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Eucrocopoda was named by Ezcurra (2016). It was considered monophyletic by Ezcurra (2016).
It was assigned to Archosauriformes by Ezcurra (2016), Wynd et al. (2020).
It was assigned to Archosauriformes by Ezcurra (2016), Wynd et al. (2020).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2016 | Eucrocopoda Ezcurra |
2020 | Eucrocopoda Wynd et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. †Eucrocopoda Ezcurra 2016
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Unr. Archosauria Cope 1869 [archosaur]
Unr. †Avemetatarsalia Benton 1999
Unr. †Aphanosauria Nesbitt et al. 2017
Unr. Ornithodira Gauthier 1986 [ornithodiran]
Unr. Dinosauromorpha Benton 1985
Unr. Dinosauriformes Novas 1992
G. †Prorotodactylus Ptaszynski 2000
Invalid names: Prorotodactylidae Ptaszynski 2000 [empty]
Invalid names: Scleromochlidae Huene 1914 [empty]
Unr. †Pseudosuchia Zittel 1890
G. †Browniella Broom 1913
Fm. †Chirotheriidae Abel 1935
G. †Brachychirotherium Beurlen 1950
†Brachychirotherium circaparvum Demathieu 1971
†Brachychirotherium eyermani Baird 1957
†Brachychirotherium gallicum Willruth 1917
†Brachychirotherium harrasense Haubold 1967
†Brachychirotherium hauboldi Ptaszynski 1990
†Brachychirotherium hessei Soergel 1925
†Brachychirotherium kalkowensis Niedzwiedzki and Ptaszynski 2007
†Brachychirotherium kuhni Demathieu and Haubold 1982
†Brachychirotherium lorteti Haubold 1970
†Brachychirotherium pachydactylum Demathieu and Gand 1973
†Brachychirotherium paraparvum Demathieu and Oosterink 1988
†Brachychirotherium parvum Hitchcock 1889
Invalid names: Agrestipus hottoni Weems 1987 [synonym], Chirotherium copei Bock 1952 [synonym]
†Brachychirotherium praeparvum Haubold 1967
†Brachychirotherium thuringiacum Rühle von Lilienstern 1938
Invalid names: Brachychirotherium coburgense Aumann 1957 [synonym], Brachychirotherium dulcis Ellenberger 1970 [synonym], Brachychirotherium hassfurtense Beurlen 1950 [synonym]
†Brachychirotherium wiorense Ptaszynski 2000
G. †Chirotherium Kaup 1835
†Chirotherium atlensis Biron and Dutuit 1981
†Chirotherium barthii Kaup 1835
Invalid names: Chirotherium bairdi Reig 1961 [synonym], Chirotherium gallicum Willruth 1917 [synonym], Chirotherium higuerensis Rusconi 1952 [synonym], Chirotherium kaupii Owen 1842 [synonym], Chirotherium majus Sickler 1836 [synonym], Chirotherium pfeifferi Soergel 1925 [synonym], Saurichnites auraensis Kirchner 1927 [synonym], Saurichnites gambaensis Schuster 1936 [synonym]
†Chirotherium culmbachense Soergel 1925
†Chirotherium ferox Demathieu 1966
†Chirotherium herculis Egerton 1839
†Chirotherium heterodactylum King 1844
†Chirotherium ischigualastianum Huene 1931
†Chirotherium ladinicus Avanzini and Wachtler 2012
†Chirotherium mediterraneum Demathieu and Durand 1991
†Chirotherium peabodyi Faber 1958
†Chirotherium postchirotherioides Rehnelt 1950
†Chirotherium praeparvum Haubold 1967
†Chirotherium reiteri Moore 1873
†Chirotherium sickleri Kaup 1835
Invalid names: Chirotherium beasleyi Nopcsa 1923 [synonym], Chirotherium bipes Berthold 1835 [synonym], Chirotherium bornemanni Willruth 1917 [synonym], Chirotherium minus Sickler 1836 [synonym]
†Chirotherium soergeli Haubold 1969
†Chirotherium storetonense Morton 1863
†Chirotherium swinnertoni Sarjeant 1970
