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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1982Eupelycosauria Kemp p. 348
1986Eupelycosauria Reisz p. 63
1993Eupelycosauria Laurin
1996Eupelycosauria Laurin and Reisz p. 95
2002Eupelycosauria Kissel and Lehman p. 536
2003Eupelycosauria Reisz and Dilkes p. 669
2004Eupelycosauria Reisz and Laurin p. 378
2005Eupelycosauria Martens et al.
2006Eupelycosauria Maddin et al. p. 957
2009Eupelycosauria Evans et al. p. 220
2015Eupelycosauria Spindler
2015Eupelycosauria Spindler et al. p. 18
2019Eupelycosauria Maho et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subor. †Eupelycosauria Kemp 1982
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Fm. †Edaphosauridae Cope 1882
G. †Bohemiclavulus Spindler et al. 2019
Bohemiclavulus mirabilis Fritsch 1895
G. †Edaphosaurus Cope 1882
Edaphosaurus boanerges Romer and Price 1940
Edaphosaurus claviger Cope 1886
Edaphosaurus colohistion Berman 1979
Edaphosaurus credneri Jaekel 1910
Edaphosaurus cruciger Cope 1878
Edaphosaurus microdus Cope 1884
Edaphosaurus novomexicanus Williston and Case 1913
Edaphosaurus pogonias Cope 1882
Invalid names: Naosaurus Cope 1886 [synonym]
G. †Glaucosaurus Williston 1915
Glaucosaurus megalops Williston 1915
G. †Gordodon Lucas et al. 2018
Gordodon kraineri Lucas et al. 2018
G. †Ianthasaurus Reisz and Berman 1986
Ianthasaurus hardestiorum Reisz and Berman 1986
G. †Melanedaphodon Mann et al. 2023
Melanedaphodon hovaneci Mann et al. 2023
G. †Ramodendron Švestka 1943
Ramodendron obvispinosum Švestka 1943
G. †Remigiomontanus Spindler et al. 2019
Remigiomontanus robustus Spindler et al. 2019
Invalid names: Naosauridae Case 1907 [synonym], Naosaurus raymondi Case 1908 [nomen vanum]
Unr. †Haptodontiformes Spindler 2015
G. †Eohaptodus Spindler 2015
G. †Haptodus Gaudry 1886
Haptodus baylei Gaudry 1886
Invalid names: Palaeohatteria longicaudata Credner 1888 [synonym], Pantelosaurus saxonicus v. Huene 1925 [synonym]
Haptodus garnettensis Currie 1977
G. †Hypselohaptodus Spindler 2015
G. †Kenomagnathus Spindler 2020
Kenomagnathus scotti Spindler 2020
G. †Tenuacaptor Spindler 2015
Tenuacaptor reiszi Spindler 2015
Fm. †Ophiacodontidae Nopsca 1923 [ophiacodont]
G. †Archaeothyris Reisz 1972
G. †Baldwinonus Romer and Price 1940
Baldwinonus trux Romer and Price 1940
G. †Clepsydrops Cope 1875
Clepsydrops collettii Cope 1875
Invalid names: Archaeobelus vellicatus Cope 1877 [synonym], Clepsydrops pedunculatus Cope 1877 [synonym]
Clepsydrops magnus Romer 1961
Clepsydrops vinslovii Cope 1877
Invalid names: Captorhinus illinoisensis Williston 1911 [synonym]
Invalid names: Archaeobelus Cope 1877 [synonym]
G. †Diopeus Cope 1892
G. †Elcabrosaurus Case 1907
G. †Ophiacodon Marsh 1878
Ophiacodon hilli Romer 1925
Ophiacodon major Romer and Price 1940
Ophiacodon mirus Marsh 1878
Invalid names: Clepsydrops leptocephalus Cope 1884 [synonym], Theropleura triangulata Cope 1878 [synonym], Therosaurus watsoni von Huene 1925 [synonym]
Ophiacodon uniformis Cope 1878
Invalid names: Poliosaurus Case 1907 [synonym], Theropleura Cope 1878 [synonym], Winfieldia Romer 1925 [synonym]
G. †Stereophallodon Romer 1937
