - Late/Upper Turonian | Uzbekistan (Navoi) | Deltatheroides kizylkumensis (58165) Sulestes karakshi (58166 58174 58179 118246 123159 123161) Sulestes karakshi, Deltatheroides kizylkumensis, Sulestes sp. (58168) Sulestes karakshi, Marsasia aenigma (123160) | |
Middle Turonian - Late/Upper Turonian | USA (Utah) | Marsupialia indet. (14418) Stagodontidae indet., Fumodelphodon pulveris (14414) | |
Late/Upper Turonian - Coniacian | Uzbekistan (Navoi) | Deltatherus sp. (123485) | |
Coniacian - Santonian | USA (Utah) | Alphadon sp. (14393 14417) Peradectidae indet., Stagodontidae indet. (14389) | |
Santonian | USA (Montana) | Metatheria indet., Leptalestes sp., Iqualadelphis lactea, Aquiladelphis minor, Aquiladelphis incus, Alphadon halleyi, Varalphadon sp., Varalphadon wahweapensis, Albertatherium sp., Albertatherium primus (181582) Varalphadon sp. (181583) | |
Late/Upper Santonian | Canada (Alberta) | Albertatherium primus, Albertatherium secundus (108197) Aquiladelphis minor, Aquiladelphis incus, Pediomys exiguus, Alphadon creber, Albertatherium primus (14423) Eodelphis sp., Aquiladelphis minor, Aquiladelphis incus, Alphadon creber (14426) Eodelphis sp., Iqualadelphis lactea, Aquiladelphis minor, Aquiladelphis incus, Pediomys exiguus, Alphadon creber, Albertatherium primus, Alphadon sp. (14425) |