†Chirotherium vorbachi Kirchner 1927
Invalid names: Chirosaurus Kaup 1835 [synonym], Krokodilipus Nopcsa 1923 [synonym], Quadridigitus Biron and Dutuit 1981 [synonym], Saurichnites Geinitz 1861 [synonym], Sphingopus Demathieu 1966 [synonym]
G. †Isochirotherium Haubold 1971
†Isochirotherium bipedale Abel 1935
†Isochirotherium circademathieui Gand 1979
†Isochirotherium coltoni Peabody 1948
†Isochirotherium comblei Gand 1979
†Isochirotherium coureli Demathieu 1970
†Isochirotherium delicatum Courel and Demathieu 1976
†Isochirotherium demathieui Haubold 1970
†Isochirotherium felenci Courel and Demathieu 1976
†Isochirotherium gardettensis Petti et al. 2020
†Isochirotherium gierlinskii Ptaszynski 2000
†Isochirotherium herculis Egerton 1839
†Isochirotherium hessbergense Haubold 1970
†Isochirotherium jenense Haubold 1970
†Isochirotherium lomasi Baird 1954
†Isochirotherium marshalli Peabody 1948
†Isochirotherium sanctacrucense Ptaszynski 1990
†Isochirotherium soergeli Haubold 1969
G. †Parasynaptichnium Mietto 1987
G. †Protochirotherium Fichter and Kunz 2004
†Protochirotherium wolfhagense Fichter and Kunz 2004
Invalid names: Palaeochirotherium Fichter and Kunz 2011 [synonym]
G. †Sauropodopus Ellenberger 1970
†Sauropodopus antiquus Ellenberger 1970
Invalid names: Deuterosauropodopus major Ellenberger 1970 [synonym]
G. †Synaptichnium Nopcsa 1923
†Synaptichnium argantobrivense Demathieu and Gand 1981
†Synaptichnium cameronensis Peabody 1948
†Synaptichnium chirotherioides Ptaszynski 1990
†Synaptichnium diabloensis Peabody 1948
†Synaptichnium hildburghausense Lilienstern 1939
†Synaptichnium kotanskii Ptaszynski 2000
†Synaptichnium motutongense Ellenberger 1974
†Synaptichnium priscum Demathieu 1970
†Synaptichnium pseudosuchoides Nopcsa 1923
†Synaptichnium senkowiczowae Niedzwiedzki and Ptaszynski 2007
Invalid names: Brachychirotherium tintanti Demathieu 1971 [nomen dubium], Chelonichnium Schimper 1853 [nomen dubium], Chirotherium angustum Huene 1941 [nomen dubium], Chirotherium catalaunicum Casanovas-Cladellas et al. 1979 [nomen dubium], Chirotherium huberi Bock 1952 [nomen dubium], Chirotherium ibericum Navás 1906 [nomen dubium], Chirotherium lulli Bock 1952 [nomen dubium], Chirotherium wondrai Heller 1952 [nomen dubium], Dahutherium Montenat 1968 [nomen nudum], Deuterosauropodopus Ellenberger 1970 [nomen dubium], Deuterosauropodopus minor Ellenberger 1970 [nomen dubium], Pachysaurichnium Demathieu and Weidmann 1982 [nomen dubium], Paratrisauropus Ellenberger 1970 [nomen dubium], Pentichnus Biron and Dutuit 1981 [nomen dubium], Pseudochirotherium Biron and Dutuit 1981 [nomen dubium], Shimmelia Casamiquela 1964 [nomen dubium], Swinnertonichnus Sarjeant 1967 [nomen dubium], Thecodontichnus fucinii Huene 1941 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Erpetosuchidae Watson 1917
Fm. †Gwyneddichniidae Bock 1952
G. †Gwyneddichnium Bock 1952
†Gwyneddichnium elongatum Bock 1952
†Gwyneddichnium majore Bock 1952
†Gwyneddichnium minore Bock 1952
G. †Ingenierichnus Casamiquela 1964
Invalid names: Ingenierichnus sierrai Casamiquela 1964 [nomen dubium]
Unr. †Ornithosuchidae Huene 1908
Fm. †Pallisteriidae Charig 1967
Unr. †Phytosauria Jaeger 1828
Fm. †Parasuchidae Lydekker 1885
G. †Apatopus Baird 1957
G. †Ebrachosuchus Kuhn 1936