G. †Stereorhachis Gaudry 1880
Stereorhachis dominans Gaudry 1880
G. †Varanosaurus Broili 1904
Invalid names: Poecilospondylus francisi Case 1910 [synonym]
Invalid names: Poecilospondylus Case 1910 [synonym]
Invalid names: Clepsydropidae Cope 1878 [synonym], Poliosauridae Case 1907 [synonym]
Unr. †Sphenacomorpha Ivakhnenko 2003
Subor. †Sphenacodontia Romer and Price 1940
G. †Cutleria Lewis and Vaughn 1965
Cutleria wilmarthi Lewis and Vaughn 1965
Fm. †Homodontosauridae Kuhn 1961
G. †Homodontosaurus Broom 1949
G. †Ianthodon Kissel and Reisz 2004
Ianthodon schultzei Kissel and Reisz 2004
G. †Palaeohatteria Credner 1888
G. †Pantelosaurus v. Huene 1925
G. †Shashajaia Huttenlocker et al. 2021
Shashajaia bermani Huttenlocker et al. 2021
Fm. †Sphenacodontidae Marsh 1878
G. †Cryptovenator Fröbisch et al. 2011
G. †Ctenorhachis Hook and Hotton 1991
Subfm. †Secodontosaurinae Romer and Price 1940
Subfm. †Sphenacodontinae Romer 1936
Invalid names: Dimetrodon kempae Romer 1937 [nomen dubium], Eosyodon Olson 1962 [nomen dubium], Eosyodon hudsoni Olson 1962 [nomen dubium], Palaeohatteriidae Baur 1889 [synonym], Pantelosauridae Huene 1925 [synonym], Varanopsinae Romer 1936 [empty]
Fm. †Tappenosauridae Olson and Beerbower 1953
G. †Tappenosaurus Olson and Beerbower 1953
Tappenosaurus magnus Olson and Beerbower 1953
Invalid names: Anningiidae Broom 1927 [empty], Haptodontinae Romer and Price 1940 [empty]
Fm. †Varanopidae Romer and Price 1940
G. †Apsisaurus Laurin 1991
Apsisaurus witteri Laurin 1991
G. †Archaeovenator Reisz and Dilkes 2003
Archaeovenator hamiltonensis Reisz and Dilkes 2003
G. †Ascendonanus Spindler et al. 2018
Ascendonanus nestleri Spindler et al. 2018
G. †Dendromaia Maddin et al. 2020
Dendromaia unamakiensis Maddin et al. 2020
Unr. †Neovaranopsia Spindler et al. 2018
Subfm. †Mesenosaurinae Spindler et al. 2018
Unr. †Afrothyra Spindler et al. 2018
G. †Anningia Broom 1927
G. †Elliotsmithia Broom 1937
G. †Heleosaurus Broom 1907
G. †Microvaranops Spindler et al. 2018
G. †Cabarzia Spindler et al. 2019
Cabarzia trostheidi Spindler et al. 2019
G. †Mesenosaurus Efremov 1938
Mesenosaurus efremovi Maho et al. 2019
Mesenosaurus romeri Efremov 1938
Subfm. †Varanodontinae Modesto et al. 2001
G. †Aerosaurus Romer 1937
Aerosaurus wellesi Langston and Reisz 1981
G. †Mycterosaurus Williston 1915
Mycterosaurus longiceps Williston 1915
Invalid names: Basicranodon fortsillensis Vaughn 1958 [synonym], Eumatthevia bolli Broom 1930 [synonym]
Invalid names: Basicranodon Vaughn 1958 [synonym], Eumatthevia Broom 1930 [synonym]
G. †Ruthiromia Eberth and Brinkman 1983
Ruthiromia elcobriensis Eberth and Brinkman 1983
G. †Tambacarnifex Berman et al. 2014
Tambacarnifex unguifalcatus Berman et al. 2014
G. †Varanodon Olson 1965
Varanodon agilis Olson 1965
G. †Varanops Williston 1914
Varanops brevirostris Williston 1911
G. †Watongia Olson 1974
Watongia meieri Olson 1974
G. †Pyozia Anderson and Reisz 2004
Pyozia mesenensis Anderson and Reisz 2004
Invalid names: Elliotsmithidae Broom 1937 [synonym], Mycterosaurinae Modesto et al. 2001 [empty], Thrausmosaurus Fox 1962 [invalid subgroup], Thrausmosaurus serratidens Fox 1962 [nomen dubium]
No diagnoses are available