G. †Parasuchus Lydekker 1885
Invalid names: Arganarhinus Long and Murry 1995 [synonym], Paleorhinus Williston 1904 [synonym]
G. †Wannia Stocker 2013
Invalid names: Parasuchinae Lydekker 1885 [empty]
G. †Promystriosuchus Case 1922
G. †Termatosaurus Plieninger 1844
†Termatosaurus alberti Meyer and Plieninger 1844
†Termatosaurus crocodilinus Quenstedt 1858
Invalid names: Angistorhinopsis Huene 1922 [nomen dubium], Angistorhinopsis ruetimeyeri Huene 1911 [nomen dubium], Angistorhinus gracilis Mehl 1915 [nomen dubium], Belodon Meyer 1844 [nomen dubium], Belodon ingens Fraas 1896 [nomen dubium], Belodon lepturus Cope 1869 [nomen dubium], Belodon plieningeri Meyer 1844 [nomen dubium], Belodon scolopax Cope 1881 [nomen dubium], Belodon superciliosus Cope 1893 [nomen dubium], Belodon validus Marsh 1893 [nomen dubium], Brachysuchus maleriensis Huene 1940 [nomen dubium], Centemodon Lea 1856 [nomen dubium], Centemodon sulcatus Lea 1856 [nomen dubium], Clepsysaurus Lea 1851 [nomen dubium], Clepsysaurus leai Emmons 1856 [nomen dubium], Clepsysaurus pennsylvanicus Lea 1851 [nomen dubium], Clepsysaurus veatleianus Cope 1877 [nomen dubium], Compsosaurus Leidy 1856 [nomen dubium], Compsosaurus priscus Leidy 1856 [nomen dubium], Dicynodon rosmarus Cope 1870 [nomen dubium], Eurydorus Leidy 1859 [nomen dubium], Eurydorus serridens Leidy 1859 [nomen dubium], Francosuchus Kuhn 1932 [nomen dubium], Francosuchus broilii Kuhn 1932 [nomen dubium], Francosuchus latus Kuhn 1932 [nomen dubium], Heterodontosuchus Lucas 1898 [nomen dubium], Heterodontosuchus ganei Lucas 1898 [nomen dubium], Leptosuchus imperfecta Case 1922 [nomen dubium], Omosaurus Leidy 1856 [nomen dubium], Omosaurus perplexus Leidy 1856 [nomen dubium], Palaeoctonus Cope 1877 [nomen dubium], Palaeoctonus appalachianus Cope 1877 [nomen dubium], Palaeoctonus aulacodus Cope 1877 [nomen dubium], Palaeoctonus dumblianus Cope 1893 [nomen dubium], Palaeoctonus orthodon Cope 1893 [nomen dubium], Palaeosaurus Riley and Stutchbury 1836 [nomen dubium], Palaeosaurus fraserianus Cope 1878 [nomen dubium], Palaeosaurus platyodon Riley and Stutchbury 1836 [nomen dubium], Palaeosaurus stricklandi Davis 1881 [nomen dubium], Parasuchia Huxley [synonym], Phytosaurus Jaeger 1828 [nomen dubium], Phytosaurus cubicodon Jaeger 1828 [nomen dubium], Phytosaurus cylindricodon Jaeger 1828 [nomen dubium], Rhytidodon rostratus Marsh 1896 [nomen dubium], Rileya bristolensis Huene 1902 [nomen dubium], Rutiodon manhattanensis Huene 1913 [nomen dubium], Suchoprion Cope 1877 [nomen dubium], Suchoprion cyphodon Cope 1877 [nomen dubium], Suchoprion sulcidens Cope 1878 [nomen dubium], Termatosaurus albertii Meyer and Plieninger 1844 [nomen dubium]
Superfm. †Poposauroidea Nopcsa 1923
G. †Benggwigwishingasuchus Smith et al. 2024
†Benggwigwishingasuchus eremicarminis Smith et al. 2024
Unr. †Ctenosauriscidae Kuhn 1964
G. †Arizonasaurus Welles 1947
G. †Bromsgroveia Galton 1985
G. †Bystrowisuchus Sennikov 2012
G. †Hypselorhachis Charig 1967
G. †Xilousuchus Wu 1981
Fm. †Rotodactylidae Peabody 1948
G. †Rotodactylus Peabody 1948
†Rotodactylus bessieri Demathieu 1984
†Rotodactylus bradyi Peabody 1948
†Rotodactylus kronachensis Demathieu and Leitz 1982
†Rotodactylus lucasi Demathieu and Gand 1973
†Rotodactylus matthesi Haubold 1967
†Rotodactylus rati Demathieu 1971
†Rotodactylus tumidus Morton 1897
†Rotodactylus velox Demathieu and Gand 1974
Unr. †Suchia Krebs 1974
Unr. †Aetosauria Lydekker 1889 [aetosaur]
G. †Aetosauripus Weiss 1934
G. †Aetosauroides Casamiquela 1960
Fm. †Batrachopodidae Lull 1904
G. †Chilenosuchus Casamiquela 1980
G. †Hoplitosuchus Huene 1942
G. †Revueltosaurus Hunt 1989
Invalid names: Galtonia Hunt and Lucas 1994 [synonym], Pekinosaurus Hunt and Lucas 1994 [synonym]
Unr. †Stagonolepididae Lydekker 1887
Invalid names: Episcoposaurus Cope 1887 [nomen dubium], Episcoposaurus haplocerus Cope 1892 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Gracilisuchidae Butler et al. 2014
G. †Gracilisuchus Romer 1972
G. †Maehary Kellner et al. 2022
G. †Parvosuchus Müller 2024
G. †Turfanosuchus Young 1973
G. †Yonghesuchus Wu et al. 2001
Unr. Paracrocodylomorpha Parrish 1993
Unr. Loricata Merrem 1820
Fm. †Poposauridae Nopcsa 1923
G. †Vytshegdosuchus Sennikov 1988
Invalid names: Paracrocodyliformes Weinbaum and Hungerbühler 2007 [empty]
Fm. †Shuvosauridae Chatterjee 1993
G. †Effigia Nesbitt and Norell 2006
G. †Sillosuchus Alcober and Parrish 1997
Invalid names: Crocodiliformes Hay 1930 [empty], Prestosuchidae Romer 1966 [empty], Rauisuchia Huene 1942 [invalid subgroup], Rauisuchiformes Parrish 1993 [empty]
Invalid names: Chasmatosaurus ultimus Young 1964 [nomen dubium], Chirotherioidea Huene 1954 [empty], Dasygnathus longidens Huxley 1877 [nomen dubium], Dongusia Huene 1940 [nomen dubium], Dongusia colorata Huene 1940 [nomen dubium], Ornithosuchoidea Kuhn 1964 [empty], Scleromochloidea Young 1964 [empty], Sphenosuchoidea Hoffstetter 1955 [empty], Synaptichniidae Ellenberger 1974 [empty], Teleocrateridae Charig 1967 [empty]
Or. †Thecodontia Owen 1859
G. †Clarencea Brink 1959
G. †Dasygnathoides Kuhn 1961
Invalid names: Crenelosaurus Ortlam 1967 [nomen dubium], Crenelosaurus nigrosilvanus Ortlam 1967 [nomen dubium], Doswelliina Weems 1980 [empty], Haemothermia Owen 1866 [empty], Ocoyuntaia Rusconi 1947 [nomen dubium], Ocoyuntaia arquata Rusconi 1947 [nomen dubium], Platyognathidae Simmons 1965 [empty], Seemannia Huene 1958 [nomen dubium], Seemannia palaeotriadica Huene 1958 [nomen dubium], Shansisuchus heiyuekouensis Young 1964 [nomen dubium]
Superor. Theropodomorpha Olshevsky 1991
Or. †Lagosuchia Paul 1988
Invalid names: Basitheropoda Olshevsky 1991 [empty]
Invalid names: Agrestipus Weems 1987 [nomen nudum], Avesuchia Benton 1999 [synonym], Avipes Huene 1932 [nomen dubium], Caenagnathiformes Sternberg 1940 [empty], Longisquamidae Sharov 1970 [empty], Megalosaurus terquemi Huene 1926 [nomen dubium], Neoarchosauria Benton 1985 [empty], Palaeosauriscus Kuhn 1959 [nomen dubium], Parrishia Long and Murry 1995 [nomen dubium], Parrishia mccreai Long and Murry 1995 [nomen dubium], Picrodon Seeley 1898 [nomen dubium], Strigosuchus Simmons 1965 [nomen dubium], Strigosuchus licinus Simmons 1965 [nomen dubium]
G. †Euparkeria Broom 1913
Unr. †Proterochampsia Kischlat 2000
G. †Barberenachampsa Kischlat 2000
Unr. †Doswelliidae Weems 1980
Fm. †Proterochampsidae Romer 1966
Unr. †Proterochampsinae Müller 2025
G. †Proterochampsa Reig 1959
†Proterochampsa barrionuevoi Reig 1959
†Proterochampsa nodosa Barberena 1982
Subfm. †Rhadinosuchinae Hofstetter 1955
No diagnoses are available